Exemplo n.º 1
  * Method to send the request to the zaakpay api
  * identified by the endpoint (url)
 public function send()
     $config = $this->getZaakpayConfig();
     $this->_params = array_merge($this->_params, array('merchantIdentifier' => $config['merchant_id'], 'mode' => $config['sandbox_mode'] ? '0' : '1'));
     $fields = $this->_params;
     $all = Checksum::getAllParams($fields);
     $checksum = Checksum::calculateChecksum($config['secret_key'], $all);
     $fields['checksum'] = $checksum;
     $query_string = http_build_query($fields);
     // Mage::log('Update Request sent:'.$query_string);
     // var_dump($fields); exit;
     //open connection
     $ch = curl_init();
     //set the url, number of POST vars, POST data
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->getUrl());
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $query_string);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
     //execute post
     $result = curl_exec($ch);
     // incase of an error, log it
     if (curl_errno($ch)) {
         Mage::log('Curl error: ' . curl_error($ch));
         Mage::throwException('Request not completed because of an error connecting to zaakpay server for transaction update. See exception logs');
     } else {
         //close connection
         $this->_sentFlag = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Constructor
  * @param   var value
 public function __construct($value)
     if (is_int($value)) {
         parent::__construct(sprintf('%04x', $value));
     } else {
Exemplo n.º 3
	function verifyChecksum($checksum, $all, $secret) {
		$cal_checksum = Checksum::calculateChecksum($secret, $all);
		$bool = 0;
		if($checksum == $cal_checksum)	{
			$bool = 1;

		return $bool;
 public function responseAction()
     // actual processing
     $postdata = Mage::app()->getRequest()->getPost();
     $session = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session');
     $zaakpayConfig = Mage::getStoreConfig('payment/zaakpay');
     // 	Checksum Verification
     //	Proceed only if checksum matches. Else redirect to error page.
     $checksumReceived = $postdata['checksum'];
     $allParamsReceived = Checksum::getAllParams($postdata);
     $checksumCalculated = Checksum::calculateChecksum($zaakpayConfig['secret_key'], $allParamsReceived);
     if ($checksumReceived !== $checksumCalculated) {
         if ($session->getLastRealOrderId()) {
             $order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->loadByIncrementId($session->getLastRealOrderId());
             if ($order->getId()) {
         $er = 'Checksum does not match. This response has been compromised. However, transaction might have been successful.';
     // success
     if ($this->_validateResponse()) {
         // load the order and change the order status
         $zaakpay = Mage::getModel('zaakpay/transact');
         $state = $zaakpay->zaakpaySuccessOrderState();
         $order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->loadByIncrementId($postdata['orderId'])->setState($state, true);
         // also do something similar to capturing the payment here
         $payment = $order->getPayment();
         $transaction = Mage::getModel('sales/order_payment_transaction');
         $dummy_txn_id = 'ZP_' . $postdata['orderId'];
         $this->_redirect('checkout/onepage/success', array('_secure' => true));
     } else {
         // failure/cancel
         if ($session->getLastRealOrderId()) {
             $order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->loadByIncrementId($session->getLastRealOrderId());
             if ($order->getId()) {
         $er = 'Zaakpay could not process your request because of the error "' . $postdata['responseDescription'] . '"';
Exemplo n.º 5
  * This will just spit out the html without loading any other magento stuff
  * and the form will be submitted right away.
 protected function _toHtml()
     $zaakpay = Mage::getModel('zaakpay/transact');
     $fields = $zaakpay->getCheckoutFormFields();
     $form = '<form id="zaakpay_checkout" method="POST" action="' . $zaakpay->getZaakpayTransactAction() . '">';
     foreach ($fields as $key => $value) {
         $form .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $key . '" value="' . Checksum::sanitizedParam($value) . '" />' . "\n";
         #$form .= '<input type="hidden" name="'.$key.'" value="'.$value.'" />'."\n";
     $form .= '</form>';
     $html = '<html><body>';
     $html .= $this->__('You will be redirected to the Zaakpay website in a few seconds.');
     $html .= $form;
     $html .= '<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById("zaakpay_checkout").submit();</script>';
     $html .= '</body></html>';
     return $html;
Exemplo n.º 6
  * @dataProvider getMatchesContentData
 public function testMatchesContent($checksum, $content, $expected)
     $this->assertEquals($expected, Checksum::matchesContent($checksum, $content));
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function getRequestFields()
     $fields = $this->_buildRequestFields();
     // pass it through validate so that an exception is thrown
     $all = Checksum::getAllParams($fields);
     #error_log("Logging stripped params : " . $all);
     $zaakpayConfig = $this->getZaakpayConfig();
     $checksum = Checksum::calculateChecksum($zaakpayConfig['secret_key'], $all);
     #error_log('Logging key used to produce checksum : ' . $zaakpayConfig['secret_key']);
     #error_log('Logging checksum : ' . $checksum);
     $this->_checksum = $checksum;
     // var_dump($all, $checksum);
     // first sort by key and then append checksum in the end
     $fields['checksum'] = $checksum;
     return $fields;
Exemplo n.º 8
  * @dataProvider getFromContentData
 public function testFromContent($content, $expected)
     $this->assertEquals($expected, Checksum::fromContent($content));
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function getRequestFields()
     $fields = $this->_buildRequestFields();
     // pass it through validate so that an exception is thrown
     $airpCheckfields = Checksum::sanitizedParam($fields['buyerEmail']) . Checksum::sanitizedParam($fields['buyerFirstName']) . Checksum::sanitizedParam($fields['buyerLastName']) . Checksum::sanitizedParam($fields['buyerAddress']) . Checksum::sanitizedParam($fields['buyerCity']) . Checksum::sanitizedParam($fields['buyerState']) . Checksum::sanitizedParam($fields['buyerCountry']) . Checksum::sanitizedParam($fields['amount']) . Checksum::sanitizedParam($fields['orderid']);
     $all = $airpCheckfields;
     error_log("Logging stripped params : " . $all);
     $airpayConfig = $this->getAirpayConfig();
     $privatekey = Checksum::encrypt($airpayConfig['username'] . ":|:" . $airpayConfig['password'], $airpayConfig['secret_key']);
     $checksum = Checksum::calculateChecksum($all . date('Y-m-d'), $privatekey);
     error_log("Logging stripped params : " . $all);
     error_log('Logging key used to produce checksum : ' . $airpayConfig['secret_key']);
     error_log('Logging checksum : ' . $checksum);
     $this->_checksum = $checksum;
     // var_dump($all, $checksum);
     // first sort by key and then append checksum in the end
     $fields['checksum'] = $checksum;
     $fields['privatekey'] = $privatekey;
     $fields['mercid'] = $airpayConfig['merchant_id'];
     return $fields;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function responseAction()
     // actual processing
     $postdata = Mage::app()->getRequest()->getPost();
     $session = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session');
     $airpayConfig = Mage::getStoreConfig('payment/airpay');
     // 	Checksum Verification
     //	Proceed only if checksum matches. Else redirect to error page.
     $checksumReceived = $postdata['ap_SecureHash'];
     $AMOUNT = $postdata['AMOUNT'];
     $MESSAGE = $postdata['MESSAGE'];
     $mercid = $airpayConfig['merchant_id'];
     $username = $airpayConfig['username'];
     $allParamsReceived = Checksum::getAllParams($postdata);
     //$checksumCalculated = Checksum::calculateChecksum($airpayConfig['secret_key'], $allParamsReceived);
     $checksumCalculated = sprintf("%u", crc32($TRANSACTIONID . ':' . $APTRANSACTIONID . ':' . $AMOUNT . ':' . $TRANSACTIONSTATUS . ':' . $MESSAGE . ':' . $mercid . ':' . $username));
     error_log("Logging response params : " . $allParamsReceived);
     error_log('Logging checksum : ' . $checksumCalculated);
     if ($checksumReceived !== $checksumCalculated) {
         if ($session->getLastRealOrderId()) {
             $order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->loadByIncrementId($session->getLastRealOrderId());
             if ($order->getId()) {
         $er = 'Checksum does not match. This response has been compromised. However, transaction might have been successful.';
     // success
     if ($this->_validateResponse()) {
         // load the order and change the order status
         $airpay = Mage::getModel('airpay/transact');
         //$state = $airpay->airpaySuccessOrderState();
         $order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->loadByIncrementId($postdata['TRANSACTIONID'])->setState(Mage_Sales_Model_Order::STATE_PROCESSING, true);
         $payment = $order->getPayment();
         $transaction = Mage::getModel('sales/order_payment_transaction');
         $dummy_txn_id = 'AP_' . $postdata['TRANSACTIONID'];
         try {
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $this->_redirect('checkout/onepage/success', array('_secure' => true));
     } else {
         // failure/cancel
         if ($session->getLastRealOrderId()) {
             $order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->loadByIncrementId($session->getLastRealOrderId());
             if ($order->getId()) {
         $er = 'Airpay could not process your request because of the error "' . $postdata['MESSAGE'] . '"';