Exemplo n.º 1
  * 删除库房
  * @param $id
  * @return boolean
 public function deleted($data)
     try {
         $storeage = new StorageDao();
         $storageName = $data["storageName"];
         $stocks = new CurrentStocksDao();
         $count = $stocks->getCount("place='{$storageName}' or station = '{$storageName}'");
         if ($count > 0) {
             $this->setError("该" . $data['stype'] . "含有库存,不能删除!");
             return false;
         $id = $data["id"];
         $result = $storeage->deleteById($id);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         system_out("StorageAction delete exception:" . $e);
         throw new Exception($e);
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * 检查已挂表的表位是否全部确认完毕
  * @param array $data  已经挂了表的表位
  * @param string $state  U 挂表  D 取表
  * @return boolean ;
 public function checkStationConfirmComplete($data, $state)
     $stations = array();
     return true;
     try {
         $confirm = new ConfirmStationAction();
         $result = $confirm->queryUnconfirmStation("state ='{$state}' and confirm=0 ");
         if (!$result) {
             return true;
         $temp = "'" . implode("','", $data) . "'";
         $stocks = new CurrentStocksDao();
         $exits = $stocks->findAll("station in (" . $temp . ")")->toResultSet();
         if ($exits) {
             $temp = array();
             for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($exits); $i++) {
                 array_push($temp, $exits[$i]["station"]);
             $exits = $temp;
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result); $i++) {
             $val = $result[$i]["station"];
             $rtn = array_search($val, $exits);
             if (is_numeric($rtn)) {
             $rtn = array_search($val, $data);
             if (is_numeric($rtn)) {
                 $stations[] = $val;
         $rtn = array();
         $data = implode(',', $stations);
         if ($data) {
             $data = '还有表位挂了表未确认:' . $data;
             array_push($rtn, $data);
         $confirm = new ConfirmStationAction();
         $result = $confirm->checkWhetherDuplic();
         if ($result) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result); $i++) {
                 $err = "[" . $result[$i]["station"] . "]表位确认了多个表[" . $result[$i]['code'] . "]请更正";
                 array_push($rtn, $err);
         return $rtn ? $rtn : true;
     } catch (Executive $e) {
         system_out("StocksManager.checkStationConfirmComplete error:{$e}");
         throw new Exception($e);
  * 确认表所放的位置
  * @param $billno	单据号
  * @param $data  	数据 array("station"=>,"code"=>)
  * @return boolean
 public function confirmInstation($billdata, $data)
     $sysno = $billdata['sysno'];
     $billdate = $billdata['billDate'];
     $stocks = new StocksDao();
     $current = new CurrentStocksDao();
     $unconfirm = new UnconfirmstationDao();
     try {
         $newinsert = false;
         $station = $data["station"];
         $code = $data["code"];
         $result = $current->findAll("`code`='{$code}'")->toResultSet();
         if (sizeof($result) == 0 && NOBILL_SCAN == false) {
             return false;
         } else {
             if (sizeof($result) == 0) {
                 $newinsert = true;
                 $codeinfo = new CodeInfo();
                 $codedetail = $codeinfo->getInfoByCode($code);
                 $vo = $stocks->createVo('add', '', 'id', 0, $codedetail);
                 $vo->id = 0;
                 $vo->inoutType = 'IN';
                 $vo->code = $code;
                 $vo->sysno = $billdata['sysno'];
                 $vo->placeno = $billdata['placeno'];
                 $vo->place = $billdata['place'];
                 $vo->billType = $billdata['billType'];
                 $vo->billDate = $billdata['billDate'];
                 $vo->billNo = $billdata['billNo'];
                 $vo->sendMan = $billdata['sendMan'];
                 $vo->saveMan = $billdata['saveMan'];
                 $vo->orderNo = $billdata['orderNo'];
                 $vo->client = $billdata['client'];
                 $vo->inqty = 1;
                 $vo->outqty = 0;
                 $vo->station = $station;
                 //inert new records
                 $stocksmanageraction = new StocksManagerAction();
                 $savedata["modify"] = array($vo->toArray());
                 $result = $stocksmanageraction->save($savedata);
                 if (!$result) {
                     system_out("create new recod error:" . $stocksmanageraction->getError());
                     return false;
         $sql = "UPDATE " . (DB_PREFIX ? DB_PREFIX . "_" : "") . "currentstocks\n\t\t\t           SET `station`='{$station}'\n\t\t\t\t\t WHERE `code` ='{$code}'";
         system_out("update sql:" . $sql);
         if (!$newinsert) {
             $result = StocksIndexAction::getTableNameByDate($billdate);
             if ($result == '') {
                 system_out("get tablename error,billdate:" . $billdate);
                 return false;
             $tablename = $result;
             $sql = "UPDATE\t`{$tablename}`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t   SET `station` = '{$station}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE `code` = '{$code}' and\n\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t`sysno` = '{$sysno}' ";
         $sql = "UPDATE " . (DB_PREFIX ? DB_PREFIX . "_" : "") . "unconfirmstation\n\t\t\t           SET  `confirm` = 1\n\t\t\t\t\t WHERE  `station` = '{$station}' and `state`='U'";
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         system_out("UnconfirmstationAction.confirmInstation error:{$e},\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsysno:{$sysno},data:" . print_r($data, true));
         throw new Exception($e);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * 保存
  * @param Array $data  Example:$data["modify"] = array()
  *                             $data["delete"} = array()
  * @return boolean true if succeed
 public function save($data)
     $stocks = new StocksDao();
     $current = new CurrentStocksDao();
     $modify = $data["modify"];
     $delete = $data["delete"];
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($delete); $i++) {
         try {
             $tablename = StocksIndexAction::getSaveTableName($delete[$i]["billDate"]);
             if ($delete[$i]["id"] != '') {
                 $vo = $stocks->find("id=" . $delete[$i]["id"], $tablename);
                 //if($vo==true && $vo->station != '' && $vo->station != null)
                 //	$stocks->rollback();
                 //	$current->rollback() ;
                 //	$this->setError("[" . $delete[$i]["code"] . "]已经确认位置,不能删除");
                 //	return false ;
                 $rtn = $stocks->deleteById($delete[$i]["id"], $tablename);
                 if ($vo != null && !$vo->isEmpty()) {
                     $rtn = $this->createCurrentStocks($current, '', $vo->toArray());
                     if (!$rtn) {
                         return false;
             //end if
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             throw new Exception($e);
         //end try
     //end for
     $otherparm = new OtherParmSetupAction();
     $otherparm->addParm('other', 'member', $modify[0]['sendMan']);
     $mis = new MIS();
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($modify); $i++) {
         try {
             $tablename = StocksIndexAction::getSaveTableName($modify[$i]["billDate"]);
             if ($modify[$i]["id"] == '' || $modify[$i]["id"] == null || $modify[$i]["id"] == 0) {
                 $vo = $stocks->createVo('add', '', 'id', 0, $modify[$i]);
                 $result = $stocks->add($vo, $tablename);
                 if (!$result) {
                     system_out("StocksManagerActin.save error:新增数据保存出错,errcode:{$result}");
                     return false;
                 $rtn = $this->createCurrentStocks($current, $vo->toArray(), '');
                 if (!$rtn) {
                     return false;
                 if ($vo->code != '' && $vo->code != null) {
                     CodeIndexAction::addCodeIndex($vo->billDate, $vo->code);
                 $result = $mis->outPut($modify[$i]);
             } else {
                 $vo = $stocks->find("id=" . $modify[$i]["id"], $tablename);
                 if (!$vo) {
                     return false;
                 $oldvo = clone $vo;
                 $this->refreshStocksInfo(&$vo, $modify[$i]);
                 $result = $stocks->save($vo, $tablename);
                 if (!$result) {
                     system_out("StocksManagerActin.save error:修改数据保存出错,errcode:{$result}");
                     return false;
                 $rtn = $this->createCurrentStocks($current, $vo->toArray(), $oldvo->toArray());
                 if (!$rtn) {
                     return false;
             //end if
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             throw new Exception($e);
         //end try
     //end for
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * 库存一览表
  * @param string $condition
 public function queryCurrentStocksGeneral($condition)
     try {
         $storage = new StorageDao();
         $sql = "select storageNo,storageName from " . (DB_PREFIX ? DB_PREFIX . "_" : "") . "storage where stype = '库房' or stype='库区' order by storageNo";
         $storageList = $storage->query($sql)->toArray();
         $stocks = new CurrentStocksDao();
         $sql = "select goodsName,spec from " . (DB_PREFIX ? DB_PREFIX . "_" : "") . "currentstocks ";
         if ($condition != '') {
             $sql = $sql . " where " . $condition;
         $sql .= "group by goodsName,spec";
         //echo $sql ;
         $goodsList = $stocks->query($sql)->toArray();
         $data = array();
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($goodsList); $i++) {
             $item = array();
             $item["goodsName"] = $goodsList[$i]["goodsName"];
             $item["spec"] = $goodsList[$i]["spec"];
             foreach ($storageList as $place) {
                 $sql = "goodsName = '" . $goodsList[$i]["goodsName"] . "' and spec ='" . $goodsList[$i]["spec"] . "' and placeno like'" . $place['storageNo'] . "%'";
                 if ($condition != '') {
                     $sql = $sql . " and " . $condition;
                 //echo $sql ."<br>";
                 $sum = $stocks->getSum('qty', $sql);
                 $item[$place['storageNo']] = $sum;
             array_push($data, $item);
         $sumrecord['goodsName'] = '合计:';
         foreach ($storageList as $place) {
             $sumrecord[$place['storageNo']] = ExFunction::ex_array_sum($data, $place['storageNo']);
         array_push($data, $sumrecord);
         $item = array("goodsName", "spec");
         $label = array("goodsName" => "品名", "spec" => "型号");
         foreach ($storageList as $place) {
             array_push($item, $place['storageNo']);
             $label[$place['storageNo']] = $place['storageName'];
         $columnitem = $item;
         $enabled = array("_type_" => "*");
         $visible = array("_type_" => "*");
         $align = array();
         $width = array("qty" => 50);
         $inputtype = array();
         $struct["item"] = $item;
         $struct["label"] = $label;
         $struct["columnitem"] = $columnitem;
         $struct["enabled"] = $enabled;
         $struct["visible"] = $visible;
         $struct["align"] = $align;
         $struct["width"] = $width;
         $struct["inputtype"] = $inputtype;
         $rtn["struct"] = $struct;
         $rtn["data"] = $data;
         return $rtn;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new Exception($e);