Exemplo n.º 1
 * Create an array of info on a particular class of a particular year.
function pullClass($class, $year = false, $classterm = 0, $override = false, $substitute = '')
    $row = CourseRoadDB::getBestClassInfo($class, $year);
    if (!$row) {
        return array('error' => true, 'errorDesc' => 'No class');
    // Some returned columns are unhelpful and are thus discarded.
    // Format assorted other rows. While classes are usually considered as "8.01",
    // it's easier to keep refer to them as "8_01" [for classes, etc.]
    $row['id'] = str_replace('.', '_', $row['subject_id']);
    $row['divid'] = $row['id'] . '__' . rand();
    $row['is_variable_units'] = !!$row['is_variable_units'];
    $row['offered_this_year'] = !!$row['offered_this_year'];
    $row['fall'] = !!$row['fall'];
    $row['iap'] = !!$row['iap'];
    $row['spring'] = !!$row['spring'];
    $row['summer'] = !!$row['summer'];
    $row['permission'] = strpos($row['reqs'], 'Permission') !== false;
    $row['reqs'] = json_decode($row['reqs']);
    $reqs = $row['reqs'] ? 'Reqs: [X]' : 'No reqs :D';
    if ($row['reqstr']) {
        $row['reqstr'] = 'Requisites: ' . $row['reqstr'] . '<br>';
    $row['total_units'] = floatval($row['total_units']);
    // Occasionally, the Warehouse tries to say that a class has 0 units. Since
    // that doesn't make much sense, default these exceptions to 12 units.
    $default_unit_count = 12;
    if (!$row['total_units']) {
        $row['total_units'] = $default_unit_count;
    // Build the class' HTML for the info box when it's selected.
    $row['info'] = makeClassInfoHTML($row);
    // Each class added to the page is a div; this string holds the space-
    // separated classes added to that div. (Apologies on the overloading of the
    // word "class".)
    $row['divclasses'] = 'classdiv bubble ' . $row['id'];
    // Joint subjects at MIT are labelled with a J suffix. This trims that off.
    $row['joint_subjects'] = explode(', ', $row['joint_subjects']);
    foreach ($row['joint_subjects'] as &$subj) {
        $subj = rtrim($subj, 'J');
    if (!$row['joint_subjects'][0]) {
        $row['joint_subjects'] = false;
    $row['equiv_subjects'] = explode(', ', $row['equiv_subjects']);
    foreach ($row['equiv_subjects'] as &$subj) {
        $subj = rtrim($subj, 'J');
    if (!$row['equiv_subjects'][0]) {
        $row['equiv_subjects'] = false;
    if ($row['joint_subjects']) {
        $joint_subjects_classes = implode(' ', $row['joint_subjects']);
        $joint_subjects_classes = str_replace('.', '_', $joint_subjects_classes);
        $row['divclasses'] .= ' ' . $joint_subjects_classes;
    if ($row['gir'] && $row['gir'][0] === 'H') {
        $row['gir'] = '';
    if ($row['gir']) {
        $row['divclasses'] .= ' GIR ' . $row['gir'];
    if ($row['ci']) {
        $row['divclasses'] .= ' CI ' . $row['ci'];
    if ($row['hass']) {
        $row['divclasses'] .= ' HASS ' . $row['hass'];
    // Extraclasses handles cases where a class universally also counts for
    // something else, like 18.100B and 18.100. This is set manually in the
    // warehouse_exceptions table.
    if ($row['extraclasses']) {
        $row['divclasses'] .= ' ' . str_replace('.', '_', $row['extraclasses']);
    $row['special'] = $row['gir'] || $row['ci'] || $row['hass'];
    $row['classterm'] = $classterm;
    $row['override'] = $override;
    $row['substitute'] = $substitute;
    $row['custom'] = false;
    // year = 2013 --> year_range = '12-'13
    $row['year_range'] = "'" . substr($row['year'] - 1, -2) . "-'" . substr($row['year'], -2);
    // year_desired holds the year the class attempted to match. This allows for
    // classes which will be in the '14-'15 cycle to be defined now with '13-'14,
    // but should '14-'15 become available, that version with be loaded instead.
    // Thus, year_desired holds the user's desired year.
    $row['year_desired'] = $year ? $year : date('Y') + (date('m') > 3);
    // Generate HTML for a dropdown list of the other offered years
    $row['otheryears'] = makeYearsOfferedHTML($row['subject_id'], $row['year']);
    $row['yearspan'] = '<span title="The data for this class is from the ' . $row['year_range'] . ' version of the subject. Click to use another year\'s version." ' . 'href="#" class="dummylink">' . $row['year_range'] . '</span>';
    // $row['div'] actually stores the HTML of the class bubble.
    $row['div'] = <<<EOD
<div id="{$row['divid']}" class="{$row['divclasses']}">
  <div class="classdivlabel">
    <div class="classdivcourse">{$row['subject_id']}:&nbsp;</div>
    <div class="classdivtitle" title="{$row['subject_title']}">
  <div class="classdivinfo">
    <div class="classdivyear">{$row['yearspan']}</div>
    <div class="reqs">{$reqs}</div>
    return $row;