Exemplo n.º 1
 public function createUnsubscribeUrl($warehouse_id)
     $contact = CleanWarehouse::model()->findByAttributes(array('warehouse_id' => $warehouse_id));
     if (count($contact) > 0) {
         //contact is is clean warehouse
         return "/unsubscribe/" . $contact->hash;
     } else {
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function run($args)
     $campaignSuccess = false;
     $configs = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE `key` IN ('host', 'https')")->queryAll();
     if (sizeof($configs) < 2) {
         throw new CException("\n\n\n===\nDomain or HTTPS config not yet set. View any admin area page in a browser to remedy this.\n===\n\n");
     foreach ($configs as $config) {
         $configParams[$config['key']] = $config['value'];
     print "Getting campaigns to process \n";
     $CampaignCollection = Campaign::model()->findAll(array('with' => array('query', 'groups' => array('with' => array('email_template'))), "condition" => "processing = 0 AND status = :status AND invite = 0", "params" => array(":status" => Campaign::STATUS_QUEUED)));
     print count($CampaignCollection) . ' campaigns to process' . "\n";
     $campaignIDs = [];
     foreach ($CampaignCollection as $Campaign) {
         $campaignIDs[] = $Campaign->id;
         print "Will process Campaign ID: " . $Campaign->id . " \n";
     $command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand();
     $command->update('campaign', array("processing" => 1), array('in', 'id', $campaignIDs));
     foreach ($CampaignCollection as $Campaign) {
         /* sending logic */
         /* create mailgun campaign id */
         $mailgunApi = new MailgunCampaign(Yii::app()->params['insiderEmailDomain'], Yii::app()->params['mailgun']['key']);
         // Check if the campaign ID exists
         try {
             $checkCampaignResponse = $mailgunApi->getCampaign(Yii::app()->params['insiderEmailDomain'], $Campaign->id);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $checkCampaignResponse = false;
         if (!$checkCampaignResponse) {
             $mailgunCampaignResponse = $mailgunApi->createCampaign(Yii::app()->params['insiderEmailDomain'], array("name" => $Campaign->name, "id" => $Campaign->id));
         } else {
             $mailgunCampaignResponse['campaign'] = $checkCampaignResponse;
         /* Example Response
         				[message] => Campaign created
         				[campaign] => Array
         						[clicked_count] => 0
         						[opened_count] => 0
         						[submitted_count] => 0
         						[unsubscribed_count] => 0
         						[bounced_count] => 0
         						[id] => 691
         						[name] => Hicks 2
         						[created_at] => Tue, 24 Feb 2015 13:34:25 GMT
         						[delivered_count] => 0
         						[complained_count] => 0
         						[dropped_count] => 0
         $Store = new Store();
         /* loop groups */
         /* load & render template (campaign_group) */
         foreach ($Campaign->groups as $CampaignGroup) {
             $mailgunApi = new MailgunApi(Yii::app()->params['insiderEmailDomain'], Yii::app()->params['mailgun']['key']);
             $message = $mailgunApi->newMessage();
             $message->setFrom(Yii::app()->params['fromEmail'], Yii::app()->name);
             // send variables to mailgun so that bounces and opens are easier to deal with.
             $message->addVar('campaign_id', $Campaign->id);
             $message->addVar('group_id', $CampaignGroup->id);
             //get contacts
             $CampaignContactCollection = CampaignContact::model()->findAll(array('with' => array('contact2outcomes' => array('index' => 'campaign_outcome_id')), "condition" => "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tgroup_id = :groupid\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND `t`.`status` = 0\n\t\t\t\t\t", "params" => array(":groupid" => $CampaignGroup->id), 'index' => 'warehouse_id'));
             echo sizeof($CampaignContactCollection);
             // get the contact rows for the above campaigncontact rows
             $Criteria = new CDbCriteria();
             $Criteria->index = 'contact_warehouse_id';
             $Contacts = CleanWarehouse::model()->findAllByPk(array_keys($CampaignContactCollection), $Criteria);
             $chunkedCampaignContacts = array_chunk($CampaignContactCollection, 1000, true);
             foreach ($chunkedCampaignContacts as $campaign1000) {
                 //echo 'C';
                 $transaction = $Campaign->dbConnection->beginTransaction();
                 $campaign1000IDs = array();
                 $sentCount = 0;
                 foreach ($campaign1000 as $warehouse_id => $CampaignContact) {
                     //echo '.';
                     $campaign1000IDs[] = $CampaignContact->id;
                     $thisContact = $Contacts[$warehouse_id];
                     $standardTags = array('first_name' => $thisContact->first_name, 'last_name' => $Store->decryptLastName($thisContact->last_name), 'email' => $Store->decryptEmail($thisContact->email), 'insider_unsubscribe' => 'http' . ($configParams['https'] ? 's' : '') . '://' . $configParams['host'] . Yii::app()->urlManager->createUrl('data/campaignUnsubscribe', array('campaign_id' => $Campaign->id, 'campaign_hash' => $Campaign->hash, 'campaign_contact_id' => $CampaignContact->id, 'campaign_contact_hash' => $CampaignContact->hash)), 'warehouse_id' => $warehouse_id);
                     $campaignTags = $CampaignGroup->email_template->returnOutcomeTagsToUrls($configParams, $Campaign, $CampaignContact->contact2outcomes);
                     $parsedTagsArray = array_merge($standardTags, $campaignTags);
                     if (ENVIRONMENT === 'PRODUCTION') {
                         $message->addTo($Store->decryptEmail($thisContact->email), $thisContact->first_name . ' ' . $Store->decryptLastName($thisContact->last_name), $parsedTagsArray);
                     } else {
                         $message->addTo("*****@*****.**", $thisContact->first_name . ' ' . $Store->decryptLastName($thisContact->last_name), $parsedTagsArray);
                 /* send email to mailgun */
                 try {
                     $response = $message->send();
                     $command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand();
                     $command->update('campaign_contact', array("status" => CampaignContact::STATUS_SENT, "processing" => 0), array('in', 'id', $campaign1000IDs));
                     $campaignSuccess = true;
                     echo 'Success';
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     //print $e->getMessage();
                     // mailgun returned an error - we rollback the transaction and remove the number of failed ids from the sent count
                     // consider mainatining a fail count??
                     $sentCount -= count($campaign1000);
                     $command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand();
                     $command->update('campaign_contact', array("status" => CampaignContact::STATUS_MAILGUN_ERROR, "processing" => 0), array('in', 'id', $campaign1000IDs));
                     $msg = print_r($e, true);
                     $msg .= print_r($message, true);
                     mail('*****@*****.**', 'Mailgun error', $msg);
         if ($campaignSuccess) {
             $Campaign->status = Campaign::STATUS_HAS_BEEN_RUN;
         } else {
             $Campaign->status = Campaign::STATUS_ERROR_SEND;
         $Campaign->processing = 0;
         $Campaign->save(true, array("processing", "status"));
         print "Completed processing " . $Campaign->id . " \n";
         print "Status of campaign was " . $Campaign->getStatusText() . "\n\n";