Exemplo n.º 1
  * save posting
  * @return int
 function savePosting()
     //global $mainframe;
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_discussions');
     $_dateformat = $params->get('dateformat', 'd.m.Y');
     $_timeformat = $params->get('timeformat', 'H:i');
     $user =& JFactory::getUser();
     $logUser = new CofiUser($user->id);
     $CofiHelper = new CofiHelper();
     $this->_headline = "";
     $this->_dbmode = JRequest::getString('dbmode', '');
     $_postSubject = JRequest::getString('postSubject', '', 'POST', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW);
     $_postSubject = strip_tags($_postSubject);
     $_postText = JRequest::getString('postText', '', 'POST', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW);
     $_postText = strip_tags($_postText);
     $_image1_description = JRequest::getString('image1_description', '');
     $_image1_description = strip_tags($_image1_description);
     $_image2_description = JRequest::getString('image2_description', '');
     $_image2_description = strip_tags($_image2_description);
     $_image3_description = JRequest::getString('image3_description', '');
     $_image3_description = strip_tags($_image3_description);
     $_image4_description = JRequest::getString('image4_description', '');
     $_image4_description = strip_tags($_image4_description);
     $_image5_description = JRequest::getString('image5_description', '');
     $_image5_description = strip_tags($_image5_description);
     $_postCatId = JRequest::getInt('catid', '0');
     $_postThread = JRequest::getInt('thread', '0');
     $_postParent = JRequest::getInt('parent', '0');
     $_postId = JRequest::getInt('id', '0');
     // get user IP address
     $_postIpAddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     // redirect	link
     $redirectLink = JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_discussions&view=category&catid=" . $this->getCategorySlug());
     // check if user is logged in - maybe session has timed out
     if ($user->guest) {
         // if user is not logged in, kick him back into category
         $app->redirect($redirectLink, JText::_('COFI_POST_NOT_SAVED'), "message");
     // 1. check if subject >= 5 chars
     // todo make minimum subject length configurable
     if (strlen($_postSubject) < 5) {
         $isSubjectTooShort = true;
     } else {
         $isSubjectTooShort = false;
     // 2. check if text >= 5 chars
     // todo make minimum text length configurable
     if (strlen($_postText) < 5) {
         $isTextTooShort = true;
     } else {
         $isTextTooShort = false;
     // check if insert or update
     // update
     if ($this->_dbmode == "update") {
         if (!$isSubjectTooShort && !$isTextTooShort) {
             // check if subject and text have minimum length
             $db =& $this->getDBO();
             // insert last edit time stamp
             $_unixtime = time();
             // todo change date, time calculation
             // get rid of the percentage symbol %
             $_dateformat = str_replace("%", "", $_dateformat);
             $_timeformat = str_replace("%", "", $_timeformat);
             //$_timeformat = "g:i A";
             $_date = date($_dateformat, $_unixtime);
             $_time = date($_timeformat, $_unixtime);
             $_timestamp = "\n\n" . JText::_('COFI_EDITED_BY') . " " . $user->username . " - " . $_date . " " . $_time;
             $_postText .= $_timestamp;
             if ($logUser->isModerator()) {
                 // moderators are allowed to edit all posts
                 $sql = "UPDATE " . $db->nameQuote('#__discussions_messages') . " SET" . " message = " . $db->Quote($_postText) . ", " . " image1_description = " . $db->Quote($_image1_description) . ", " . " image2_description = " . $db->Quote($_image2_description) . ", " . " image3_description = " . $db->Quote($_image3_description) . ", " . " image4_description = " . $db->Quote($_image4_description) . ", " . " image5_description = " . $db->Quote($_image5_description) . " WHERE id = '" . $_postId . "'";
             } else {
                 // no mod? then user must be owner
                 $sql = "UPDATE " . $db->nameQuote('#__discussions_messages') . " SET" . " message = " . $db->Quote($_postText) . ", " . " image1_description = " . $db->Quote($_image1_description) . ", " . " image2_description = " . $db->Quote($_image2_description) . ", " . " image3_description = " . $db->Quote($_image3_description) . ", " . " image4_description = " . $db->Quote($_image4_description) . ", " . " image5_description = " . $db->Quote($_image5_description) . " WHERE id = '" . $_postId . "' AND user_id = '" . $user->id . "'";
             $result = $db->query();
             // check if there are images to delete
             // get folder name
             $rootDir = JPATH_ROOT;
             $cb_image1 = JRequest::getString('cb_image1', '', 'POST');
             $cb_image2 = JRequest::getString('cb_image2', '', 'POST');
             $cb_image3 = JRequest::getString('cb_image3', '', 'POST');
             $cb_image4 = JRequest::getString('cb_image4', '', 'POST');
             $cb_image5 = JRequest::getString('cb_image5', '', 'POST');
             if ($cb_image1 == "delete") {
                 $this->del_image($_postThread, $_postId, "image1", $rootDir, $db, 1);
             if ($cb_image2 == "delete") {
                 $this->del_image($_postThread, $_postId, "image2", $rootDir, $db, 2);
             if ($cb_image3 == "delete") {
                 $this->del_image($_postThread, $_postId, "image3", $rootDir, $db, 3);
             if ($cb_image4 == "delete") {
                 $this->del_image($_postThread, $_postId, "image4", $rootDir, $db, 4);
             if ($cb_image5 == "delete") {
                 $this->del_image($_postThread, $_postId, "image5", $rootDir, $db, 5);
             if ($result) {
                 // update went fine
                 // upload images to id folder
                 if (isset($_FILES['image1']) and !$_FILES['image1']['error']) {
                     $this->add_image($_postThread, $_postId, "image1", $rootDir, $db, 1);
                 if (isset($_FILES['image2']) and !$_FILES['image2']['error']) {
                     $this->add_image($_postThread, $_postId, "image2", $rootDir, $db, 2);
                 if (isset($_FILES['image3']) and !$_FILES['image3']['error']) {
                     $this->add_image($_postThread, $_postId, "image3", $rootDir, $db, 3);
                 if (isset($_FILES['image4']) and !$_FILES['image4']['error']) {
                     $this->add_image($_postThread, $_postId, "image4", $rootDir, $db, 4);
                 if (isset($_FILES['image5']) and !$_FILES['image5']['error']) {
                     $this->add_image($_postThread, $_postId, "image5", $rootDir, $db, 5);
     } else {
         if (!$isSubjectTooShort && !$isTextTooShort) {
             // check if subject and text have minimum length
             $db =& $this->getDBO();
             // preset is published and not moderated (normal state)
             $published = 1;
             $wfm = 0;
             // wfm = waiting for moderation
             if ($logUser->isModerator() == 0) {
                 // bypass these checks if user is moderator
                 // 1. check for rookie mode
                 // get Rookie Mode setting from com_discussions parameters
                 $rookie = $params->get('rookie', '0');
                 if ($rookie > 0) {
                     // we are in rookie mode
                     if ($logUser->isRookie() == 1) {
                         // user is a rookie
                         $wfm = 1;
                         // wfm = waiting for moderation
                         $published = 0;
                 // 2. check if this is a moderated user
                 if ($logUser->isModerated() == 1) {
                     // user is moderated
                     $wfm = 1;
                     // wfm = waiting for moderation
                     $published = 0;
                 // 3. check if this is a moderated category
                 if ($CofiHelper->isCategoryModerated($_postCatId)) {
                     // category is moderated
                     $wfm = 1;
                     // wfm = waiting for moderation
                     $published = 0;
             // create alias for SEF URL
             $alias = $_postSubject;
             $alias = JFilterOutput::stringURLSafe($alias);
             $insert_sql = "INSERT INTO " . $db->nameQuote('#__discussions_messages') . " ( parent_id, cat_id, thread, user_id, account, name, email, ip, subject, alias, message, image1_description,  image2_description, image3_description, image4_description, image5_description, published, wfm) " . " VALUES ( " . $_postParent . ", " . $_postCatId . ", " . $_postThread . ", '" . $user->id . "', '" . $user->username . "', '" . $user->name . "', '" . $user->email . "', '" . $_postIpAddress . "', " . $db->Quote($_postSubject) . ", " . $db->Quote($alias) . ", " . $db->Quote($_postText) . ", " . $db->Quote($_image1_description) . ", " . $db->Quote($_image2_description) . ", " . $db->Quote($_image3_description) . ", " . $db->Quote($_image4_description) . ", " . $db->Quote($_image5_description) . ", " . $published . ", " . $wfm . " )";
             $insert_result = $db->query();
             // $_postId = last_insert_id();
             $db->setQuery("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() FROM " . $db->nameQuote('#__discussions_messages'));
             $_postId = $db->loadResult();
             // get parent and set thread to id if 0
             if ($_postThread == 0) {
                 // no thread id, so it is like id
                 $_postThread = $_postId;
                 $sql = "UPDATE " . $db->nameQuote('#__discussions_messages') . " SET thread = '" . $_postThread . "' WHERE id = '" . $_postId . "'";
                 $result = $db->query();
             } else {
                 // thread is set
                 if ($_postParent == 0) {
                     // no parent id, so it is like thread id
                     $sql = "UPDATE " . $db->nameQuote('#__discussions_messages') . " SET parent_id = '" . $_postThread . "' WHERE id = '" . $_postId . "'";
                     $result = $db->query();
             if ($insert_result) {
                 // if insert was successful update statistics
                 if ($published == 1) {
                     // thread goes live, so we can update stats
                     // set user post counter ++
                     $result = $CofiHelper->increaseUserPostCounter($user->id);
                     // update thread stats
                     $result = $CofiHelper->updateThreadStats($_postThread);
                     // update category stats
                     $result = $CofiHelper->updateCategoryStats($_postCatId);
                 // if published
             if ($insert_result) {
                 // insert went fine
                 // upload image attachments todo
                 // get folder name
                 $rootDir = JPATH_ROOT;
                 if (isset($_FILES['image1']) and !$_FILES['image1']['error']) {
                     $this->add_image($_postThread, $_postId, "image1", $rootDir, $db, 1);
                 if (isset($_FILES['image2']) and !$_FILES['image2']['error']) {
                     $this->add_image($_postThread, $_postId, "image2", $rootDir, $db, 2);
                 if (isset($_FILES['image3']) and !$_FILES['image3']['error']) {
                     $this->add_image($_postThread, $_postId, "image3", $rootDir, $db, 3);
                 if (isset($_FILES['image4']) and !$_FILES['image4']['error']) {
                     $this->add_image($_postThread, $_postId, "image4", $rootDir, $db, 4);
                 if (isset($_FILES['image5']) and !$_FILES['image5']['error']) {
                     $this->add_image($_postThread, $_postId, "image5", $rootDir, $db, 5);
                 if ($wfm == 1) {
                     // this post needs moderator approval
                     $app->redirect($redirectLink, JText::_('COFI_POST_SAVED_NEEDS_APPROVAL'), "notice");
                 } else {
                     // redirect	link to last post
                     $redirectLinkToLastPost = $this->getLinkToLastPostByThreadId($_postThread);
                     $app->redirect($redirectLinkToLastPost, JText::_('COFI_POST_SAVED'), "notice");
             } else {
                 $app->redirect($redirectLink, JText::_('COFI_POST_NOT_SAVED_INSERT_ERROR'), "message");
     // end insert
     if ($isSubjectTooShort) {
         $app->redirect($redirectLink, JText::_('COFI_POST_NOT_SAVED_SUBJECT_TOO_SHORT'), "message");
     if ($isTextTooShort) {
         $app->redirect($redirectLink, JText::_('COFI_POST_NOT_SAVED_TEXT_TOO_SHORT'), "message");
     // redirect	link to last post
     $redirectLinkToLastPost = $this->getLinkToLastPostByThreadId($_postThread);
     $app->redirect($redirectLinkToLastPost, JText::_('COFI_POST_SAVED'), "notice");
     return 0;
     // save OK