function updateGenInfo() { $tableName = 'HS_HR_GENINFO'; $arrRecordsList[0] = "'001'"; $arrRecordsList[1] = "'" . $this->getGenInfoKeys() . "'"; $arrRecordsList[2] = "'" . $this->getGenInfoValues() . "'"; $arrFieldList[0] = 'CODE'; $arrFieldList[1] = 'GENINFO_KEYS'; $arrFieldList[2] = 'GENINFO_VALUES'; $sql_builder = new SQLQBuilder(); $sql_builder->table_name = $tableName; $sql_builder->flg_update = 'true'; $sql_builder->arr_update = $arrFieldList; $sql_builder->arr_updateRecList = $arrRecordsList; $sqlQString = $sql_builder->addUpdateRecord1(); $compStruct_newTitle = explode("|", $arrRecordsList[2]); $compStruct_newTitle = substr($compStruct_newTitle[0], 1); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $message2 = $dbConnection->executeQuery($sqlQString); //Calling the addData() function $compStructObj = new CompStruct(); $compStructObj->setaddStr($compStruct_newTitle); $compStructObj->setid(1); $compStructObj->setlocation(''); $compStructObj->updateCompStruct(); return $message2; }
/** * Searches for subdivisions in the company structure that have a title that * match the given search string and returns all subdivions under those * matches as a comma separated string of subdivision ids. * * @param searchStr The string to match against subdivision IDs * @return comma separated string of subdivision ids or null if no match. */ private function _getMatchingSubdivisionIds($searchStr) { $subdivisionIds = null; // Get list of workstations with matches in the title or matches higher in the hierachy $compStructObj = new CompStruct(); $sublist = $compStructObj->getSubdivisionsUnderMatchInHierachy($searchStr); // Create select condition for employees with workstation set to any of the // subdivisions if (isset($sublist) && count($sublist) > 0) { $rowNum = 0; foreach ($sublist as $subdivision) { $subdivIdList[$rowNum] = $subdivision['id']; $rowNum++; } $subdivisionIds = implode(',', $subdivIdList); } return $subdivisionIds; }
function xajaxObjCall($value, $uniqcode, $cntrl) { switch ($uniqcode) { case 'SCD': if ($cntrl == 'unAssCurrency') { $salcurdet = new SalCurDet(); return $salcurdet->getUnAssSalCurDet($value); } if ($cntrl == 'currencyEdit') { $currtype = new CurrencyTypes(); return $currtype->filterCurrencyTypes($value); } break; case 'LOC': if ($cntrl == 'province') { $province = new ProvinceInfo(); return $province->getProvinceCodes($value); } if ($cntrl == 'district') { $district = new DistrictInfo(); return $district->getDistrictCodes($value); } if ($cntrl == 'addLocation') { $location = new models_eimadmin_Location(); return $location->addLocation(); } if ($cntrl == 'getLocCodes') { $location = new models_eimadmin_Location(); return $location->getLocCodes(); } break; case 'DIS': if ($cntrl == 'province') { $provinfo = new ProvinceInfo(); return $provinfo->getProvinceCodes($value); } break; case 'CST': if ($cntrl == 'edit') { $compstruct = new CompStruct(); return $compstruct->filterCompStruct($value); } if ($cntrl == 'assigned') { $level = $value[0]; $val = $value[1]; $comphier = new CompHierachy(); return $comphier->getAssCompHier($level, $val); } if ($cntrl == 'unAssigned') { $level = $value[0]; $val = $value[1]; $compstruct = new CompStruct(); return $compstruct->getUnAssCompStruct($val, $level); } break; case 'JOB': if ($cntrl == 'assigned') { $jobtit_empstat = new JobTitEmpStat(); return $jobtit_empstat->getAssEmpStat($value); } if ($cntrl == 'unAssigned') { $jobtit_empstat = new JobTitEmpStat(); return $jobtit_empstat->getUnAssEmpStat($value); } if ($cntrl == 'editEmpStat') { $empstat = new EmploymentStatus(); return $empstat->filterEmpStat($value); } if ($cntrl == 'allEmpStat') { $jobtit_empstat = new JobTitEmpStat(); return $jobtit_empstat->getAllEmpStats($value); } break; } }
?> order"><?php echo $lang_empview_Supervisor; ?> </a> <img src="../../themes/beyondT/icons/<?php echo $this->getArr['sortOrder' . $j]; ?> .png" width="8" height="10" border="0" alt="img" style="vertical-align: middle" /> </td> <?php } ?> </tr> <?php if (isset($emplist) && $emplist != '') { $compStructObj = new CompStruct(); $compStructObj->buildAllWorkStations(); for ($j = 0; $j < count($emplist); $j++) { $descField = $emplist[$j][1]; $subDivision = "-"; if (isset($emplist[$j][3]) && !empty($emplist[$j][3])) { $subDivision = $compStructObj->fetchHierarchString($emplist[$j][3]); } if ($sysConst->viewDescLen <= strlen($descField)) { $descField = substr($descField, 0, $sysConst->viewDescLen); $descField .= "...."; } ?> <tr valign="top"> <?php if (!($j % 2)) {
require_once ROOT_PATH . '/lib/dao/DMLFunctions.php'; require_once ROOT_PATH . '/lib/controllers/ViewController.php'; require_once ROOT_PATH . '/lib/confs/sysConf.php'; require_once $lan->getLangPath("full.php"); $GLOBALS['lang_Common_Select'] = $lang_Common_Select; $GLOBALS['lang_compstruct_Other'] = $lang_compstruct_Other; $types = array(array($lang_compstruct_Division, $lang_compstruct_Division), array($lang_compstruct_Department, $lang_compstruct_Department), array($lang_compstruct_Team, $lang_compstruct_Team), array('Other', $lang_compstruct_Other)); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $message2 = $dbConnection->executeQuery("SELECT geninfo_values FROM `hs_hr_geninfo` WHERE code = 001"); $arrCompInfo = mysql_fetch_array($message2, MYSQL_NUM); $txtCompInfo = explode("|", $arrCompInfo[0]); if (!isset($_GET['root'])) { $_GET['root'] = $txtCompInfo[0]; } $locations = $this->popArr['locations']; $treeCompStruct = new CompStruct(); $objAjax = new xajax(); $objAjax->registerFunction('addLocation'); $objAjax->registerFunction('populateStates'); $objAjax->processRequests(); function addLocation($arrElements) { $view_controller = new ViewController(); $ext_locAdd = new EXTRACTOR_Location(); $objAddLoc = $ext_locAdd->parseAddData($arrElements); $view_controller->addData('LOC', $objAddLoc, true); $getLoc = $view_controller->xajaxObjCall('', 'LOC', 'getLocCodes'); $objResponse = new xajaxResponse(); $xajaxFiller = new xajaxElementFiller(); $xajaxFiller->setDefaultOptionName($GLOBALS['lang_Common_Select']); $objResponse = $xajaxFiller->cmbFiller($objResponse, $getLoc, 0, 'frmAddNode', 'cmbLocation', 3);
$colHead = $this->headName[$i]; } echo "<td valign='top'>" . '<strong>' . $colHead . '</strong>' . '</td>'; switch ($this->headName[$i]) { case 'Reporting method': $reportingMethod = $i; break; case 'Contract': $contractDate = $i; break; case 'Qualifications': $qualifications = $i; break; case 'Sub division': $subDivision = $i; $compStructObj = new CompStruct(); $compStructObj->buildAllWorkStations(); break; case 'Job Title': $jobTitle = $i; break; case 'Skills': $skills = $i; break; case 'Work experience': $workExperience = $i; break; case 'Date of Birth': $dateFields[$i] = true; break; case 'Joined Date':