Exemplo n.º 1
  * Get consistency errors
  * @param int $teamid
  * @return mixed[]
 private function getTeamConsistencyErrors($teamid)
     if (self::$logger->isDebugEnabled()) {
         self::$logger->debug("getTeamConsistencyErrors teamid={$teamid}");
     // get team projects
     $issueList = TeamCache::getInstance()->getTeam($teamid)->getTeamIssueList(true, false);
     if (self::$logger->isDebugEnabled()) {
         self::$logger->debug("getTeamConsistencyErrors nbIssues=" . count($issueList));
     #$ccheck = new ConsistencyCheck2($issueList);
     $ccheck = new ConsistencyCheck2($issueList, $teamid);
     $cerrList = $ccheck->check();
     $cerrs = NULL;
     if (count($cerrList) > 0) {
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($cerrList as $cerr) {
             $i += 1;
             if (NULL != $cerr->userId) {
                 $user = UserCache::getInstance()->getUser($cerr->userId);
             } else {
                 $user = NULL;
             if (Issue::exists($cerr->bugId)) {
                 $issue = IssueCache::getInstance()->getIssue($cerr->bugId);
                 $summary = $issue->getSummary();
                 $projName = $issue->getProjectName();
                 $refExt = $issue->getTcId();
             } else {
                 $summary = '';
                 $projName = '';
             $cerrs[$i] = array('userName' => isset($user) ? $user->getName() : '', 'issueURL' => NULL == $cerr->bugId ? '' : Tools::issueInfoURL($cerr->bugId, $summary), 'mantisURL' => NULL == $cerr->bugId ? '' : Tools::mantisIssueURL($cerr->bugId, $summary, true), 'extRef' => NULL == $refExt ? '' : $refExt, 'date' => NULL == $cerr->timestamp ? '' : date("Y-m-d", $cerr->timestamp), 'status' => NULL == $cerr->status ? '' : Constants::$statusNames[$cerr->status], 'severity' => $cerr->getLiteralSeverity(), 'project' => $projName, 'desc' => $cerr->desc, 'summary' => $summary);
     return $cerrs;
Exemplo n.º 2
function displayPage()
    // relative path ("./" or "../")
    // absolute path is preferable for IE/W3C compatibility
    $rootWebSite = is_null(Constants::$codevURL) ? '../' : Constants::$codevURL;
    if ('/' !== substr($rootWebSite, -1)) {
        $rootWebSite .= '/';
    $rootMantisURL = is_null(Constants::$mantisURL) ? '../../mantis/' : Constants::$mantisURL;
    if ('/' !== substr($rootMantisURL, -1)) {
        $rootMantisURL .= '/';
    echo "<h1 class='center'>Manual steps</h1>";
    echo "<div style='margin-top:6em;'>";
    // check global configuration
    $cerrList = ConsistencyCheck2::checkMantisDefaultProjectWorkflow();
    if (count($cerrList) > 0) {
        echo "<h2>" . T_("Create a default project workflow in Mantis") . "</h2>";
        echo "<span class='help_font'>" . T_("The Mantis default workflow is not load in the database unless you change it with the Mantis administration GUI.") . "</span>";
        echo '<ul>';
        echo '<li>' . T_("Login to Mantis as 'Administrator'.") . '</li>';
        echo '<li>' . T_("Select project 'All projects'") . '</li>';
        echo '<li>' . T_("Go to") . " <a href=' " . $rootMantisURL . "manage_config_workflow_page.php' target='_blank't>" . T_("manage workflow transitions") . '</a></li>';
        echo '<li>' . T_("Change the workflow (change one of the 'next status' checkboxes)") . '</li>';
        echo '<li>' . T_("Click the 'Update Configuration' button") . '</li>';
        echo '<li>' . T_("Rollback the workflow to the initial state") . '</li>';
        echo '<li>' . T_("Click the 'Update Configuration' button again") . '</li>';
        echo '</ul>';
        echo '<br>';
    echo "<h2>" . T_("Check Mantis Plugins") . "</h2>";
    echo '<ul>';
    echo '<li>' . T_("Login to Mantis as 'Administrator'.") . '</li>';
    echo '<li>' . T_("Go to") . " <a href=' " . $rootMantisURL . "manage_plugin_page.php' target='_blank't>" . T_("manage plugins") . '</a></li>';
    echo '<li>' . T_('Check that the <b>CodevTT</b> plugin is installed and activated.') . '</li>';
    echo '<li>' . T_('Check that the <b>FilterBugList</b> plugin is installed and activated') . '</li>';
    echo '</ul>';
    echo '<br>';
    echo "<h2>" . T_("Install Firefox Greasemonkey addon") . "</h2>";
    echo "<span class='help_font'>" . T_("Note: This step is optional") . "</span>";
    echo "<ul>\n         <li>" . T_("Install addon:") . " <a href='https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/greasemonkey/' target='_blank't>greasemonkey</a></li>\n         <li>" . T_("Load script:") . " <a href='" . $rootWebSite . "mantis_monkey.user.js' target='_blank't>mantis_monkey.user.js</a></li>\n         </ul>";
    echo "</div>";
    echo "<div  style='text-align: center;'>\n";
    echo "<input type=button style='font-size:150%' value='" . T_("Done !") . "' onClick=\"location.href='install_step5.php'\">\n";
    echo "</div>\n";
Exemplo n.º 3
  * @return ConsistencyError2[]
 public function getConsistencyErrors()
     $issueSel = $this->getIssueSelection();
     $issueList = $issueSel->getIssueList();
     $ccheck = new ConsistencyCheck2($issueList, $this->teamid);
     return $ccheck->check();
Exemplo n.º 4
  * @return ConsistencyError2[]
 public function getConsistencyErrors()
     $issueSel = $this->getIssueSelection();
     $issueList = $issueSel->getIssueList();
     $ccheck = new ConsistencyCheck2($issueList, $this->teamid);
     $cerrList = $ccheck->check();
     // check if sold days is set.
     if (0 != $this->totalSoldDays) {
         $checkTotalSoldDays = $this->getTotalSoldDays() - $this->getIssueSelection()->mgrEffortEstim - $this->getProvisionDays();
         $checkTotalSoldDays = round($checkTotalSoldDays, 2);
         if (0 != $checkTotalSoldDays) {
             $errMsg = T_("The total charge (MgrEffortEstim + Provisions) should be equal to the 'Sold Charge'") . ' (' . T_("balance") . " = {$checkTotalSoldDays} " . T_('days') . ')';
             $cerr = new ConsistencyError2(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, $errMsg);
             array_unshift($cerrList, $cerr);
     return $cerrList;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Initialize complex static variables
  * @static
 public static function staticInit()
     self::$logger = Logger::getLogger(__CLASS__);
     self::$defaultCheckList = array('checkBacklogOnResolved' => 1, 'checkBadBacklog' => 1, 'checkEffortEstim' => 1, 'checkTimeTracksOnNewIssues' => 1, 'checkIssuesNotInCommand' => 0, 'checkCommandsNotInCommandset' => 0, 'checkCommandSetNotInServiceContract' => 0, 'checkUnassignedTasks' => 0, 'checkTimetracksOnRemovedIssues' => 0);
     self::$checkDescriptionList = array('checkBacklogOnResolved' => T_('Backlog on resolved issues should be 0'), 'checkBadBacklog' => T_('Backlog on unresolved issues should not be 0'), 'checkEffortEstim' => T_('EffortEstim should not be 0'), 'checkTimeTracksOnNewIssues' => T_('There should be no timetracks on "new" issues '), 'checkIssuesNotInCommand' => T_('Issues should be referenced in a Command'), 'checkCommandsNotInCommandset' => T_('Commands should be referenced in a CommandSet'), 'checkCommandSetNotInServiceContract' => T_('CommandSets should be referenced in a ServiceContract'), 'checkUnassignedTasks' => T_('Issues should be assigned to someone'), 'checkTimetracksOnRemovedIssues' => T_('Check timetracks on removed issues (not needed if mantis plugin is enabled)'));
      * checkMgrEffortEstim
      * It is now allowed to have MgrEE = 0
      *   tasks having MgrEE > 0 are tasks that have been initialy defined at the Command's creation.
      *   tasks having MgrEE = 0 are internal_tasks
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Get the consistency errors
  * @param int $teamid
  * @return mixed[][]
 private function getConsistencyErrors($teamid)
     $issueList = TeamCache::getInstance()->getTeam($teamid)->getTeamIssueList(TRUE);
     $ccheck = new ConsistencyCheck2($issueList, $teamid);
     $cerrList = $ccheck->checkBadBacklog();
     #$cerrList2 = $ccheck->checkUnassignedTasks();
     $consistencyErrors = NULL;
     if (count($cerrList) > 0 || count($cerrList2) > 0) {
         $consistencyErrors = array();
         foreach ($cerrList as $cerr) {
             $user = UserCache::getInstance()->getUser($cerr->userId);
             $issue = IssueCache::getInstance()->getIssue($cerr->bugId);
             $titleAttr = array(T_('Project') => $issue->getProjectName(), T_('Summary') => $issue->getSummary());
             $consistencyErrors[] = array('issueURL' => Tools::issueInfoURL($cerr->bugId, $titleAttr), 'issueStatus' => Constants::$statusNames[$cerr->status], 'date' => date("Y-m-d", $cerr->timestamp), 'user' => $user->getName(), 'severity' => $cerr->getLiteralSeverity(), 'severityColor' => $cerr->getSeverityColor(), 'desc' => $cerr->desc);
                  if (0 != count($cerrList2)) {
                     $consistencyErrors[] = array(
                        'issueURL' => '',
                        'issueStatus' => '-',
                        'date' => '-',
                        'user' => '('.T_('unknown').')',
                        'severity' => T_('Warning'),
                        'severityColor' => 'color:orange',
                        'desc' => count($cerrList2).' '.T_('tasks are not assigned to anybody.')
     return $consistencyErrors;
Exemplo n.º 7
 protected function display()
     if (Tools::isConnectedUser()) {
         $user = UserCache::getInstance()->getUser($_SESSION['userid']);
         $teamid = $_SESSION['teamid'];
         $teamList = $user->getTeamList();
         if (count($teamList) > 0) {
             // --- define the list of tasks the user can display
             // All projects from teams where I'm a Developper or Manager AND Observer
             $allProject[0] = T_('(all)');
             $dTeamList = $user->getDevTeamList();
             $devProjList = count($dTeamList) > 0 ? $user->getProjectList($dTeamList, true, false) : array();
             $managedTeamList = $user->getManagedTeamList();
             $managedProjList = count($managedTeamList) > 0 ? $user->getProjectList($managedTeamList, true, false) : array();
             $oTeamList = $user->getObservedTeamList();
             $observedProjList = count($oTeamList) > 0 ? $user->getProjectList($oTeamList, true, false) : array();
             $projList = $allProject + $devProjList + $managedProjList + $observedProjList;
             // if 'support' is set in the URL, display graphs for 'with/without Support'
             $displaySupport = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'support') ? true : false;
             if ($displaySupport) {
                 $this->smartyHelper->assign('support', $displaySupport);
             if (filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'bugid')) {
                 $bug_id = Tools::getSecureGETIntValue('bugid', 0);
             } else {
                 if (isset($_SESSION['bugid'])) {
                     $bug_id = $_SESSION['bugid'];
                 } else {
                     $bug_id = 0;
             $bugs = NULL;
             $projects = NULL;
             if ($bug_id != 0) {
                 try {
                     $issue = IssueCache::getInstance()->getIssue($bug_id);
                     $defaultProjectid = $issue->getProjectId();
                     $bugs = SmartyTools::getBugs($defaultProjectid, $bug_id);
                     if (array_key_exists($defaultProjectid, $projList) && array_key_exists($bug_id, $bugs)) {
                         $consistencyErrors = NULL;
                         $ccheck = new ConsistencyCheck2(array($issue));
                         $cerrList = $ccheck->check();
                         if (0 != count($cerrList)) {
                             foreach ($cerrList as $cerr) {
                                 $consistencyErrors[] = array('severity' => $cerr->getLiteralSeverity(), 'severityColor' => $cerr->getSeverityColor(), 'desc' => $cerr->desc);
                             $this->smartyHelper->assign('ccheckButtonTitle', count($consistencyErrors) . ' ' . T_("Errors"));
                             $this->smartyHelper->assign('ccheckBoxTitle', count($consistencyErrors) . ' ' . T_("Errors"));
                             $this->smartyHelper->assign('ccheckErrList', $consistencyErrors);
                         $this->smartyHelper->assign('isManager', $user->isTeamManager($teamid));
                         $this->smartyHelper->assign('isObserver', $user->isTeamObserver($teamid));
                         $isManagerView = array_key_exists($issue->getProjectId(), $managedProjList) ? true : false;
                         $isObserverView = array_key_exists($issue->getProjectId(), $observedProjList) ? true : false;
                         $this->smartyHelper->assign('issueGeneralInfo', IssueInfoTools::getIssueGeneralInfo($issue, $isManagerView || $isObserverView, $displaySupport));
                         $timeTracks = $issue->getTimeTracks();
                         $this->smartyHelper->assign('jobDetails', $this->getJobDetails($timeTracks));
                         $this->smartyHelper->assign('timeDrift', $this->getTimeDrift($issue));
                         $this->smartyHelper->assign('months', $this->getCalendar($issue, $timeTracks));
                         // set Commands I belong to
                         $parentCmds = $this->getParentCommands($issue);
                         $this->smartyHelper->assign('parentCommands', $parentCmds);
                         $this->smartyHelper->assign('nbParentCommands', count($parentCmds));
                     $projects = SmartyTools::getSmartyArray($projList, $defaultProjectid);
                     $_SESSION['projectid'] = $defaultProjectid;
                     $_SESSION['bugid'] = $bug_id;
                     // Dashboard
                     IssueInfoTools::dashboardSettings($this->smartyHelper, $issue, $this->session_userid, $this->teamid);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     self::$logger->warn("issue {$bug_id} not found in mantis DB !");
             } else {
                 try {
                     $defaultProjectid = 0;
                     if (isset($_SESSION['projectid']) && 0 != $_SESSION['projectid']) {
                         $defaultProjectid = $_SESSION['projectid'];
                         $bugs = SmartyTools::getBugs($defaultProjectid, $bug_id);
                     } else {
                         $bugs = SmartyTools::getBugs($defaultProjectid, $bug_id, $projList);
                     $projects = SmartyTools::getSmartyArray($projList, $defaultProjectid);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     self::$logger->warn("issue {$bug_id} not found in mantis DB !");
             $this->smartyHelper->assign('bugs', $bugs);
             $this->smartyHelper->assign('projects', $projects);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Get consistency errors
  * @param TimeTracking $timeTracking
  * @return mixed[]
 private function getConsistencyErrors(TimeTracking $timeTracking)
     $consistencyErrors = array();
     // if null, array_merge fails !
     $cerrList = ConsistencyCheck2::checkIncompleteDays($timeTracking);
     if (count($cerrList) > 0) {
         foreach ($cerrList as $cerr) {
             $user = UserCache::getInstance()->getUser($cerr->userId);
             $consistencyErrors[] = array('date' => date("Y-m-d", $cerr->timestamp), 'user' => $user->getName(), 'severity' => $cerr->getLiteralSeverity(), 'severityColor' => $cerr->getSeverityColor(), 'desc' => $cerr->desc);
     return $consistencyErrors;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Get consistency errors
  * @return mixed[]
 private function getConsistencyErrors()
     $consistencyErrors = array();
     // if null, array_merge fails !
     if (0 != $this->teamid) {
         // only this team's projects
         #$teamList = $this->teamList;
         $teamList = array($this->teamid => $this->teamList[$this->teamid]);
         // except disabled projects
         $projList = $this->session_user->getProjectList($teamList, true, false);
         $issueList = $this->session_user->getAssignedIssues($projList, true);
         $ccheck = new ConsistencyCheck2($issueList, $this->teamid);
         $cerrList = $ccheck->check();
         if (count($cerrList) > 0) {
             foreach ($cerrList as $cerr) {
                 if ($this->session_user->getId() == $cerr->userId) {
                     $issue = IssueCache::getInstance()->getIssue($cerr->bugId);
                     $titleAttr = array(T_('Project') => $issue->getProjectName(), T_('Summary') => $issue->getSummary());
                     $consistencyErrors[] = array('issueURL' => Tools::issueInfoURL($cerr->bugId, $titleAttr), 'status' => Constants::$statusNames[$cerr->status], 'desc' => $cerr->desc);
     return $consistencyErrors;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * get consistency errors
  * @return ConsistencyError2[]
 public function getConsistencyErrors()
     $ccheck = new ConsistencyCheck2($this->issueList);
     return $ccheck->check();
Exemplo n.º 11
  * display missing imputations
  * @param int $userid
  * @param int $team_id
  * @return mixed[] consistencyErrors
 private function getConsistencyErrors($userid, $team_id = NULL)
     $user = UserCache::getInstance()->getUser($userid);
     $startTimestamp = $user->getArrivalDate($team_id);
     $endTimestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"));
     $timeTracking = new TimeTracking($startTimestamp, $endTimestamp, $team_id);
     $cerrList = ConsistencyCheck2::checkIncompleteDays($timeTracking, $userid);
     $consistencyErrors = array();
     if (count($cerrList) > 0) {
         foreach ($cerrList as $cerr) {
             // skip alerts on today
             if ($endTimestamp == $cerr->timestamp) {
             if ($userid == $cerr->userId) {
                 $consistencyErrors[] = array('date' => date("Y-m-d", $cerr->timestamp), 'severity' => $cerr->getLiteralSeverity(), 'severityColor' => $cerr->getSeverityColor(), 'desc' => $cerr->desc);
     return $consistencyErrors;