Exemplo n.º 1
  * Creates a valid clarification
 public function testCreateValidClarification()
     // Get a problem
     $problemData = ProblemsFactory::createProblem();
     // Get a contest
     $contestData = ContestsFactory::createContest();
     // Add the problem to the contest
     ContestsFactory::addProblemToContest($problemData, $contestData);
     // Create our contestant who will submit the clarification
     $contestant = UserFactory::createUser();
     // Call the API
     $clarificationData = ClarificationsFactory::createClarification($problemData, $contestData, $contestant);
     // Assert status of new contest
     $this->assertArrayHasKey("clarification_id", $clarificationData['response']);
     // Verify that clarification was inserted in the database
     $clarification = ClarificationsDAO::getByPK($clarificationData['response']['clarification_id']);
     // Verify our retreived clarificatoin
     $this->assertEquals($clarificationData['request']['message'], $clarification->getMessage());
     // We need to verify that the contest and problem IDs where properly saved
     // Extractiing the contest and problem from DB to check IDs
     $problem = ProblemsDAO::getByAlias($problemData["request"]["alias"]);
     $contest = ContestsDAO::getByAlias($contestData["request"]["alias"]);
     $this->assertEquals($contest->getContestId(), $clarification->getContestId());
     $this->assertEquals($problem->getProblemId(), $clarification->getProblemId());
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Check in DB for problem added to contest
  * @param array $problemData
  * @param array $contestData
  * @param Request $r
 public static function assertProblemAddedToContest($problemData, $contestData, $r)
     // Get problem and contest from DB
     $problem = ProblemsDAO::getByAlias($problemData["request"]["alias"]);
     $contest = ContestsDAO::getByAlias($contestData["request"]["alias"]);
     // Get problem-contest and verify it
     $contest_problems = ContestProblemsDAO::getByPK($contest->getContestId(), $problem->getProblemId());
     self::assertEquals($r["points"], $contest_problems->getPoints());
     self::assertEquals($r["order_in_contest"], $contest_problems->getOrder());
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function testViewProblemInAContestDetailsValid()
     // Get a contest
     $contestData = ContestsFactory::createContest();
     // Get a user to be the author
     $author = UserFactory::createUser();
     // Get a problem
     $problemData = ProblemsFactory::createProblem(null, null, 1, $author);
     // Add the problem to the contest
     ContestsFactory::addProblemToContest($problemData, $contestData);
     // Get a user for our scenario
     $contestant = UserFactory::createUser();
     // Prepare our request
     $r = new Request();
     $r["contest_alias"] = $contestData["request"]["alias"];
     $r["problem_alias"] = $problemData["request"]["alias"];
     // Log in the user
     $r["auth_token"] = $this->login($contestant);
     // Explicitly join contest
     // Call api
     $response = ProblemController::apiDetails($r);
     // Get problem and contest from DB to check it
     $problemDAO = ProblemsDAO::getByAlias($problemData["request"]["alias"]);
     $contestDAO = ContestsDAO::getByAlias($contestData["request"]["alias"]);
     $contestantsDAO = UsersDAO::search(new Users(array("username" => $contestant->getUsername())));
     $contestantDAO = $contestantsDAO[0];
     // Assert data
     $this->assertEquals($response["title"], $problemDAO->getTitle());
     $this->assertEquals($response["alias"], $problemDAO->getAlias());
     $this->assertEquals($response["validator"], $problemDAO->getValidator());
     $this->assertEquals($response["time_limit"], $problemDAO->getTimeLimit());
     $this->assertEquals($response["memory_limit"], $problemDAO->getMemoryLimit());
     $this->assertEquals($response["problemsetter"]['username'], $author->username);
     $this->assertEquals($response["problemsetter"]['name'], $author->name);
     $this->assertEquals($response["source"], $problemDAO->getSource());
     $this->assertContains("<h1>Entrada</h1>", $response["problem_statement"]);
     $this->assertEquals($response["order"], $problemDAO->getOrder());
     $this->assertEquals($response["score"], 0);
     // Default data
     $this->assertEquals(0, $problemDAO->getVisits());
     $this->assertEquals(0, $problemDAO->getSubmissions());
     $this->assertEquals(0, $problemDAO->getAccepted());
     $this->assertEquals(0, $problemDAO->getDifficulty());
     // Verify that we have an empty array of runs
     $this->assertEquals(0, count($response["runs"]));
     // Verify that problem was marked as Opened
     $problem_opened = ContestProblemOpenedDAO::getByPK($contestDAO->getContestId(), $problemDAO->getProblemId(), $contestantDAO->getUserId());
     // Verify open time
     $this->assertEquals(Utils::GetPhpUnixTimestamp(), Utils::GetPhpUnixTimestamp($problem_opened->getOpenTime()));
Exemplo n.º 4
 static function DeleteAllContests()
     try {
         $contests = ContestsDAO::getAll();
         foreach ($contests as $c) {
     } catch (ApiException $e) {
         // Propagate exception
         throw $e;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static function CanEditClarification($user_id, Clarifications $clarification)
     if (is_null($clarification) || !is_a($clarification, 'Clarifications')) {
         return false;
     try {
         $contest = ContestsDAO::getByPK($clarification->getContestId());
         $problem = ProblemsDAO::getByPK($clarification->getProblemId());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new InvalidDatabaseOperationException($e);
     if (is_null($contest) || is_null($problem)) {
         return false;
     return $problem->getAuthorId() === $user_id || Authorization::IsContestAdmin($user_id, $contest);
  * Tests remove admins
 public function testRemoveAdmin()
     // Get a contest
     $contestData = ContestsFactory::createContest();
     // Get users
     $user = UserFactory::createUser();
     $user2 = UserFactory::createUser();
     ContestsFactory::addAdminUser($contestData, $user);
     ContestsFactory::addAdminUser($contestData, $user2);
     // Prepare request for remove one admin
     $r = new Request();
     $r['auth_token'] = $this->login($contestData['director']);
     $r['usernameOrEmail'] = $user->getUsername();
     $r['contest_alias'] = $contestData['request']['alias'];
     // Call api
     $contest = ContestsDAO::getByAlias($contestData['request']['alias']);
     $this->AssertFalse(Authorization::IsContestAdmin($user->getUserId(), $contest));
     $this->AssertTrue(Authorization::IsContestAdmin($user2->getUserId(), $contest));
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Assert that contest in the request actually exists in the DB
  * @param Request $r
 public function assertContest(Request $r)
     // Validate that data was written to DB by getting the contest by title
     $contest = new Contests();
     $contests = ContestsDAO::search($contest);
     $contest = $contests[0];
     // Assert that we found our contest
     // Assert data was correctly saved
     $this->assertEquals($r['description'], $contest->getDescription());
     $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($r['start_time'] - 1, Utils::GetPhpUnixTimestamp($contest->getStartTime()));
     $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($r['start_time'], Utils::GetPhpUnixTimestamp($contest->getStartTime()) + 1);
     $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($r['finish_time'] - 1, Utils::GetPhpUnixTimestamp($contest->getFinishTime()));
     $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($r['finish_time'], Utils::GetPhpUnixTimestamp($contest->getFinishTime()) + 1);
     $this->assertEquals($r['window_length'], $contest->getWindowLength());
     $this->assertEquals($r['public'], $contest->getPublic());
     $this->assertEquals($r['alias'], $contest->getAlias());
     $this->assertEquals($r['points_decay_factor'], $contest->getPointsDecayFactor());
     $this->assertEquals($r['partial_score'], $contest->getPartialScore());
     $this->assertEquals($r['submissions_gap'], $contest->getSubmissionsGap());
     $this->assertEquals($r['feedback'], $contest->getFeedback());
     $this->assertEquals($r['penalty'], $contest->getPenalty());
     $this->assertEquals($r['scoreboard'], $contest->getScoreboard());
     $this->assertEquals($r['penalty_type'], $contest->penalty_type);
     $this->assertEquals($r['penalty_calc_policy'], $contest->getPenaltyCalcPolicy());
     $this->assertEquals($r['recommended'], $contest->getRecommended());
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Validates that request contains contest_alias and the api is contest-admin only
  * @param Request $r
  * @throws InvalidDatabaseOperationException
  * @throws ForbiddenAccessException
 private static function validateStats(Request $r)
     Validators::isStringNonEmpty($r["contest_alias"], "contest_alias");
     try {
         $r["contest"] = ContestsDAO::getByAlias($r["contest_alias"]);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Operation failed in the data layer
         throw new InvalidDatabaseOperationException($e);
     // This API is Contest Admin only
     if (is_null($r["contest"]) || !Authorization::IsContestAdmin($r["current_user_id"], $r["contest"])) {
         throw new ForbiddenAccessException("userNotAllowed");
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Entry point for Problem Details API
  * @param Request $r
  * @throws InvalidFilesystemOperationException
  * @throws InvalidDatabaseOperationException
 public static function apiDetails(Request $r)
     // Get user.
     // Allow unauthenticated requests if we are not openning a problem
     // inside a contest.
     try {
     } catch (ForbiddenAccessException $e) {
         if (!is_null($r["contest_alias"])) {
             throw $e;
     // Validate request
     $response = array();
     // Create array of relevant columns
     $relevant_columns = array("title", "author_id", "alias", "validator", "time_limit", "validator_time_limit", "overall_wall_time_limit", "extra_wall_time", "memory_limit", "output_limit", "visits", "submissions", "accepted", "difficulty", "creation_date", "source", "order", "points", "public", "languages", "slow", "stack_limit", "email_clarifications");
     // Read the file that contains the source
     if (!ProblemController::isLanguageSupportedForProblem($r)) {
         // If there is no language file for the problem, return the spanish version.
         $r['lang'] = 'es';
     $statement_type = ProblemController::getStatementType($r);
     Cache::getFromCacheOrSet(Cache::PROBLEM_STATEMENT, $r["problem"]->getAlias() . "-" . $r["lang"] . "-" . $statement_type, $r, 'ProblemController::getProblemStatement', $file_content, APC_USER_CACHE_PROBLEM_STATEMENT_TIMEOUT);
     // Add problem statement to source
     $response["problem_statement"] = $file_content;
     $response["problem_statement_language"] = $r['lang'];
     // Add the example input.
     $sample_input = null;
     Cache::getFromCacheOrSet(Cache::PROBLEM_SAMPLE, $r["problem"]->getAlias() . "-sample.in", $r, 'ProblemController::getSampleInput', $sample_input, APC_USER_CACHE_PROBLEM_STATEMENT_TIMEOUT);
     if (!empty($sample_input)) {
         $response['sample_input'] = $sample_input;
     // Add the problem the response
     $response = array_merge($response, $r["problem"]->asFilteredArray($relevant_columns));
     if (!is_null($r['current_user_id'])) {
         // Create array of relevant columns for list of runs
         $relevant_columns = array("guid", "language", "status", "verdict", "runtime", "penalty", "memory", "score", "contest_score", "time", "submit_delay");
         // Search the relevant runs from the DB
         $contest = ContestsDAO::getByAlias($r["contest_alias"]);
         $keyrun = new Runs(array("user_id" => $r["current_user_id"], "problem_id" => $r["problem"]->getProblemId(), "contest_id" => is_null($r["contest"]) ? null : $r["contest"]->getContestId()));
         // Get all the available runs done by the current_user
         try {
             $runs_array = RunsDAO::search($keyrun);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Operation failed in the data layer
             throw new InvalidDatabaseOperationException($e);
         // Add each filtered run to an array
         if (count($runs_array) >= 0) {
             $runs_filtered_array = array();
             foreach ($runs_array as $run) {
                 $filtered = $run->asFilteredArray($relevant_columns);
                 $filtered['time'] = strtotime($filtered['time']);
                 array_push($runs_filtered_array, $filtered);
         $response["runs"] = $runs_filtered_array;
     if (!is_null($r["contest"])) {
         // At this point, contestant_user relationship should be established.
         try {
             $contest_user = ContestsUsersDAO::CheckAndSaveFirstTimeAccess($r["current_user_id"], $r["contest"]->getContestId());
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Operation failed in the data layer
             throw new InvalidDatabaseOperationException($e);
         // As last step, register the problem as opened
         if (!ContestProblemOpenedDAO::getByPK($r["contest"]->getContestId(), $r["problem"]->getProblemId(), $r["current_user_id"])) {
             //Create temp object
             $keyContestProblemOpened = new ContestProblemOpened(array("contest_id" => $r["contest"]->getContestId(), "problem_id" => $r["problem"]->getProblemId(), "user_id" => $r["current_user_id"]));
             try {
                 // Save object in the DB
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 // Operation failed in the data layer
                 throw new InvalidDatabaseOperationException($e);
     } else {
         if (isset($r['show_solvers']) && $r['show_solvers']) {
             $response['solvers'] = RunsDAO::GetBestSolvingRunsForProblem($r['problem']->problem_id);
     if (!is_null($r['current_user_id'])) {
         ProblemViewedDAO::MarkProblemViewed($r['current_user_id'], $r['problem']->problem_id);
     $response["score"] = self::bestScore($r);
     $response["status"] = "ok";
     return $response;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Entry point for Problem Details API
  * @param Request $r
  * @throws InvalidFilesystemOperationException
  * @throws InvalidDatabaseOperationException
 public static function apiDetails(Request $r)
     // Get user.
     // Allow unauthenticated requests if we are not openning a problem
     // inside a contest.
     try {
     } catch (UnauthorizedException $e) {
         if (!is_null($r['contest_alias'])) {
             throw $e;
     // Validate request
     $response = array();
     // Create array of relevant columns
     $relevant_columns = array('title', 'alias', 'validator', 'time_limit', 'validator_time_limit', 'overall_wall_time_limit', 'extra_wall_time', 'memory_limit', 'output_limit', 'visits', 'submissions', 'accepted', 'difficulty', 'creation_date', 'source', 'order', 'points', 'public', 'languages', 'slow', 'stack_limit', 'email_clarifications');
     // Read the file that contains the source
     if (!ProblemController::isLanguageSupportedForProblem($r)) {
         // If there is no language file for the problem, return the spanish version.
         $r['lang'] = 'es';
     $statement_type = ProblemController::getStatementType($r);
     Cache::getFromCacheOrSet(Cache::PROBLEM_STATEMENT, $r['problem']->getAlias() . '-' . $r['lang'] . '-' . $statement_type, $r, 'ProblemController::getProblemStatement', $file_content, APC_USER_CACHE_PROBLEM_STATEMENT_TIMEOUT);
     // Add problem statement to source
     $response['problem_statement'] = $file_content;
     $response['problem_statement_language'] = $r['lang'];
     // Add the example input.
     $sample_input = null;
     Cache::getFromCacheOrSet(Cache::PROBLEM_SAMPLE, $r['problem']->getAlias() . '-sample.in', $r, 'ProblemController::getSampleInput', $sample_input, APC_USER_CACHE_PROBLEM_STATEMENT_TIMEOUT);
     if (!empty($sample_input)) {
         $response['sample_input'] = $sample_input;
     // Add the problem the response
     $response = array_merge($response, $r['problem']->asFilteredArray($relevant_columns));
     // If the problem is public or if the user has admin privileges, show the
     // problem source and alias of owner.
     if ($r['problem']->public || Authorization::IsProblemAdmin($r['current_user_id'], $r['problem'])) {
         $problemsetter = UsersDAO::getByPK($r['problem']->author_id);
         if (!is_null($problemsetter)) {
             $response['problemsetter'] = array('username' => $problemsetter->username, 'name' => is_null($problemsetter->name) ? $problemsetter->username : $problemsetter->name);
     } else {
     if (!is_null($r['current_user_id'])) {
         // Create array of relevant columns for list of runs
         $relevant_columns = array('guid', 'language', 'status', 'verdict', 'runtime', 'penalty', 'memory', 'score', 'contest_score', 'time', 'submit_delay');
         // Search the relevant runs from the DB
         $contest = ContestsDAO::getByAlias($r['contest_alias']);
         $keyrun = new Runs(array('user_id' => $r['current_user_id'], 'problem_id' => $r['problem']->getProblemId(), 'contest_id' => is_null($r['contest']) ? null : $r['contest']->getContestId()));
         // Get all the available runs done by the current_user
         try {
             $runs_array = RunsDAO::search($keyrun);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Operation failed in the data layer
             throw new InvalidDatabaseOperationException($e);
         // Add each filtered run to an array
         if (count($runs_array) >= 0) {
             $runs_filtered_array = array();
             foreach ($runs_array as $run) {
                 $filtered = $run->asFilteredArray($relevant_columns);
                 $filtered['alias'] = $r['problem']->alias;
                 $filtered['username'] = $r['current_user']->username;
                 $filtered['time'] = strtotime($filtered['time']);
                 array_push($runs_filtered_array, $filtered);
         $response['runs'] = $runs_filtered_array;
     if (!is_null($r['contest'])) {
         // At this point, contestant_user relationship should be established.
         try {
             ContestsUsersDAO::CheckAndSaveFirstTimeAccess($r['current_user_id'], $r['contest']->contest_id);
         } catch (ApiException $e) {
             throw $e;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Operation failed in the data layer
             throw new InvalidDatabaseOperationException($e);
         // As last step, register the problem as opened
         if (!ContestProblemOpenedDAO::getByPK($r['contest']->getContestId(), $r['problem']->getProblemId(), $r['current_user_id'])) {
             //Create temp object
             $keyContestProblemOpened = new ContestProblemOpened(array('contest_id' => $r['contest']->getContestId(), 'problem_id' => $r['problem']->getProblemId(), 'user_id' => $r['current_user_id']));
             try {
                 // Save object in the DB
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 // Operation failed in the data layer
                 throw new InvalidDatabaseOperationException($e);
     } elseif (isset($r['show_solvers']) && $r['show_solvers']) {
         $response['solvers'] = RunsDAO::GetBestSolvingRunsForProblem($r['problem']->problem_id);
     if (!is_null($r['current_user_id'])) {
         ProblemViewedDAO::MarkProblemViewed($r['current_user_id'], $r['problem']->problem_id);
     $response['score'] = self::bestScore($r);
     $response['status'] = 'ok';
     return $response;
Exemplo n.º 11
 private static function getScoreboardTimeLimitUnixTimestamp(Contests $contest, $showAllRuns = false)
     if ($showAllRuns || ContestsDAO::hasFinished($contest) && $contest->getShowScoreboardAfter()) {
         // Show full scoreboard to admin users
         // or if the contest finished and the creator wants to show it at the end
         return null;
     $start = strtotime($contest->getStartTime());
     $finish = strtotime($contest->getFinishTime());
     $percentage = (double) $contest->scoreboard / 100.0;
     $limit = $start + (int) (($finish - $start) * $percentage);
     return $limit;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Details of a scoreboard. Returns a list with all contests that belong to
  * the given scoreboard_alias
  * @param Request $r
 public static function apiDetails(Request $r)
     $response = array();
     // Fill contests
     $response["contests"] = array();
     $response["ranking"] = array();
     try {
         $groupScoreboardContestKey = new GroupsScoreboardsContests(array("group_scoreboard_id" => $r["scoreboard"]->group_scoreboard_id));
         $r["gscs"] = GroupsScoreboardsContestsDAO::search($groupScoreboardContestKey);
         $i = 0;
         $contest_params = array();
         foreach ($r["gscs"] as $gsc) {
             $contest = ContestsDAO::getByPK($gsc->contest_id);
             $response["contests"][$i] = $contest->asArray();
             $response["contests"][$i]["only_ac"] = $gsc->only_ac;
             $response["contests"][$i]["weight"] = $gsc->weight;
             // Fill contest params to pass to scoreboardMerge
             $contest_params[$contest->alias] = array("only_ac" => $gsc->only_ac == 0 ? false : true, "weight" => $gsc->weight);
     } catch (ApiException $ex) {
         throw $ex;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         throw new InvalidDatabaseOperationException($ex);
     $r["contest_params"] = $contest_params;
     // Fill details of this scoreboard
     $response["scoreboard"] = $r["scoreboard"]->asArray();
     // If we have contests, calculate merged&filtered scoreboard
     if (count($response["contests"]) > 0) {
         // Get merged scoreboard
         $r["contest_aliases"] = "";
         foreach ($response["contests"] as $contest) {
             $r["contest_aliases"] .= $contest["alias"] . ",";
         $r["contest_aliases"] = rtrim($r["contest_aliases"], ",");
         try {
             $groupUsers = GroupsUsersDAO::search(new GroupsUsers(array("group_id" => $r["scoreboard"]->group_id)));
             $r["usernames_filter"] = "";
             foreach ($groupUsers as $groupUser) {
                 $user = UsersDAO::getByPK($groupUser->user_id);
                 $r["usernames_filter"] .= $user->username . ",";
             $r["usernames_filter"] = rtrim($r["usernames_filter"], ",");
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             throw new InvalidDatabaseOperationException($ex);
         $mergedScoreboardResponse = ContestController::apiScoreboardMerge($r);
         $response["ranking"] = $mergedScoreboardResponse["ranking"];
     $response["status"] = "ok";
     return $response;
Exemplo n.º 13
 public static function getCurrentSession(Request $r)
     $authToken = $r['auth_token'];
     if (is_null($authToken)) {
         return array('valid' => false, 'id' => null, 'name' => null, 'username' => null, 'email' => null, 'email_md5' => null, 'auth_token' => null, 'is_admin' => false, 'login_url' => '/login/');
     $vo_CurrentUser = AuthTokensDAO::getUserByToken($authToken);
     if (is_null($vo_CurrentUser)) {
         // Means user has auth token, but at
         // does not exist in DB
         return array('valid' => false, 'id' => null, 'name' => null, 'username' => null, 'email' => null, 'email_md5' => null, 'auth_token' => null, 'is_admin' => false, 'login_url' => '/login/');
     // Get email via his id
     $vo_Email = EmailsDAO::getByPK($vo_CurrentUser->getMainEmailId());
     $_SESSION['omegaup_user'] = array('name' => $vo_CurrentUser->getUsername(), 'email' => !is_null($vo_Email) ? $vo_Email->getEmail() : '');
     return array('valid' => true, 'id' => $vo_CurrentUser->getUserId(), 'name' => $vo_CurrentUser->getName(), 'email' => !is_null($vo_Email) ? $vo_Email->getEmail() : '', 'email_md5' => !is_null($vo_Email) ? md5($vo_Email->getEmail()) : '', 'user' => $vo_CurrentUser, 'username' => $vo_CurrentUser->getUsername(), 'auth_token' => $authToken, 'is_email_verified' => $vo_CurrentUser->getVerified(), 'is_admin' => Authorization::IsSystemAdmin($vo_CurrentUser->getUserId()), 'private_contests_count' => ContestsDAO::getPrivateContestsCount($vo_CurrentUser), 'private_problems_count' => ProblemsDAO::getPrivateCount($vo_CurrentUser), 'needs_basic_info' => $vo_CurrentUser->getPassword() == null);
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Try to view a contest before it has started
  * @expectedException PreconditionFailedException
 public function testContestNotStartedYet()
     // Get a contest
     $contestData = ContestsFactory::createContest();
     // Get a user for our scenario
     $contestant = UserFactory::createUser();
     // Set contest to not started yet
     $contest = ContestsDAO::getByAlias($contestData['request']['alias']);
     $contest->setStartTime(Utils::GetTimeFromUnixTimestamp(Utils::GetPhpUnixTimestamp() + 30));
     // Prepare our request
     $r = new Request();
     $r['contest_alias'] = $contestData['request']['alias'];
     // Log in the user
     $r['auth_token'] = $this->login($contestant);
     // Call api
     $response = ContestController::apiDetails($r);
  * Details of a scoreboard. Returns a list with all contests that belong to
  * the given scoreboard_alias
  * @param Request $r
 public static function apiDetails(Request $r)
     $response = array();
     // Fill contests
     $response['contests'] = array();
     $response['ranking'] = array();
     try {
         $groupScoreboardContestKey = new GroupsScoreboardsContests(array('group_scoreboard_id' => $r['scoreboard']->group_scoreboard_id));
         $r['gscs'] = GroupsScoreboardsContestsDAO::search($groupScoreboardContestKey);
         $i = 0;
         $contest_params = array();
         foreach ($r['gscs'] as $gsc) {
             $contest = ContestsDAO::getByPK($gsc->contest_id);
             $response['contests'][$i] = $contest->asArray();
             $response['contests'][$i]['only_ac'] = $gsc->only_ac;
             $response['contests'][$i]['weight'] = $gsc->weight;
             // Fill contest params to pass to scoreboardMerge
             $contest_params[$contest->alias] = array('only_ac' => $gsc->only_ac == 0 ? false : true, 'weight' => $gsc->weight);
     } catch (ApiException $ex) {
         throw $ex;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         throw new InvalidDatabaseOperationException($ex);
     $r['contest_params'] = $contest_params;
     // Fill details of this scoreboard
     $response['scoreboard'] = $r['scoreboard']->asArray();
     // If we have contests, calculate merged&filtered scoreboard
     if (count($response['contests']) > 0) {
         // Get merged scoreboard
         $r['contest_aliases'] = '';
         foreach ($response['contests'] as $contest) {
             $r['contest_aliases'] .= $contest['alias'] . ',';
         $r['contest_aliases'] = rtrim($r['contest_aliases'], ',');
         try {
             $groupUsers = GroupsUsersDAO::search(new GroupsUsers(array('group_id' => $r['scoreboard']->group_id)));
             $r['usernames_filter'] = '';
             foreach ($groupUsers as $groupUser) {
                 $user = UsersDAO::getByPK($groupUser->user_id);
                 $r['usernames_filter'] .= $user->username . ',';
             $r['usernames_filter'] = rtrim($r['usernames_filter'], ',');
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             throw new InvalidDatabaseOperationException($ex);
         $mergedScoreboardResponse = ContestController::apiScoreboardMerge($r);
         $response['ranking'] = $mergedScoreboardResponse['ranking'];
     $response['status'] = 'ok';
     return $response;
Exemplo n.º 16
            if (property_exists($c->meta, "syscall-count")) {
                $page->addComponent("<td>" . $c->meta->{'syscall-count'} . " </td>");
            } else {
                $page->addComponent("<td> - </td>");
            $page->addComponent("<td><strong>" . $c->meta->status . "</strong></td>");
$aV = ContestsDAO::getByAlias($_GET["alias"]);
$eContest = new DAOFormComponent($aV);
$page->addComponent("Enviar correos, bannear, nuevos weyes, etc");
$page->addComponent("GAnalitics u otras cosas, mostrar los auth tokens de los weyes que entraron al concurso con los diferentes ip's");
$page->addComponent("<script>\n\t\tfunction doEditar(){\n\t\t\t\t var toSend = {};\n\t\t\t\t //upadateContes\n\t\t\t\t \$(\"table input\").each( function (n, el ){ \n\t\t\t\t \t\tif(el.value.length == 0 ) return;\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttoSend[ el.name ] = el.value;\n\t\t\t\t });\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\t\$.ajax({\n                        url: \"../api/contest/\" + toSend.alias + \"/update/\",\n                        dataType: \"json\",\n                        type:\"POST\",\n                        data: toSend,\n                        beforeSend: function( xhr ) {\n                            //\$(\"#submit\").hide();\n                        },\n                        success: function(a,b,c){\n                            \$(\"<p title='OmegaUp'>Success !</p>\").dialog({\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmodal: true,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbuttons: {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOk: function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$( this ).dialog( \"close\" );\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twindow.location = \"contest.php?alias=\" + \$(\"#_alias\").val();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n                        },\n                        error:function(a,b,c){\n                            r = \$.parseJSON(a.responseText);\n                            \$(\"<p title='OmegaUp'>\"+r.error+\"</p>\").dialog({\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmodal: true,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbuttons: {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOk: function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$( this ).dialog( \"close\" );\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n                        }\n                        \n                    });\n\t\t\t\tconsole.log(toSend);\n\n\t\t}</script>");
$eContest = new DAOFormComponent($aV);
$eContest->addOnClick("Editar concurso", "doEditar()");
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Contest director is god, should be able to submit whenever he wants
  * for testing purposes
 public function testInvalidRunInsideSubmissionsGapForContestDirector()
     // Set the context for the first contest
     $r = $this->setValidRequest();
     // Log as contest director
     $r["auth_token"] = $this->login($this->contestData["director"]);
     // Set submissions gap of 20 seconds
     $contest = ContestsDAO::getByAlias($r["contest_alias"]);
     // Call API
     $response = RunController::apiCreate($r);
     // Validate the run
     $this->assertRun($r, $response);
     // Send a second run. This one should not fail
     $response = RunController::apiCreate($r);
     // Validate the run
     $this->assertRun($r, $response);
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Invalidates relevant caches on run rejudge
  * @param RunsDAO $run
 public static function invalidateCacheOnRejudge(Runs $run)
     try {
         // Expire details of the run
         Cache::deleteFromCache(Cache::RUN_ADMIN_DETAILS, $run->getRunId());
         $contest = ContestsDAO::getByPK($run->getContestId());
         // Now we need to invalidate problem stats
         $problem = ProblemsDAO::getByPK($run->getProblemId());
         if (!is_null($problem)) {
             // Invalidar cache stats
             Cache::deleteFromCache(Cache::PROBLEM_STATS, $problem->getAlias());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // We did our best effort to invalidate the cache...
         self::$log->warn('Failed to invalidate cache on Rejudge, skipping: ');
Exemplo n.º 19
 private static function clarificationUpdated(Request $r, $time)
     try {
         if (is_null($r['problem'])) {
             $r['problem'] = ProblemsDAO::GetByPK($r['clarification']->problem_id);
         if (is_null($r['contest']) && !is_null($r['clarification']->contest_id)) {
             $r['contest'] = ContestsDAO::GetByPK($r['clarification']->contest_id);
         if (is_null($r['user'])) {
             $r['user'] = UsersDAO::GetByPK($r['clarification']->author_id);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         self::$log->error("Failed to broadcast clarification: " . $e);
     self::$broadcaster->broadcastClarification($r, $time);
Exemplo n.º 20
  * Get Contests which a certain user has participated in
  * @param Request $r
  * @return Contests array
  * @throws InvalidDatabaseOperationException
 public static function apiContestStats(Request $r)
     $response = array();
     $response['contests'] = array();
     $user = self::resolveTargetUser($r);
     // Get contests where user had at least 1 run
     try {
         $contestsParticipated = ContestsDAO::getContestsParticipated($user->getUserId());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new InvalidDatabaseOperationException($e);
     $contests = array();
     foreach ($contestsParticipated as $contest) {
         // Get user ranking
         $scoreboardR = new Request(array('auth_token' => $r['auth_token'], 'contest_alias' => $contest->getAlias(), 'token' => $contest->getScoreboardUrlAdmin()));
         $scoreboardResponse = ContestController::apiScoreboard($scoreboardR);
         // Grab the place of the current user in the given contest
         $contests[$contest->getAlias()]['place'] = null;
         foreach ($scoreboardResponse['ranking'] as $userData) {
             if ($userData['username'] == $user->getUsername()) {
                 $contests[$contest->getAlias()]['place'] = $userData['place'];
         $contests[$contest->getAlias()]['data'] = $contest->asArray();
     $response['contests'] = $contests;
     $response['status'] = 'ok';
     return $response;
Exemplo n.º 21
  * Given a contest_alias, sets the recommended flag on/off.
  * Only omegaUp admins can call this API.
  * @param Request $r
  * @return array
 public static function apiSetRecommended(Request $r)
     if (!Authorization::IsSystemAdmin($r['current_user_id'])) {
         throw new ForbiddenAccessException('userNotAllowed');
     // Validate & get contest_alias
     try {
         $r['contest'] = ContestsDAO::getByAlias($r['contest_alias']);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new InvalidDatabaseOperationException($e);
     if (is_null($r['contest'])) {
         throw new NotFoundException('contestNotFound');
     // Validate value param
     Validators::isInEnum($r['value'], 'value', array('0', '1'));
     $r['contest']->recommended = $r['value'];
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new InvalidDatabaseOperationException($e);
     return array('status' => 'ok');
Exemplo n.º 22
 public static function setScoreboardPercentage($contestData, $percentage)
     $contest = ContestsDAO::getByAlias($contestData['request']['alias']);
Exemplo n.º 23
  * Get Contests which a certain user has participated in
  * @param Request $r
  * @return Contests array
  * @throws InvalidDatabaseOperationException
 public static function apiContestStats(Request $r)
     $response = array();
     $response["contests"] = array();
     $user = self::resolveTargetUser($r);
     $contest_user_key = new ContestsUsers();
     // Get contests where user had at least 1 run
     try {
         $contestsParticipated = ContestsDAO::getContestsParticipated($user->getUserId());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new InvalidDatabaseOperationException($e);
     $contests = array();
     foreach ($contestsParticipated as $contest) {
         // Get user ranking
         $scoreboardR = new Request(array("auth_token" => $r["auth_token"], "contest_alias" => $contest->getAlias(), "token" => $contest->getScoreboardUrlAdmin()));
         $scoreboardResponse = ContestController::apiScoreboard($scoreboardR);
         // Grab the place of the current user in the given contest
         $contests[$contest->getAlias()]["place"] = null;
         foreach ($scoreboardResponse["ranking"] as $userData) {
             if ($userData["username"] == $user->getUsername()) {
                 $contests[$contest->getAlias()]["place"] = $userData["place"];
         $contests[$contest->getAlias()]["data"] = $contest->asArray();
     $response["contests"] = $contests;
     $response["status"] = "ok";
     return $response;
Exemplo n.º 24
function toDate($unix_time)
    if (strlen($unix_time) == 0) {
        return '';
    return FormatTime($unix_time);
    return $unix_time;
    return date('F jS h:i:s a', $unix_time);
function toBold($f, $row)
    return "<h3 style='margin:0px; padding:0px'>" . $row['title'] . '</h3>';
$table->addColRender('start_time', 'toDate');
$table->addColRender('finish_time', 'toDate');
$table->addColRender('alias', 'toBold');
$table->addOnClick('alias', "(function(alias){window.location ='contest.php?alias='+alias;})");
$page->addComponent(new NewContestFormComponent());
$a = new Contests(array('finish_time' => '1970-01-01 00:00:00'));
$b = new Contests(array('finish_time' => date('c')));
$rows = ContestsDAO::byRange($a, $b);
$table = new TableComponent($header, $rows);
$table->addColRender('start_time', 'toDate');
$table->addColRender('finish_time', 'toDate');
$table->addColRender('alias', 'toBold');
$table->addOnClick('alias', "(function(alias){window.location ='contest.php?alias='+alias;})");
Exemplo n.º 25
  * Assert that contest in the request actually exists in the DB
  * @param Request $r
 public function assertContest(Request $r)
     // Validate that data was written to DB by getting the contest by title
     $contest = new Contests();
     $contests = ContestsDAO::search($contest);
     $contest = $contests[0];
     // Assert that we found our contest
     // Assert data was correctly saved
     $this->assertEquals($r["description"], $contest->getDescription());
     $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($r["start_time"] - 1, Utils::GetPhpUnixTimestamp($contest->getStartTime()));
     $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($r["start_time"], Utils::GetPhpUnixTimestamp($contest->getStartTime()) + 1);
     $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($r["finish_time"] - 1, Utils::GetPhpUnixTimestamp($contest->getFinishTime()));
     $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($r["finish_time"], Utils::GetPhpUnixTimestamp($contest->getFinishTime()) + 1);
     $this->assertEquals($r["window_length"], $contest->getWindowLength());
     $this->assertEquals($r["public"], $contest->getPublic());
     $this->assertEquals($r["alias"], $contest->getAlias());
     $this->assertEquals($r["points_decay_factor"], $contest->getPointsDecayFactor());
     $this->assertEquals($r["partial_score"], $contest->getPartialScore());
     $this->assertEquals($r["submissions_gap"], $contest->getSubmissionsGap());
     $this->assertEquals($r["feedback"], $contest->getFeedback());
     $this->assertEquals($r["penalty"], $contest->getPenalty());
     $this->assertEquals($r["scoreboard"], $contest->getScoreboard());
     $this->assertEquals($r["penalty_type"], $contest->penalty_type);
     $this->assertEquals($r["penalty_calc_policy"], $contest->getPenaltyCalcPolicy());
Exemplo n.º 26
 public static final function IsRunInsideSubmissionGap($contest_id, $problem_id, $user_id)
     // Get last run
     $lastrun = self::GetLastRun($contest_id, $problem_id, $user_id);
     if (is_null($lastrun)) {
         return true;
     $submission_gap = 0;
     if ($contest_id != null) {
         // Get submissions gap
         $contest = ContestsDAO::getByPK($contest_id);
         $submission_gap = (int) $contest->getSubmissionsGap();
     $submission_gap = max($submission_gap, RunController::$defaultSubmissionGap);
     return time() >= strtotime($lastrun->getTime()) + $submission_gap;
  * Returns a list of contests
  * @param Request $r
  * @return array
  * @throws InvalidDatabaseOperationException
 public static function apiRefresh(Request $r)
     // This is not supposed to be called by end-users, but by the
     // Grader service. Regular sessions cannot be used since they
     // expire, so use a pre-shared secret to authenticate that
     // grants admin-level privileges just for this call.
     if ($r['token'] !== OMEGAUP_GRADER_SECRET) {
         throw new ForbiddenAccessException();
     $contest = ContestsDAO::getByAlias($r['alias']);
     if ($contest === null) {
         throw new NotFoundException();
     $id = $contest->getContestId();
     return array('status' => 'ok');