Exemplo n.º 1
function create_guids($live, $delete = false)
    $pdo = new Settings();
    $consoletools = new ConsoleTools(['ColorCLI' => $pdo->log]);
    $timestart = TIME();
    $relcount = $deleted = $total = 0;
    $relrecs = false;
    if ($live == "true") {
        $relrecs = $pdo->queryDirect(sprintf("SELECT id, guid FROM releases WHERE nzbstatus = 1 AND nzb_guid IS NULL ORDER BY id DESC"));
    } else {
        if ($live == "limited") {
            $relrecs = $pdo->queryDirect(sprintf("SELECT id, guid FROM releases WHERE nzbstatus = 1 AND nzb_guid IS NULL ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10000"));
    if ($relrecs) {
        $total = $relrecs->rowCount();
    if ($total > 0) {
        echo $pdo->log->header("Creating nzb_guids for " . number_format($total) . " releases.");
        $releases = new Releases(['Settings' => $pdo]);
        $nzb = new NZB($pdo);
        $releaseImage = new ReleaseImage($pdo);
        $reccnt = 0;
        if ($relrecs instanceof Traversable) {
            foreach ($relrecs as $relrec) {
                $nzbpath = $nzb->NZBPath($relrec['guid']);
                if ($nzbpath !== false) {
                    $nzbfile = nzedb\utility\Utility::unzipGzipFile($nzbpath);
                    if ($nzbfile) {
                        $nzbfile = @simplexml_load_string($nzbfile);
                    if (!$nzbfile) {
                        if (isset($delete) && $delete == 'delete') {
                            //echo "\n".$nzb->NZBPath($relrec['guid'])." is not a valid xml, deleting release.\n";
                            $releases->deleteSingle(['g' => $relrec['guid'], 'i' => $relrec['id']], $nzb, $releaseImage);
                    $binary_names = array();
                    foreach ($nzbfile->file as $file) {
                        $binary_names[] = $file["subject"];
                    if (count($binary_names) == 0) {
                        if (isset($delete) && $delete == 'delete') {
                            //echo "\n".$nzb->NZBPath($relrec['guid'])." has no binaries, deleting release.\n";
                            $releases->deleteSingle(['g' => $relrec['guid'], 'i' => $relrec['id']], $nzb, $releaseImage);
                    foreach ($nzbfile->file as $file) {
                        if ($file["subject"] == $binary_names[0]) {
                            $segment = $file->segments->segment;
                            $nzb_guid = md5($segment);
                            $pdo->queryExec("UPDATE releases set nzb_guid = " . $pdo->escapestring($nzb_guid) . " WHERE id = " . $relrec["id"]);
                            $consoletools->overWritePrimary("Created: [" . $deleted . "] " . $consoletools->percentString($reccnt, $total) . " Time:" . $consoletools->convertTimer(TIME() - $timestart));
                } else {
                    if (isset($delete) && $delete == 'delete') {
                        //echo $pdo->log->primary($nzb->NZBPath($relrec['guid']) . " does not have an nzb, deleting.");
                        $releases->deleteSingle(['g' => $relrec['guid'], 'i' => $relrec['id']], $nzb, $releaseImage);
        if ($relcount > 0) {
            echo "\n";
        echo $pdo->log->header("Updated " . $relcount . " release(s). This script ran for " . $consoletools->convertTime(TIME() - $timestart));
    } else {
        echo $pdo->log->info('Query time: ' . $consoletools->convertTime(TIME() - $timestart));
        exit($pdo->log->info("No releases are missing the guid."));
Exemplo n.º 2
                    if ($debug) {
                        echo "\n\nPart Repair insert:\n";
                        echo sprintf("\nINSERT INTO partrepair_%d (numberid, groupid, attempts) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)\n\n", $group['id'], $partrepair['numberid'], $partrepair['groupid'], $partrepair['attempts']);
                    $pdo->queryExec(sprintf('INSERT INTO partrepair_%d (numberid, groupid, attempts) VALUES (%s, %s, %s);', $group['id'], $partrepair['numberid'], $partrepair['groupid'], $partrepair['attempts']));
                    $consoletools->overWrite('Part Repairs Completed for ' . $group['name'] . ':' . $consoletools->percentString($pcount, $plen['total']));
            $pdone += 10000;
$endtime = time();
echo "\nTable population took " . $consoletools->convertTimer($endtime - $starttime) . ".\n";
//Truncate old tables to save space.
if (isset($argv[2]) && $argv[2] == 'delete') {
    echo "Truncating old tables...\n";
    $pdo->queryDirect('TRUNCATE TABLE binaries;');
    $pdo->queryDirect('TRUNCATE TABLE parts');
    $pdo->queryDirect('TRUNCATE TABLE partrepair');
    echo "Complete.\n";
// Update TPG setting in site-edit.
$pdo->queryExec('UPDATE settings SET value = 1 WHERE setting = \'tablepergroup\';');
$pdo->queryExec('UPDATE tmux SET value = 2 WHERE setting = \'releases\';');
echo "New tables have been created.\nTable Per Group has been set to \"TRUE\" in site-edit.\nUpdate Releases has been set to Threaded in tmux-edit.\n";
function multi_implode($array, $glue)
    $ret = '';
Exemplo n.º 3
echo $pdo->log->header("Getting first/last for all your active groups.");
$data = $nntp->getGroups();
if ($nntp->isError($data)) {
    exit($pdo->log->error("Failed to getGroups() from nntp server."));
echo $pdo->log->header("Inserting new values into shortgroups table.");
$pdo->queryExec('TRUNCATE TABLE shortgroups');
// Put into an array all active groups
$res = $pdo->query('SELECT name FROM groups WHERE active = 1 OR backfill = 1');
foreach ($data as $newgroup) {
    if (myInArray($res, $newgroup['group'], 'name')) {
        $pdo->queryInsert(sprintf('INSERT INTO shortgroups (name, first_record, last_record, updated) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, NOW())', $pdo->escapeString($newgroup['group']), $pdo->escapeString($newgroup['first']), $pdo->escapeString($newgroup['last'])));
        echo $pdo->log->primary('Updated ' . $newgroup['group']);
echo $pdo->log->header('Running time: ' . $consoleTools->convertTimer(TIME() - $start));
function myInArray($array, $value, $key)
    //loop through the array
    foreach ($array as $val) {
        //if $val is an array cal myInArray again with $val as array input
        if (is_array($val)) {
            if (myInArray($val, $value, $key)) {
                return true;
        } else {
            //else check if the given key has $value as value
            if ($array[$key] == $value) {
                return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
    foreach ($collections_rows as $row) {
        $groupName = $groups->getByNameByID($row['group_id']);
        echo $pdo->log->header("Processing {$groupName}");
        $pdo->queryExec("INSERT IGNORE INTO collections_" . $row['group_id'] . " (subject, fromname, date, xref, totalfiles, group_id, collectionhash, dateadded, filecheck, filesize, releaseid) " . "SELECT subject, fromname, date, xref, totalfiles, group_id, collectionhash, dateadded, filecheck, filesize, releaseid FROM collections WHERE group_id = {$row['group_id']}");
        $collections = $pdo->queryOneRow("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM collections where group_id = " . $row['group_id']);
        $ncollections = $pdo->queryOneRow("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM collections_" . $row['group_id']);
        echo $pdo->log->primary("Group {$groupName}, Collections = {$collections['cnt']} [{$ncollections['cnt']}]");
        $pdo->queryExec("INSERT IGNORE INTO binaries_{$row['group_id']} (name, filenumber, totalparts, currentparts, binaryhash, partcheck, partsize, collectionid) " . "SELECT name, filenumber, totalparts, currentparts, binaryhash, partcheck, partsize, n.id FROM binaries b " . "INNER JOIN collections c ON b.collectionid = c.id " . "INNER JOIN collections_{$row['group_id']} n ON c.collectionhash = n.collectionhash AND c.group_id = {$row['group_id']}");
        $binaries = $pdo->queryOneRow("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM binaries b INNER JOIN collections c ON  b.collectionid = c.id where c.group_id = {$row['group_id']}");
        $nbinaries = $pdo->queryOneRow("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM binaries_{$row['group_id']}");
        echo $pdo->log->primary("Group {$groupName}, Binaries = {$binaries['cnt']} [{$nbinaries['cnt']}]");
        $pdo->queryExec("INSERT IGNORE INTO parts_{$row['group_id']} (messageid, number, partnumber, size, binaryid, collection_id) " . "SELECT messageid, number, partnumber, size, n.id, c.id FROM parts p " . "INNER JOIN binaries b ON p.binaryid = b.id " . "INNER JOIN binaries_{$row['group_id']} n ON b.binaryhash = n.binaryhash " . "INNER JOIN collections_{$row['group_id']} c on c.id = n.collectionid AND c.group_id = {$row['group_id']}");
        $parts = $pdo->queryOneRow("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM parts p INNER JOIN binaries b ON p.binaryid = b.id INNER JOIN collections c ON b.collectionid = c.id WHERE c.group_id = {$row['group_id']}");
        $nparts = $pdo->queryOneRow("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM parts_{$row['group_id']}");
        echo $pdo->log->primary("Group {$groupName}, Parts = {$parts['cnt']} [{$nparts['cnt']}]\n");
if (isset($argv[2]) && $argv[2] == 'truncate') {
    echo $pdo->log->info("Truncating collections, binaries and parts tables.");
    $pdo->queryExec("TRUNCATE TABLE collections");
    $pdo->queryExec("TRUNCATE TABLE binaries");
    $pdo->queryExec("TRUNCATE TABLE parts");
//set tpg active
$pdo->queryExec("UPDATE settings SET value = 1 WHERE setting = 'tablepergroup'");
echo $pdo->log->header("Processed: {$i} groups and " . number_format($parts_count['cnt']) . " parts in " . $consoleTools->convertTimer(TIME() - $start));