Exemplo n.º 1
 static function getCompanyEmail($company_id)
     // Get the email address for the company
     // Use the first Technical address that is not defined as name TICKET_SUPPORT
     //      TICKET_SUPPORT is defined in conf/config.php
     // If that does not exist, use the main address
     $config = Config::Instance();
     $contact = '';
     $company = new Company();
     $party = $company->party;
     $sh = new SearchHandler(new PartyContactMethodCollection(new PartyContactMethod()), false);
     $sh->AddConstraint(new Constraint('type', '=', 'E'));
     $ticket_support = $config->get('TICKET_SUPPORT');
     if (!empty($ticket_support)) {
         $sh->AddConstraint(new Constraint('name', '!=', $ticket_support));
     $party->addSearchHandler('contactmethods', $sh);
     $methods = $party->contactmethods;
     foreach ($methods as $method) {
         if ($method->technical == true) {
             // Technical contact favoured above all else
             $contact = $method->contact;
         if ($method->main == true) {
             // If no contact yet found and this contact is the main contact, use this instead
             $contact = $method->contact;
     return $contact;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static function GetINI()
     $INI = Config::Instance('php');
     $SYS = Table::Fetch('system', 1);
     $SYS = Utility::ExtraDecode($SYS['value']);
     $INI = Config::MergeINI($INI, $SYS);
     return self::BuildINI($INI);
Exemplo n.º 3
function I($key)
    global $lang_properties, $LC;
    if (!$lang_properties) {
        $ini = DIR_ROOT . '/i18n/' . $LC . '/properties.ini';
        $lang_properties = Config::Instance($ini);
    return isset($lang_properties[$key]) ? $lang_properties[$key] : $key;
Exemplo n.º 4
function uzerp_exception_handler($exception)
    $smarty = new Smarty();
    $config = Config::Instance();
    $smarty->assign('config', $config->get_all());
    $smarty->compile_dir = DATA_ROOT . 'templates_c';
    $smarty->assign('exception_message', $exception->getMessage());
    $smarty->assign('support_email', $config->get('ADMIN_EMAIL'));
    $email_body = "Request: " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "\n";
    $email_body .= "uzERP Version: " . $config->get('SYSTEM_VERSION') . "\n\n" . $exception->getMessage();
    $smarty->assign('email_body', rawurlencode($email_body));
    $smarty->display(STANDARD_TPL_ROOT . 'error.tpl');
Exemplo n.º 5
 function __construct()
     $config = Config::Instance('php');
     $host = (string) $config['db']['host'];
     $user = (string) $config['db']['user'];
     $pass = (string) $config['db']['pass'];
     $name = (string) $config['db']['name'];
     self::$mConnection = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass);
     if (mysql_errno()) {
         throw new Exception("Connect failed: " . mysql_error());
     @mysql_select_db($name, self::$mConnection);
     @mysql_query("SET NAMES UTF8;", self::$mConnection);
Exemplo n.º 6
 private static function _CreateCacheInstance()
     $ini = Config::Instance('ini');
     settype($ini['memcache'], 'array');
     if (!class_exists('Memcache')) {
         return new FalseCache();
     $cache_instance = new Memcache();
     foreach ($ini['memcache'] as $one) {
         $server = (string) $one;
         list($ip, $port, $weight) = explode(':', $server);
         $cache_instance->addServer($ip, $port, true, $weight, 1, 15, true, array('Cache', 'FailureCallback'));
     return $cache_instance;
Exemplo n.º 7
 private function Connect()
     if (!self::$_connectSource) {
         if (Config::Instance()->DB["port"] != "") {
             self::$_connectSource = mysql_connect(Config::Instance()->DB["host"] . ":" . Config::Instance()->DB["port"], Config::Instance()->DB["user"], Config::Instance()->DB["password"]);
         } else {
             self::$_connectSource = mysql_connect(Config::Instance()->DB["host"], Config::Instance()->DB["user"], Config::Instance()->DB["password"]);
         if (!self::$_connectSource) {
             throw new Exception("mysql connect error" . mysql_error());
         mysql_select_db(Config::Instance()->DB["database"], self::$_connectSource);
         mysql_query("set names UTF8", self::$_connectSource);
     return self::$_connectSource;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public static function GetINI()
     global $INI;
     /* load from php*/
     $dbphp = DIR_CONFIGURE . '/db.php';
     if (file_exists($dbphp)) {
     } else {
         /* end */
         $INI = Config::Instance('php');
         $SYS = Table::Fetch('system', 1);
         $SYS = Utility::ExtraDecode($SYS['value']);
         $INI = Config::MergeINI($INI, $SYS);
     $INI = ZSystem::WebRoot();
     return self::BuildINI($INI);
Exemplo n.º 9
 static function GetTag($tagname = 'dochead', $ass = null)
     $xml = Config::Instance('xml');
     $r = array();
     if (!$xml->{$tagname}->item) {
         return $r;
     foreach ($xml->{$tagname}->item as $one) {
         $attr = $one->attributes();
         $pa = array();
         foreach ($attr as $k => $v) {
             $pa[strval($k)] = strval($v);
         $r[] = $pa;
     if ($ass) {
         return Utility::AssColumn($r, 'id');
     return $r;
Exemplo n.º 10
 private static function _CreateCacheInstance()
     global $INI;
     $ini = Config::Instance('php');
     settype($ini['memcache'], 'array');
     if (!class_exists('Memcache', false)) {
         return new FalseCache();
     $cache_instance = new Memcache();
     foreach ($INI['memcache'] as $one) {
         $server = (string) $one;
         list($ip, $port, $weight) = explode(':', $server);
         if (!$ip || !$port || !$weight) {
         $cache_instance->addServer($ip, $port, true, $weight, 1, 15, true, array('Cache', 'FailureCallback'));
     return self::$mIndex ? $cache_instance : new FalseCache();
Exemplo n.º 11
 function __construct($type = 'master')
     $config = Config::Instance('php');
     $s_host = (string) $config['db']['host']['s'];
     $m_host = (string) $config['db']['host']['m'];
     $user = (string) $config['db']['user'];
     $pass = (string) $config['db']['pass'];
     $name = (string) $config['db']['name'];
     if ($type == 'master') {
         self::$mConnection = mysql_connect($m_host, $user, $pass, true);
         @mysql_select_db($name, self::$mConnection);
         @mysql_query("SET NAMES UTF8;", self::$mConnection);
     } else {
         self::$sConnection = mysql_connect($s_host, $user, $pass, true);
         @mysql_select_db($name, self::$sConnection);
         @mysql_query("SET NAMES UTF8;", self::$sConnection);
     if (mysql_errno()) {
         throw new Exception("Connect failed: " . mysql_error());
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Constructor is private final. Can only be instantiated via WebRequest::Instance()
  * @access private
  * @final
 private final function __construct()
     $this->mh = curl_multi_init();
     if (isset(Config::Instance()->Endpoint['timeout'])) {
         $this->_options[CURLOPT_TIMEOUT] = Config::Instance()->Endpoint['timeout'];
     $this->_options[CURLOPT_USERAGENT] = 'Instaphp/v' . INSTAPHP_VERSION;
     //-- this is an interesting hack to make curl+ssl+windows follow redirects
     //-- without skipping verification. For some reason, the version of libcurl/curl
     //-- included with ZendServer CE doesn't use the systems CA bundle, so, we specify
     //-- the path to the cert here (via config setting)
     if (isset(Config::Instance()->Instaphp->CACertBundlePath) && !empty(Config::Instance()->Instaphp->CACertBundlePath)) {
         $this->_options[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER] = true;
         $this->_options[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST] = 2;
         $this->_options[CURLOPT_SSLVERSION] = 3;
         $this->_options[CURLOPT_CAINFO] = Config::Instance()->Instaphp->CACertBundlePath;
     $this->_options[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER] = array("Connection: keep-alive", "Keep-Alive: 300", "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7", "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5");
     $this->_requests = array();
     $this->_responses = array();
Exemplo n.º 13
function set_config($key, $value)
    $config = Config::Instance();
    return $config->get($key, $value);
Exemplo n.º 14
 public function test_class_wrap_read()
     $config = Config::Instance();
     $this->assertEquals($config->variable('array'), $GLOBALS['var']);
Exemplo n.º 15
 function GetUserToken()
     return ToolMethod::Instance()->GetCookies(Config::Instance()->LoginUser["UserToken"]);
Exemplo n.º 16
 public function xmlrpcServer()
     if (!$this->check_system()) {
     if (!defined('EGS_USERNAME')) {
         $config = Config::Instance();
         define('EGS_USERNAME', $config->get('TICKET_USER'));
     include PLUGINS_ROOT . 'xmlrpc/xmlrpc.inc';
     include PLUGINS_ROOT . 'xmlrpc/xmlrpcs.inc';
     $this->references('ticketing', 'model');
     // Need to load definitions for introspection purposes
     // TODO: register in database and retrieve from there
     $newOther_sig = array(array('struct', 'subject' => 'string', 'string', 'string'));
     $newOther_doc = 'Another new uzERP xml rpc function';
     $newOther = array('function' => 'newOther', 'signature' => $newOther_sig, 'docstring' => $newOther_doc);
     // $ticketRequest_sig = array(array('struct', 'subject'=>'string', 'from_email'=>'string', 'request'=>'string', 'to_email'=>'string'));
     $ticketRequest_sig = array(array('struct', 'string', 'string', 'struct', 'string'));
     $ticketRequest_doc = 'Submit uzERP ticket';
     $ticketRequest = array('function' => 'xmlrpcTicket::request', 'signature' => $ticketRequest_sig, 'docstring' => $ticketRequest_doc);
     new xmlrpc_server(array('uzerp.newOther' => $newOther, 'support.request' => $ticketRequest));
Exemplo n.º 17
 public static function getReplyAddress($ticket)
     $from = '';
     $config = Config::Instance();
     $ticket_support = $config->get('TICKET_SUPPORT');
     if (!is_null($ticket->originator_company_id) && !empty($ticket_support)) {
         // use the ticket support email address for the company
         // TICKET_SUPPORT should be defined in the conf/config.php
         $from = $ticket->company->getContactDetail('E', $ticket_support);
     if (empty($from)) {
         // no ticket support email address for the company
         // so use the queue email address
         $queue = new TicketQueue();
         $from = $queue->email_address;
     return $from;
Exemplo n.º 18
 static function get_fk_field_type()
     $config = Config::Instance();
     $field_type = get_config('DB_TYPE') . '_fk_field_type';
     return self::$field_type($_field_type);
Exemplo n.º 19
 function request($params)
     $errors = array();
     // Parse parameters.
     $p1 = $params->getParam(0);
     $subject = $p1->scalarval();
     $p2 = $params->getParam(1);
     $from_email = $p2->scalarval();
     $p3 = $params->getParam(2);
     $parts = array();
     foreach ($p3->scalarval() as $body) {
         $parts[] = $body->scalarval();
     $content = $parts[0]['content'];
     $request = $content->scalarval();
     $p4 = $params->getParam(3);
     $to_email = $p4->scalarval();
     - mandatory fields
      summary character varying NOT NULL,
       client_ticket_priority_id bigint NOT NULL,
       client_ticket_severity_id bigint NOT NULL,
       ticket_queue_id bigint NOT NULL,
       ticket_category_id bigint NOT NULL,
       internal_ticket_priority_id bigint NOT NULL,
       internal_ticket_severity_id bigint NOT NULL,
       internal_ticket_status_id bigint NOT NULL,
       client_ticket_status_id bigint NOT NULL,
     - optional fields
      originator_person_id character varying,
       originator_company_id bigint,
       company_sla_id bigint,
       action_code character varying(4),
       originator_email_address character varying,
       assigned_to character varying,
     $config = Config::Instance();
     $companyid = '';
     $contact = new PartyContactMethodCollection(new PartyContactMethod());
     $sh = new SearchHandler($contact, false, false);
     $sh->addConstraint(new Constraint('name', '=', $config->get('TICKET_SUPPORT')));
     $sh->addConstraint(new Constraint('type', '=', 'E'));
     $sh->addConstraint(new Constraint('technical', 'is', TRUE));
     $sh->addConstraint(new Constraint('contact', '=', $to_email));
     if ($contact->count() > 0) {
         $party_ids = array();
         foreach ($contact as $party) {
             $party_ids[] = $party->party_id;
             $usercompanyid = $party->usercompanyid;
         if (!defined('EGS_COMPANY_ID')) {
             define('EGS_COMPANY_ID', $usercompanyid);
         $company = new Company();
         $cc = new ConstraintChain();
         $cc->add(new Constraint('party_id', 'in', '(' . implode(',', $party_ids) . ')'));
         $companylist = $company->getAll($cc);
         if (count($companylist) != 1) {
             $errors[] = '1) Unable to find your support details - please contact technical support';
         } else {
             $company->load(key($companylist), true);
             $companyid = $company->id;
             $usercompanyid = $company->usercompanyid;
     } else {
         $errors[] = '2) Unable to find your support details - please contact technical support';
     $data['attachments'] = $parts;
     $data['TicketResponse']['body'] = $request;
     $data['TicketResponse']['type'] = 'site';
     $data['Ticket']['originator_company_id'] = $companyid;
     $data['reply_address'] = $to_email;
     $start = strpos($subject, '[');
     $end = strpos($subject, ']');
     $mid = strpos($subject, '-');
     if ($start > 0 && $mid > 0 && $end > 0 && $start < $end && $start < $mid && $mid < $end) {
         $ticket = substr($subject, $mid + 1, $end - $mid - 1);
     if (empty($request)) {
         $errors[] = 'No request details submitted';
     } elseif (count($errors) == 0) {
         if (isset($ticket) && is_numeric($ticket)) {
             $data['TicketResponse']['ticket_id'] = $ticket;
             self::updateRequest($data, $errors);
             $response = "Your response for Ticket " . $ticket . " has been received. The person dealing with your query has been notified.";
         } else {
             $data['Ticket']['summary'] = $subject;
             $data['Ticket']['originator_email_address'] = $from_email;
             $data['Ticket']['usercompanyid'] = $usercompanyid;
             self::newRequest($data, $errors);
             $response = "Your request has been received and assigned ticket no. " . $data['TicketResponse']['ticket_id'] . ". A confirmation email has been sent.";
     if (count($errors) > 0) {
         $errors[] = $sh->constraints->__toString();
         $result = "ERROR\n";
         $response = "Subject:" . $subject . "\n";
         $response .= 'Email:' . $from_email . "\n";
         $response .= 'Request:' . $request . ";\n\n";
         $response .= "Errors:\n";
         $response .= implode(";\n", $errors);
     } else {
         $result = 'SUCCESS';
     $struct = array('result' => new xmlrpcval($result, 'string'), 'response' => new xmlrpcval($response, 'string'));
     return new xmlrpcresp(new xmlrpcval($struct, 'struct'));