Exemplo n.º 1
 public function controlerJob($maincont)
     if ($maincont->isLoggued()) {
         		$_POST["body"]="move Ur body4242";
         if (isset($_POST["id"])) {
             $p = new Comment($_POST["id"]);
         $maincont->goModule("comment", "admin");
     } else {
         $maincont->goModule("admin", "loginform");
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function controlerJob($maincont)
     if (isset($_POST["author"])) {
         $p = new Comment();
     $maincont->goModule("home", "display");
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function findCommentById($id)
     $stmt = $this->dtb->prepare('SELECT * FROM comments WHERE postID = :pid');
     $stmt->bindValue(':pid', $pid, PDO::PARAM_INT);
     $data = array();
     $um = new PdoUserManager();
     $pm = new PdoPostManager();
     $d = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
     $c = new Comment();
     $data[] = $c;
     return $data;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Save changes to comment.
  * @return int the comment ID
 function execute()
     $journal =& Request::getJournal();
     $enableComments = $journal->getSetting('enableComments');
     $commentDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('CommentDAO');
     $comment = $this->comment;
     if (!isset($comment)) {
         $comment = new Comment();
     $user =& Request::getUser();
     if (($enableComments == COMMENTS_ANONYMOUS || $enableComments == COMMENTS_UNAUTHENTICATED) && (Request::getUserVar('anonymous') || $user == null)) {
     } else {
     if (isset($this->comment)) {
     } else {
         $this->commentId = $comment->getId();
     return $this->commentId;
  * Creates and returns a submission comment object from a row
  * @param $row array
  * @return Comment object
 function &_returnCommentFromRow($row, $childLevels = 0)
     $userDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('UserDAO');
     $comment = new Comment();
     $comment->setUser($userDao->getUser($row['user_id']), true);
     if (!HookRegistry::call('CommentDAO::_returnCommentFromRow', array(&$comment, &$row, &$childLevels))) {
         if ($childLevels > 0) {
             $comment->setChildren($this->getCommentsByParentId($row['comment_id'], $childLevels - 1));
         } else {
             if ($childLevels == SUBMISSION_COMMENT_RECURSE_ALL) {
                 $comment->setChildren($this->getCommentsByParentId($row['comment_id'], SUBMISSION_COMMENT_RECURSE_ALL));
     return $comment;
Exemplo n.º 6
 protected function handleComment(&$username, &$password, &$articleId, &$title, &$body)
     $userDAO = DAORegistry::getDAO('UserDAO');
     $user = $userDAO->getUserByCredentials($username, $password);
     if ($user == null) {
         return 'ERROR_CREDENTIALS';
     if ($title == null || $title == '' || $body == null || $body == '' || $articleId == null || $articleId == '') {
         return 'ERROR_PARAMS';
     if (DAORegistry::getDAO('PublishedArticleDAO')->getPublishedArticleByArticleId($articleId) == null) {
         return 'ERROR_NO_ARTICLE';
     $commentDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('CommentDAO');
     $comment = new Comment();
     $result = $commentDao->insertComment($comment);
     echo (int) $result;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Save changes to comment.
  * @return int the comment ID
 function execute()
     $conference =& Request::getConference();
     $schedConf =& Request::getSchedConf();
     $enableComments = $conference->getSetting('enableComments');
     $commentsRequireRegistration = $conference->getSetting('commentsRequireRegistration');
     $commentsAllowAnonymous = $conference->getSetting('commentsAllowAnonymous');
     $commentDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('CommentDAO');
     $comment = $this->comment;
     if (!isset($comment)) {
         $comment = new Comment();
     $user =& Request::getUser();
     if (($commentsAllowAnonymous || !$commentsRequireRegistration) && (Request::getUserVar('anonymous') || $user == null)) {
     } else {
     if (isset($this->comment)) {
     } else {
         $this->commentId = $comment->getId();
     return $this->commentId;
 function importPendingEmailAsComment(&$incoming_mail, &$project, &$user, &$mailbox, $page_id = '')
     $parent = ProjectObjects::findById(!empty($page_id) ? $page_id : $incoming_mail->getParentId());
     //EOF:mod 20120820
     if (!instance_of($parent, 'ProjectObject')) {
         // parent object does not exists
         $incoming_mail_save = $incoming_mail->save();
         return new Error(incoming_mail_module_get_status_description(INCOMING_MAIL_STATUS_PARENT_NOT_EXISTS));
     // if
     if (!$mailbox->getAcceptAllRegistered() && instance_of($user, 'User') && !$parent->canComment($user)) {
         // user cannot create comments to parent object
         $incoming_mail_save = $incoming_mail->save();
         return new Error(incoming_mail_module_get_status_description(INCOMING_MAIL_STATUS_USER_CANNOT_CREATE_COMMENT));
     } else {
         if (!$parent->can_have_comments || $parent->getIsLocked() || $parent->getState() < STATE_VISIBLE) {
             // parent object can't have comments
             $incoming_mail_save = $incoming_mail->save();
             return new Error(incoming_mail_module_get_status_description(INCOMING_MAIL_STATUS_USER_CANNOT_CREATE_COMMENT));
         // if
     // if
     $comment = new Comment();
     $comment->log_activities = false;
     $body_content = '';
     if (stripos($incoming_mail->getBody(), '-- REPLY ABOVE THIS LINE --') !== false) {
         $body_content = substr($incoming_mail->getBody(), 0, strpos($incoming_mail->getBody(), '-- REPLY ABOVE THIS LINE --'));
     } else {
         $body_content = $incoming_mail->getBody();
     IncomingMailImporter::attachFilesToProjectObject($incoming_mail, $comment);
     //$save = $comment->save();
     $save = $comment->save(true);
     if ($save && !is_error($save)) {
         $activity = new NewCommentActivityLog();
         $activity->log($comment, $user);
         if (instance_of($user, 'User')) {
         // if
         //BOF:mod 20111110 #493
         preg_match("/\\[CID(.*?)\\](.*)/is", $incoming_mail->getSubject(), $results);
         if (count($results) > 0) {
             $project = new Project($parent->getProjectId());
             $variables = array('owner_company_name' => get_owner_company(), 'project_name' => $project->getName(), 'project_url' => $project->getOverviewUrl(), 'object_type' => $comment->getVerboseType(), 'object_name' => $comment->getName(), 'object_body' => $comment->getFormattedBody(), 'object_url' => $comment->getViewUrl(), 'comment_body' => $comment->getFormattedBody(), 'comment_url' => $comment->getViewUrl(), 'created_by_url' => $user->getViewUrl(), 'created_by_name' => $user->getDisplayName(), 'details_body' => '', 'comment_id' => $comment->getId());
             $emailed_comment_id = $results[1];
             $emailed_comment = new Comment($emailed_comment_id);
             $emailed_comment_creator_id = $emailed_comment->getCreatedById();
             $email_to = array();
             $temp_user_id = $user->getId();
             $temp_comment_id = $comment->getId();
             $rows = db_execute_all("select user_id from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "assignments_action_request where comment_id='" . $emailed_comment_id . "' and marked_for_email='1'");
             foreach ($rows as $row) {
                 if ($row['user_id'] != $temp_user_id) {
                     $email_to[] = new User($row['user_id']);
                     db_execute("insert into " . TABLE_PREFIX . "assignments_action_request (user_id, marked_for_email, selected_by_user_id, comment_id, date_added) values ('" . $row['user_id'] . "', '1', '" . $temp_user_id . "', '" . $temp_comment_id . "', now())");
             $row = db_execute_one("select a.selected_by_user_id from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "assignments_action_request a where a.comment_id='" . $emailed_comment_id . "' and a.marked_for_email='1' and a.selected_by_user_id not in (select b.user_id from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "assignments_action_request b where b.comment_id='" . $emailed_comment_id . "' and b.marked_for_email='1') limit 0, 1");
             if (!empty($row['selected_by_user_id'])) {
                 if ($row['selected_by_user_id'] != $temp_user_id) {
                     $email_to[] = new User($row['selected_by_user_id']);
                     db_execute("insert into " . TABLE_PREFIX . "assignments_action_request (user_id, marked_for_email, selected_by_user_id, comment_id, date_added) values ('" . $row['selected_by_user_id'] . "', '1', '" . $temp_user_id . "', '" . $temp_comment_id . "', now())");
             //ApplicationMailer::send(array(new User($emailed_comment_creator_id)), 'resources/new_comment', $variables, $parent);
             $attachments = null;
             $object_attachments = $comment->getAttachments();
             if ($object_attachments) {
                 $attachments = array();
                 foreach ($object_attachments as $object_attachment) {
                     $attachments[] = array('path' => $object_attachment->getFilePath(), 'name' => $object_attachment->getName(), 'mime_type' => $object_attachment->getMimeType());
             ApplicationMailer::send($email_to, 'resources/new_comment', $variables, $parent, $attachments);
         //EOF:mod 20111110 #493
         if (!empty($page_id)) {
             //$link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS);
             //mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $link);
             //mysql_query("insert into testing (date_added, content) values (now(), 'Page_id: " . $page_id . "')");
             $task =& IncomingMailImporter::importPendingEmailToTaskList($incoming_mail, $project, $user, $page_id, $comment);
             return $task;
         } else {
             return $comment;
     // if
     return $save;