public static function sendMail($recipients, $subject, $content) { $cfg = CfgHelper::getInstance(); $mail = new PHPMailer(); // recipients if (is_array($recipients)) { foreach ($recipients as $r) { $mail->AddAddress($r); } } else { if (is_string($recipients)) { } else { Debug::loge('Wrong recipients parameter ! Should be an array or a string...', 'MailHelper'); return; } } // sender $mail->From = $cfg->getMailFromAddr(); $mail->FromName = $cfg->getMailFromName(); $mail->IsHTML(true); // Set email format to HTML $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = $content; if (!$mail->Send()) { Debug::loge('Message could not be sent. Mailer Error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo, 'MailHelper'); } }
public static function init($recreate = false) { if (!array_key_exists(CONFIG_OBJ_SESSION_NAME, $_SESSION) || !$_SESSION[CONFIG_OBJ_SESSION_NAME] instanceof CfgHelper || $recreate == true) { $_SESSION[CONFIG_OBJ_SESSION_NAME] = CfgHelper::createHelperObject(); } return $_SESSION[CONFIG_OBJ_SESSION_NAME]; }
public function UpdateHelper() { // get config object $this->config = CfgHelper::getInstance(); $this->step = 0; $this->error = 0; $this->step_closed = true; }
<?php defined('DIRECT_ACCESS_CHECK') or die('DIRECT ACCESS NOT ALLOWED'); /** * Copyright (c) 2013 EIRL DEVAUX J. - Medialoha. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v3.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * EIRL DEVAUX J. - Medialoha - initial API and implementation */ require_once 'includes/milestone.class.php'; $cfg = CfgHelper::getInstance(); $issue = DbHelper::fetchIssue($issueId); $reports = $issue->getReports(); $userComments = ""; $reportsPerInstall = array(); $reportTabs = array(array(), array()); $group = 0; foreach ($reports as $r) { if ($group == 3) { $reportTabs[0][] = '<li class="dropdown" ><a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#">' . ($issue->getReportsCount() - 3) . ' more <b class="caret"></b></a><ul class="dropdown-menu">'; } ++$group; $reportTabs[0][] = '<li><a data-toggle="tab" href="#report-' . $r->report_id . '" ><i class="icon-file" ></i> ' . $r->getFormattedDate() . '</a></li>'; $reportTabs[1][] = '<div class="tab-pane" id="report-' . $r->report_id . '" ></div>'; // check user comment if (strlen($r->user_comment) > 0) { $userComments .= '<p>' . $r->user_comment . '</p>';
public function getFormattedAppStartDate() { return Helper::formatDate($this->user_app_start_date, CfgHelper::getInstance()->getDateFormat()); }
} } //Debug::logd($_POST); // http auth enabled if (array_key_exists('report-basicauth', $_POST)) { $tmpCfg['report.basicauth'] = true; // check report basic auth account $account = array('login' => $_POST['report-basicauth-login'], 'password' => $_POST['report-basicauth-password'], 'clear' => !array_key_exists('report-basicauth-obfuscate', $_POST)); $tmpCfg['report.basicauth.accounts'] = array($account); $tmpCfg['report.basicauth.method'] = intval($_POST['report-basicauth-method']); } else { $tmpCfg['report.basicauth'] = false; } $error = CfgHelper::writeConfig($tmpCfg); if ($error == null) { $mCfg = CfgHelper::init(true); // check if currency changed if (array_key_exists('currency-update-db', $_POST) == 1) { $currency = new Currency($mCfg->getCurrencyCode()); DbHelper::updateSalesCurrency($currency); } Helper::pushAlert(ALERT_SUCCESS, 'Configuration saved.'); } else { Helper::pushAlert(ALERT_ERROR, $error); } header('Location:index.php?p=' . PAGE_ID_CONFIG); break; //////// DEL USER //////// DEL USER case 'deluser': $userId = @$_POST['userId'];