Exemplo n.º 1
  * Constructor
  * @param string $content_id Content id
  * @return void     */
 protected function __construct($content_id)
     $criteria_array = array(array('isContentType', array(array('SimplePicture'))));
     $allowed_content_types = ContentTypeFilter::getObject($criteria_array);
     $this->predefinedSizes = array('300px/250px' => _('300x250 - IAB Medium Rectangle'), '250px/250px' => _('250x250 - IAB Square Pop-Up'), '240px/400px' => _('240x400 - IAB Vertical Rectangle'), '336px/280px' => _('336x280 - IAB Large Rectangle'), '180px/150px' => _('180x150 - IAB Rectangle'), '468px/60px' => _('468x60  - IAB Full Banner'), '234px/60px' => _('234x60  - IAB Half Banner'), '88px/31px' => _('88x31   - IAB Micro Bar'), '120px/90px' => _('120x90  - IAB Button 1'), '120px/60px' => _('120x60  - IAB Button 2'), '120px/240px' => _('120x240 - IAB Vertical Banner'), '125px/125px' => _('125x125 - IAB Square Button'), '728px/90px' => _('728x90  - IAB Leaderboard'), '160px/600px' => _('160x600 - IAB Wide Skyscraper'), '120px/600px' => _('120x600 - IAB Skyscraper'), '300px/600px' => _('300x600 - IAB Half Page Ad'));
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Retreives the admin interface of this object. Anything that overrides
  * this method should call the parent method with it's output at the END of
  * processing.
  * @param string $subclass_admin_interface HTML content of the interface
  * element of a children.
  * @return string The HTML fragment for this interface.
 public function getAdminUI($subclass_admin_interface = null, $title = null)
     $db = AbstractDb::getObject();
     $html = '';
     if (!(User::getCurrentUser()->DEPRECATEDisSuperAdmin() || $this->DEPRECATEDisOwner(User::getCurrentUser()))) {
         $html .= $this->getListUI();
         $html .= ' ' . _("(You do not have access to edit this piece of content)");
     } else {
         $html .= "<fieldset class='admin_container " . get_class($this) . "'>\n";
         if (!empty($title)) {
             $html .= "<legend>{$title}</legend>\n";
         $html .= "<ul class='admin_element_list'>\n";
         if ($this->getObjectType() == 'Content') {
             // The object hasn't yet been typed.
             $html .= _("You must select a content type: ");
             $i = 0;
             foreach (self::getAvailableContentTypes() as $classname) {
                 $tab[$i][0] = $classname;
                 $tab[$i][1] = $classname;
             $html .= FormSelectGenerator::generateFromArray($tab, null, "content_" . $this->id . "_content_type", "Content", false);
         } else {
             $criteria_array = array(array('isSimpleContent'));
             $metadada_allowed_content_types = ContentTypeFilter::getObject($criteria_array);
             // Content metadata
             if ($this->isSimpleContent() == false || $this->isPersistent()) {
                 $html .= "<fieldset class='admin_element_group'>\n";
                 $html .= "<legend>" . sprintf(_("%s MetaData"), get_class($this)) . "</legend>\n";
                 /* title_is_displayed */
                 $html_title_is_displayed = _("Display the title?") . ": \n";
                 $name = "content_" . $this->id . "_title_is_displayed";
                 $this->titleShouldDisplay() ? $checked = 'CHECKED' : ($checked = '');
                 $html_title_is_displayed .= "<input type='checkbox' name='{$name}' {$checked}>\n";
                 /* title */
                 $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container admin_section_edit_title'>\n";
                 $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
                 if (empty($this->content_row['title'])) {
                     $html .= self::getNewContentUI("title_{$this->id}_new", $metadada_allowed_content_types, _("Title:"));
                     $html .= "</div>\n";
                 } else {
                     $html .= $html_title_is_displayed;
                     $title = self::getObject($this->content_row['title']);
                     $html .= $title->getAdminUI(null, _("Title:"));
                     $html .= "</div>\n";
                     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_tools admin_section_delete_title'>\n";
                     $name = "content_" . $this->id . "_title_erase";
                     $html .= "<input type='submit' class='submit' name='{$name}' value='" . sprintf(_("Delete %s (%s)"), _("title"), get_class($title)) . "'>";
                     $html .= "</div>\n";
                 $html .= "</li>\n";
             if ($this->isSimpleContent() == false) {
                 /* description */
                 $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container admin_section_edit_description'>\n";
                 $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
                 if (empty($this->content_row['description'])) {
                     $html .= self::getNewContentUI("description_{$this->id}_new", $metadada_allowed_content_types, _("Description:"));
                     $html .= "</div>\n";
                 } else {
                     $description = self::getObject($this->content_row['description']);
                     $html .= $description->getAdminUI(null, _("Description:"));
                     $html .= "</div>\n";
                     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_tools'>\n";
                     $name = "content_" . $this->id . "_description_erase";
                     $html .= "<input type='submit' class='submit' name='{$name}' value='" . sprintf(_("Delete %s (%s)"), _("description"), get_class($description)) . "'>";
                     $html .= "</div>\n";
                 $html .= "</li>\n";
                 /* long description */
                 $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container admin_section_edit_long_description'>\n";
                 $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
                 if (empty($this->content_row['long_description'])) {
                     $html .= self::getNewContentUI("long_description_{$this->id}_new", $metadada_allowed_content_types, _("Long description:"));
                     $html .= "</div>\n";
                 } else {
                     $description = self::getObject($this->content_row['long_description']);
                     $html .= $description->getAdminUI(null, _("Long description:"));
                     $html .= "</div>\n";
                     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_tools'>\n";
                     $name = "content_" . $this->id . "_long_description_erase";
                     $html .= "<input type='submit' class='submit' name='{$name}' value='" . sprintf(_("Delete %s (%s)"), _("long description"), get_class($description)) . "'>";
                     $html .= "</div>\n";
                 $html .= "</li>\n";
                 /* project_info */
                 $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container admin_section_edit_project'>\n";
                 $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
                 if (empty($this->content_row['project_info'])) {
                     $html .= self::getNewContentUI("project_info_{$this->id}_new", $metadada_allowed_content_types, _("Information on this project:"));
                     $html .= "</div>\n";
                 } else {
                     $project_info = self::getObject($this->content_row['project_info']);
                     $html .= $project_info->getAdminUI(null, _("Information on this project:"));
                     $html .= "</div>\n";
                     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_tools'>\n";
                     $name = "content_" . $this->id . "_project_info_erase";
                     $html .= "<input type='submit' class='submit' name='{$name}' value='" . sprintf(_("Delete %s (%s)"), _("project information"), get_class($project_info)) . "'>";
                     $html .= "</div>\n";
                 $html .= "</li>\n";
             //End content medatada
             if ($this->isSimpleContent() == false || $this->isPersistent()) {
                 $html .= "</fieldset>\n";
             if ($this->isSimpleContent() == false || $this->isPersistent()) {
                 $html .= "<fieldset class='admin_element_group'>\n";
                 $html .= "<legend>" . sprintf(_("%s access control"), get_class($this)) . "</legend>\n";
                 /* is_persistent */
                 $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container admin_section_edit_persistant'>\n";
                 $html .= "<div class='admin_element_label'>" . _("Is part of reusable content library (protected from deletion)?") . ": </div>\n";
                 $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
                 $name = "content_" . $this->id . "_is_persistent";
                 $this->isPersistent() ? $checked = 'CHECKED' : ($checked = '');
                 $html .= "<input type='checkbox' name='{$name}' {$checked} onChange='submit();'>\n";
                 $html .= "</div>\n";
                 $html .= "</li>\n";
                 /* content_has_owners */
                 $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container content_has_owners'>\n";
                 $html .= "<div class='admin_element_label'>" . _("Content owner list") . "</div>\n";
                 $html .= "<ul class='admin_element_list'>\n";
                 $db = AbstractDb::getObject();
                 $sql = "SELECT * FROM content_has_owners WHERE content_id='{$this->id}'";
                 $db->execSql($sql, $content_owner_rows, false);
                 if ($content_owner_rows != null) {
                     foreach ($content_owner_rows as $content_owner_row) {
                         $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
                         $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
                         $user = User::getObject($content_owner_row['user_id']);
                         $html .= $user->getListUI();
                         $name = "content_" . $this->id . "_owner_" . $user->GetId() . "_is_author";
                         $html .= " Is content author? ";
                         $content_owner_row['is_author'] == 't' ? $checked = 'CHECKED' : ($checked = '');
                         $html .= "<input type='checkbox' name='{$name}' {$checked}>\n";
                         $html .= "</div>\n";
                         $html .= "<div class='admin_element_tools'>\n";
                         $name = "content_" . $this->id . "_owner_" . $user->GetId() . "_remove";
                         $html .= "<input type='submit' class='submit' name='{$name}' value='" . _("Remove owner") . "'>";
                         $html .= "</div>\n";
                         $html .= "</li>\n";
                 $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
                 $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
                 $add_button_name = "content_{$this->id}_add_owner_submit";
                 $add_button_value = _("Add owner");
                 $html .= User::getSelectUserUI("content_{$this->id}_new_owner", $add_button_name, $add_button_value);
                 $html .= "</div>\n";
                 $html .= "</li>\n";
                 $html .= "</ul>\n";
                 $html .= "</li>\n";
                 $html .= "</fieldset>\n";
         $html .= $subclass_admin_interface;
         $html .= "</ul>\n";
         $html .= "</fieldset>\n";
     return $html;
  * Shows the administration interface for ContentGroupElement
  * @param string $subclass_admin_interface HTML code to be added after the
  *                                         administration interface
  * @return string HTML code for the administration interface
 public function getAdminUI($subclass_admin_interface = null, $title = null)
     // Init values
     $html = '';
     $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
     $html .= "<fieldset class='admin_element_group'>\n";
     $html .= "<legend>" . get_class($this) . " [" . $this->getDisplayOrder() . "]</legend>\n";
     $html .= "<ul class='admin_element_list'>\n";
     // display_order
     $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_label'>" . _("Display order") . ":</div>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
     $name = "profile_template_field_{$this->_id}_display_order";
     $html .= "<input type='text' name='{$name}' value='" . $this->getDisplayOrder() . "' size='2'>\n";
     $html .= "</div>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     $metadata_criteria_array = array(array('isSimpleContent'));
     $metadada_allowed_content_types = ContentTypeFilter::getObject($metadata_criteria_array);
     // content_type_filter_id
     $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
     if ($this->getContentTypeFilter() == null) {
         $html .= "<div class='errormsg'>" . _("Sorry, content type filter is missing.") . "</div>\n";
     } else {
         $html .= "<div class='admin_element_label'>" . _("Content type filter") . ":</div>\n";
         $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
         $label = $this->getContentTypeFilter()->getLabel();
         $html .= empty($label) ? "[" . _("No label") . "] - " . $this->getContentTypeFilter()->getId() : $label;
         $html .= "</div>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     // display_label_content_id
     $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_label'>" . _("Display label") . ":</div>\n";
     if (empty($this->profile_template_field_row['display_label_content_id'])) {
         $html .= Content::getNewContentUI("profile_template_field_{$this->_id}_new_display_label_content", $metadada_allowed_content_types);
         $html .= "</li>\n";
     } else {
         $display_label_content = Content::getObject($this->profile_template_field_row['display_label_content_id']);
         $html .= $display_label_content->getAdminUI(null, sprintf(_("%s display label (%s)"), get_class($this), get_class($display_label_content)));
         $html .= "<div class='admin_element_tools'>\n";
         $name = "profile_template_field_{$this->_id}_erase_display_label_content";
         $html .= "<input type='submit' name='{$name}' value='" . sprintf(_("Delete %s (%s)"), _("display label"), get_class($display_label_content)) . "'>";
         $html .= "</div>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     // admin_label_content_id
     $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_label'>" . _("Admin label") . ":</div>\n";
     if (empty($this->profile_template_field_row['admin_label_content_id'])) {
         $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
         $html .= Content::getNewContentUI("profile_template_field_{$this->_id}_new_admin_label_content", $metadada_allowed_content_types);
         $html .= "</li>\n";
     } else {
         $admin_label_content = Content::getObject($this->profile_template_field_row['admin_label_content_id']);
         $html .= $admin_label_content->getAdminUI(null, sprintf(_("%s admin label (%s)"), get_class($this), get_class($admin_label_content)));
         $html .= "<div class='admin_element_tools'>\n";
         $name = "profile_template_field_{$this->_id}_erase_admin_label_content";
         $html .= "<input type='submit' name='{$name}' value='" . sprintf(_("Delete %s (%s)"), _("admin label"), get_class($admin_label_content)) . "'>";
         $html .= "</div>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     // semantic_id
     $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_label'>" . _("Semantic ID") . ":</div>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
     $name = "profile_template_field_{$this->_id}_semantic_id";
     $html .= "<input type='text' name='{$name}' value='" . $this->getSemanticId() . "' size='15'>\n";
     $semantic_id_presets = array("---" => "", "foaf:name - " . _("Full name") => "foaf:name", "foaf:nick - " . _("Nickname") => "foaf:nick", "foaf:mbox - " . _("E-mail") => "foaf:mbox", "foaf:mbox_sha1sum - " . _("Hashed e-mail") => "foaf:mbox_sha1sum", "foaf:img - " . _("Picture") => "foaf:img", "foaf:weblog - " . _("URL of a blog") => "foaf:weblog", "foaf:homepage - " . _("URL of a homepage") => "foaf:homepage");
     $html .= "<select onchange=\"this.form.{$name}.value = this.value;\">";
     foreach ($semantic_id_presets as $label => $value) {
         $value == $this->getSemanticId() ? $selected = 'SELECTED' : ($selected = '');
         $html .= "<option value=\"{$value}\" {$selected}>{$label}";
     $html .= "</select>\n";
     $html .= "</div>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     $html .= "</ul>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     $html .= "</fieldset>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     return $html;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function getAdminUI($subclass_admin_interface = null, $title = null)
     $html = null;
     $displayNumItems = $this->getDisplayNumItems();
     $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_label'>" . "Number of shouts to display in the list (0 means no limit)" . ": </div>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
     $name = "shoutbox_{this->getId()}_display_num_items";
     $html .= "<input type='text' size='6' value='{$displayNumItems}' name='{$name}'>\n";
     $html .= "</div>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     $maxShoutChars = $this->getMaxShoutChars();
     $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_label'>" . "Maximum number of characters for each shouts (0 means no limit)" . ": </div>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
     $name = "shoutbox_{this->getId()}_max_num_chars";
     $html .= "<input type='text' size='6' value='{$maxShoutChars}' name='{$name}'>\n";
     $html .= "</div>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     $shoutFieldSize = $this->getShoutFieldSize();
     $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_label'>" . "Size (num characters) of the shout field" . ": </div>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
     $name = "shoutbox_{this->getId()}_shout_field_size";
     $html .= "<input type='text' size='6' value='{$shoutFieldSize}' name='{$name}'>\n";
     $html .= "</div>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     /* OnclickContent */
     $criteria_array = array(array('isTextualContent'), array('isSimpleContent'));
     $onclick_allowed_content_types = ContentTypeFilter::getObject($criteria_array);
     $content = $this->getOnClickContent();
     $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container admin_section_edit_description'>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
     $onclick_title = _("Shout button 'onclick=' value (optionnal):");
     if (!$content) {
         $name = "shoutbox_" . $this->id . "_onclick_content_new";
         $html .= self::getNewContentUI($name, $onclick_allowed_content_types, $onclick_title);
         $html .= $hint;
     } else {
         $html .= $content->getAdminUI(null, $onclick_title);
         $html .= "<div class='admin_section_hint'>" . sprintf(_("Note that the onclick parameter will appear inside double quotes in html.  They must be properly encoded fot that context.  You can access the shout text in Javascript with: %s"), "document.getElementById('shout_text').value") . "</div>\n";
         $html .= "</div>\n";
         $html .= "<div class='admin_element_tools'>\n";
         $name = "shoutbox_" . $this->id . "_onclick_content_erase";
         $html .= "<input type='submit' class='submit' name='{$name}' value='" . sprintf(_("Delete %s (%s)"), _("onclick parameter"), get_class($content)) . "'>";
     $html .= "</div>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     return parent::getAdminUI($html, $title);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Retreives the admin interface of this object
  * @return string The HTML fragment for this interface
 public function getAdminUI()
     Security::requirePermission(Permission::P('SERVER_PERM_EDIT_ROLES'), Server::getServer());
     $db = AbstractDb::getObject();
     // Init values
     $html = '';
     $html .= "<fieldset class='admin_container " . get_class($this) . "'>\n";
     $html .= "<legend>" . _("User roles management") . "</legend>\n";
     $html .= "<ul class='admin_element_list'>\n";
     $_value = htmlspecialchars($this->_row['stakeholder_type_id'], ENT_QUOTES);
     $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_label'>" . _("Stakeholder type") . ":</div>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
     $html .= $_value;
     $html .= "</div>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     if ($this->isSystemRole()) {
         $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
         $html .= "<div class='admin_element_label'>" . _("This role is a system role") . ":</div>\n";
         $html .= "</li>\n";
     // role_id
     $_value = htmlspecialchars($this->getId(), ENT_QUOTES);
     $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_label'>" . _("Role ID") . ":</div>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
     $html .= $_value;
     $html .= "</div>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     // role_description_content_id
     $criteria_array = array(array('isSimpleContent'));
     $description_allowed_content_types = ContentTypeFilter::getObject($criteria_array);
     $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container admin_section_edit_description'>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
     if (empty($this->_row['role_description_content_id'])) {
         $name = "role_{$this->id}_description_new";
         $html .= Content::getNewContentUI($name, $description_allowed_content_types, _("Description:"));
         $html .= "</div>\n";
     } else {
         $description = Content::getObject($this->_row['role_description_content_id']);
         $html .= $description->getAdminUI(null, _("Description:"));
         $html .= "</div>\n";
         $html .= "<div class='admin_element_tools'>\n";
         $name = "role_{$this->id}_description_erase";
         $html .= "<input type='submit' class='submit' name='{$name}' value='" . sprintf(_("Delete %s (%s)"), _("description"), get_class($description)) . "'>";
         $html .= "</div>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     // creation date
     $_value = htmlspecialchars($this->getCreationDate(), ENT_QUOTES);
     $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_label'>" . _("Creation date") . ":</div>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
     $html .= $_value;
     $html .= "</div>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     $html .= "</ul>\n";
     // Permissions
     $permissionsArray = Permission::getPermissions(array('stakeholderTypeId' => $this->_row['stakeholder_type_id']));
     $idStr = $db->escapeString($this->getId());
     $stakeholderTypeIdStr = $db->escapeString($this->_row['stakeholder_type_id']);
     $sql = "SELECT permissions.permission_id, stakeholder_type_id, role_id FROM permissions LEFT JOIN role_has_permissions  ON (role_has_permissions.permission_id = permissions.permission_id AND role_id = '{$idStr}') WHERE stakeholder_type_id='{$stakeholderTypeIdStr}'";
     $db->execSql($sql, $permission_rows, false);
     $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_label'>" . _("Permissions") . ":</div>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
     $html .= "<ul class='admin_element_list'>\n";
     if ($permission_rows) {
         foreach ($permission_rows as $row) {
             $permission = Permission::getObject($row['permission_id']);
             $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
             $name = "role_{$this->id}_permission_" . htmlspecialchars($row['permission_id'], ENT_QUOTES) . "_included";
             !empty($row['role_id']) ? $checked = 'CHECKED' : ($checked = '');
             $html .= "<input type='checkbox' name='{$name}' value='included' {$checked}/>";
             $html .= $permission->getListUI();
             $html .= "</li>\n";
     $html .= "</ul>\n";
     $html .= "</div>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     $html .= "</ul>\n";
     $html .= "</fieldset>\n";
     return $html;
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Shows the administration interface for embedded content.
  * @param string $subclass_admin_interface HTML code to be added after the
  *                                         administration interface
  * @return string HTML code for the administration interface
 public function getAdminUI($subclass_admin_interface = null, $title = null)
     $html = '';
     $html .= "<ul class='admin_element_list'>\n";
     /* Embedded content Content */
     $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_label'>" . _("Embedded content") . " : <br></div>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
     if (empty($this->embedded_content_row['embedded_file_id'])) {
         // Mandate File
         $criteria_array = array(array('isContentType', array(array('File'))));
         $html .= self::getNewContentUI("embedded_file_{$this->id}_new", ContentTypeFilter::getObject($criteria_array));
         $html .= "</div>\n";
     } else {
         $embedded_content_file = self::getObject($this->embedded_content_row['embedded_file_id']);
         $html .= $embedded_content_file->getAdminUI();
         $html .= "</div>\n";
         $html .= "<div class='admin_element_tools'>\n";
         $name = "embeddedcontent_" . $this->id . "_embedded_file_erase";
         $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
         $html .= "<div class='admin_element_label'>" . _("Attributes") . " : </div>\n";
         $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
         $html .= "<br><i>" . _("It is recommended to specify at least <b>width='x' height='y'</b> as attributes") . "</i><br>\n";
         $html .= '<textarea name="embedded_content_attributes' . $this->getId() . '" cols="60" rows="3">' . htmlspecialchars($this->getAttributes(), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</textarea>';
         $html .= "</div>\n";
         $html .= "</li>\n";
         $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
         $html .= "<div class='admin_element_label'>" . _("Parameters") . " : </div>\n";
         $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
         $html .= '<br><textarea name="embedded_content_parameters' . $this->getId() . '" cols="60" rows="3">' . htmlspecialchars($this->getParameters(), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</textarea>';
         $html .= "</div>\n";
         $html .= "</li>\n";
         $html .= "<input type='submit' name='{$name}' value='" . _("Delete") . "'>";
         $html .= "</div>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     /* Fallback content */
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_label'>" . _("Fallback content (Can be another embedded content to create a fallback hierarchy)") . " : <br></div>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
     if (empty($this->embedded_content_row['fallback_content_id'])) {
         //Textual content make sense for fallback content, su just exclude ContentGroup
         $criteria_array = array(array('isNotContentType', array(array('ContentGroup'))));
         $html .= self::getNewContentUI("fallback_content_{$this->id}_new", ContentTypeFilter::getObject($criteria_array));
         $html .= "</div>\n";
     } else {
         $fallback_content = self::getObject($this->embedded_content_row['fallback_content_id']);
         $html .= $fallback_content->getAdminUI();
         $html .= "</div>\n";
         $html .= "<div class='admin_element_tools'>\n";
         $name = "fallback_content_" . $this->id . "_fallback_content_erase";
         $html .= "<input type='submit' name='{$name}' value='" . _("Delete") . "'>";
         $html .= "</div>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     $html .= "</ul>\n";
     $html .= $subclass_admin_interface;
     return parent::getAdminUI($html, $title);