Exemplo n.º 1
 function __construct($PLANET)
     $this->Config = ConfigManager::declareConfigValue();
     $this->ReactionTime = $this->Config['ReactionTime'];
     // if the attack will come within 10min, defend the planet
     // ReactionTime should be longer than the attacks detecting period for the defender
     $this->PLANET = $PLANET;
Exemplo n.º 2
 function __construct($this_coord, $s_coord, $_href, $_planet)
     $this->shield_coord = $s_coord;
     $this->p_coord = $this_coord;
     $this->href = $_href;
     $this->planet = $_planet;
     $this->Config = ConfigManager::declareConfigValue();
     $this->fCommander = new FleetCommander($this->p_coord, $this->shield_coord, $this->href);
Exemplo n.º 3
 function __construct($this_coord, $s_coord, $_href)
     $this->coord = $this_coord;
     $this->target_coord = $s_coord;
     $this->href = $_href;
     $this->duration = 0;
     $this->fleetInfo = array("test");
     $this->Config = ConfigManager::declareConfigValue();
     //echo "\nFleet commander ".$this->href."\n";
Exemplo n.º 4
 function run()
     $config = ConfigManager::declareConfigValue();
     $period = 10 * 60;
     while (1 == 1) {
         for ($count = 1; $count <= 5; $count++) {
             system("cmd.exe /c Syntime" . $count . ".bat");
         echo "Sleep for 10 mins\n";
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static function getPlanets()
     $Config = ConfigManager::declareConfigValue();
     //get overview page html
     $overview = GlobalFunc::httpGet($Config['OVERVIEW_URL'], $Config['COOKIE_FILE']);
     $ov_dom = GlobalFunc::loadHtml($overview);
     $planet_list_dom = $ov_dom->getElementById("planetList");
     $pList = $planet_list_dom;
     if (!is_object($pList)) {
         echo "Error occur, Planet List not found, return empty planet list.\n";
         return array();
     //list 下 每個div都是一個星球
     //<span class="planet-name  ">jones4</span>
     //<span class="planet-koords  ">[1:83:6]</span>
     $planets_dom = $pList->getElementsByTagName('div');
     //echo "There ". $planets_dom->length . " Planet(s).";
     $moon_num = $planets_dom->length + 1;
     //create planets
     $planets = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $planets_dom->length; $i++) {
         //get planet link
         $a_list = $planets_dom->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('a');
         $a_dom = $a_list->item(0);
         $planet = Planet::createPlanetObj($a_dom, $planets_dom, $i);
         //將星球obj 加入list
         $planets[$i] = $planet;
         $has_moon = false;
         $moon_href = "";
         $moon_coord = array();
         $a_count = $a_list->length;
         $moon_obj = array();
         Planet::updateMoonInfo($a_list, $a_count, $planet, $has_moon, $moon_href, $moon_coord);
         if ($has_moon == true) {
             $moon_obj = new Planet("月亮", $moon_coord, null, $moon_href, $moon_num);
             //將月亮obj 加入list
             $planets[$moon_num - 1] = $moon_obj;
     return $planets;
Exemplo n.º 6
require_once "GlobalFunc.php";
require_once "EscapeFilter.php";
require_once "LoginManager.php";
require_once "AttackDetector.php";
require_once "RecourseManager.php";
//used in AttackDetector
require_once "Planet.php";
require_once "Defender.php";
//used in Defender
require_once "FleetCommander.php";
//error_reporting(E_DEPRECATED); 連error都沒有
$Config = ConfigManager::declareConfigValue();
//結束時會取得一次overview page
$loginManager = new LoginManager();
echo "\nThreaten Count: " . $Config['ThreatenCount'] . "\n";
//會取得一次overview page
$PLANETS = Planet::getPlanets();
if ($PLANETS) {
    $ResourceManager = new RecourseManager($PLANETS);
    if (isset($PLANETS)) {
        echo "AttackDetector is Constructed, " . sizeof($PLANETS) . " planet(s) is protected.\n";
    } else {
        echo "Failed to get planet list, login and get planet list again.\n";
        $PLANETS = Planet::getPlanets();
Exemplo n.º 7
 function newSession()
     $config = ConfigManager::declareConfigValue();
     $COOKIE_FILE = $config['COOKIE_FILE'];
     $USER_ACCOUNT = $config['USER_ACCOUNT'];
     $USER_PASS = $config['USER_PASS'];
     //First to ask for data
     $ch = curl_init();
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://tw.ogame.gameforge.com/main/login");
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
     // 啟用POST
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
     //not output result
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 0);
     //Ignore redirection
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION, 1);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $COOKIE_FILE);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $COOKIE_FILE);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query(array("kid" => "", "uni" => $USER_UNIVERSE, "login" => $USER_ACCOUNT, "pass" => $USER_PASS)));
     $login_result = curl_exec($ch);
     $header_size = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE);
     $header = substr($login_result, 0, $header_size);
     $body = substr($login_result, $header_size);
     //extract query url and data info
     $location = $this->extractHeader($header);
     //print_r("Out Location = ". $location . PHP_EOL);
     //Ask for new session id
     $login_return = GlobalFunc::httpGet($location, $COOKIE_FILE);
     // modify cookie file for correcting cookie edit mistake (session live time is set to 0)
     // extract correct session id
     $SESSION = $this->extractSeesion($login_return);
     //updateConfigInfoByNewSession( $SESSION );
     $over_page = GlobalFunc::httpGet($config['OVERVIEW_URL'] . "&" . $SESSION, $config['COOKIE_FILE']);
     if ($SESSION) {
         echo "Login Manager got a new session.\n";
     } else {
         echo "Get Session Fail.\n";
         return 0;
     return $SESSION;
Exemplo n.º 8
 function __construct($PLANETS)
     $this->Config = ConfigManager::declareConfigValue();
     $this->PLANETS = $PLANETS;
     $R_List = array();
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static function changeFocusPlanet($href)
     $Config = ConfigManager::declareConfigValue();
     $COOKIE_FILE = $Config['COOKIE_FILE'];
     return GlobalFunc::httpGet($href, $COOKIE_FILE);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static function getConfig()
     if (isset(self::$Config)) {
         return self::$Config;
     } else {
         self::$Config = ConfigManager::declareConfigValue();
         return self::$Config;