Exemplo n.º 1

Croogo::hookComponent('*', 'J2c.J2c');
Exemplo n.º 2
 * This plugin's Example component will be loaded in ALL controllers.
Croogo::hookComponent('*', 'Example.Example');
 * Helper
 * This plugin's Example helper will be loaded via NodesController.
Croogo::hookHelper('Nodes', 'Example.Example');
 * Admin menu (navigation)
 * This plugin's admin_menu element will be rendered in admin panel under Extensions menu.
 * Admin row action
 * When browsing the content list in admin panel (Content > List),
 * an extra link called 'Example' will be placed under 'Actions' column.
Croogo::hookAdminRowAction('Nodes/admin_index', 'Example', 'plugin:example/controller:example/action:index/:id');
 * Admin tab
 * When adding/editing Content (Nodes),
 * an extra tab with title 'Example' will be shown with markup generated from the plugin's admin_tab_node element.
 * Useful for adding form extra form fields if necessary.
Exemplo n.º 3

#Croogo::hookBehavior('Node', 'Example.Example', array());
#Croogo::hookComponent('*', 'Kieken.Kieken');
Croogo::hookComponent('Nodes', 'Kieken.KiekenFeatured');
Croogo::hookComponent('Dolfify.Frontpage', 'Kieken.KiekenFeatured');
#Croogo::hookHelper('Nodes', 'Example.Example');
#Croogo::hookAdminRowAction('Nodes/admin_index', 'Example', 'plugin:example/controller:example/action:index/:id');
#Croogo::hookAdminTab('Nodes/admin_add', 'Example', 'example.admin_tab_node');
#Croogo::hookAdminTab('Nodes/admin_edit', 'Example', 'example.admin_tab_node');
# Load the Kieken settings
if (file_exists(APP . 'plugins' . DS . 'kieken' . DS . 'config' . DS . 'settings.yml')) {
    $settings = Spyc::YAMLLoad(file_get_contents(APP . 'plugins' . DS . 'kieken' . DS . 'config' . DS . 'settings.yml'));
foreach ($settings as $settingKey => $settingValue) {
    Configure::write($settingKey, $settingValue);
 * This plugin's Example component will be loaded in ALL controllers.
Croogo::hookComponent('*', 'Twitterlogin.Twitterlogin');
 * Helper
 * This plugin's Twitterlogin helper will be loaded via UsersController.
Croogo::hookHelper('*', 'Twitterlogin.Twitterlogin');
 * Admin menu (navigation)
 * This plugin's admin_menu element will be rendered in admin panel under Extensions menu.
 * Admin row action
 * When browsing the content list in admin panel (Content > List),
 * an extra link called 'Example' will be placed under 'Actions' column.
//Croogo::hookAdminRowAction('Twitterlogin/admin_index', 'Twitter Login', 'plugin:twitterlogin/controller:twitterlogin/action:index/:id');
 * Admin tab
 * When adding/editing Content (Nodes),
 * an extra tab with title 'Example' will be shown with markup generated from the plugin's admin_tab_node element.
 * Useful for adding form extra form fields if necessary.
Exemplo n.º 5
 * This plugin's Example component will be loaded in ALL controllers.
//Croogo::hookComponent('*', 'Example.Example');
 * Helper
 * This plugin's Example helper will be loaded via NodesController.
//Croogo::hookHelper('Nodes', 'Example.Example');
 * Admin menu (navigation)
 * This plugin's admin_menu element will be rendered in admin panel under Extensions menu.
 * Admin row action
 * When browsing the content list in admin panel (Content > List),
 * an extra link called 'Example' will be placed under 'Actions' column.
//Croogo::hookAdminRowAction('Nodes/admin_index', 'Example', 'plugin:example/controller:example/action:index/:id');
 * Admin tab
 * When adding/editing Content (Nodes),
 * an extra tab with title 'Example' will be shown with markup generated from the plugin's admin_tab_node element.
 * Useful for adding form extra form fields if necessary.


$tmp_conf = Configure::read('Nodeattachment');
$conf = array('thumbDir' => APP . 'plugins' . DS . 'nodeattachment' . DS . 'webroot' . DS . 'img' . DS . 'tn', 'iconDir' => APP . 'plugins' . DS . 'nodeattachment' . DS . 'webroot' . DS . 'img', 'flvDir' => APP . 'plugins' . DS . 'nodeattachment' . DS . 'webroot' . DS . 'flv', 'thumbExt' => 'png');
Configure::write('Nodeattachment', Set::merge($tmp_conf, $conf));
Configure::write('Nodeattachment.thumbnailExt', 'png');
Croogo::hookBehavior('Node', 'Nodeattachment.Nodeattachment');
Croogo::hookHelper('*', 'Image2.Image2');
Croogo::hookHelper('*', 'Nodeattachment.Nodeattachment');
Croogo::hookAdminTab('Nodes/admin_edit', 'Attachments', 'nodeattachment.admin_tab_node');
Exemplo n.º 8

Croogo::hookComponent('Nodes', 'Cforms.Cforms');
Croogo::hookHelper('Nodes', 'Cforms.CformCss');
Exemplo n.º 9
 * This plugin's Example component will be loaded in ALL controllers.
//Croogo::hookComponent('*', 'Gallery.Gallery');
 * Helper
 * This plugin's Example helper will be loaded via NodesController.
Croogo::hookHelper('Nodes', 'Gallery.Gallery');
 * Admin menu (navigation)
 * This plugin's admin_menu element will be rendered in admin panel under Extensions menu.
 * Admin row action
 * When browsing the content list in admin panel (Content > List),
 * an extra link called 'Example' will be placed under 'Actions' column.
//    Croogo::hookAdminRowAction('Nodes/admin_index', 'Example', 'plugin:example/controller:example/action:index/:id');
 * Admin tab
 * When adding/editing Content (Nodes),
 * an extra tab with title 'Example' will be shown with markup generated from the plugin's admin_tab_node element.
 * Useful for adding form extra form fields if necessary.
Exemplo n.º 10