Exemplo n.º 1
$sections = $user->getTeamteachableSections();
if (!$sections) {
$add_form = new teamteach_add_form();
$accept_form = new teamteach_accept_form();
$pending_form = new teamteach_pending_form();
$remove_form = new teamteach_remove_form();
$heading = null;
if ($data = $add_form->get_data()) {
    try {
        // Process the validated data for adding a new team teaching entry
        $new_teamteach = new CoursePrefsTeamTeach($user->getId(), $add_form->section_selections, $add_form->secondary_teamteaches, 'todo', 1);
        $heading = get_string('email_sent', 'block_courseprefs');
        // Send off email informing primary teacher of foreign section of team teaching invitation
        teamteach_email($new_teamteach, $user);
        // Refresh add, pending, and remove forms due to new information
        $add_form = new teamteach_add_form();
        $pending_form = new teamteach_pending_form();
        $remove_form = new teamteach_remove_form();
    } catch (Exception $ex) {
        $heading = get_string('changes_not_saved', 'block_courseprefs');
        add_to_log(SITEID, 'courseprefs', 'update', 'blocks/courseprefs/teamteach.php', 'Unable to save teamteach object');
} else {
    if ($data = $accept_form->get_data()) {
        // Prematurely set heading that the form submission was processed and necessary emails were sent
        $heading = get_string('email_sent', 'block_courseprefs');