/** * 获得栏目url * @param $category 栏目字段 * @return string */ static function getCategoryUrl($category) { //静态根目录 $html_path = C("HTML_PATH") ? C("HTML_PATH") . '/' : ''; switch ($category['cattype']) { case 3: //外部链接 return $category['cat_redirecturl']; case 4: $model = ContentViewModel::getInstance($category['mid']); $content = $model->join('category')->where(C("DB_PREFIX") . 'category.cid=' . $category['cid'])->find(); if ($category['cat_url_type'] == 1) { //栏目生成静态 return Url::getContentHtml($content); } else { return U('Index/Index/content', array('mid' => $content['mid'], 'cid' => $content['cid'], 'aid' => $content['aid'])); } case 2: case 1: default: //普通栏目 if ($category['cat_url_type'] == 1) { //栏目生成静态 return __ROOT__ . '/' . $html_path . $category['catdir']; } else { return U('Index/Index/category', array('mid' => $category['mid'], 'cid' => $category['cid'])); } } }
public function category() { $mid = Q('mid', 0, 'intval'); $cid = Q('cid', 0, 'intval'); $cache = cache('category'); if (!$mid || !$cid || !isset($cache[$cid])) { _404(); } $cachetime = C('CACHE_CATEGORY') >= 1 ? C('CACHE_CATEGORY') : null; if (!$this->isCache()) { $category = $cache[$cid]; //外部链接,直接跳转 if ($category['cattype'] == 3) { go($category['cat_redirecturl']); } else { $Model = ContentViewModel::getInstance($category['mid']); $catid = getCategory($category['cid']); $category['content_num'] = $Model->join()->where("cid IN(" . implode(',', $catid) . ")")->count(); $category['comment_num'] = intval(M('comment')->where("cid IN(" . implode(',', $catid) . ")")->count()); $this->assign("hdcms", $category); $this->display($category['template'], $cachetime); } } else { $this->display(null, $cachetime); } }
public function index() { $ContentModel = ContentViewModel::getInstance($this->_mid); $where = "uid=" . $_SESSION['uid']; $page = new Page($ContentModel->join('category')->where($where)->count(), 15); $data = $ContentModel->join('category')->where($where)->limit($page->limit())->order(array("arc_sort" => "ASC", 'aid' => "DESC"))->all(); $this->assign('data', $data); $this->display(); }
public function search() { $word = Q('word'); if (!$word) { $this->error("搜索内容不能为空"); } else { $cid = Q('cid', 0, 'intval'); $mid = $cid ? $modelCache[$categoryCache[$cid]['mid']] : 1; $pre = C('DB_PREFIX'); $seachType = Q('type', 'title'); $modelCache = cache('model'); $categoryCache = cache('category'); $contentModel = ContentViewModel::getInstance($mid); $table = $modelCache[$mid]['table_name']; if ($seachType == 'tag') { $db = M(); $countSql = "SELECT count(*) AS c FROM \n\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT distinct(aid) FROM {$pre}tag AS t INNER JOIN {$pre}content_tag AS ct ON t.tid=ct.tid WHERE tag='{$word}' AND mid=1 GROUP BY aid) AS c"; $count = $db->query($countSql); $page = new Page($count[0]['c'], 15); $DataSql = "SELECT * FROM {$pre}category as cat JOIN {$pre}{$table} AS c ON cat.cid = c.cid JOIN {$pre}content_tag AS ct ON c.aid=ct.aid INNER \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN {$pre}tag AS t ON t.tid=ct.tid WHERE t.tag='{$word}' LIMIT " . $page->limit(true); $data = $db->query($DataSql); } else { $where = array(); if ($cid) { $where[] = $pre . "category.cid=" . $cid; } if (!empty($_GET['search_begin_time']) && !empty($_GET['search_end_time'])) { $where[] = "addtime>=" . strtotime($_GET['search_begin_time']) . " AND addtime<=" . $_GET['search_end_time']; } switch ($seachType) { case 'title': $where[] = "title like '%{$word}%'"; $count = $contentModel->join('category')->where($where)->count(); $page = new Page($count, 15); $data = $contentModel->join('category')->where($where)->all(); break; case 'description': $where[] = "description like '%{$word}%'"; $count = $contentModel->join('category')->where($where)->count(); $page = new Page($count, 15); $data = $contentModel->join('category')->where($where)->all(); break; case 'username': $where[] = "username like '%{$word}%'"; $count = $contentModel->join('category,user')->where($where)->count(); $page = new Page($count, 15); $data = $contentModel->join('category,user')->where($where)->all(); break; } } $this->assign('searchCategory', $categoryCache); $this->assign('page', $page); $this->assign('data', $data); $this->display(); } }
public function __init() { $this->_model = cache("model", false); $this->_category = cache("category", false); $this->_mid = Q('mid', 1, 'intval'); if (!isset($this->_model[$this->_mid])) { $this->error("模型不存在!"); } $this->_db = ContentViewModel::getInstance($this->_mid); }
public function content() { if (empty($this->_mid)) { $this->error('mid参数错误'); } $ContentModel = ContentViewModel::getInstance($this->_mid); //文章状态 $state = Q('get.state', 1, 'intval'); $where = array(); $where[] = $ContentModel->tableFull . ".content_state={$state}"; //按时间搜索 $search_begin_time = Q('post.search_begin_time', null, 'strtotime'); if ($search_begin_time) { $where[] = "addtime>={$search_begin_time}"; } //按flag搜索 if ($flag = Q('flag')) { $where[] = "find_in_set('{$flag}',flag)"; } //按字段类型 if (isset($_POST['search_type']) && !empty($_POST['search_type']) && !empty($_POST['search_keyword'])) { $search_keyword = $_POST['search_keyword']; switch (strtolower($_POST['search_type'])) { case 1: //标题 $where[] = "title LIKE '%{$search_keyword}%'"; break; case 2: $where[] = "description LIKE '%{$search_keyword}%'"; //简介 break; case 3: //用户名 $where[] = "username ='******'"; break; case 4: //用户uid $where[] = $ContentModel->tableFull . ".uid ={$search_keyword}"; break; } } $search_end_time = Q('post.search_end_time', null, 'strtotime'); if ($search_end_time) { $where[] = "addtime<={$search_end_time}"; } $where[] = C('DB_PREFIX') . "category.cid=" . $this->_cid; $page = new Page($ContentModel->join('user,category')->where($where)->count(), 15); $data = $ContentModel->join('user,category')->where($where)->limit($page->limit())->order(array("arc_sort" => "ASC", 'aid' => "DESC"))->all(); $this->assign('data', $data); $flagCache = cache($this->_mid, false, FLAG_CACHE_PATH); $this->assign('flag', $flagCache); $this->assign('page', $page->show()); $this->display(); }
public function content() { $ContentModel = ContentViewModel::getInstance($this->mid); $where[] = "category.mid=" . $this->mid; $where[] = 'user.uid=' . $_SESSION['user']['uid']; $page = new Page($ContentModel->where($where)->count(), 10); $data = $ContentModel->where($where)->limit($page->limit())->order('arc_sort ASC,addtime DESC')->all(); $this->assign('data', $data); $this->assign('model', $this->model[$this->mid]); $this->assign('page', $page->show()); $this->display(); }
public function audit() { $Model = ContentViewModel::getInstance($this->mid); //1 审核 0 取消审核 $status = Q("status", 1, "intval"); //文章id $aids = Q("post.aid"); foreach ($aids as $aid) { $Model->save(array("aid" => $aid, "content_status" => $status)); } $this->success('操作成功!', U('content', array('mid' => $this->mid))); }
public function content() { $Model = ContentViewModel::getInstance($this->mid); $count = $Model->where('content_status=0')->count(); $page = new Page($count, 15); $data = $Model->where('content_status=0')->limit($page->limit())->order('updatetime DESC')->all(); $this->assign('data', $data); $this->assign('mid', $this->mid); $this->assign('model', $this->model); $this->assign('page', $page->show()); $this->display(); }
/** * 审核或取消审核 */ public function audit() { $Model = ContentViewModel::getInstance($this->_mid); //1 审核 0 取消审核 $content_state = Q("content_state", 1, "intval"); //文章id $aids = Q("post.aid"); foreach ($aids as $aid) { $Model->save(array("aid" => $aid, "content_state" => $content_state)); } $this->success('操作成功!'); }
public function index() { $user = M('user')->find($this->uid); $this->assign('user', $user); //记录访客信息 $this->assign('guest', $this->RecordGuest()); //文章 $ContentModel = ContentViewModel::getInstance(1); $where[] = 'user.uid=' . $this->uid; $page = new Page($ContentModel->where($where)->count(), 10); $data = $ContentModel->where($where)->limit($page->limit())->order('arc_sort ASC,addtime DESC')->all(); $this->assign('data', $data); $this->assign('page', $page->show()); $this->display(); }
public function find($aid) { $ContentModel = ContentViewModel::getInstance($this->_mid); $data = $ContentModel->where($ContentModel->tableFull . '.aid=' . $aid)->find(); if (!$data) { $this->error = '文章不存在'; return false; } $ContentOutModel = new ContentOutModel($this->_mid); $data = $ContentOutModel->get($data); if ($data == false) { $this->error = $ContentOutModel->error; } else { return $data; } }
public function category($cid, $page = 1) { $categoryCache = S('category'); if (!isset($categoryCache[$cid])) { return false; } $cat = $categoryCache[$cid]; $GLOBALS['totalPage'] = 0; if ($cat['cat_url_type'] == 2 || $cat['cattype'] == 3) { return true; } //单文章 if ($cat['cattype'] == 4) { $Model = ContentViewModel::getInstance($cat['mid']); $result = $Model->where("category.cid={$cat['cid']}")->find(); if ($result) { return $this->content($result); } } else { //模板文件 switch ($cat['cattype']) { case 1: //普通栏目 $template = 'Template/' . C("WEB_STYLE") . '/' . $cat['list_tpl']; break; case 2: //封面栏目 $template = 'Template/' . C("WEB_STYLE") . '/' . $cat['index_tpl']; break; } //普通栏目与封面栏目 $htmlDir = C("HTML_PATH") ? C("HTML_PATH") . '/' : ''; $_REQUEST['page'] = $_GET['page'] = $page; $_REQUEST['mid'] = $cat['mid']; $_REQUEST['cid'] = $cat['cid']; $Model = ContentViewModel::getInstance($cat['mid']); $cat['content_num'] = $Model->where("category.cid ={$cat['cid']}")->count(); $htmlFile = $htmlDir . str_replace(array('{catdir}', '{cid}', '{page}'), array($cat['catdir'], $cat['cid'], $page), $cat['cat_html_url']); $this->assign("hdcms", $cat); $this->createHtml(basename($htmlFile), dirname($htmlFile) . '/', $template); //第1页时复制index.html if ($page == 1) { copy($htmlFile, $htmlDir . $cat['catdir'] . '/index.html'); } return true; } }
public function category() { $mid = Q('mid', 0, 'intval'); $cid = Q('cid', 0, 'intval'); if (!$mid || !$cid) { $this->error('参数错误'); } $categoryCache = cache('category'); if (!isset($categoryCache[$cid])) { $this->error('栏目不存在', __ROOT__); } if ($cid) { $category = $categoryCache[$cid]; //外部链接,直接跳转 if ($category['cattype'] == 3) { go($category['cat_redirecturl']); } else { $Model = ContentViewModel::getInstance($mid); $where = C('DB_PREFIX') . 'category.cid=' . $cid . " OR pid=" . $cid; $category['content_num'] = $Model->join('category')->where($where)->count(); $childCategory = Data::channelList($categoryCache, $cid); $catWhere = array('cid' => array()); if (!empty($childCategory)) { foreach ($childCategory as $cat) { $catWhere['cid'][] = $cat['cid']; } } $catWhere['cid'][] = $cid; $category['comment_num'] = intval(M('comment')->where($catWhere)->sum()); //栏目模板 switch ($category['cattype']) { case 1: //普通栏目 $tpl = $category['list_tpl']; break; case 2: //封面栏目 $tpl = $category['index_tpl']; break; } $tpl = 'template/' . C("WEB_STYLE") . '/' . $tpl; $this->assign("hdcms", $category); $this->display($tpl); } } }
public function index() { if ($wd = Q('post.wd')) { go(U('index', array('wd' => $wd))); } $data = array(); if (!($search_history = cookie('search_history'))) { $search_history = array(); } if ($wd = Q('get.wd')) { $ContentModel = ContentViewModel::getInstance($this->mid); $where[] = "category.mid=" . $this->mid; $where[] = " title like '%{$wd}%'"; //搜索时间 if ($time = Q('get.time')) { switch ($time) { case 'day': $where[] = 'addtime>' . time() - 3600 * 24; break; case 'week': $where[] = 'addtime>' . time() - 3600 * 24 * 7; break; case 'month': $where[] = 'addtime>' . time() - 3600 * 24 * 7 * 30; break; case 'year': $where[] = 'addtime>' . time() - 3600 * 24 * 7 * 30 * 12; break; } } $page = new Page($ContentModel->where($where)->count(), 10); $data = $ContentModel->where($where)->limit($page->limit())->order('arc_sort ASC,addtime DESC')->all(); array_unshift($search_history, $wd); $search_history = array_unique($search_history); $search_history = array_slice($search_history, 0, 8); cookie('search_history', $search_history); } $this->assign('data', $data); $this->assign('search_history', $search_history); $this->assign('model', S('model')); //模型 $this->assign('search_word', cookie('search_word')); $this->display(); }
public function add() { $ContentModel = ContentViewModel::getInstance($this->mid); $content = $ContentModel->where($ContentModel->table . '.aid=' . $this->aid)->find(); $data['mid'] = $this->mid; $data['cid'] = $this->cid; $data['aid'] = $this->aid; $data['user_id'] = $_SESSION['user']['uid']; $data['title'] = $content['title']; $url = U('Index/Index/content', array('mid' => $this->mid, 'cid' => $this->cid, 'aid' => $this->aid)); if ($this->db->where(array('mid' => array('EQ', $this->mid), 'aid' => array('EQ', $this->aid)))->find()) { $this->error('文章已经收藏', $url); } if ($this->db->add($data)) { $this->success('收藏成功'); } else { $this->error('收藏失败。。。'); } }
public function find($aid) { $ContentModel = ContentViewModel::getInstance($this->_mid); $data = $ContentModel->where($ContentModel->tableFull . '.aid=' . $aid)->find(); if (!$data) { $this->error = '文章不存在'; return false; } $ContentOutModel = new ContentOutModel($this->_mid); $data = $ContentOutModel->get($data); if ($data == false) { $this->error = $ContentOutModel->error; } else { $data['time'] = date("Y/m/d", $data['addtime']); $data['caturl'] = Url::getCategoryUrl($data); //模板文件 $template = empty($data['template']) ? $data['arc_tpl'] : $data['template']; $data['template'] = 'template/' . C('web_style') . '/' . $template; //是否为静态 $data['iscontenthtml'] = $data['url_type'] == 1 || $data['url_type'] == 3 && $data['arc_url_type'] == 1; //静态文件 $htmlDir = C("HTML_PATH") ? C("HTML_PATH") . '/' : ''; $time = getdate($data['addtime']); if (!empty($data['html_path'])) { //单独设置 $data['htmlfile'] = $htmlDir . $data['html_path']; } else { //使用栏目定义 $data['htmlfile'] = $htmlDir . str_replace(array('{catdir}', '{y}', '{m}', '{d}', '{cid}', '{aid}', '{timestamp}'), array($data['catdir'], $time['year'], $time['mon'], $time['mday'], $data['cid'], $data['aid'], $data['addtime']), $data['arc_html_url']); } //用户头像数据 if (empty($data['icon'])) { $data['icon'] = __ROOT__ . '/data/image/user/250.png'; } else { $data['icon'] = __ROOT__ . '/' . $data['icon']; } return $data; } }
public function category($cid, $page = 1) { $categoryCache = cache('category'); $cat = $categoryCache[$cid]; $GLOBALS['totalPage'] = 0; if ($cat['cat_url_type'] == 2 || $cat['cattype'] == 3) { return true; } //单文章 if ($cat['cattype'] == 4) { $Model = ContentViewModel::getInstance($cat['mid']); $result = $Model->join()->where("cid={$cat['cid']}")->find(); if ($result) { $Content = new Content($cat['mid']); $data = $Content->find($result['aid']); return $this->content($data); } } else { //普通栏目与封面栏目 $htmlDir = C("HTML_PATH") ? C("HTML_PATH") . '/' : ''; $_REQUEST['page'] = $_GET['page'] = $page; $_REQUEST['mid'] = $cat['mid']; $_REQUEST['cid'] = $cat['cid']; $Model = ContentViewModel::getInstance($cat['mid']); $catid = getCategory($cat['cid']); $cat['content_num'] = $Model->join()->where("cid IN(" . implode(',', $catid) . ")")->count(); $cat['comment_num'] = intval(M('comment')->where("cid IN(" . implode(',', $catid) . ")")->count()); $htmlFile = $htmlDir . str_replace(array('{catdir}', '{cid}', '{page}'), array($cat['catdir'], $cat['cid'], $page), $cat['cat_html_url']); $info = explode('.', $htmlFile); $this->assign("hdcms", $cat); $this->createHtml(basename($info[0]), dirname($htmlFile) . '/', $cat['template']); //第1页时复制index.html if ($page == 1) { copy($htmlFile, dirname($htmlFile) . '/index.html'); } return true; } }
public function BatchContent() { $createCategory = F('createContentFile'); if (empty($createCategory)) { $this->success('所有文章生成完毕...', U('create_content'), 0); } $modelCache = cache('model'); $categorycache = cache('category'); $oldCategory = $createCategory; $htmlDir = C("HTML_PATH") ? C("HTML_PATH") . '/' : ''; require 'hd/Hdcms/Index/Control/IndexControl.class.php'; $Control = new IndexControl(); foreach ($oldCategory as $id => $category) { $options = $category['options']; $contentModel = ContentViewModel::getInstance($category['mid']); $limit = $options['currentNum'] . ',' . $options['step_row']; $contentData = $contentModel->join('category')->where($options['where'])->limit($limit)->all(); if (empty($contentData)) { unset($createCategory[$id]); F('createContentFile', $createCategory); $this->success("{$category['catname']}生成完毕...", __METH__, 0); } foreach ($contentData as $content) { $_REQUEST['cid'] = $category['cid']; $_REQUEST['mid'] = $category['mid']; $_REQUEST['aid'] = $content['aid']; $time = getdate($content['addtime']); $htmlFile = $htmlDir . str_replace(array('{catdir}', '{y}', '{m}', '{d}', '{aid}'), array($category['catdir'], $time['year'], $time['mon'], $time['mday'], $content['aid']), $category['arc_html_url']); ob_start(); $Control->content(); $content = ob_get_clean(); if (!is_dir(dirname($htmlFile))) { if (!Dir::create(dirname($htmlFile))) { $this->error('创建目录失败'); } } if (file_put_contents($htmlFile, $content) === false) { $this->error("{$htmlFile}创建失败"); } } $options['currentNum'] = $options['currentNum'] + $options['step_row'] - 1; if ($options['currentNum'] >= $options['total_row']) { unset($createCategory[$id]); F('createContentFile', $createCategory); $this->success("[{$category['catname']}] 生成完毕...", __METH__, 0); } else { $createCategory[$id]['options'] = $options; F('createContentFile', $createCategory); $createCategory[$id]['options'] = $options; $message = "[{$category['catname']}]\n 已经更新{$options['currentNum']}条\n (<font color='red'>" . floor($options['currentNum'] / $options['total_row'] * 100) . "%</font>)"; $this->success($message, __METH__, 0); } } }
public function content() { $ContentModel = ContentViewModel::getInstance($this->mid); //文章状态 $content_status = Q('content_status', 0, 'intval'); $where = array(); $where['content_status'] = array('EQ', $content_status); //按时间搜索 $search_begin_time = Q('search_begin_time', 0, 'strtotime'); if ($search_begin_time) { $where['addtime'] = array('EGT', $search_begin_time); } $search_end_time = Q('search_end_time', null, 'strtotime'); if ($search_end_time) { $where['addtime'] = array('ELT', $search_end_time); } //按flag搜索 if ($flag = Q('flag')) { $where[] = "find_in_set('{$flag}',flag) AND "; } //按字段类型 if (!empty($_POST['search_type']) && !empty($_POST['search_keyword'])) { $search_keyword = $_POST['search_keyword']; switch (strtolower($_POST['search_type'])) { case 1: //标题 $where['title'] = array('like', "'%{$search_keyword}%'"); break; case 2: //简介 $where['description'] = array('like', "'%{$search_keyword}%'"); break; case 3: //用户名 $where['username'] = array('EQ', $search_keyword); break; case 4: //用户uid $where[] = "user.uid ={$search_keyword}"; break; } } $where[] = "category.cid=" . $this->cid; $page = new Page($ContentModel->where($where)->count(), 15); $data = $ContentModel->where($where)->limit($page->limit())->order('arc_sort ASC,addtime DESC')->all(); $this->assign('flag', S('flag' . $this->mid)); $this->assign('data', $data); $this->assign('page', $page->show()); $this->display(); }
private function createHtml($aid) { $content = ContentViewModel::getInstance($this->mid)->getOne($aid); $html = new Html(); //内容静态 $html->content($content); //生成栏目 $category = Data::parentChannel($this->category, $content['cid']); //生成当前栏目 $html->relation_category($content['cid']); foreach ($category as $cat) { $html->relation_category($cat['cid']); } //生成首页 $html->index(); return true; }
public function BatchContent() { $createCategory = S('createContentFile'); if (empty($createCategory)) { $this->success('所有文章生成完毕...', U('createContent'), 0); } $html = new Html(); $oldCategory = $createCategory; foreach ($oldCategory as $id => $category) { $options = $category['options']; $contentModel = ContentViewModel::getInstance($category['mid']); $limit = $options['currentNum'] . ',' . $options['step_row']; $contentData = $contentModel->where($options['where'])->limit($limit)->all(); if (empty($contentData)) { unset($createCategory[$id]); S('createContentFile', $createCategory); $this->success("[{$category['catname']}]文章生成完毕...", __ACTION__, 0); } foreach ($contentData as $content) { $html->content($contentModel->getOne($content['aid'])); } $options['currentNum'] = $options['currentNum'] + $options['step_row'] - 1; if ($options['currentNum'] >= $options['total_row']) { unset($createCategory[$id]); S('createContentFile', $createCategory); $this->success("[{$category['catname']}] 生成完毕...", __ACTION__, 0); } else { $createCategory[$id]['options'] = $options; S('createContentFile', $createCategory); $createCategory[$id]['options'] = $options; $message = "[{$category['catname']}]\n 已经更新{$options['currentNum']}条\n (<font color='red'>" . floor($options['currentNum'] / $options['total_row'] * 100) . "%</font>)"; $this->success($message, __ACTION__, 0); } } }
public function BatchContent() { $this->RedirectInfo = F('RedirectInfo'); $createCategory = F('createContentFile'); if (empty($createCategory)) { if ($this->RedirectInfo) { $redirect = array_shift($this->RedirectInfo); F('RedirectInfo', $this->RedirectInfo); $this->success($redirect['title'], $redirect['url'], 0); } else { $this->success('所有文章生成完毕...', U('create_content'), 0); } } $html = new Html(); $modelCache = cache('model'); $categorycache = cache('category'); $oldCategory = $createCategory; foreach ($oldCategory as $id => $category) { $options = $category['options']; $contentModel = ContentViewModel::getInstance($category['mid']); $limit = $options['currentNum'] . ',' . $options['step_row']; $contentData = $contentModel->join('category')->where($options['where'])->limit($limit)->all(); if (empty($contentData)) { unset($createCategory[$id]); F('createContentFile', $createCategory); $this->success("[{$category['catname']}]文章生成完毕...", __METH__, 0); } $Content = new Content($category['mid']); foreach ($contentData as $content) { $html->content($Content->find($content['aid'])); } $options['currentNum'] = $options['currentNum'] + $options['step_row'] - 1; if ($options['currentNum'] >= $options['total_row']) { unset($createCategory[$id]); F('createContentFile', $createCategory); $this->success("[{$category['catname']}] 生成完毕...", __METH__, 0); } else { $createCategory[$id]['options'] = $options; F('createContentFile', $createCategory); $createCategory[$id]['options'] = $options; $message = "[{$category['catname']}]\n 已经更新{$options['currentNum']}条\n (<font color='red'>" . floor($options['currentNum'] / $options['total_row'] * 100) . "%</font>)"; $this->success($message, __METH__, 0); } } }
猜你喜欢 </header> <?php $mid = ''; $cid = ''; $subtable = ''; $order = ''; $flag = ''; $noflag = '1'; $aid = ''; $type = 'new'; $sub_channel = 1; $mid = $mid ? $mid : Q('mid', 1, 'intval'); $cid = !empty($cid) ? $cid : Q('cid', 0, 'intval'); //导入模型类 $db = ContentViewModel::getInstance($mid); //主表(有表前缀) $table = $db->tableFull; //获取副表字段 if (empty($subtable)) { $db->join('category,user'); } //---------------------------排序类型------------------------------- switch ($type) { case 'hot': //查看次数最多 $db->order('click DESC'); break; case 'rand': //随机排序 $db->order('rand()');
public function getClick() { $ContentModel = ContentViewModel::getInstance($this->mid); $ContentModel->inc('click', 'aid=' . $this->aid, 1); $click = $ContentModel->where(array($ContentModel->table . '.aid' => $this->aid))->getField('click'); echo "document.write({$click});"; exit; }