function eventGetContacts(EventControler $evtcl) { $plugType = 'email'; $provider_box = $evtcl->provider_box; $email_box = $evtcl->email_box; $password_box = $evtcl->password_box; $msg = ""; $contacts = ""; $ok = false; if (empty($email_box)) { $msg = "Email missing !"; } if (empty($password_box)) { $msg = "Password missing !"; } if (empty($provider_box)) { $msg = "Provider missing !"; } if ($msg == "") { $inviter = new OpenInviter(); $inviter->startPlugin($provider_box); $internal = $inviter->getInternalError(); if ($internal) { $msg = $internal; } elseif (!$inviter->login($email_box, $password_box)) { $internal = $inviter->getInternalError(); $msg = $internal ? $internal : "Login failed. Please check the email and password you have provided and try again later !"; } elseif (false === ($contacts = $inviter->getMyContacts())) { $msg = "Unable to get contacts !"; } else { $msg = "Contacts imported successfully."; $ok = true; //$_POST['oi_session_id']=$inviter->plugin->getSessionID(); } } if ($ok) { /*print_r($contacts); exit();*/ foreach ($contacts as $email => $name) { $do_contact = new Contact(); $do_contact->firstname = $name; $do_contact->iduser = $_SESSION['do_User']->iduser; $do_contact->add(); $lastInsertedContId = $do_contact->getPrimaryKeyValue(); $do_contact->addEmail($email, 'Home'); $do_contact->free(); //contact view $do_cv = new ContactView(); $do_cv->idcontact = $lastInsertedContId; $do_cv->firstname = $name; $do_cv->email_address = $email; $do_cv->add(); $do_cv->free(); } } $_SESSION['in_page_message'] = $msg; }
function selectors() { $sel = array("students" => "All students"); foreach (ContactView::pset_list(true, false) as $pset) { if (Contact::student_can_see_pset($pset)) { if (!$pset->gitless || $pset->partner) { $sel[] = array("optgroup", $pset->title); } if (!$pset->gitless) { $sel[$pset->urlkey . ":workingrepo"] = "{$pset->title}, working repo"; $sel[$pset->urlkey . ":brokenrepo"] = "{$pset->title}, broken repo"; $sel[$pset->urlkey . ":openrepo"] = "{$pset->title}, open repo"; $sel[$pset->urlkey . ":norepo"] = "{$pset->title}, no repo"; } if ($pset->partner) { $sel[$pset->urlkey . ":partner"] = "{$pset->title}, partner"; $sel[$pset->urlkey . ":nopartner"] = "{$pset->title}, no partner"; } } } $sel[] = array("optgroup"); $sel["pc"] = "TFs"; foreach (pcTags() as $t) { if ($t != "pc") { $sel["pc:{$t}"] = "#{$t} TFs"; } } $sel["all"] = "All users"; $usersel = array("all" => "All", "college" => "College", "extension" => "Extension"); return Ht::select("recipients", $sel, $this->type, array("id" => "recipients", "onchange" => "setmailpsel(this)")) . " " . Ht::select("userrecipients", $usersel, $this->usertype, array("id" => "userrecipients")); }
private function get_pset_info() { if (!$this->_info && $this->pset) { $this->_info = ContactView::user_pset_info($this->recipient, $this->pset); $this->_info->set_commit(null); } return $this->_info; }
function add_user() { $do_api_user = new User(); if ($this->firstname == '' || $this->lastname == '') { $this->setMessage("521", "First name, Last name required"); return false; } elseif ($this->email == '') { $this->setMessage("522", "Email Id Required"); return false; } elseif ($this->username == '') { $this->setMessage("523", "Username required."); return false; } elseif ($do_api_user->checkDuplicateUserName(trim($this->username))) { $this->setMessage("524", "Username is already in use."); return false; } elseif ($this->password == '') { $this->setMessage("525", "Password is required."); return false; } else { $do_api_user->addNew(); $do_api_user->firstname = $this->firstname; $do_api_user->lastname = $this->lastname; $do_api_user->email = $this->email; $do_api_user->username = $this->username; $do_api_user->password = $this->password; $do_api_user->company = $this->company; $do_api_user->plan = $this->plan; $do_api_user->regdate = date("Y-m-d"); $do_api_user->add(); $inserted_id = $do_api_user->getPrimaryKeyValue(); //$do_api_user->addUserAsContact($this->firstname,$this->lastname,$this->company,$this->email,$inserted_id); // Lets create the Contact view now $ContactView = new ContactView(); $ContactView->rebuildContactUserTable($inserted_id); $this->email_work = $this->email; $this->add_contact(); // adding the contact to the API key user //$do_api_user->idcontact = $this->idcontact; //$do_api_user->update(); $this->setValues(array("msg" => "User Added", "stat" => "ok", "code" => "520", "iduser" => $inserted_id, "contact" => $this->idcontact)); return true; } }
function user_pset_info() { global $Conf, $User, $Pset, $Info, $Commit, $Qreq; $Info = ContactView::user_pset_info($User, $Pset); if (($Commit = $Qreq->newcommit) == null) { $Commit = $Qreq->commit; } if (!$Info->set_commit($Commit)) { $Conf->ajaxExit(array("ok" => false, "error" => $Info->repo ? "No repository." : "Commit " . htmlspecialchars($Commit) . " isn’t connected to this repository.")); } return $Info; }
static function echo_username_form(Contact $user, $first) { global $Me; if (!$first && !$user->seascode_username) { return; } echo Ht::form(hoturl_post("index", array("set_username" => 1, "u" => $Me->user_linkpart($user), "reposite" => "harvardseas"))), '<div class="f-contain">'; $notes = array(); if (!$user->seascode_username) { $notes[] = array(true, "Please enter your " . self::home_link("") . " username and click “Save.”"); } ContactView::echo_group(self::home_link("code.seas") . " username", Ht::entry("username", $user->seascode_username) . " " . Ht::submit("Save"), $notes); echo "</div></form>"; }
public function setActiveInactiveTag($iduser, $idcontact) { $phil_iduser = "******"; $login_status = $this->GetUserLoginStatus($iduser); $do_contact_view = new ContactView(); $do_contact_view->setUser($phil_iduser); $do_tag = new TagInternalMarketing(); if ($login_status == "Active") { $do_contact_view->deleteTag("Inactive", $idcontact); $do_contact_view->addTag("Active", $idcontact); $do_tag->deleteContactTag("Inactive", $phil_iduser, $idcontact); $do_tag->setContactTag("Active", $phil_iduser, $idcontact); } if ($login_status == "Inactive") { $do_contact_view->deleteTag("Active", $idcontact); $do_contact_view->addTag("Inactive", $idcontact); $do_tag->deleteContactTag("Active", $phil_iduser, $idcontact); $do_tag->setContactTag("Inactive", $phil_iduser, $idcontact); } }
/** * Event Method to add Co Worker as a new user and associate the * user as Co-Worker relation */ function eventAddCoWorkerOS(EventControler $evtcl) { $fields = $evtcl->fields; $errorpage = $evtcl->errPage; if ($evtcl->validation_fail == 'No') { // See eventRegistrationValidation() RegisteredUser.class $q = new sqlQuery($this->getDbCon()); $q->query("select * from user where email = '" . $fields["email"] . "'"); $q1 = new sqlQuery($this->getDbCon()); $q1->query("select * from user where username = '******'"); if ($q1->getNumRows() > 0) { $msg = "Username is already in use"; //$errorpage = $evtcl->errorpage; $dispError = new Display($errorpage); $dispError->addParam("message", $msg); $evtcl->setDisplayNext($dispError); } elseif ($q->getNumRows() > 0) { $msg = "Email already in use"; //$errorpage = $evtcl->errorpage; $dispError = new Display($errorpage); $dispError->addParam("message", $msg); $evtcl->setDisplayNext($dispError); } else { // Add the new user $do_user_add = new User(); $do_user_add->addNew(); $do_user_add->firstname = $fields["firstname"]; $do_user_add->lastname = $fields["lastname"]; $do_user_add->email = $fields["email"]; $do_user_add->username = $fields["username"]; $do_user_add->password = $fields["password"]; $do_user_add->status = "active"; $do_user_add->add(); $last_id = $do_user_add->getInsertId(); //echo $last_id ;exit; $co_contact_view = new ContactView(); $co_contact_view->rebuildContactUserTable($last_id); $this->addToCoWorkerRel($_SESSION['do_User']->iduser, $last_id); $this->addToCoWorkerRel($last_id, $_SESSION['do_User']->iduser); $this->addToAllCoWorker($last_id); $msg = $do_user_add->firstname . " is now one of your Co-Workers"; $dispError = new Display($errorpage); $dispError->addParam("message", $msg); $evtcl->setDisplayNext($dispError); } } }
function show_pset($info) { global $Me; echo "<hr/>\n"; if ($Me->isPC && get($info->pset, "gitless_grades")) { echo '<div style="float:right"><button type="button" onclick="jQuery(\'#upload\').show()">upload</button></div>'; } echo "<h2>", htmlspecialchars($info->pset->title), "</h2>"; ContactView::echo_partner_group($info); ContactView::echo_repo_group($info, $Me != $info->user); ContactView::echo_repo_last_commit_group($info, false); }
function eventImportContactsFromCsv(EventControler $eventcontroler) { $iduser = $eventcontroler->iduser; $handle = fopen($eventcontroler->targetpath, "r"); $row = 1; while ($data = fgetcsv($handle)) { $contact_firstname = ""; $contact_lastname = ""; $contact_company = ""; $company = ""; $contact_position = ""; $contact_summary = ""; $contact_birthday = ""; $contact_city = ""; $contact_state = ""; $contact_street = ""; $contact_zipcode = ""; $contact_country = ""; $contact_address_hm = ""; $contact_address_hm_type = ""; $contact_address_wk = ""; $contact_address_wk_type = ""; $contact_address_ot = ""; $contact_address_ot_type = ""; $contact_email_hm = ""; $contact_email_hm_type = ""; $contact_email_wk = ""; $contact_email_wk_type = ""; $contact_email_ot = ""; $contact_email_ot_type = ""; $contact_phone_hm = ""; $contact_phone_hm_type = ""; $contact_phone_wk = ""; $contact_phone_wk_type = ""; $contact_phone_ot = ""; $contact_phone_ot_type = ""; $contact_phone_mb = ""; $contact_phone_mb_type = ""; $contact_phone_fx = ""; $contact_phone_fx_type = ""; $contact_website_comp = ""; $contact_website_comp_type = ""; $contact_website_blog = ""; $contact_website_blog_type = ""; $contact_website_ot = ""; $contact_website_ot_type = ""; $contact_website_personal = ""; $contact_website_personal_type = ""; $contact_website_twitter = ""; $contact_website_twitter_type = ""; $contact_im_aim_wk = ""; $contact_im_aim_wk_type = ""; $contact_im_aim_per = ""; $contact_im_aim_per_type = ""; $contact_im_aim_ot = ""; $contact_im_aim_ot_type = ""; $im_aim = ""; $contact_im_msn_wk = ""; $contact_im_msn_wk_type = ""; $contact_im_msn_per = ""; $contact_im_msn_per_type = ""; $contact_im_msn_ot = ""; $contact_im_msn_ot_type = ""; $im_msn = ""; $contact_im_icq_wk = ""; $contact_im_icq_wk_type = ""; $contact_im_icq_per = ""; $contact_im_icq_per_type = ""; $contact_im_icq_ot = ""; $contact_im_icq_ot_type = ""; $im_icq = ""; $contact_im_jabber_wk = ""; $contact_im_jabber_wk_type = ""; $contact_im_jabber_per = ""; $contact_im_jabber_per_type = ""; $contact_im_jabber_ot = ""; $contact_im_jabber_ot_type = ""; $im_jabber = ""; $contact_im_yahoo_wk = ""; $contact_im_yahoo_wk_type = ""; $contact_im_yahoo_per = ""; $contact_im_yahoo_per_type = ""; $contact_im_yahoo_ot = ""; $contact_im_yahoo_ot_type = ""; $im_yahoo = ""; $contact_im_skype_wk = ""; $contact_im_skype_wk_type = ""; $contact_im_skype_per = ""; $contact_im_skype_per_type = ""; $contact_im_skype_ot = ""; $contact_im_skype_ot_type = ""; $im_skype = ""; $contact_im_gt_wk = ""; $contact_im_gt_wk_type = ""; $contact_im_gt_per = ""; $contact_im_gt_per_type = ""; $contact_im_gt_ot = ""; $contact_im_gt_ot_type = ""; $im_gt = ""; $contact_note = ""; $do_contact = new Contact(); $do_company = new Company(); $do_contact_notes = new ContactNotes(); $num = count($data); if ($row > 1) { for ($c = 0; $c < $num; $c++) { switch ($eventcontroler->fields[$c]) { case "firstname": $contact_firstname = $data[$c]; break; case "lastname": $contact_lastname = $data[$c]; break; case "company": $company = $data[$c]; $contact_company = $data[$c]; break; case "position": $contact_position = $data[$c]; break; case "summary": $contact_summary = $data[$c]; break; case "birthday": $contact_birthday = $data[$c]; break; case "city": $contact_city = $data[$c]; break; case "state": $contact_state = $data[$c]; break; case "street": $contact_street = $data[$c]; break; case "zipcode": $contact_zipcode = $data[$c]; break; case "country": $contact_country = $data[$c]; break; case "address_hm": $contact_address_hm = $data[$c]; $contact_address_hm_type = "Home"; break; case "address_wk": $contact_address_wk = $data[$c]; $contact_address_wk_type = "Work"; break; case "address_ot": $contact_address_ot = $data[$c]; $contact_address_ot_type = "Other"; break; case "email_hm": $contact_email_hm = $data[$c]; $contact_email_hm_type = "Home"; break; case "email_wk": $contact_email_wk = $data[$c]; $contact_email_wk_type = "Work"; break; case "email_ot": $contact_email_ot = $data[$c]; $contact_email_ot_type = "Other"; break; case "phone_number_hm": $contact_phone_hm = $data[$c]; $contact_phone_hm_type = "Home"; break; case "phone_number_wk": $contact_phone_wk = $data[$c]; $contact_phone_wk_type = "Work"; break; case "phone_number_ot": $contact_phone_ot = $data[$c]; $contact_phone_ot_type = "Other"; break; case "phone_number_mb": $contact_phone_mb = $data[$c]; $contact_phone_mb_type = "Mobile"; break; case "phone_number_fx": $contact_phone_fx = $data[$c]; $contact_phone_fx_type = "Fax"; break; case "website_comp": $contact_website_comp = $data[$c]; $contact_website_comp_type = "Company"; break; case "website_blog": $contact_website_blog = $data[$c]; $contact_website_blog_type = "Blog"; break; case "website_ot": $contact_website_ot = $data[$c]; $contact_website_ot_type = "Other"; break; case "website_personal": $contact_website_personal = $data[$c]; $contact_website_personal_type = "Personal"; break; case "website_twitter": $contact_website_twitter = $data[$c]; $contact_website_twitter_type = "Twitter"; break; case "website_linkedin": $contact_website_linkedin = $data[$c]; $contact_website_linkedin_type = "LinkedIn"; break; case "website_fb": $contact_website_fb = $data[$c]; $contact_website_fb_type = "Facebook"; break; case "im_aim_wk": $contact_im_aim_wk = $data[$c]; $im_aim = "AIM"; $contact_im_aim_wk_type = "Work"; break; case "im_aim_per": $contact_im_aim_per = $data[$c]; $im_aim = "AIM"; $contact_im_aim_per_type = "Personal"; break; case "im_aim_ot": $contact_im_aim_ot = $data[$c]; $im_aim = "AIM"; $contact_im_aim_ot_type = "Other"; break; case "im_msn_wk": $contact_im_msn_wk = $data[$c]; $im_msn = "MSN"; $contact_im_msn_wk_type = "Work"; break; case "im_msn_per": $contact_im_msn_per = $data[$c]; $im_msn = "MSN"; $contact_im_msn_per_type = "Personal"; break; case "im_msn_ot": $contact_im_msn_ot = $data[$c]; $im_msn = "MSN"; $contact_im_msn_ot_type = "Other"; break; case "im_icq_wk": $contact_im_icq_wk = $data[$c]; $im_icq = "ICQ"; $contact_im_icq_wk_type = "Work"; break; case "im_icq_per": $contact_im_icq_per = $data[$c]; $im_icq = "ICQ"; $contact_im_icq_per_type = "Personal"; break; case "im_icq_ot": $contact_im_icq_ot = $data[$c]; $im_icq = "ICQ"; $contact_im_icq_ot_type = "Other"; break; case "im_jabber_wk": $contact_im_jabber_wk = $data[$c]; $im_jabber = "Jabber"; $contact_im_jabber_wk_type = "Work"; break; case "im_jabber_per": $contact_im_jabber_per = $data[$c]; $im_jabber = "Jabber"; $contact_im_jabber_per_type = "Personal"; break; case "im_jabber_ot": $contact_im_jabber_ot = $data[$c]; $im_jabber = "Jabber"; $contact_im_jabber_ot_type = "Other"; case "im_yahoo_wk": $contact_im_yahoo_wk = $data[$c]; $im_yahoo = "Yahoo"; $contact_im_yahoo_wk_type = "Work"; break; case "im_yahoo_per": $contact_im_yahoo_per = $data[$c]; $im_yahoo = "Yahoo"; $contact_im_yahoo_per_type = "Personal"; break; case "im_yahoo_ot": $contact_im_yahoo_ot = $data[$c]; $im_yahoo = "Yahoo"; $contact_im_yahoo_ot_type = "Other"; break; case "im_skype_wk": $contact_im_skype_wk = $data[$c]; $im_skype = "Skype"; $contact_im_skype_wk_type = "Work"; break; case "im_skype_per": $contact_im_skype_per = $data[$c]; $im_skype = "Skype"; $contact_im_skype_per_type = "Personal"; break; case "im_skype_ot": $contact_im_skype_ot = $data[$c]; $im_skype = "Skype"; $contact_im_skype_ot_type = "Other"; case "im_gt_wk": $contact_im_gt_wk = $data[$c]; $im_gt = "Google Talk"; $contact_im_gt_wk_type = "Work"; break; case "im_gt_per": $contact_im_gt_per = $data[$c]; $im_gt = "Google Talk"; $contact_im_gt_per_type = "Personal"; break; case "im_gt_ot": $contact_im_gt_ot = $data[$c]; $im_gt = "Google Talk"; $contact_im_gt_ot_type = "Other"; break; case "note": $contact_note .= "<p>" . $data[$c] . "</p>"; break; } } $do_company->name = $company; $do_company->iduser = $iduser; $do_company->add(); $idcompany = $do_company->getPrimaryKeyValue(); $do_contact->idcompany = $idcompany; $do_contact->iduser = $iduser; $do_contact->firstname = $contact_firstname; $do_contact->lastname = $contact_lastname; $do_contact->company = $contact_company; $do_contact->position = $contact_position; $do_contact->summary = $contact_summary; $do_contact->birthday = $contact_birthday; $do_contact->add(); $idcontact = $do_contact->getPrimaryKeyValue(); //In theory this below should not be needed $do_contact->idcontact = $idcontact; $do_tag = new Tag(); if (strpos($_SESSION['import_tag'], ",") === false) { $do_tag->addTagAssociation($idcontact, trim($_SESSION['import_tag']), "contact", $_SESSION['do_User']->iduser); } else { $tags = explode(",", $_SESSION['import_tag']); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $do_tag->addTagAssociation($idcontact, trim($tag), "contact", $_SESSION['do_User']->iduser); } } if ($contact_address_hm != "" || $contact_city != "" || $contact_state != "" || $contact_street != "" || $contact_zipcode != "" || $contact_country != "") { $do_contact->addAddress($contact_address_hm, $contact_address_hm_type, $contact_city, $contact_state, $contact_street, $contact_zipcode, $contact_country); } if ($contact_address_wk != "" || $contact_city != "" || $contact_state != "" || $contact_street != "" || $contact_zipcode != "" || $contact_country != "") { $do_contact->addAddress($contact_address_wk, $contact_address_wk_type, $contact_city, $contact_state, $contact_street, $contact_zipcode, $contact_country); } if ($contact_address_ot != "" || $contact_city != "" || $contact_state != "" || $contact_street != "" || $contact_zipcode != "" || $contact_country != "") { $do_contact->addAddress($contact_address_ot, $contact_address_ot_type, $contact_city, $contact_state, $contact_street, $contact_zipcode, $contact_country); } if ($contact_email_hm != "") { $do_contact->addEmail($contact_email_hm, $contact_email_hm_type); } if ($contact_email_wk != "") { $do_contact->addEmail($contact_email_wk, $contact_email_wk_type); } if ($contact_email_ot != "") { $do_contact->addEmail($contact_email_ot, $contact_email_ot_type); } if ($contact_phone_hm != "") { $do_contact->addPhone($contact_phone_hm, $contact_phone_hm_type); } if ($contact_phone_wk != "") { $do_contact->addPhone($contact_phone_wk, $contact_phone_wk_type); } if ($contact_phone_ot != "") { $do_contact->addPhone($contact_phone_ot, $contact_phone_ot_type); } if ($contact_phone_mb != "") { $do_contact->addPhone($contact_phone_mb, $contact_phone_mb_type); } if ($contact_phone_fx != "") { $do_contact->addPhone($contact_phone_fx, $contact_phone_fx_type); } if ($contact_website_comp != "") { $do_contact->addWebsite($contact_website_comp, $contact_website_comp_type); } if ($contact_website_blog != "") { $do_contact->addWebsite($contact_website_blog, $contact_website_blog_type); } if ($contact_website_ot != "") { $do_contact->addWebsite($contact_website_ot, $contact_website_ot_type); } if ($contact_website_personal != "") { $do_contact->addWebsite($contact_website_personal, $contact_website_personal_type); } if ($contact_website_twitter != "") { $do_contact->addWebsite($contact_website_twitter, $contact_website_twitter_type); } if ($contact_website_linkedin != "") { $do_contact->addWebsite($contact_website_linkedin, $contact_website_linkedin_type); } if ($contact_website_fb != "") { $do_contact->addWebsite($contact_website_fb, $contact_website_fb_type); } if ($contact_im_aim_wk != "") { $do_contact->addIM($im_aim, $contact_im_aim_wk_type, $contact_im_aim_wk); } if ($contact_im_aim_per != "") { $do_contact->addIM($im_aim, $contact_im_aim_per_type, $contact_im_aim_per); } if ($contact_im_aim_ot != "") { $do_contact->addIM($im_aim, $contact_im_aim_ot_type, $contact_im_aim_ot); } if ($contact_im_msn_wk != "") { $do_contact->addIM($im_msn, $contact_im_msn_wk_type, $contact_im_msn_wk); } if ($contact_im_msn_per != "") { $do_contact->addIM($im_msn, $contact_im_msn_per_type, $contact_im_msn_per); } if ($contact_im_msn_ot != "") { $do_contact->addIM($im_msn, $contact_im_msn_ot_type, $contact_im_msn_ot); } if ($contact_im_icq_wk != "") { $do_contact->addIM($im_icq, $contact_im_icq_wk_type, $contact_im_icq_wk); } if ($contact_im_icq_per != "") { $do_contact->addIM($im_icq, $contact_im_icq_per_type, $contact_im_icq_per); } if ($contact_im_icq_ot != "") { $do_contact->addIM($im_icq, $contact_im_icq_ot_type, $contact_im_icq_ot); } if ($contact_im_jabber_wk != "") { $do_contact->addIM($im_jabber, $contact_im_jabber_wk_type, $contact_im_jabber_wk); } if ($contact_im_jabber_per != "") { $do_contact->addIM($im_jabber, $contact_im_jabber_per_type, $contact_im_jabber_per); } if ($contact_im_jabber_ot != "") { $do_contact->addIM($im_jabber, $contact_im_jabber_ot_type, $contact_im_jabber_ot); } if ($contact_im_yahoo_wk != "") { $do_contact->addIM($im_yahoo, $contact_im_yahoo_wk_type, $contact_im_yahoo_wk); } if ($contact_im_yahoo_per != "") { $do_contact->addIM($im_yahoo, $contact_im_yahoo_per_type, $contact_im_yahoo_per); } if ($contact_im_yahoo_ot != "") { $do_contact->addIM($im_yahoo, $contact_im_yahoo_ot_type, $contact_im_yahoo_ot); } if ($contact_im_skype_wk != "") { $do_contact->addIM($im_skype, $contact_im_skype_wk_type, $contact_im_skype_wk); } if ($contact_im_skype_per != "") { $do_contact->addIM($im_skype, $contact_im_skype_per_type, $contact_im_skype_per); } if ($contact_im_skype_ot != "") { $do_contact->addIM($im_skype, $contact_im_skype_ot_type, $contact_im_skype_ot); } if ($contact_im_gt_wk != "") { $do_contact->addIM($im_gt, $contact_im_gt_wk_type, $contact_im_gt_wk); } if ($contact_im_gt_per != "") { $do_contact->addIM($im_gt, $contact_im_gt_per_type, $contact_im_gt_per); } if ($contact_im_gt_ot != "") { $do_contact->addIM($im_gt, $contact_im_gt_ot_type, $contact_im_gt_ot); } if ($contact_note != "") { $do_contact_notes->idcontact = $idcontact; $do_contact_notes->iduser = $iduser; $do_contact_notes->note = $contact_note; $do_contact_notes->date_added = date('Y-m-d'); $do_contact_notes->add(); } $do_cont_view = new ContactView(); $do_cont_view->addFromContact($do_contact); $do_cont_view->updateFromContact($do_contact); // Added the method call updateFromContact() so that the child data is updated just after insert $do_cont_view->addTag($_SESSION['import_tag'], $do_contact->idcontact); // Update the contact view for tags. $do_contact->free(); $do_company->free(); $do_contact_notes->free(); } $row++; } fclose($handle); $goto = $eventcontroler->getParam("goto"); $disp = new Display($goto); $disp->addParam("message", "Contacts have been imported successfully."); $eventcontroler->setDisplayNext($disp); }
/** * eventAddTagMultiple * Triggered form the contacts.php page when assigning multiple tags * to a single contact. */ function eventAddTagMultiple(EventControler $event_controler) { $this->eventSetFilter($event_controler); $tags = explode(",", $event_controler->tags); $contacts = $event_controler->getParam("ck"); if (is_array($tags) && is_array($contacts)) { $do_tag = new Tag(); $contact_view = new ContactView(); foreach ($contacts as $idcontact) { $contact_view->getId($idcontact); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tag = trim($tag); $do_tag->addNew(); $do_tag->addTagAssociation($idcontact, $tag, "contact"); $contact_view->addTag($tag); } } } $_SESSION['tag_refresh_now'] = true; }
$name = $name_email; } else { $name = $contact_email; } $do_contact->addNew(); $do_contact->firstname = $name; $do_contact->iduser = $iduser; $do_contact->add(); $idcontact = $do_contact->getInsertId(); $do_contact_email->addNew(); $do_contact_email->idcontact = $idcontact; $do_contact_email->email_address = $contact_email; $do_contact_email->email_type = 'Work'; $do_contact_email->add(); $do_contact->getId($idcontact); $do_contact_view = new ContactView(); $do_contact_view->setUser($iduser); $do_contact_view->addFromContact($do_contact); $do_activity->addNew(); $do_activity->idcontact = $idcontact; $do_activity->when = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $do_activity->add(); } // For now add multiple notes for multiple attachment if (is_array($attachment) && count($attachment) > 0) { $attachment_count = 0; foreach ($attachment as $attachment) { $attachment_count++; $do_contact_note->addNew(); $do_contact_note->iduser = $iduser; $do_contact_note->idcontact = $idcontact;
<?php /** Ofuz Open Source version is released under the GNU Affero General Public License, please read the full license at: **/ // Copyright 2008 - 2010 all rights reserved, SQLFusion LLC, /** Ofuz Open Source version is released under the GNU Affero General Public License, please read the full license at: **/ /** * Rebuild the user contacts table * User contacts are accessed from the tables by userid<iduser>_contact * The contact table is updated for all the contact related operation and also the user contact table is getting updated on * add/edit/delete operation of contact, tag etc. * To make it more reliable the following script is used. This is rebuilt all the user contact tables. * This script is intensive as the volume of contact and user increases. * Wise to set the script once in a week. Also we can ignore rebuiling of user contact tables who have not logged in in certain period by passing the parameter * in getUserLoggedInWithinPeriod() default is 7 days * @see class/Contact.class.php * @see class/ContactView.class.php * */ include_once "config.php"; $contact_view = new ContactView(); set_time_limit(36000); $user = new User(); $user->getUserLoggedInWithinPeriod(); while ($user->next()) { // if($user->iduser == 20 ){ echo "\n<br>User id:" . $user->iduser . " Name:" . $user->firstname . " " . $user->lastname; $contact_view->setUser($user->iduser); $contact_view->rebuildContactUserTable(); // } }
public function start() { global $ConfSitePATH, $Conf; assert($this->checkt === null && $this->logfile === null); // collect user information $this->username = "******"; if ($this->runner->username) { $this->username = $this->runner->username; } else { if ($this->pset->run_username) { $this->username = $this->pset->run_username; } } if (!preg_match('/\\A\\w+\\z/', $this->username)) { throw new RunnerException("bad run_username"); } $info = posix_getpwnam($this->username); $this->userhome = $info ? $info["dir"] : "/home/jail61"; $this->userhome = preg_replace(',/+\\z,', '', $this->userhome); $this->jaildir = preg_replace(',/+\\z,', '', $this->expand($this->pset->run_dirpattern)); if (!$this->jaildir) { throw new RunnerException("bad run_dirpattern"); } $this->jailhomedir = $this->jaildir . "/" . preg_replace(',\\A/+,', '', $this->userhome); if (!chdir($ConfSitePATH)) { throw new RunnerException("can't cd to main directory"); } if (!is_executable("jail/pa-jail")) { throw new RunnerException("the pa-jail program has not been compiled"); } // create logfile and lockfile $this->checkt = time(); $this->logfile = ContactView::runner_logfile($this->info, $this->checkt); $this->lockfile = $this->logfile . ".pid"; file_put_contents($this->lockfile, ""); $this->inputfifo = $this->logfile . ".in"; if (!posix_mkfifo($this->inputfifo, 0660)) { $this->inputfifo = null; } $this->logstream = fopen($this->logfile, "a"); if ($this->queue) { Dbl::qe("update ExecutionQueue set runat=?, status=1, lockfile=?, inputfifo=? where queueid=?", $this->checkt, $this->lockfile, $this->inputfifo, $this->queue->queueid); } register_shutdown_function(array($this, "cleanup")); // create jail $this->remove_old_jails(); if ($this->run_and_log("jail/pa-jail init " . escapeshellarg($this->jaildir) . " " . escapeshellarg($this->username))) { throw new RunnerException("can't initialize jail"); } // check out code $this->checkout_code(); // save commit settings if ($runsettings = $this->info->commit_info("runsettings")) { $this->add_run_settings($runsettings); } // actually run $command = "echo; jail/pa-jail run" . " -p" . escapeshellarg($this->lockfile); $skeletondir = $this->pset->run_skeletondir ?: $Conf->opt("run_skeletondir"); $binddir = $this->pset->run_binddir ?: $Conf->opt("run_binddir"); if ($skeletondir && $binddir) { $binddir = preg_replace(',/+\\z,', '', $binddir); $contents = "/ <- " . $skeletondir . " [bind-ro]\n" . $this->userhome . " <- " . $this->jailhomedir . " [bind]\n"; $command .= " -u" . escapeshellarg($this->jailhomedir) . " -F" . escapeshellarg($contents); $homedir = $binddir; } else { $command .= " -h -f" . escapeshellarg($this->expand($this->pset->run_jailfiles)); if ($skeletondir) { $command .= " -S" . escapeshellarg($skeletondir); } $homedir = $this->jaildir; } if ($this->runner->timeout > 0) { $command .= " -T" . $this->runner->timeout; } else { if ($this->pset->run_timeout > 0) { $command .= " -T" . $this->pset->run_timeout; } } if ($this->inputfifo) { $command .= " -i" . escapeshellarg($this->inputfifo); } $command .= " " . escapeshellarg($homedir) . " " . escapeshellarg($this->username) . " " . escapeshellarg($this->expand($this->runner->command)); $this->lockfile = null; /* now owned by command */ return $this->run_and_log($command); }
/** * saveWebForm() * this will check if contact exists with firname, lastname, name and email * If exist add to it, if doesn't exists create a new one. */ function posteventAddContact($fid, $fields, $nxturl, $uid, $tags) { //echo 'hh';die(); //$fields = $_REQUEST['fields']; //$fields = $event_controler->fields; $this->setLog("\n eventAddContact, creating new contact from form, using " . count($fields) . " fields. (" . date("Y/m/d H:i:s") . ")"); //$dropcode = $_POST['dropcode']; $do_contact = new Contact(); $do_contact->iduser = $uid; $do_contact->add(); $this->setLog("\n new contact:" . $do_contact->idcontact . " for user:"******"\n Processing field:" . $field_name . " with value:" . $field_value); $do_webform_fields = new WebFormUserField(); $do_webform_fields->query("SELECT, wff.class as class_name, wff.variable, wff.variable_type, wfu.required \n\t\t FROM webformfields as wff, webformuserfield as wfu \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND = '" . $field_name . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND wfu.idwebformuser= "******"\n Field information class:" . $do_webform_fields->class_name . " Variable:" . $do_webform_fields->variable); $this->setLog("\n rows:" . $do_webform_fields->getNumRows()); if ($do_webform_fields->getNumRows() == 1) { if ($do_webform_fields->class_name == "Contact") { $this->setLog("\n Updating contact"); $do_contact->{$do_webform_fields->variable} = $field_value; $do_contact->update(); } else { $update = false; if (is_object(${'sub_' . $do_webform_fields->class_name})) { if (${'sub_' . $do_webform_fields->class_name}->getType() == $do_webform_fields->variable_type) { $update = true; } } if ($update) { $this->setLog("\n Updating class:" . $do_webform_fields->class_name); $obj = ${'sub_' . $do_webform_fields->class_name}; $obj->{$do_webform_fields->variable} = $field_value; $obj->update(); } else { $class_name = $do_webform_fields->class_name; ${'sub_' . $class_name} = new $class_name(); $obj = ${'sub_' . $class_name}; $obj->{$do_webform_fields->variable} = $field_value; if (method_exists($obj, "setType") && strlen($do_webform_fields->variable_type) > 0) { $obj->setType($do_webform_fields->variable_type); } $obj->idcontact = $do_contact->getPrimaryKeyValue(); $obj->add(); } } } } $contact_view = new ContactView(); $contact_view->setUser($uid); $contact_view->addFromContact($do_contact); $tags = explode(",", $tags); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tag = trim($tag); $do_tag = new Tag(); $do_tag->addNew(); $do_tag->addTagAssociation($do_contact->getPrimaryKeyValue(), $tag, "contact", $fid); $contact_view->addTag($tag); } if (strlen($nexturl) > 0) { //$event_controler->setUrlNext($this->urlnext); header("location:{$nxturl}"); } else { //$event_controler->setUrlNext($GLOBALS['cfg_ofuz_site_http_base'].'web_form_thankyou.php'); $url = $GLOBALS['cfg_ofuz_site_http_base'] . 'web_form_thankyou.php'; header("location:{$url}"); } //$event_controler->addParam("do_contact", $do_contact); }
/** Method to re-create the tags associated with a contact with the shared Co-Workers @param integer idcontact @param integer idcoworker */ function addTagOnContactSharing($idcontact, $idcoworker, $iduser = 0) { if ($iduser == 0) { $iduser = $_SESSION['do_User']->iduser; } $tags = $this->getAllTagNamesForReferer($idcontact, $iduser); $comma_separated_tags = ''; if (is_array($tags) && count($tags) > 0) { $do_contact_view = new ContactView(); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $this->addTagAssociation($idcontact, $tag, "", $idcoworker); } $do_contact_view->setUser($idcoworker); $do_contact_view->addTag(implode(",", $tags), $idcontact); } }
/** * Function to unshare a contact * @param integer $idcontact * @param interger $idcoworker */ function unshareContact($idcontact, $idcoworker) { $q = new sqlQuery($this->getDbCon()); $q->query("delete from " . $this->table . " where idcontact = " . $idcontact . " AND idcoworker = " . $idcoworker . " AND iduser ="******" LIMIT 1"); $do_contact_view = new ContactView(); $do_contact_view->setUser($idcoworker); $do_contact_view->deleteFromContact($idcontact); }
function render_pset_row($pset, $students, $s, $row, $pcmembers) { global $Me, $Now, $Profile; $row->sortprefix = ""; $ncol = 0; $t0 = $Profile ? microtime(true) : 0; $t = "<td class=\"s61username\">"; if ($pset->anonymous) { $x = $s->anon_username; } else { $x = $s->seascode_username ?: ($s->huid ?: $s->email); } $t .= "<a href=\"" . hoturl("pset", array("pset" => $pset->urlkey, "u" => $x, "sort" => @$_REQUEST["sort"])) . "\">" . htmlspecialchars($x) . "</a>"; if ($Me->privChair) { $t .= " " . become_user_link($x, Text::name_html($s)); } $t .= "</td>"; ++$ncol; if (!$pset->anonymous) { $t .= "<td>" . Text::name_html($s) . ($s->extension ? " (X)" : "") . "</td>"; ++$ncol; } $t .= "<td>"; if ($s->gradercid) { if (isset($pcmembers[$s->gradercid])) { $t .= htmlspecialchars($pcmembers[$s->gradercid]->firstName); } else { $t .= "???"; } } $t .= "</td>"; ++$ncol; // are any commits committed? if (!$pset->gitless_grades) { if (($s->placeholder || $s->gradehash === null) && $s->repoid && ($s->placeholder_at < $Now - 3600 && rand(0, 2) == 0 || $s->placeholder_at < $Now - 600 && rand(0, 10) == 0) && (!$s->repoviewable || !$s->gradehash)) { // XXX this is slow given that most info is already loaded $info = ContactView::user_pset_info($s, $pset); $info->set_commit(null); $s->gradehash = $info->commit_hash() ?: null; $s->placeholder = 1; Dbl::qe("insert into RepositoryGrade (repoid, pset, gradehash, placeholder, placeholder_at) values (?, ?, ?, 1, ?) on duplicate key update gradehash=(if(placeholder=1,values(gradehash),gradehash)), placeholder_at=values(placeholder_at)", $s->repoid, $pset->id, $s->gradehash, $Now); if (!$s->repoviewable) { $s->repoviewable = $s->can_view_repo_contents($s); } } if (!$s->gradehash || $s->dropped) { $row->sortprefix = "~1 "; } } if (count($pset->grades)) { if ($pset->gitless_grades) { $gi = Contact::contact_grade_for($s, $pset); $gi = $gi ? $gi->notes : null; } else { if ($s->gradehash && !$s->placeholder) { $gi = $Me->commit_info($s->gradehash, $pset); } else { $gi = null; } } if (!$pset->gitless_grades) { $t .= "<td>"; if ($gi && @$gi->linenotes) { $t .= "♪"; } else { if ($Me->contactId == $s->gradercid) { $s->incomplete = true; } } if ($gi && $s->gradercid != @$gi->gradercid && $Me->privChair) { $t .= "<sup>*</sup>"; } $t .= "</td>"; ++$ncol; } $garr = render_grades($pset, $gi, $s); $t .= '<td class="r">' . join('</td><td class="r">', $garr->all) . '</td>'; $ncol += count($garr->all); } //echo "<td><a href=\"mailto:", htmlspecialchars($s->email), "\">", //htmlspecialchars($s->email), "</a></td>"; $t .= "<td>"; if ($s->url) { $t .= $s->repo_link($s->url, "repo"); if (!$s->working) { $t .= ' <strong class="err">broken</strong>'; } else { if (!$s->repoviewable) { $t .= ' <strong class="err">unconfirmed</strong>'; } } if ($s->open) { $t .= ' <strong class="err">open</strong>'; } if ($s->pcid != $s->rpcid || $s->pcid && (!isset($students[$s->pcid]) || $students[$s->pcid]->repoid != $s->repoid)) { $t .= ' <strong class="err">partner</strong>'; } } $t .= "</td>"; ++$ncol; if ($Profile) { $t .= sprintf("<td class=\"r\">%.06f</td>", microtime(true) - $t0); ++$ncol; } if (!@$row->ncol || $ncol > $row->ncol) { $row->ncol = $ncol; } $s->printed = true; return $t; }
public function getHTML() { $contactView = new ContactView(array("title" => "Contact")); $html = $contactView->getHTML(); return $html; }
* @package OfuzPage * @license GNU Affero General Public License * @version 0.6 * @date 2010-09-06 * @since 0.1 */ $Author = 'SQLFusion LLC'; $Keywords = 'Keywords for search engine'; $Description = 'Description for search engine'; $background_color = 'white'; include_once 'config.php'; include_once 'includes/'; $pageTitle = _('Contacts') . ' :: Ofuz '; include_once 'includes/'; //rebuilding contact view if it's empty $do_cv = new ContactView(); if ($do_cv->isContactViewEmpty()) { $do_con = new Contact(); if ($do_con->getTotalNumContactsForUser($_SESSION["do_User"]->iduser)) { $do_cv->rebuildContactUserTable(); } } if (!is_object($_SESSION['do_Contacts'])) { $do_Contacts = new Contact(); // $do_Contacts->get_all_contacts(); $do_Contacts->setRegistry("all_contacts"); $do_Contacts->sessionPersistent("do_Contacts", "index.php", 36000); //$_SESSION['refresh_contacts'] = true; $do_Contacts->query("SELECT * FROM " . $do_Contacts->getSqlViewName() . " ORDER BY " . $do_Contacts->sql_view_order . " LIMIT " . $do_Contacts->sql_qry_start . "," . $do_Contacts->sql_view_limit); } else { ///$_SESSION['do_Contacts']->setLog("\n ----------------- \n [Contact] :: contacts page query:".$_SESSION['do_Contacts']->getSqlQuery()."\n --------------\n");
function render_pset_row(Pset $pset, $students, Contact $s, $row, $pcmembers, $anonymous) { global $Conf, $Me, $Now, $Profile; $row->sortprefix = ""; $ncol = 0; $t0 = $Profile ? microtime(true) : 0; $j = []; $j["username"] = $s->github_username ?: $s->seascode_username ?: ($s->email ?: $s->huid); if ($anonymous) { $j["anon_username"] = $s->anon_username; } $j["sorter"] = $s->sorter; ++$ncol; $j["name"] = Text::name_text($s); if ($s->extension) { $j["x"] = true; } if (!$anonymous) { ++$ncol; } if ($s->gradercid) { $j["gradercid"] = $s->gradercid; } ++$ncol; // are any commits committed? if (!$pset->gitless_grades) { if (($s->placeholder || $s->gradehash === null) && $s->repoid && ($s->placeholder_at < $Now - 3600 && rand(0, 2) == 0 || $s->placeholder_at < $Now - 600 && rand(0, 10) == 0) && (!$s->repoviewable || !$s->gradehash)) { // XXX this is slow given that most info is already loaded $info = ContactView::user_pset_info($s, $pset); $info->set_commit(null); $s->gradehash = $info->commit_hash() ?: null; $s->placeholder = 1; Dbl::qe("insert into RepositoryGrade (repoid, pset, gradehash, placeholder, placeholder_at) values (?, ?, ?, 1, ?) on duplicate key update gradehash=(if(placeholder=1,values(gradehash),gradehash)), placeholder_at=values(placeholder_at)", $s->repoid, $pset->id, $s->gradehash, $Now); if (!$s->repoviewable) { $s->repoviewable = $s->can_view_repo_contents($info->repo); } } if (!$s->gradehash || $s->dropped) { $row->sortprefix = "~1 "; } } if (count($pset->grades)) { $gi = null; if ($pset->gitless_grades) { $gi = $pset->contact_grade_for($s); } else { if ($s->gradehash && !$s->placeholder) { $gi = $pset->commit_notes($s->gradehash); } } $gi = $gi ? $gi->notes : null; if (!$pset->gitless_grades) { if ($gi && get($gi, "linenotes")) { $j["has_notes"] = true; } else { if ($Me->contactId == $s->gradercid) { $s->incomplete = true; } } if ($gi && $s->gradercid != get($gi, "gradercid") && $Me->privChair) { $j["has_nongrader_notes"] = true; } ++$ncol; } $garr = render_grades($pset, $gi, $s); $ncol += count($garr->all); $j["grades"] = $garr->allv; $j["total"] = $garr->totalv; if ($garr->differentk) { $j["highlight_grades"] = $garr->differentk; } } //echo "<td><a href=\"mailto:", htmlspecialchars($s->email), "\">", //htmlspecialchars($s->email), "</a></td>"; if (!$pset->gitless && $s->url) { $j["repo"] = RepositorySite::make_web_url($s->url, $Conf); if (!$s->working) { $j["repo_broken"] = true; } else { if (!$s->repoviewable) { $j["repo_unconfirmed"] = true; } } if ($s->open) { $j["repo_too_open"] = true; } if ($s->pcid != $s->rpcid || $s->pcid && (!isset($students[$s->pcid]) || $students[$s->pcid]->repoid != $s->repoid)) { $j["repo_partner_error"] = true; } } ++$ncol; if (!get($row, "ncol") || $ncol > $row->ncol) { $row->ncol = $ncol; } $s->visited = true; return $j; }
<?php // face.php -- Peteramati face page // HotCRP and Peteramati are Copyright (c) 2006-2015 Eddie Kohler and others // See LICENSE for open-source distribution terms require_once "src/initweb.php"; ContactView::set_path_request(array("/u")); if ($Me->is_empty()) { $Me->escape(); } global $User, $Pset, $Info; $User = $Me; if (isset($_REQUEST["u"])) { $User = ContactView::prepare_user($_REQUEST["u"]); } if (isset($_REQUEST["imageid"])) { if ($User && ($User === $Me || $Me->isPC) && $_REQUEST["imageid"] && ($result = Dbl::qe("select mimetype, `data` from ContactImage where contactId=? and contactImageId=?", $User->contactId, $_REQUEST["imageid"])) && ($row = edb_row($result))) { header("Content-Type: {$row['0']}"); header("Cache-Control: public, max-age=31557600"); header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $Now + 31557600) . " GMT"); if (!$zlib_output_compression) { header("Content-Length: " . strlen($row[1])); } print $row[1]; } else { header("Content-Type: image/gif"); if (!$zlib_output_compression) { header("Content-Length: 43"); } print "GIF89a€!ù,D;"; }
function eventAddContactToTeamCW(Contact $contact) { $do_teams = new Teams(); //gets user's teams which are marked as auto-shared $do_teams->getUserTeamsAutoShared(); if ($do_teams->getNumRows()) { while ($do_teams->next()) { //gets Co-Workers of the team $do_teams_cw = new Teams(); $do_teams_cw->getCoWorkersOfTheTeam($do_teams->idteam); if ($do_teams_cw->getNumRows()) { while ($do_teams_cw->next()) { $this->addNew(); $this->idcontact = $contact->idcontact; $this->idteam = $do_teams->idteam; $this->idcoworker = $do_teams_cw->idco_worker; $this->add(); $this->free(); //building contact view table $do_cv = new ContactView(); $do_cv->table = "userid" . $do_teams_cw->idco_worker . "_contact"; $do_cv->getId($contact->idcontact); if (!$do_cv->hasData()) { $do_cv->addNew(); $do_cv->idcontact = $contact->idcontact; $do_cv->firstname = $contact->firstname; $do_cv->lastname = $contact->lastname; $do_cv->company = $contact->company; $do_cv->idcompany = $contact->idcompany; $do_cv->position = $contact->position; $do_cv->picture = $contact->picture; $do_cv->last_activity = date('Y-m-d h:i:s'); $do_cv->last_update = date('Y-m-d h:i:s'); $do_cv->first_created = date('Y-m-d h:i:s'); $do_cv->add(); $do_cv->free(); } //Conact sharing with Co-Worker $do_cs_check = new ContactSharing(); $contact_shared = $do_cs_check->checkCoWorkerContactRel($contact->idcontact, $do_teams_cw->idco_worker); if (!$contact_shared) { $do_cs = new ContactSharing(); $do_cs->addNew(); $do_cs->iduser = $_SESSION['do_User']->iduser; $do_cs->idcontact = $contact->idcontact; $do_cs->idcoworker = $do_teams_cw->idco_worker; $do_cs->add(); $do_cs->free(); } $do_cs_check->free(); } } else { $this->addNew(); $this->idcontact = $_SESSION['ContactEditSave']->idcontact; $this->idteam = $do_teams->idteam; $this->add(); $this->free(); } $do_teams_cw->free(); } } $do_teams->free(); }
function add_contact() { $do_api_contact = new Contact(); $do_Contact_View = new ContactView(); $do_api_contact->addNew(); $do_api_contact->firstname = $this->firstname; $do_api_contact->lastname = $this->lastname; $do_api_contact->position = $this->position; $do_api_contact->iduser = $this->iduser; if ($this->tags != '') { $tags = explode(",", $this->tags); } if ($this->firstname == "" && $this->lastname == "") { $this->setMessage("610", "First Name OR Last Name is Required"); return false; } elseif (!$this->iduser) { $this->setMessage("502", "The User Session is expired"); return false; } elseif ($idcontact = $do_api_contact->duplicateContact($this->iduser, $this->email_work, $this->email_home, $this->email_other)) { $this->setMessage("613", "The Contact is duplicated. Contact ID: " . $idcontact); return false; } else { if ($this->company != "") { $do_api_contact->company = $this->company; $do_api_company = new Company(); $idcompany = $do_api_company->isDuplicateCompany($this->company, $this->iduser); if (!$idcompany) { $do_api_company->addNew(); $do_api_company->iduser = $this->iduser; $do_api_company->name = trim($this->company); $do_api_company->add(); $this->idcompany = $do_api_company->getPrimaryKeyValue(); } else { $this->idcompany = $idcompany; } $do_api_contact->idcompany = $this->idcompany; } $do_api_contact->add(); $this->idcontact = $do_api_contact->getPrimaryKeyValue(); $do_api_contact->idcontact = $this->idcontact; //child data starts here // Phones if ($this->phone_work != "") { $do_api_contact->addPhone($this->phone_work, "Work"); } if ($this->phone_home != "") { $do_api_contact->addPhone($this->phone_home, "Home"); } if ($this->mobile_number != "") { $do_api_contact->addPhone($this->mobile_number, "Mobile"); } if ($this->fax_number != "") { $do_api_contact->addPhone($this->fax_number, "Fax"); } if ($this->phone_other != "") { $do_api_contact->addPhone($this->phone_other, "Other"); } //emails if ($this->email_work != "") { $do_api_contact->addEmail($this->email_work, "Work"); } if ($this->email_home != "") { $do_api_contact->addEmail($this->email_home, "Home"); } if ($this->email_other != "") { $do_api_contact->addEmail($this->email_other, "Other"); } //Website if ($this->company_website != "") { $do_api_contact->addWebsite($this->company_website, "Company"); } if ($this->personal_website != "") { $do_api_contact->addWebsite($this->personal_website, "Personal"); } if ($this->blog_url != "") { $do_api_contact->addWebsite($this->blog_url, "Blog"); } if ($this->twitter_profile_url != "") { $do_api_contact->addWebsite($this->twitter_profile_url, "Twitter"); } if ($this->linkedin_profile_url != "") { $do_api_contact->addWebsite($this->linkedin_profile_url, "LinkedIn"); } if ($this->facebook_profile_url != "") { $do_api_contact->addWebsite($this->facebook_profile_url, "Facebook"); } // API V.02 will have IM and Address //Add tags if any if (is_array($tags)) { $do_api_tags = new Tag(); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $do_api_tags->addNew(); $do_api_tags->addTagAssociation($this->idcontact, $tag, "contact", $this->iduser); } } // Ok here the last thing that needs to be done so that the contact should also on the table $do_Contact_View = new ContactView(); $do_Contact_View->setUser($this->iduser); $do_api_contact->getId($this->idcontact); $do_Contact_View->addFromContact($do_api_contact); $do_Contact_View->updateFromContact($do_api_contact); if ($this->tags != '') { $do_Contact_View->addTag($this->tags, $this->idcontact); } $this->setValues(array("msg" => "Contact Added", "stat" => "ok", "code" => "600", "idcontact" => $this->idcontact)); return true; } }
$ofuz_twitter = new Ofuz_Service_Twitter($tw_user_id, $tw_config, $token); $friends = $ofuz_twitter->userFriends(array('id' => $tw_user_id)); if (count($friends->user) > 0) { foreach ($friends->user as $user) { $user_id = $user->id; $name = $user->name; // will contain the first and last name $screen_name = $user->screen_name; $description = $user->description; $profile_image_url = $user->profile_image_url; $url = $user->url; $friend_data = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'name' => $name, 'screen_name' => $screen_name, 'description' => $description, 'profile_image_url' => $profile_image_url, 'url' => $url); $do_twitter->importTwitterFriend($friend_data); } //rebuilding the userXX_contact table $contact_view = new ContactView(); $contact_view->setUser($_SESSION['do_User']->iduser); $contact_view->rebuildContactUserTable(); echo _('Your Twitter contacts have been successfully imported.'); echo ' <a href="contacts.php">', _('Go to the Contacts Page'), '</a>'; } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ $(document).ready(function() { $("#waitimage").hide(0); }); //]]> </script> <div class="spacerblock_80"></div><div class="spacerblock_80"></div> </div>
} else { $message = 'already_unsub_from_list'; } $do_cont_note = new ContactNotes(); $do_cont_note->addNew(); $do_cont_note->idcontact = $idcontact; $do_cont_note->note = $firstname . " " . $lastname . " has unsubscribed from the autoresponder series called " . $responder; $do_cont_note->date_added = date("Y-m-d"); $do_cont_note->iduser = $iduser; $do_cont_note->add(); $do_workfeed_uns = new WorkFeedContactUnsubscibeEmails(); $do_workfeed_uns->addUnsubscribeEmailWorkfeed($do_cont_note, $responder); $q = new sqlQuery($GLOBALS['conx']); $sql = "DELETE FROM `tag` WHERE iduser={$iduser} AND idreference={$idcontact} AND idtag={$idtag}"; $q->query($sql); $do_contact_view = new ContactView(); $do_contact_view->setUser($iduser); $do_contact_view->deleteTag($do_tag->tag_name, $idcontact); //$message = $firstname." ".$lastname.' '._('you have successfully unsubscribed from the autoresponder series called').' '.$responder; $message = 'unsub_list_message'; $data = array("firstname" => $firstname, "lastname" => $lastname, "responder" => $responder); $do_contact->sendMessage(new EmailTemplate("unsubscribe_auto_responder"), $data); } else { $message = 'already_unsub_from_list'; } //header("Location:"); //exit(); ?> <div class="loginbg1"> <!--<div class="loginheader"><a href="/index.php"><img src="/images/ofuz_logo2.jpg" width="170" height="90" alt="" /></a></div>--> <div style = "width:500px;margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px; text-align:left;">
Dbl::qe_apply("update ContactInfo set " . join($ck, ",") . " where contactId=" . $User->contactId, $cv); redirectSelf(); } $Conf->header("Profile", "profile"); $xsep = " <span class='barsep'> | </span> "; echo "<div id='homeinfo'>"; echo "<h2 class='homeemail'>", Text::user_html($User), "</h2>"; if ($User->seascode_username || $User->huid) { echo '<h3><a href="', hoturl("index", array("u" => $Me->user_linkpart($User))), '">', htmlspecialchars($User->seascode_username ?: $User->huid), '</a>'; if ($Me->privChair) { echo " ", become_user_link($User); } echo "</h3>"; } if ($User->dropped) { ContactView::echo_group("", '<strong class="err">You have dropped the course.</strong> If this is incorrect, contact us.'); } echo Ht::form(hoturl_post("profile", array("u" => $User->email))), "<div>"; if ($User->disabled || $User->password == "") { echo Ht::submit("enable", "Enable user", array("value" => 1)); } else { echo Ht::submit("disable", "Disable user", array("value" => 1)); } echo '<hr>'; echo '<table class="pltable" style="margin-top:1em"><tbody class="pltable pltable_alternate">'; echo '<tr><td class="pl pls">Roles</td><td class="pl">'; echo Ht::radio("pctype", "chair", $User->roles & Contact::ROLE_CHAIR), " ", Ht::label("Course instructor"), "<br>"; echo Ht::radio("pctype", "pc", $User->roles & Contact::ROLE_PC && !($User->roles & Contact::ROLE_CHAIR)), " ", Ht::label("Course staff"), "<br>"; echo Ht::radio("pctype", "no", !($User->roles & (Contact::ROLE_PC | Contact::ROLE_CHAIR))), " ", Ht::label("Not on course staff"), "<br>"; echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo '</tbody></table>';
SignUpView::show(); MasterView::showFooter(); break; case "placeOrder": MasterView::showHeader(); placeOrderView::show(); MasterView::showFooter(); break; case "confirmOrder": MasterView::showHeader(); confirmOrderView::show(); MasterView::showFooter(); break; case "contact": MasterView::showHeader(); ContactView::show(); MasterView::showFooter(); break; case "about": MasterView::showHeader(); AboutView::show(); MasterView::showFooter(); break; case "cart": MasterView::showHeader(); CartView::show(); MasterView::showFooter(); break; case "suggestions": MasterView::showHeader(); CartView::show();
// space, nbsp $TABWIDTH = $Info->commit_info("tabwidth") ?: 4; echo "<table><tr><td><h2>diff</h2></td><td style=\"padding-left:10px;line-height:110%\">", "<div class=\"diffl61 gd\" style=\"padding:2px 5px\"><big><code>", substr($hasha, 0, 7), "</code> ", htmlspecialchars($commita->subject), "</big></div>", "<div class=\"diffl61 gi\" style=\"padding:2px 5px\"><big><code>", substr($hashb, 0, 7), "</code> ", htmlspecialchars($commitb->subject), "</big></div>", "</td></tr></table><hr>\n"; // collect diff and sort line notes $diff = $User->repo_diff($Info->repo, $hashb, $Pset, $diff_options); $all_linenotes = $hashb_mine ? $Info->commit_info("linenotes") : array(); $lnorder = new LinenotesOrder($all_linenotes, $Info->can_see_grades); $lnorder->set_diff($diff); // print line notes $notelinks = array(); foreach ($lnorder->seq() as $fl) { $f = str_starts_with($fl[0], $Pset->directory_slash) ? substr($fl[0], strlen($Pset->directory_slash)) : $fl[0]; $notelinks[] = '<a href="#L' . $fl[1] . '_' . html_id_encode($fl[0]) . '" onclick="return gotoline61(this)" class="noteref61' . (!$fl[2] && !$Info->user_can_see_grades ? " hiddennote61" : "") . '">' . htmlspecialchars($f) . ':' . substr($fl[1], 1) . '</a>'; } if (count($notelinks)) { ContactView::echo_group("notes", join(", ", $notelinks)); } // check for any linenotes $has_any_linenotes = false; foreach ($diff as $file => $dinfo) { if ($lnorder->file($file)) { $has_any_linenotes = true; break; } } // line notes foreach ($diff as $file => $dinfo) { $linenotes = $lnorder->file($file); $open = $linenotes || !$dinfo->boring || !$hasha_mine && !$hashb_mine; $Info->echo_file_diff($file, $dinfo, $lnorder, $open); }
/** * Custom add method to add an invoice. Needs a contact for each invocie else * do not add the invoice * @param $evtcl -- Object */ function addInvoice(EventControler $evtcl) { $_SESSION['in_page_message'] = ''; $rec_value = $evtcl->recurrent; $add_invoice = false; $do_contact = new Contact(); $concat_name_in_address = ''; if ($evtcl->fields["due_date"] == '') { $this->due_date = date('Y-m-d'); } else { $this->due_date = $evtcl->fields["due_date"]; } if ($evtcl->idcontact) { $idcontact = $evtcl->idcontact; $add_invoice = true; $do_contact->getId($idcontact); } else { $cont_name = $evtcl->contact; if ($cont_name != '') { $do_Contact_View = new ContactView(); $do_contact->addNew(); $do_contact->firstname = $cont_name; $do_contact->iduser = $_SESSION['do_User']->iduser; $do_contact->add(); $idcontact = $do_contact->getPrimaryKeyValue(); $do_Contact_View->setUser($_SESSION['do_User']->iduser); $do_contact->getId($idcontact); $concat_name_in_address = $do_contact->firstname; $do_Contact_View->addFromContact($do_contact); $do_Contact_View->updateFromContact($do_contact); if ($idcontact) { $add_invoice = true; $do_cont_addr = new ContactAddress(); $do_cont_addr->addNew(); $do_cont_addr->idcontact = $idcontact; $do_cont_addr->address = $evtcl->fields["invoice_address"]; $do_cont_addr->address_type = 'Work'; if (strlen($evtcl->fields["invoice_address"]) > 0) { $do_cont_addr->add(); } } } } if ($add_invoice) { // Keep the idcontact in case there is an idcompany if ($do_contact->idcompany != '' && !empty($do_contact->idcompany)) { $this->idcompany = $do_contact->idcompany; } //$this->num = $this->getUniqueInvoiceNum(); $this->num = time(); $this->iduser = $_SESSION['do_User']->iduser; $this->idterms = $evtcl->fields["idterms"]; $this->description = $evtcl->fields["description"]; $this->discount = $evtcl->fields["discount"]; $this->tax = $evtcl->fields["tax"]; $this->datecreated = date("Y-m-d"); $this->idcontact = $idcontact; $this->status = 'Quote'; $this->invoice_note = $evtcl->fields["invoice_note"]; $this->invoice_term = $evtcl->fields["invoice_term"]; if ($concat_name_in_address == '') { $this->invoice_address = $evtcl->fields["invoice_address"]; } else { $this->invoice_address = $concat_name_in_address . '<br />' . $evtcl->fields["invoice_address"]; } $this->add(); $this->idinvoice = $this->getPrimaryKeyValue(); // If the user set to have the ivoice added as recurrent Invoice then add if ($evtcl->setRec == 'Yes') { if (!empty($rec_value) && preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $rec_value) && $rec_value != 0) { // Add to recurrent $_SESSION['RecurrentInvoice']->addRecurrentInvoice($this->getPrimaryKeyValue(), $evtcl->recurrent, $evtcl->frequency, date("Y-m-d")); } else { $_SESSION['in_page_message'] = _("Recurrent Value is not correct.To set as Recurrent edit the invoice and enter numeric value"); } } } else { $_SESSION['in_page_message'] = _("Invoice could be created. Possible reason Contact Missing."); $evtcl->setDisplayNext(new Display('invoices.php')); } }