function run_batch($lines, $date) { global $loc; $circQ = new CircQuery(); $errors = array(); while (count($lines)) { $command = trim(array_shift($lines)); if ($command == '') { continue; } if ($command[0] != '%') { return array($loc->getText("Bad upload file: Expected a command code, but didn't get one")); } $args = array(); while (isset($lines[0]) and $lines[0][0] != '%') { $args[] = trim(array_shift($lines)); } switch ($command) { case '%CHECKOUT%': if (!isset($args[0])) { break; } $mbcode = array_shift($args); foreach ($args as $bcode) { $err = $circQ->checkout_as_of_e($mbcode, $bcode, $date); if ($err !== NULL) { $errors[] = $loc->getText("Couldn't check out %item% to %member%: %error%", array('item' => $bcode, 'member' => $mbcode, 'error' => $err->toStr())); } } break; case '%CHECKIN%': foreach ($args as $bcode) { list($info, $err) = $circQ->shelving_cart_e($bcode, $date, true); if ($err) { $errors[] = $loc->getText("Couldn't check in %item%: %error%", array('item' => $bcode, 'error' => $err->toStr())); } } break; default: $errors[] = $loc->getText("Unrecognized command code: %cmd%", array('cmd' => H($command))); break; } } return $errors; }
$mbrid = trim($_POST["mbrid"]); $mbrQ = new MemberQuery(); $mbr = $mbrQ->get($mbrid); $postVars = $_POST; $pageErrors = array(); function checkerror($field, $err) { global $mbrid, $postVars, $pageErrors; if (!$err) { return; } $pageErrors[$field] = $err->toStr(); $_SESSION["postVars"] = $postVars; $_SESSION["pageErrors"] = $pageErrors; header("Location: ../circ/mbr_view.php?mbrid=" . U($mbrid)); exit; } $circQ = new CircQuery(); if (isset($_POST['date_from']) && isset($_POST['dueDate']) && $_POST['date_from'] == 'override') { list($dueDate, $err) = Date::read_e($_POST['dueDate']); checkerror('dueDate', $err); $_SESSION['due_date_override'] = $_POST['dueDate']; $err = $circQ->checkout_due_e($mbr->getBarcodeNmbr(), $barcode, $dueDate); checkerror('barcodeNmbr', $err); } else { $err = $circQ->checkout_e($mbr->getBarcodeNmbr(), $barcode); checkerror('barcodeNmbr', $err); } unset($_SESSION["postVars"]); unset($_SESSION["pageErrors"]); header("Location: ../circ/mbr_view.php?mbrid=" . U($mbrid));
*/ require_once "../shared/common.php"; $tab = "circulation"; $nav = "checkin"; $restrictInDemo = true; require_once "../shared/logincheck.php"; require_once "../classes/CircQuery.php"; require_once "../functions/formatFuncs.php"; require_once "../classes/Localize.php"; $loc = new Localize(OBIB_LOCALE, $tab); if (count($_POST) == 0) { header("Location: ../circ/checkin_form.php?reset=Y"); exit; } $barcode = trim($_POST["barcodeNmbr"]); $circQ = new CircQuery(); list($info, $err) = $circQ->shelving_cart_e($barcode); if ($err) { $err = $err->toStr(); } if ($err) { $postVars["barcodeNmbr"] = $barcode; $pageErrors["barcodeNmbr"] = $err; $_SESSION["postVars"] = $postVars; $_SESSION["pageErrors"] = $pageErrors; header("Location: ../circ/checkin_form.php"); exit; } unset($_SESSION["postVars"]); unset($_SESSION["pageErrors"]); $params = "?barcode=" . U($barcode);
* See the file COPYRIGHT.html for more details. */ require_once "../shared/common.php"; $tab = "circulation"; $nav = "mbr_renew_all"; $restrictInDemo = true; require_once "../shared/logincheck.php"; require_once "../classes/MemberQuery.php"; require_once "../classes/BiblioSearchQuery.php"; require_once "../classes/CircQuery.php"; require_once "../classes/Date.php"; require_once "../functions/errorFuncs.php"; require_once "../functions/formatFuncs.php"; require_once "../classes/Localize.php"; $loc = new Localize(OBIB_LOCALE, $tab); $mbrid = @trim($_GET["mbrid"]); $mbrQ = new MemberQuery(); $mbr = $mbrQ->get($mbrid); $circQ = new CircQuery(); $biblioQ = new BiblioSearchQuery(); if (!$biblioQ->doQuery(OBIB_STATUS_OUT, $mbrid)) { Fatal::dbError($biblioQ->getSQL(), 'doQuery failed', $biblioQ->getDbError()); } while ($biblio = $biblioQ->fetchRow()) { $err = $circQ->checkout_e($mbr->getBarcodeNmbr(), $biblio->getBarcodeNmbr()); if ($err) { header("Location: ../circ/mbr_view.php?mbrid=" . U($mbrid) . "&msg=" . U($err->toStr())); exit; } } header("Location: ../circ/mbr_view.php?mbrid=" . U($mbrid) . "&msg=" . U($loc->getText("All items renewed.")));