function execute() { $receiptNum = $this->formArray[receiptNum]; echo "receiptNum={$receiptNum}<br>"; $collection = new Collections(); $collectionID = $collection->selectWhereReceiptNum($receiptNum); $collection->cancelRecord(); echo "collectionID={$collectionID}<br>"; }
function execute() { $collection = new Collections(); if ($collection->purge()) { echo "Purge successfully completed.<br>"; } else { echo "Purge errors were encountered.<br>"; } }
public final function getClientFieldNamesForEnhancedClass(Clazz $clazz) { if (is_null($this->clientFields)) { return null; } $fieldNames = $this->clientFields->get($clazz); return is_null($fieldNames) ? null : Collections::unmodifiableSet($fieldNames); }
public static function get_instance() { if (!isset(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new Collections(); self::$instance->load(); } return self::$instance; }
public function executeSetInstitution(sfWebRequest $request) { if (!$this->getUser()->isAtLeast(Users::MANAGER)) { $this->forwardToSecureAction(); } $collection = new Collections(); $collection->setInstitutionRef(Doctrine::getTable('Collections')->getInstitutionNameByCollection($request->getParameter('parent_ref'))->getId()); $this->form = new CollectionsForm($collection); $this->setLayout(false); }
function displayTree(Collections $elem, $html, $value, $name, $user = null) { $img_expand = 'blue_expand.png'; $img_expand_up = 'blue_expand_up.png'; if ($elem->hasChild()) { $html .= '<ul>'; foreach ($elem->getChilds() as $child) { $html .= "<li class=\"rid_" . $child->getId() . "\""; if ($child->isEncodable()) { $html .= ' data-enc="true" '; } $html .= "><div class=\"col_name\">"; $html .= image_tag($img_expand, array('alt' => '+', 'class' => 'tree_cmd collapsed')); $html .= image_tag($img_expand_up, array('alt' => '-', 'class' => 'tree_cmd expanded hidden')); $html .= "<span>" . $child->getName() . "</span>"; $options = array('type' => 'checkbox', 'class' => 'col_check', 'value' => $child->getId(), 'name' => $name); if (is_array($value) && in_array($child->getId(), $value)) { $options['checked'] = "checked"; } if ($name != '') { $html .= '<label class="chk">' . $this->renderTag('input', $options) . '</label>'; } else { if (!$this->getOption('is_choose')) { $html .= ' ' . image_tag('info.png', array('title' => 'info', 'class' => 'extd_info', 'data-manid' => $child->getMainManagerRef(), 'data-staffid' => $child->getStaffRef())); if ($user->isA(Users::ADMIN) || $user->isAtLeast(Users::MANAGER) && $child->getTypeInCol() >= Users::MANAGER) { $html .= link_to(image_tag('edit.png', array('title' => 'Edit Collection', 'class' => 'collection_edit')), 'collection/edit?id=' . $child->getId()); $html .= link_to(image_tag('duplicate.png', array('title' => 'Duplicate Collection')), 'collection/new?duplicate_id=' . $child->getId()); } } } $html .= "</div>"; $html .= $this->displayTree($child, '', $value, $name, $user) . '</li>'; } $html .= '</ul>'; } return $html; }
/** * Get a count for the specified key * * @param string $what Key name [following, followers, collectios, posts] * @return integer */ public function count($what = 'following') { $what = strtolower(trim($what)); $value = $this->get($what); switch ($what) { case 'following': if ($value === null) { $value = $this->_tbl->count(array('follower_type' => $this->get('following_type'), 'follower_id' => $this->get('following_id'))); $this->set($what, $value); } break; case 'followers': if ($value === null) { $value = $this->_tbl->count(array('following_type' => $this->get('following_type'), 'following_id' => $this->get('following_id'))); $this->set($what, $value); } break; case 'collections': if ($value === null && $this->get('following_type') != 'collection') { $model = Collections::getInstance($this->get('following_type'), $this->get('following_id')); $value = $model->collections(array('count')); $this->set($what, $value); } break; case 'posts': if ($value === null) { if ($this->get('following_type') != 'collection') { $model = Archive::getInstance($this->get('following_type'), $this->get('following_id')); $value = $model->posts(array('count')); $this->set($what, $value); } else { $model = Collection::getInstance($this->get('following_id')); $value = $model->posts(array('count')); $this->set($what, $value); } } break; } if ($value === null) { $value = 0; } return $value; }
/** * Removes all given items from collection. * * @param array|\stekycz\collections\ArrayObject $items * @return \stekycz\collections\ArrayObject */ public function removeAll($items) { $items = Collections::toArrayObject($items); $this->items = array_diff($this->items, $items->items); return $this; }
<?php include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap/Doctrine.php'; $t = new lime_test(4, new lime_output_color()); $t->info('getLevel'); $col1 = new Collections(); $col1->setPath('/12/13/'); $t->is($col1->getLevel(), 3, 'Get the level of the collection with parents'); $col1->setPath('/'); $t->is($col1->getLevel(), 1, 'Get the level of the collection at root'); $t->info('__toString'); $col1->setName("Malaco"); $t->is("" . $col1, 'Malaco', "To string of collection get name for root levels"); $col1->setPath('/12/13/'); $t->is("" . $col1, ' Malaco', "To string of collection add spaces for childrens levels");
<?php /** * Created by Kent M. Patrick * Project: BPU * Company: Fingerprints Ltd * Date: 21/09/2016 * Time: 9:58 AM */ require_once 'header.php'; $collections = new Collections(); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { switch ($_GET['c']) { case 'add': if ($_POST['name'] != "") { $name = str_ireplace('/', '-', $_POST['name']); $db->insert("collections", "name,user_id", "{$name}||" . $_SESSION['userid']); $html->redirection("collections.php?c={$db->affected_id}"); } else { $alerts->display("danger", "error", "Please enter new collections name."); echo "<div id='page-title' class='row'>"; echo "<div class='col-xs-12 col-sm-6'>"; $html->title("collections", null, "left"); echo "</div>"; echo "<div class='col-xs-12 col-sm-6'>"; $collections->create(); echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; $collections->listing(); } break;
}); </script> <div class="container"> <?php foreach ($institutions as $institution) { ?> <h2><?php echo $institution->getFormatedName(); ?> </h2> <div class="treelist"> <?php $w = new sfWidgetCollectionList(array('choices' => array(), 'is_choose' => $is_choose)); $root = $tree = new Collections(); foreach ($institution->Collections as $item) { $it = sfOutputEscaper::unescape($item); $anc = $tree->getFirstCommonAncestor($it); $anc->addChild($it); $tree = $it; } echo $w->displayTree($root, '', array(), '', $sf_user); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($sf_user->isAtLeast(Users::MANAGER)) {
require_once 'header.php'; $rename_path = '../media/magmi-import'; $rename_files = scandir($rename_path); foreach ($rename_files as $key => $name) { $oldName = $name; $newName = strtolower($name); if ($oldName !== $newName) { rename("{$rename_path}/{$oldName}", "{$rename_path}/{$newName}"); } } if (isset($_GET['c'])) { $products = $db->select('products', "`collection_id` = " . $_GET['c']); } else { $html->redirection("./collections.php"); } $collections = new Collections(); $collections->get_data($_GET['c']); echo "<div id='page-title' class='row'>"; echo "<div class='col-xs-12 col-sm-6'>"; $html->title("collection", "- {$collections->name}", "left"); echo "</div>"; echo "<div class='col-xs-12 col-md-6 text-right'>"; $html->button("collections.php", "back", "default"); echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; echo "<hr />"; echo '<div class="row">'; if ($products) { foreach ($products as $product) { $filename = $_SESSION['settings']['filenames'] ? $product['filename'] : $product['sku']; $image = "../media/catalog/product/" . strtolower($filename) . ".jpg";
function closeReceipt($varValues) { #Step 5 $this->tpl->set_var('paymentPeriod', $varValues['paymentPeriod']); $this->tpl->set_var('rptopID', $varValues['rptopID']); $this->tpl->set_var('rptopNum', $varValues['rptopNum']); $this->tpl->set_var('prevORNum', $varValues['prevORNum']); $this->tpl->set_var('prevORDate', $varValues['prevORDate']); $this->tpl->set_block('step5', 'TDID', 'TDIDs'); $tdID = $varValues['tdID']; if (is_array($tdID)) { foreach ($tdID as $key => $id) { # set/pass tdIDs to form $this->tpl->set_var(tdID, $id); $this->tpl->parse('TDIDs', 'TDID', 'true'); } } # get collectionID and use it to update payments made in dues table, update receiptNum in collections and payments table $collections = new Collections(); $collections->setCollectionID($varValues['collectionID']); $collections->setReceiptNum($varValues['receiptNo']); $collections->updateReceiptNum(); }
$cbgroup = new CBGroups(); $adsObj = new AdsManager(); $formObj = new formObj(); $cbplugin = new CBPlugin(); $eh = new EH(); $sess = new Session(); $cblog = new CBLogs(); $imgObj = new ResizeImage(); $cbvideo = $cbvid = new CBvideo(); $cbplayer = new CBPlayer(); $cbemail = new CBEmail(); $cbsearch = new CBSearch(); $cbpm = new cb_pm(); $cbpage = new cbpage(); $cbindex = new CBreindex(); $cbcollection = new Collections(); $cbphoto = new CBPhotos(); $cbfeeds = new cbfeeds(); // $cbmenu = new MenuHandler(); check_install('after'); require 'defined_links.php'; @(include "clipbucket.php"); $Cbucket->cbinfo = array("version" => VERSION, "state" => STATE, "rev" => REV, "release_date" => RELEASED); //Holds Advertisment IDS that are being Viewed $ads_array = array(); if (phpversion() < '5.2.0') { require_once $Cbucket->BASEDIR . '/includes/classes/Services_JSON.php'; $json = new Services_JSON(); } //Website Details define('CB_VERSION', $row['version']);
/** * Returns an array of values belonging to a given property of each item in a collection. * * @param array $collection array * @param string $property property * * @return array|object * */ public static function pluck($collection = [], $property = '') { $plucked = \array_map(function ($value) use($property) { return Collections::get($value, $property); }, (array) $collection); if (Objects::isObject($collection)) { $plucked = (object) $plucked; } return $plucked; }
/** * Returns a fixed size ListI based on the content of the give array * * @param array|\blaze\collections\ArrayI $array The contents of the array which should be used as content for the list * @return blaze\collections\ListI An immutable list with the contents of the array. */ public static function asList($array) { return Collections::immutableList(new lists\ArrayList($array)); }
session_start(); require_once "header.php"; $failedGoTo = "home.php"; $successGoTo = "collections.php"; $logoutGoTo = "home.php"; $access = new Access(); $logonUser = $access->isInitAccess(); if ($logonUser) { $typeUser = $access->isAdminUser(); } $access->processLogout($logoutGoTo); $access->processLogonRestriction($failedGoTo); $access->processSendAccess($successGoTo, $failedGoTo); unset($access); $collectionsArray = array(); $collections = new Collections(); $cuntryArray = $collections->getCountrys(); //unset($collections); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/Main.dwt.php" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" --> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" --> <title>CIP (Collector and Injection Panel)</title> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --> <?php ?> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <style type="text/css">