echo '<br /><br />Get a copy of the character from the DB';
$charcopy = new Character($uidtotest, '', 0);
$charcopy->getCharacter($newchar->getCharID(), $uidtotest);
echo '<br /><br />Comparing the copy to the original: ';
$newchar_str = $newchar->strRepresentation();
$charcopy_str = $charcopy->strRepresentation();
if ($newchar_str == $charcopy_str) {
    //Then the original and copy are the same.
    print "<br />The two character objects <font color='green'>match</font> as expected - <br />";
} else {
    print "<br />The original object <font color='red'>does not</font> match the copy of the object as expected.<br />";
    print "<br /><br />";
echo '<br /><br />Deleting the character from the DB';
echo '<br />';
$totaltests = $goodtests + $badtests;
echo "<font color='green'>{$goodtests}/{$totaltests} succeeded</font><br />";
echo "While <font color='red'>{$badtests}/{$totaltests} failed</font>.";
     } else {
         $_SESSION['char'] = serialize($char);
 case 'del_character':
     if (!isset($_POST['charid'])) {
         echo json_encode("failure");
     } else {
         $charid = intval($_POST['charid']);
         $delchar = new Character($userid, '', 0);
         $delchar->getCharacter($charid, $userid);
         if ($delchar->getCharID() == $char->getCharID()) {
             $_SESSION['char'] = serialize(new Character($userid, '', 0));
 case 'get_charid':
     if (!$char) {
         echo json_encode("failure");
     } else {
         echo json_encode("" . $char->getCharID());
 case 'set_charname':
     if (!$char) {
         echo json_encode("failure");
     } else {
         if (isset($_POST['newval'])) {