Exemplo n.º 1
 static function configure()
     if (empty($_COOKIE['selenium'])) {
     $cookie = $_COOKIE['selenium'];
     App::import('Model', 'ConnectionManager', false);
     Configure::write('Cache.disable', true);
     $testDbAvailable = in_array('test', array_keys(ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects()));
     $_prefix = null;
     if ($testDbAvailable) {
         // Try for test DB
         @($db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource('test'));
         $testDbAvailable = $db->isConnected();
     // Try for default DB
     if (!$testDbAvailable) {
         $db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource('default');
     $_prefix = $db->config['prefix'];
     $db->config['prefix'] = $cookie . '_';
     ConnectionManager::create('test_suite', $db->config);
     $db->config['prefix'] = $_prefix;
     // Get db connection
     $db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource('test_suite');
     $db->cacheSources = false;
     ClassRegistry::config(array('ds' => 'test_suite'));
Exemplo n.º 2
 protected static function _isDatasourceAvailable($datasource = 'default')
     if (self::_instantiated($datasource)) {
         return true;
     $sourceList = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     return array_key_exists($datasource, $sourceList);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * setUp
  * @return void
 public function setUp()
     $this->Model = new StripeAppModel();
     $sources = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     $this->skipIf(!in_array('stripe_test', array_keys($sources)), '`stripe_test` db config not found');
  * Sets up the environment for each test method
  * @return void
  * @access public
 public function startTest()
     $connections = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     if (!empty($connections['test']['classname']) && $connections['test']['classname'] === 'mongodbSource') {
         $config = new DATABASE_CONFIG();
         $this->_config = $config->test;
     ConnectionManager::create('mongo_test', $this->_config);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * setUp
  * @return void
 public function setUp()
     $this->Model = new StripeCustomer();
     $sources = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     $this->skipIf(!in_array('stripe_test', array_keys($sources)), '`stripe_test` db config not found');
     $this->Source = $this->Model->getDataSource('stripe_test');
     $this->Source->Http = $this->getMock('HttpSocket', array('request'));
  * Sets up the environment for each test method
  * @return void
  * @access public
 public function startTest()
     $connections = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     if (!empty($connections['test']['classname']) && $connections['test']['classname'] === 'mongodbSource') {
         $config = new DATABASE_CONFIG();
         $this->_config = $config->test;
     ConnectionManager::create('mongo_test', $this->_config);
     $this->Mongo = new MongodbSource($this->_config);
     $this->Post = ClassRegistry::init(array('class' => 'SqlCompatiblePost', 'alias' => 'Post', 'ds' => 'mongo_test'));
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function setUp()
     $connections = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     if (!empty($connections['test']['classname']) && $connections['test']['classname'] === 'mongodbSource') {
         $config = new DATABASE_CONFIG();
         $this->_config = $config->test;
     if (!isset($connections['test_mongo'])) {
         ConnectionManager::create('test_mongo', $this->_config);
         $this->Mongo = new MongodbSource($this->_config);
     $this->Post = ClassRegistry::init(array('class' => 'SqlCompatiblePost', 'alias' => 'Post', 'ds' => 'test_mongo'), true);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Get a user specified Connection name
  * @return void
 public function getConfig()
     App::uses('ConnectionManager', 'Model');
     $configs = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     $useDbConfig = key($configs);
     if (!is_array($configs) || empty($configs)) {
         return $this->execute();
     $connections = array_keys($configs);
     if (count($connections) > 1) {
         $useDbConfig = $this->in(__d('cake_console', 'Use Database Config') . ':', $connections, $useDbConfig);
     return $useDbConfig;
  * Sets up the environment for each test method
  * @return void
  * @access public
 public function startTest()
     $connections = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     if (!empty($connections['test']['classname']) && $connections['test']['classname'] === 'mongodbSource') {
         $config = new DATABASE_CONFIG();
         $this->_config = $config->test;
     ConnectionManager::create('mongo_test', $this->_config);
     $this->Mongo = new MongodbSource($this->_config);
     $this->Post = ClassRegistry::init('Post');
     $this->mongodb =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->Post->useDbConfig);
Exemplo n.º 10
 private function getSlave()
     if (!defined('APP_DEV') || APP_DEV) {
         return $this->useDbConfig;
     $sources_list = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     $slaves = array();
     foreach ($sources_list as $name => $values) {
         if (preg_match('/^slave[0-9]+$/i', $name) == 1) {
             $slaves[] = $name;
     return $slaves[rand(0, count($slaves) - 1)];
Exemplo n.º 11
 protected function _initDb()
     $testDbAvailable = in_array('test', array_keys(ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects()));
     if ($testDbAvailable) {
         // Try for test DB
         $db = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('test');
         $testDbAvailable = $db->isConnected();
     // Try for default DB
     if (!$testDbAvailable) {
         $db = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('default');
         $db->config['prefix'] = 'test_suite_';
     ConnectionManager::create('test_suite', $db->config);
     ClassRegistry::config(array('ds' => 'test_suite'));
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function authorize($user, \CakeRequest $request)
     $dbs = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     $connNames = array_keys($dbs);
     $Apis = key($this->settings['Apis']) === 0 ? $this->settings['Apis'] : array_keys($this->settings['Apis']);
     $apiNames = array_intersect($Apis, $connNames);
     $authorized = true;
     foreach ($apiNames as $name) {
         $storeMethod = empty($this->settings['Apis'][$name]['store']) ? 'Db' : ucfirst($this->settings['Apis'][$name]['store']);
         $Store = $this->_getTokenStore($storeMethod);
         if ($Store instanceof TokenStoreInterface) {
             $allowed = $Store->checkToken($name, $user['id']);
         $this->controller()->Apis[$name]['authorized'] = $allowed;
         if (!$allowed) {
             $authorized = false;
     return $authorized;
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Initializes this class with a DataSource object to use as default for all fixtures
  * @return void
 protected function _initDb()
     if ($this->_initialized) {
     $testDbAvailable = in_array('test', array_keys(ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects()));
     $_prefix = null;
     if ($testDbAvailable) {
         // Try for test DB
         @($db = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('test'));
         $testDbAvailable = $db->isConnected();
     } else {
         throw new MissingConnectionException(__('You need to create a $test datasource connection to start using fixtures'));
     if (!$testDbAvailable) {
         throw new MissingConnectionException(__('Unable to connect to the $test datasource'));
     $this->_db = $db;
     ClassRegistry::config(array('ds' => 'test'));
     $this->_initialized = true;
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Truncates all tables and loads fixtures into db
  * @return void
  * @access public
 function main()
     if (!empty($this->args) && $this->args[0] != 'all') {
         $fixtures = $this->args;
         foreach ($fixtures as $i => $fixture) {
             $fixtures[$i] = APP . 'tests/fixtures/' . $fixture . '_fixture.php';
     } elseif (!empty($this->args) && $this->args[0] == 'all') {
         $Folder = new Folder(APP . 'tests/fixtures');
         $fixtures = $Folder->findRecursive('.+_fixture\\.php');
     } else {
         $this->out('Usage: cake fixtures [ all | <table-name-singluar> ]');
     $datasource = 'default';
     if (isset($this->params['datasource'])) {
         $datasource = $this->params['datasource'];
     $list = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     if (!isset($list[$datasource])) {
         $this->error("Data Source", "Non-existent data source '{$datasource}'");
     $db = ConnectionManager::getDataSource($datasource);
     $records = 0;
     foreach ($fixtures as $path) {
         require_once $path;
         $name = str_replace('_fixture.php', '', basename($path));
         $class = Inflector::camelize($name) . 'Fixture';
         $Fixture =& new $class($db);
         $this->out('-> Truncating table "' . $Fixture->table . '"');
         $fixtureRecords = count($Fixture->records);
         $records += $fixtureRecords;
         $this->out('-> Inserting ' . $fixtureRecords . ' records for "' . $Fixture->table . '"');
     $this->out(sprintf('-> Done inserting %d records for %d tables', $records, count($fixtures)));
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Sets up the configuration for the model, and loads databse from Multi Tenant Site
  * @param Model $model Model using this behavior.
  * @param array $config Configuration options.
  * @return void
 public function __construct($id = false, $table = null, $ds = null)
     // usar el correspondiente al tenant
     //debug( Router::$_requests );
     if (CakeSession::started()) {
         $currentTenant = MtSites::getSiteName();
         if ($currentTenant) {
             // listar sources actuales
             $sources = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
             //copiar del default
             $tenantConf = $sources['default'];
             // colocar el nombre de la base de datos
             $tenantConf['database'] = $tenantConf['database'] . "_" . $currentTenant;
             // crear la conexion con la bd
             $confName = 'tenant_' . $currentTenant;
             ConnectionManager::create($confName, $tenantConf);
             // usar tenant para este model
             $this->useDbConfig = $confName;
     // ahora construir el Model
     parent::__construct($id, $table, $ds);
Exemplo n.º 16
 function testHabtmWithThreeDatabases()
     $config = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     $this->skipIf(!isset($config['test']) || !isset($config['test2']) || !isset($config['test_database_three']), 'Primary, secondary, and tertiary test databases not configured, skipping test.' . ' To run these tests, you must define $test, $test2, and $test_database_three in your database configuration.');
     $this->loadFixtures('Player', 'Guild', 'GuildsPlayer', 'Armor', 'ArmorsPlayer');
     $Player = ClassRegistry::init('Player');
     $Player->bindModel(array('hasAndBelongsToMany' => array('Armor' => array('with' => 'ArmorsPlayer', 'unique' => true))), false);
     $this->assertEquals('test', $Player->useDbConfig);
     $this->assertEquals('test2', $Player->Armor->useDbConfig);
     $this->assertEquals('test_database_three', $Player->ArmorsPlayer->useDbConfig);
     $players = $Player->find('count');
     $this->assertEquals(4, $players);
     $spongebob = $Player->create(array('id' => 10, 'name' => 'spongebob'));
     $spongebob['Armor'] = array('Armor' => array(1, 2, 3, 4));
     $result = $Player->save($spongebob);
     $expected = array('Player' => array('id' => 10, 'name' => 'spongebob'), 'Armor' => array('Armor' => array(1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4)));
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $spongebob = $Player->find('all', array('conditions' => array('Player.id' => 10)));
     $spongeBobsArmors = Set::extract('/Armor', $spongebob);
     $this->assertEquals(4, count($spongeBobsArmors));
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Loads a class, registers the object in the registry and returns instance of the object. ClassRegistry::init()
  * is used as a factory for models, and handle correct injecting of settings, that assist in testing.
  * Examples
  * Simple Use: Get a Post model instance ```ClassRegistry::init('Post');```
  * Expanded: ```array('class' => 'ClassName', 'alias' => 'AliasNameStoredInTheRegistry');```
  * Model Classes can accept optional ```array('id' => $id, 'table' => $table, 'ds' => $ds, 'alias' => $alias);```
  * When $class is a numeric keyed array, multiple class instances will be stored in the registry,
  *  no instance of the object will be returned
  * ```
  * array(
  *		array('class' => 'ClassName', 'alias' => 'AliasNameStoredInTheRegistry'),
  *		array('class' => 'ClassName', 'alias' => 'AliasNameStoredInTheRegistry'),
  *		array('class' => 'ClassName', 'alias' => 'AliasNameStoredInTheRegistry')
  * );
  * ```
  * @param string|array $class as a string or a single key => value array instance will be created,
  *  stored in the registry and returned.
  * @param bool $strict if set to true it will return false if the class was not found instead
  *	of trying to create an AppModel
  * @return object instance of ClassName.
  * @throws CakeException when you try to construct an interface or abstract class.
 public static function init($class, $strict = false)
     $_this = ClassRegistry::getInstance();
     if (is_array($class)) {
         $objects = $class;
         if (!isset($class[0])) {
             $objects = array($class);
     } else {
         $objects = array(array('class' => $class));
     $defaults = array();
     if (isset($_this->_config['Model'])) {
         $defaults = $_this->_config['Model'];
     $count = count($objects);
     $availableDs = null;
     foreach ($objects as $settings) {
         if (is_numeric($settings)) {
             trigger_error(__d('cake_dev', '(ClassRegistry::init() Attempted to create instance of a class with a numeric name'), E_USER_WARNING);
             return false;
         if (is_array($settings)) {
             $pluginPath = null;
             $settings += $defaults;
             $class = $settings['class'];
             list($plugin, $class) = pluginSplit($class);
             if ($plugin) {
                 $pluginPath = $plugin . '.';
                 $settings['plugin'] = $plugin;
             if (empty($settings['alias'])) {
                 $settings['alias'] = $class;
             $alias = $settings['alias'];
             $model = $_this->_duplicate($alias, $class);
             if ($model) {
                 $_this->map($alias, $class);
                 return $model;
             App::uses($plugin . 'AppModel', $pluginPath . 'Model');
             App::uses($class, $pluginPath . 'Model');
             if (class_exists($class) || interface_exists($class)) {
                 $reflection = new ReflectionClass($class);
                 if ($reflection->isAbstract() || $reflection->isInterface()) {
                     throw new CakeException(__d('cake_dev', 'Cannot create instance of %s, as it is abstract or is an interface', $class));
                 $testing = isset($settings['testing']) ? $settings['testing'] : false;
                 if ($testing) {
                     $settings['ds'] = 'test';
                     $defaultProperties = $reflection->getDefaultProperties();
                     if (isset($defaultProperties['useDbConfig'])) {
                         $useDbConfig = $defaultProperties['useDbConfig'];
                         if ($availableDs === null) {
                             $availableDs = array_keys(ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects());
                         if (in_array('test_' . $useDbConfig, $availableDs)) {
                             $useDbConfig = 'test_' . $useDbConfig;
                         if (strpos($useDbConfig, 'test') === 0) {
                             $settings['ds'] = $useDbConfig;
                 if ($reflection->getConstructor()) {
                     $instance = $reflection->newInstance($settings);
                 } else {
                     $instance = $reflection->newInstance();
                 if ($strict && !$instance instanceof Model) {
                     $instance = null;
             if (!isset($instance)) {
                 $appModel = 'AppModel';
                 if ($strict) {
                     return false;
                 } elseif ($plugin && class_exists($plugin . 'AppModel')) {
                     $appModel = $plugin . 'AppModel';
                 $settings['name'] = $class;
                 $instance = new $appModel($settings);
             $_this->map($alias, $class);
     if ($count > 1) {
         return true;
     return $instance;
Exemplo n.º 18
  * testMultischemaFixtureWithThreeDatabases, three databases
  * @return void
 public function testMultischemaFixtureWithThreeDatabases()
     $config = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     $this->skipIf($this->db instanceof Sqlite, 'This test is not compatible with Sqlite.');
     $this->skipIf(!isset($config['test']) || !isset($config['test2']) || !isset($config['test_database_three']), 'Primary, secondary, and tertiary test databases not configured, skipping test. To run this test define $test, $test2, and $test_database_three in your database configuration.');
     $this->loadFixtures('Player', 'Guild', 'GuildsPlayer', 'Armor', 'ArmorsPlayer');
     $Player = ClassRegistry::init('Player');
     $Player->bindModel(array('hasAndBelongsToMany' => array('Armor' => array('with' => 'ArmorsPlayer'))), false);
     $this->assertEquals('test', $Player->useDbConfig);
     $this->assertEquals('test', $Player->Guild->useDbConfig);
     $this->assertEquals('test2', $Player->Guild->GuildsPlayer->useDbConfig);
     $this->assertEquals('test2', $Player->GuildsPlayer->useDbConfig);
     $this->assertEquals('test2', $Player->Armor->useDbConfig);
     $this->assertEquals('test_database_three', $Player->Armor->ArmorsPlayer->useDbConfig);
     $this->assertEquals('test', $Player->getDataSource()->configKeyName);
     $this->assertEquals('test', $Player->Guild->getDataSource()->configKeyName);
     $this->assertEquals('test2', $Player->GuildsPlayer->getDataSource()->configKeyName);
     $this->assertEquals('test2', $Player->Armor->getDataSource()->configKeyName);
     $this->assertEquals('test_database_three', $Player->Armor->ArmorsPlayer->getDataSource()->configKeyName);
     $players = $Player->find('all', array('recursive' => -1));
     $guilds = $Player->Guild->find('all', array('recursive' => -1));
     $guildsPlayers = $Player->GuildsPlayer->find('all', array('recursive' => -1));
     $armorsPlayers = $Player->ArmorsPlayer->find('all', array('recursive' => -1));
     $this->assertEquals(true, count($players) > 1);
     $this->assertEquals(true, count($guilds) > 1);
     $this->assertEquals(true, count($guildsPlayers) > 1);
     $this->assertEquals(true, count($armorsPlayers) > 1);
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Tests that a connection configuration can be deleted in runtime
  * @return void
 public function testDrop()
     App::build(array('Model/Datasource' => array(CAKE . 'Test' . DS . 'test_app' . DS . 'Model' . DS . 'Datasource' . DS)));
     ConnectionManager::create('droppable', array('datasource' => 'Test2Source'));
     $connections = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     $this->assertEquals(array('datasource' => 'Test2Source'), $connections['droppable']);
     $connections = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
Exemplo n.º 20
  * testConnectionData method
  * @access public
  * @return void
 function testConnectionData()
     App::build(array('plugins' => array(TEST_CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH . 'tests' . DS . 'test_app' . DS . 'plugins' . DS), 'datasources' => array(TEST_CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH . 'tests' . DS . 'test_app' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'datasources' . DS)));
     $expected = array('filename' => 'test2_source', 'classname' => 'Test2Source', 'parent' => '', 'plugin' => '');
     ConnectionManager::create('connection1', array('datasource' => 'Test2'));
     $connections = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     $this->assertEqual($expected, $connections['connection1']);
     ConnectionManager::create('connection2', array('datasource' => 'Test2Source'));
     $connections = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     $this->assertEqual($expected, $connections['connection2']);
     ConnectionManager::create('connection3', array('datasource' => 'TestPlugin.Test'));
     $connections = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     $expected['filename'] = 'test_source';
     $expected['classname'] = 'TestSource';
     $expected['plugin'] = 'TestPlugin';
     $this->assertEqual($expected, $connections['connection3']);
     ConnectionManager::create('connection4', array('datasource' => 'TestPlugin.TestSource'));
     $connections = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     $this->assertEqual($expected, $connections['connection4']);
     ConnectionManager::create('connection5', array('datasource' => 'Test2Other'));
     $connections = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     $expected['filename'] = 'test2_other_source';
     $expected['classname'] = 'Test2OtherSource';
     $expected['plugin'] = '';
     $this->assertEqual($expected, $connections['connection5']);
     ConnectionManager::create('connection6', array('datasource' => 'Test2OtherSource'));
     $connections = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     $this->assertEqual($expected, $connections['connection6']);
     ConnectionManager::create('connection7', array('datasource' => 'TestPlugin.TestOther'));
     $connections = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     $expected['filename'] = 'test_other_source';
     $expected['classname'] = 'TestOtherSource';
     $expected['plugin'] = 'TestPlugin';
     $this->assertEqual($expected, $connections['connection7']);
     ConnectionManager::create('connection8', array('datasource' => 'TestPlugin.TestOtherSource'));
     $connections = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     $this->assertEqual($expected, $connections['connection8']);
  * Get a list of connection names.
  * @return array The list of connection names
 protected function _connectionNamesEnum()
     return array_keys(ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects());
Exemplo n.º 22
  * test reading schema with tables from another database.
  * @return void
 public function testSchemaReadWithCrossDatabase()
     $config = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     $this->skipIf(!isset($config['test']) || !isset($config['test2']), 'Primary and secondary test databases not configured, ' . 'skipping cross-database join tests. ' . 'To run these tests, you must define $test and $test2 in your database configuration.');
     $db = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('test2');
     $fixture = new SchemaCrossDatabaseFixture();
     $read = $this->Schema->read(array('connection' => 'test', 'name' => 'TestApp', 'models' => array('SchemaCrossDatabase', 'SchemaPost')));
     $this->assertFalse(isset($read['tables']['cross_database']), 'Cross database should not appear');
     $this->assertFalse(isset($read['tables']['missing']['cross_database']), 'Cross database should not appear');
     $read = $this->Schema->read(array('connection' => 'test2', 'name' => 'TestApp', 'models' => array('SchemaCrossDatabase', 'SchemaPost')));
     $this->assertFalse(isset($read['tables']['posts']), 'Posts should not appear');
     $this->assertFalse(isset($read['tables']['posts']), 'Posts should not appear');
Exemplo n.º 23
  * Mock a model, maintain fixtures and table association
  * @param string $model   The model to get a mock for.
  * @param mixed  $methods The list of methods to mock
  * @param array  $config  The config data for the mock's constructor.
  * @throws MissingModelException
  * @return Model
 public function getMockForModel($model, $methods = array(), $config = array())
     $config += ClassRegistry::config('Model');
     list($plugin, $name) = pluginSplit($model, TRUE);
     App::uses($name, $plugin . 'Model');
     $config = array_merge((array) $config, array('name' => $name));
     if (!class_exists($name)) {
         throw new MissingModelException(array($model));
     $mock = $this->getMock($name, $methods, array($config));
     $availableDs = array_keys(ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects());
     if ($mock->useDbConfig !== 'test' && in_array('test_' . $mock->useDbConfig, $availableDs)) {
         $mock->setDataSource('test_' . $mock->useDbConfig);
     } else {
         $mock->useDbConfig = 'test';
     ClassRegistry::addObject($name, $mock);
     return $mock;
 * testSchemaReadWithAppModel method
 * @access public
 * @return void
 public function testSchemaReadWithAppModel()
     $connections = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     ConnectionManager::create('default', $connections['test']);
     try {
         $read = $this->Schema->read(array('connection' => 'default', 'name' => 'TestApp', 'models' => array('AppModel')));
     } catch (MissingTableException $mte) {

require_once ROOT . DS . APP_DIR . DS . 'Plugin' . DS . 'FileStorage' . DS . 'Vendor' . DS . 'AWSsdk' . DS . 'aws-autoloader.php';
App::uses('S3StorageListener', 'FileStorage.Event');
App::uses('FileStorageUtils', 'FileStorage.Lib/Utility');
App::uses('StorageManager', 'FileStorage.Lib');
App::uses('ImageProcessingListener', 'FileStorage.Event');
App::uses('CakeEventManager', 'Event');
App::uses('ClassRegistry', 'Utility');
CakePlugin::load(array('Imagine' => array('bootstrap' => true)));
Configure::write('Imagine.salt', 'T!6stub6f=as5e4U#u8u7!ut9wRuphUS');
// Only required if you're *NOT* using composer or another autoloader!
spl_autoload_register(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\FileStorageUtils::gaufretteLoader');
// Attach the Image Processing Listener to the global CakeEventManager
$listener = new ImageProcessingListener();
Configure::write('Media', array('imageSizes' => array('ImageStorage' => array('large' => array('thumbnail' => array('mode' => 'inbound', 'width' => 800, 'height' => 800)), 'medium' => array('thumbnail' => array('mode' => 'inbound', 'width' => 200, 'height' => 200)), 'small' => array('thumbnail' => array('mode' => 'inbound', 'width' => 80, 'height' => 80))))));
// This is very important! The hashes are needed to calculate the image versions!
use Aws\S3;
App::uses('ConnectionManager', 'Model');
$dataSource = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
if (isset($dataSource['aws'])) {
    // Attach the S3 Listener to the global CakeEventManager
    $listener = new S3StorageListener();
    $S3Client = \Aws\S3\S3Client::factory($dataSource['aws']);
    StorageManager::config('S3Storage', array('adapterOptions' => array($S3Client, 'isby', array(), true), 'adapterClass' => '\\Gaufrette\\Adapter\\AwsS3', 'class' => '\\Gaufrette\\Filesystem'));
  * testCreateDataSource method
  * @access public
  * @return void
 function testCreateDataSourceWithIntegrationTests()
     $name = 'test_created_connection';
     $connections = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     $this->assertTrue(count(array_keys($connections) >= 1));
     $source = ConnectionManager::getDataSource(key($connections));
     $config = $source->config;
     $connection = ConnectionManager::create($name, $config);
     $this->assertEqual($name, $connection->configKeyName);
     $this->assertEqual($name, ConnectionManager::getSourceName($connection));
     $source = ConnectionManager::create(null, array());
     $this->assertEqual($source, null);
     $source = ConnectionManager::create('another_test', array());
     $this->assertEqual($source, null);
     $config = array('classname' => 'DboMysql', 'filename' => 'dbo' . DS . 'dbo_mysql');
     $source = ConnectionManager::create(null, $config);
     $this->assertEqual($source, null);
Exemplo n.º 27
Arquivo: mi.php Projeto: hiromi2424/mi
  * connections method
  * @return void
  * @access protected
 protected function _connections()
     $this->out('Which connection do you want to see?');
     $sources =& ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     $sources = array_keys($sources);
     foreach ($sources as $i => $source) {
         $this->out($i + 1 . '. ' . $source);
     $this->out($i + 2 . '. * - list all');
     $sources[] = '*';
     $default = array_search('default', $sources) + 1;
     $source = '';
     while ($source == '') {
         $source = $this->in(__d('mi', "Enter a number from the list above, or 'q' to exit", true), null, $default);
         if ($source === 'q') {
             $this->out(__d('mi', "Exit", true));
         if ($source == '' || !is_numeric($source) || $source > count($sources)) {
             $this->out(__d('mi', 'Error:', true));
             $this->out(__d('mi', "The number you selected was not an option. Please try again.", true));
             $controller = '';
     $this->args[] = $sources[$source - 1];
Exemplo n.º 28
  * Adds the datasource to the connection manager if it's not already there,
  * which it won't be if you've not added it to your app/config/database.php
  * file.
  * @param $id
  * @param $table
  * @param $ds
 public function __construct($id = false, $table = null, $ds = null)
     $sources = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     if (!isset($sources['twitter'])) {
         ConnectionManager::create('twitter', array('datasource' => 'Twim.TwimSource'));
     parent::__construct($id, $table, $ds);
Exemplo n.º 29
  * Initialize DB connection.
  * @return void
  * @access protected
 function _initDb()
     $testDbAvailable = in_array('test', array_keys(ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects()));
     $_prefix = null;
     if ($testDbAvailable) {
         // Try for test DB
         @($db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource('test'));
         $testDbAvailable = $db->isConnected();
     // Try for default DB
     if (!$testDbAvailable) {
         $db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource('default');
         $_prefix = $db->config['prefix'];
         $db->config['prefix'] = 'test_suite_';
     ConnectionManager::create('test_suite', $db->config);
     $db->config['prefix'] = $_prefix;
     // Get db connection
     $this->db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource('test_suite');
     $this->db->cacheSources = false;
     ClassRegistry::config(array('ds' => 'test_suite'));
Exemplo n.º 30
  * Sets up the environment for each test method
  * @return void
  * @access public
 public function setUp()
     $connections = ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects();
     if (!empty($connections['test']['classname']) && $connections['test']['classname'] === 'mongodbSource') {
         $config = new DATABASE_CONFIG();
         $this->_config = $config->test;
     } elseif (isset($connections['test_mongo'])) {
         $this->_config = $connections['test_mongo'];
     if (!isset($connections['test_mongo'])) {
         ConnectionManager::create('test_mongo', $this->_config);
     $this->Mongo = new MongodbSource($this->_config);
     $this->Post = ClassRegistry::init(array('class' => 'Post', 'alias' => 'Post', 'ds' => 'test_mongo'), true);
     $this->MongoArticle = ClassRegistry::init(array('class' => 'MongoArticle', 'alias' => 'MongoArticle', 'ds' => 'test_mongo'), true);
     $this->mongodb = ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->Post->useDbConfig);