public function indexAction() { Cosmos_Profiler::start('calc.multiply'); // This is not typical because a core action would not be using add-on methods. $this->view->result = Cosmos_Api::get()->calc->divide(10, 2); $this->view->service_plugin_result = Cosmos_Api::get()->sample->add(5, 5); Cosmos_Profiler::stop('calc.multiply'); }
public function indexAction() { Cosmos_Profiler::start('sampleIndex'); $this->view->result = Cosmos_Addon::getInstance()->listEnabledAddons(); Cosmos_Profiler::stop('sampleIndex'); }
public static function disable() { self::$_enabled = false; }
Cosmos_Profiler::enable(); Cosmos_Profiler::start('app'); // Bootsrap Cosmos_Profiler::start('bootstrap'); try { require_once 'ZendC/Application.php'; $application = new ZendC_Application(APPLICATION_ENV, APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/config.php'); $application->bootstrap(); } catch (Zend_Config_Exception $e) { // This is a bit sloppy, but the front controller won't catch these otherwise $exceptionMessage = strtolower($e->getMessage()); if (strpos($exceptionMessage, 'syntax error') !== false) { $message = 'Configuration Error - Invalid Syntax'; } elseif (strpos($exceptionMessage, 'no such file') !== false) { $message = 'Configuration Error - Invalid Host'; } else { $message = 'Configuration Error - Unknown Error'; } die($message); } Cosmos_Profiler::stop('bootstrap'); // Run Cosmos_Profiler::start('run'); $response = $application->run(); Cosmos_Profiler::stop('run'); // Stop the profiler and send output to browser Cosmos_Profiler::stop('app'); if (APPLICATION_MODE != 'server') { Cosmos_Profiler::_toFirebug(); $response->sendResponse(); }