Exemplo n.º 1
            print '<pre>';
            print '</pre>';
            print "OwnerName='{$ownerName}', OwnerID='{$ownerID}'<br>";
            print "ContactValue='{$contactValue}', ContactValueID='{$contactValueID}'<br>";
            print "New Contact Profile ID='{$thisID}'<br>";
        $userObject = new Object();
        $domainObject = new Object();
        $userObject = clone $_SESSION['UserObject'];
        $cvType = $cvTypes[$cvTypeID]->description();
        $emailToAddress = $contactManager->GetDatabaseMonitors();
        $emailFromAddress = "*****@*****.**";
        $emailFromName = "iEMS at CRS, Inc.";
        $emailReplyToAddress = "*****@*****.**";
        $emailSubject = "iEMS: Contact Management Updates for " . $contactProfile->object()->description();
        $emailBody = "User " . $userObject->fullName() . " of " . $userObject->Domains(0)->description() . " added the " . $contactUse->description() . " " . $cvType . " contact of " . $contactValue . " for owner of " . $ownerName . " with a priority of " . $priority->level() . " to the contact profile " . $object->description() . " at " . date("H:i:s") . " on " . date("l, F j, Y") . ".";
        $emailAttachments = "";
        $messageIdentifier = "iEMS" . "." . $userID . "." . $domainID . "." . date("Ymd.His");
        //echo "emailToAddress='{$emailToAddress}'<br>\nemailBody='{$emailBody}'<br>\nmessageIdentifier='$messageIdentifier'<br>\n";
        $emailQueue = new EmailQueue(0, $emailToAddress, $emailFromAddress, $emailFromName, $emailReplyToAddress, $emailSubject, $emailBody, "", 0, 0, 0, $messageIdentifier, 0, $userID);
        print viewProfiles($userID, $domainID, null, $emailBody);
function viewProfiles($userID, $domainID, $errorMessage = null, $alertMessage = null)