Exemplo n.º 1
  * Sets up "is_selected" in false, and also "is_active" in false in all
  * modules, except the passed in ones. It sets "is_selected" in true in all
  * passed modules,that exist in the database. It adds the modules, that don't
  * exist in the table. So that it should be specified in the inputted data
  * which data should be added as "active", and which of them shouldn't.
  * Parameters have a complicated structure, because words Selected and Active
  * for modules depend: if a module is not Selected, it can't be Active.
  * And also because the status Selected/non-Selected is usually changed for
  * several modules at once. Administrator choses, which modules should be
  * Selected, which of them are non-Selected and then presses the button:
  * save the changes.
 function setSelectedModules($modules, $modulesType, $b_settings_table_is_empty = false)
     global $application;
     //The list of modules,which should become selected.
     $selected_modules_ids = array();
     foreach ($modules as $module_id => $module_settings) {
         $selected_modules_ids[] = "'" . $module_id . "'";
     $tables = Checkout::getTables();
     $columns = $tables['checkout_pm_sm_settings']['columns'];
     $YES = "1";
     $NO = "2";
     //Sets up "is_selected" in false, and also "is_active" in false in all modules, except the passed in ones.
     if (count($selected_modules_ids) != 0) {
         $query = new DB_Update('checkout_pm_sm_settings');
         $query->addUpdateExpression($columns['status_selected_value_id'], $NO);
         $query->addUpdateExpression($columns['status_active_value_id'], $NO);
         $query->WhereField($columns['module_id'], DB_NIN, "(" . implode(",", $selected_modules_ids) . ")");
         $query->WhereValue($columns['module_group'], DB_EQ, $modulesType);
     //Set "is_selected" in true, and also sort_order in all passed modules that exist in the database.
     //It adds the modules, that don't exist in the table. So that it should be specified in the inputted data
     //which data should be added as "active", and which of them shouldn't.
     //First get the list of modules, entered to the database:
     //_print($selected_modules_ids);die("full stop");
     if ($b_settings_table_is_empty === true) {
         $modules_already_in_db = array();
     } else {
         $modules_already_in_db = $this->getSelectedModules($modulesType);
     foreach ($modules as $module_id => $module_settings) {
         if (!array_key_exists($module_id, $modules_already_in_db)) {
             //The module doesn't exist in the database.
             //Add module settings to the database.
             //        Checkout::getPaymentModuleInfo()       ,
             //                                   ,           isActive()
             //                      ,                               checkout_pm_sm_settings.
             $mm_info = Checkout::getInstalledModulesListData($modulesType, NULL, true);
             $m_name = "";
             foreach ($mm_info as $key => $info) {
                 if ($info->UUID == $module_settings['module_id']) {
                     $m_name = $info->name;
             $db_insert = new DB_Insert('checkout_pm_sm_settings');
             $db_insert->addInsertValue($module_settings['module_id'], $columns['module_id']);
             $db_insert->addInsertValue($m_name, $columns['module_class_name']);
             $db_insert->addInsertValue($module_settings['module_group'], $columns['module_group']);
             $db_insert->addInsertValue($NO, $columns['status_active_value_id']);
             $db_insert->addInsertValue($module_settings['b_is_selected'] === true ? $YES : $NO, $columns['status_selected_value_id']);
             $db_insert->addInsertValue($module_settings['sort_order'], $columns['sort_order']);
             Checkout::update_pm_sm_currency_settings($module_settings['module_id'], modApiStaticFunc($m_name, "getInitialCurrencySettings"));
         } else {
             //The module exists in the database. Update sort_order and is_selected.
             $query = new DB_Update('checkout_pm_sm_settings');
             $query->addUpdateExpression($columns['status_selected_value_id'], $YES);
             $query->addUpdateExpression($columns['sort_order'], $module_settings['sort_order']);
             $query->WhereValue($columns['module_id'], DB_EQ, $module_id);