// Should be in the header
$crayon = new CrayonHighlighter();
$crayon->code('some code');
$crayon->title('the title');
// Settings
$settings = array(CrayonSettings::NUMS => FALSE, CrayonSettings::TOOLBAR => TRUE, CrayonSettings::ENQUEUE_THEMES => FALSE, CrayonSettings::ENQUEUE_FONTS => FALSE);
$settings = CrayonSettings::smart_settings($settings);
// Print the Crayon
$crayon_formatted = $crayon->output(TRUE, FALSE);
echo $crayon_formatted;
// Utility Functions
function crayon_print_style($id, $url, $version)
    echo '<link id="', $id, '" href="', $url, '?v=', $version, '" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />', "\n";
function crayon_print_script($id, $url, $version)
    echo '<script id="', $id, '" src="', $url, '?v=', $version, '" type="text/javascript"></script>', "\n";
function crayon_resources()
    global $CRAYON_VERSION;
    $plugin_url = CrayonGlobalSettings::plugin_path();
    // jQuery only needed once! Don't have two jQuerys, so remove if you've already got one in your header :)