Exemplo n.º 1
  * Translates an Open311 POST into a CRM POST
  * A valid Client api_key is required in the POST
  * http://wiki.open311.org/GeoReport_v2#POST_Service_Request
  * Open311 POST Service Request: defines what key/values should
  * be posted when adding a service request.
  * However, we're just going to take the Open311 POST and
  * hand it off to Ticket::handleAdd().  So, we have to
  * translate all the Open311 POST parameters into the
  * POST parameters that Ticket::handleAdd() expects.
  * Media should not need any special handling here,
  * since both CRM and Open311 use "media" as the fieldname
  * @param array $open311Post The raw POST from the client
  * @return array A POST for Ticket::handleAdd()
 public static function translatePostArray($open311Post)
     // Make sure we have a valid api_key
     if (!empty($open311Post['api_key'])) {
         $client = Client::loadByApiKey($open311Post['api_key']);
     } else {
         throw new \Exception('clients/unknownClient');
     $ticketPost = array('client_id' => $client->getId(), 'contactMethod_id' => $client->getContactMethod_id());
     // The lookup table for keyname translations
     // 'open311Post_key'=>'ticketPost_key'
     $fields = array('service_code' => 'category_id', 'lat' => 'latitude', 'long' => 'longitude', 'address_string' => 'location', 'description' => 'description', 'attribute' => 'customFields');
     foreach ($fields as $open311Field => $crmField) {
         if (!empty($open311Post[$open311Field])) {
             $ticketPost[$crmField] = $open311Post[$open311Field];
     $person = self::findPerson($open311Post);
     if ($person) {
         $ticketPost['reportedByPerson_id'] = $person->getId();
     return $ticketPost;