function widget($args, $instance) { // If Co-Authors plus plugin exists display all co-aothor profiles one after another if (function_exists('coauthors_posts_links')) { $i = new CoAuthorsIterator(); $cnt = 1; while ($i->iterate()) { // the iterator overwrites the global authordata variable on each iteration $instance['seq'] = $cnt++; $instance['isLast'] = $i->is_last(); $this->_displayAuthor($args, $instance); } } else { // Normal behavior, one author per blog post $instance['seq'] = 1; $instance['isLast'] = true; $this->_displayAuthor($args, $instance); } }
function coauthors__echo($tag, $type = 'tag', $separators = array(), $tag_args = null, $echo = true) { // Define the standard output separator. Constant support is for backwards compat. // @see $default_before = defined('COAUTHORS_DEFAULT_BEFORE') ? COAUTHORS_DEFAULT_BEFORE : ''; $default_between = defined('COAUTHORS_DEFAULT_BETWEEN') ? COAUTHORS_DEFAULT_BETWEEN : ', '; $default_between_last = defined('COAUTHORS_DEFAULT_BETWEEN_LAST') ? COAUTHORS_DEFAULT_BETWEEN_LAST : __(' and ', 'co-authors-plus'); $default_after = defined('COAUTHORS_DEFAULT_AFTER') ? COAUTHORS_DEFAULT_AFTER : ''; if (!isset($separators['before']) || null === $separators['before']) { $separators['before'] = apply_filters('coauthors_default_before', $default_before); } if (!isset($separators['between']) || null === $separators['between']) { $separators['between'] = apply_filters('coauthors_default_between', $default_between); } if (!isset($separators['betweenLast']) || null === $separators['betweenLast']) { $separators['betweenLast'] = apply_filters('coauthors_default_between_last', $default_between_last); } if (!isset($separators['after']) || null === $separators['after']) { $separators['after'] = apply_filters('coauthors_default_after', $default_after); } $output = ''; $i = new CoAuthorsIterator(); $output .= $separators['before']; $i->iterate(); do { $author_text = ''; if ('tag' === $type) { $author_text = $tag($tag_args); } elseif ('field' === $type && isset($i->current_author->{$tag})) { $author_text = $i->current_author->{$tag}; } elseif ('callback' === $type && is_callable($tag)) { $author_text = call_user_func($tag, $i->current_author); } // Fallback to user_login if we get something empty if (empty($author_text)) { $author_text = $i->current_author->user_login; } // Append separators if ($i->count() - $i->position == 1) { // last author or only author $output .= $author_text; } elseif ($i->count() - $i->position == 2) { // second to last $output .= $author_text . $separators['betweenLast']; } else { $output .= $author_text . $separators['between']; } } while ($i->iterate()); $output .= $separators['after']; if ($echo) { echo $output; } return $output; }
function risd_coauthors_posts_links($writer_string, $image_folks_string) { global $post; $num_authors = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'number_of_authors', true); $co_auth_obj = new CoAuthorsIterator(); $num_contributors = $co_auth_obj->count(); # Check that the number_of_authors custom field is valid # If not, make everybody a writer if (!is_numeric($num_authors) || $num_authors < 1 || $num_authors > $num_contributors) { $num_authors = $num_contributors; } echo $writer_string; $count = 0; while ($co_auth_obj->iterate()) { the_author_posts_link(); $count++; # number of contributors we've displayed risd_add_delimiter($image_folks_string, $count, $num_authors, $num_contributors); } }
/** * 21. This function/shortcode will show all authors on a post * * @example <code>[show_authors]</code> is the default usage * @example <code>[show_authors]</code> */ function show_multiple_authors() { if (class_exists('CoAuthorsIterator')) { $i = new CoAuthorsIterator(); $return = ''; $i->iterate(); $return .= '<a href="' . get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta('ID')) . '">' . get_the_author_meta('display_name') . '</a>'; while ($i->iterate()) { $return .= $i->is_last() ? ' and ' : ', '; $return .= '<a href="' . get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta('ID')) . '">' . get_the_author_meta('display_name') . '</a>'; } return $return; } else { //fallback } }
<h2> About <?php if (function_exists('coauthors_posts_links')) { coauthors_posts_links(); } else { the_author_posts_link(); } ?> </h2> <?php if (function_exists('coauthors')) { $i = new CoAuthorsIterator(); $i->iterate(); print '<div class="gravatar">' . get_avatar(get_the_author_meta('ID'), $size = '52', $default = '') . '</div>'; print '<p class="coauthor">' . get_the_author_meta('description') . '</p>'; while ($i->iterate()) { print '<div class="gravatar">' . get_avatar(get_the_author_meta('ID'), $size = '52', $default = '') . '</div>'; print '<p class="coauthor">' . get_the_author_meta('description') . '</p>'; } } else { print '<p>' . get_the_author_meta('description') . '</p>'; } ?> </div> <?php
function coauthors__return($tag) { $return = array(); $i = new CoAuthorsIterator(); if ($i->iterate()) { $return[] = $tag(); } while ($i->iterate()) { $return[] = $tag(); } echo $after; }
?> Themen</h2> <p class="smalltext"><?php the_tags('', ' · ', ''); ?> </p> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="sidebar-section"> <h2 class="smalltitle"> <?php //Autor(en) echo '<img src="' . get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/images/author16px.png" alt="autor"/> '; $authors = new CoAuthorsIterator(); print $authors->count() == 1 ? 'Der Autor' : 'Die Autoren'; ?> </h2> <ul class="smalltext authors"> <?php coauthors_posts_links('</li><li>', '</li><li>', '<li>', '</li>'); ?> </ul> </div> <div class="sidebar-section"> <h2 class="smalltitle"><?php echo '<img src="' . get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/images/calendar16px.png" alt="kalender"/> '; ?> Datum</h2> <?php
function coauthors__echo($tag, $between, $betweenLast, $before, $after){ $i = new CoAuthorsIterator(); echo $before; if($i->iterate()) $tag(); while($i->iterate()){ echo $i->is_last() ? $betweenLast : $between; $tag(); } echo $after; }
/** * Replace author_url in oembed endpoint response * Since the oembed specification does not allow multiple urls, we'll go with the first coauthor * * The function is meant as a filter for `get_author_posts_url` function, which it is using as well * Recursion is prevented by a simple check agains original attributes passed to the funciton. That * also prevents execution in case the only coauthor is real author. * * This function is hooked only to oembed endpoint and it should stay that way */ function wpcom_vip_cap_replace_author_link($link, $author_id, $author_nicename) { //get coauthors and iterate to the first one //in case there are no coauthors, the Iterator returns current author $i = new CoAuthorsIterator(); $i->iterate(); //check if the current $author_id and $author_nicename is not the same as the first coauthor if ($i->current_author->ID !== $author_id || $i->current_author->user_nicename !== $author_nicename) { //alter the author_url $link = get_author_posts_url($i->current_author->ID, $i->current_author->user_nicename); } return $link; }