Exemplo n.º 1
 public function index()
     $this->template->content = new View('mobile/main');
     // Get 10 Most Recent Reports
     $this->template->content->incidents = ORM::factory('incident')->where('incident_active', '1')->limit('10')->orderby('incident_date', 'desc')->with('location')->find_all();
     // Get all active top level categories
     $parent_categories = array();
     $parentCategoryId = 0;
     foreach (Category_Model::getCategories($parentCategoryId) as $category) {
         // Get The Children
         $children = array();
         foreach ($category->children as $child) {
             $children[$child->id] = array($child->category_title, $child->category_color, $child->category_image, $this->_category_count($child->id));
         // Put it all together
         $parent_categories[$category->id] = array($category->category_title, $category->category_color, $category->category_image, $this->_category_count($category->id), $children);
         if ($category->category_trusted) {
             // Get Trusted Category Count
             $trusted = ORM::factory("incident")->join("incident_category", "incident.id", "incident_category.incident_id")->where("category_id", $category->id);
             if (!$trusted->count_all()) {
     $this->template->content->categories = $parent_categories;
     // Get RSS News Feeds
     $this->template->content->feeds = ORM::factory('feed_item')->limit('10')->orderby('item_date', 'desc')->find_all();
Exemplo n.º 2
    public function index()
        $this->template->header->this_page = 'home';
        $this->template->content = new View('main');

		// Cacheable Main Controller
		$this->is_cachable = TRUE;

		// Map and Slider Blocks
		$div_map = new View('main_map');
		$div_timeline = new View('main_timeline');
			// Filter::map_main - Modify Main Map Block
			Event::run('ushahidi_filter.map_main', $div_map);
			// Filter::map_timeline - Modify Main Map Block
			Event::run('ushahidi_filter.map_timeline', $div_timeline);
		$this->template->content->div_map = $div_map;
		$this->template->content->div_timeline = $div_timeline;

		// Check if there is a site message
		$this->template->content->site_message = '';
		$site_message = trim(Kohana::config('settings.site_message'));
		if($site_message != '')
			$this->template->content->site_message = $site_message;

		// Get locale
		$l = Kohana::config('locale.language.0');

        // Get all active top level categories
		$parent_categories = array();
		$parentCategoryId = 0;
		foreach ( Category_Model::getCategories($parentCategoryId) as $category )
			// Get The Children
			$children = array();
			foreach ($category->children as $child)
				// Check for localization of child category

				$translated_title = Category_Lang_Model::category_title($child->id,$l);

					$display_title = $translated_title;
					$display_title = $child->category_title;

				$children[$child->id] = array(

				if ($child->category_trusted)
				{ // Get Trusted Category Count
					$trusted = ORM::factory("incident")
					if ( ! $trusted->count_all())

			// Check for localization of parent category

			$translated_title = Category_Lang_Model::category_title($category->id,$l);

				$display_title = $translated_title;
				$display_title = $category->category_title;

			// Put it all together
			$parent_categories[$category->id] = array(

			if ($category->category_trusted)
			{ // Get Trusted Category Count
				$trusted = ORM::factory("incident")
				if ( ! $trusted->count_all())
		$this->template->content->categories = $parent_categories;

		// Get all active Layers (KMZ/KML)
		$layers = array();
		$config_layers = Kohana::config('map.layers'); // use config/map layers if set
		if ($config_layers == $layers) {
			foreach (ORM::factory('layer')
					  ->where('layer_visible', 1)
					  ->find_all() as $layer)
				$layers[$layer->id] = array($layer->layer_name, $layer->layer_color,
					$layer->layer_url, $layer->layer_file);
		} else {
			$layers = $config_layers;
		$this->template->content->layers = $layers;

		// Get all active Shares
		$shares = array();
		foreach (ORM::factory('sharing')
				  ->where('sharing_active', 1)
				  ->find_all() as $share)
			$shares[$share->id] = array($share->sharing_name, $share->sharing_color);
		$this->template->content->shares = $shares;

        // Get Reports
        // XXX: Might need to replace magic no. 8 with a constant
		$this->template->content->total_items = ORM::factory('incident')
			->where('incident_active', '1')
		$this->template->content->incidents = ORM::factory('incident')
			->where('incident_active', '1')
			->orderby('incident_date', 'desc')

		// Get Default Color
		$this->template->content->default_map_all = Kohana::config('settings.default_map_all');

		// Get Twitter Hashtags
		$this->template->content->twitter_hashtag_array = array_filter(array_map('trim',
			explode(',', Kohana::config('settings.twitter_hashtags'))));

		// Get Report-To-Email
		$this->template->content->report_email = Kohana::config('settings.site_email');

		// Get SMS Numbers
		$phone_array = array();
		$sms_no1 = Kohana::config('settings.sms_no1');
		$sms_no2 = Kohana::config('settings.sms_no2');
		$sms_no3 = Kohana::config('settings.sms_no3');
		if (!empty($sms_no1)) {
			$phone_array[] = $sms_no1;
		if (!empty($sms_no2)) {
			$phone_array[] = $sms_no2;
		if (!empty($sms_no3)) {
			$phone_array[] = $sms_no3;
		$this->template->content->phone_array = $phone_array;

		// Get RSS News Feeds
		$feed_arrays = ORM::factory('feed')
			->orderby('feed_update', 'asc')
		$feeds = array();
		foreach($feed_arrays as $val){
		foreach($feeds as $key => $this_feed){
			$feeds[$key]["feed_item"] = ORM::factory('feed_item')
				->orderby('item_date', 'desc')
		$this->template->content->feeds = $feeds;
		// コメントつきインシデント取得
		$db = new Database;
		$query = 'SELECT incident_id FROM '.$this->table_prefix.'comment AS ic WHERE ic.comment_active = 1 GROUP BY incident_id ORDER BY MAX(comment_date) DESC LIMIT 0,20;';
		$query = $db->query($query);
		$incident_ids = array();
		foreach($query as $items){
			$incident_ids[$items->incident_id] =$items->incident_id;
		$incident_ids_in = '1=1';
		if (count($incident_ids) > 0)
			$incident_ids_in = 'incident.id IN ('.implode(',',$incident_ids).')';
		$this->template->content->comment_incidents = ORM::factory('incident')
			->select($this->table_prefix.'incident.*,'.$this->table_prefix.'comment.id as comment_id,'.$this->table_prefix.'comment.comment_date')
			->where('incident_active', '1')
			->orderby('comment_date', 'desc')

        // Get The START, END and most ACTIVE Incident Dates
		$startDate = "";
		$endDate = "";
		$active_month = 0;
		$active_startDate = 0;
		$active_endDate = 0;

		$db = new Database();
		// First Get The Most Active Month
		$query = $db->query('SELECT incident_date, count(*) AS incident_count FROM '.$this->table_prefix.'incident WHERE incident_active = 1 GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(incident_date, \'%Y-%m\') ORDER BY incident_count DESC LIMIT 1');
		foreach ($query as $query_active)
			$active_month = date('n', strtotime($query_active->incident_date));
			$active_year = date('Y', strtotime($query_active->incident_date));
			$active_startDate = strtotime($active_year . "-" . $active_month . "-01");
			$active_endDate = strtotime($active_year . "-" . $active_month .
				"-" . date('t', mktime(0,0,0,$active_month,1))." 23:59:59");

        // Next, Get the Range of Years
		$query = $db->query('SELECT DATE_FORMAT(incident_date, \'%Y\') AS incident_date FROM '.$this->table_prefix.'incident WHERE incident_active = 1 GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(incident_date, \'%Y\') ORDER BY incident_date');
		foreach ($query as $slider_date)
			$years = $slider_date->incident_date;
			$startDate .= "<optgroup label=\"" . $years . "\">";
			for ( $i=1; $i <= 12; $i++ ) {
				if ( $i < 10 )
					$i = "0" . $i;
				$startDate .= "<option value=\"" . strtotime($years . "-" . $i . "-01") . "\"";
				if ( $active_month &&
						( (int) $i == ( $active_month - 1)) )
					$startDate .= " selected=\"selected\" ";
				$startDate .= ">" . date('M', mktime(0,0,0,$i,1)) . " " . $years . "</option>";
			$startDate .= "</optgroup>";

			$endDate .= "<optgroup label=\"" . $years . "\">";
			for ( $i=1; $i <= 12; $i++ )
				if ( $i < 10 )
					$i = "0" . $i;
				$endDate .= "<option value=\"" . strtotime($years . "-" . $i . "-" . date('t', mktime(0,0,0,$i,1))." 23:59:59") . "\"";
                // Focus on the most active month or set December as month of endDate
				if ( $active_month &&
						( ( (int) $i == ( $active_month + 1)) )
						 	|| ($i == 12 && preg_match('/selected/', $endDate) == 0))
					$endDate .= " selected=\"selected\" ";
				$endDate .= ">" . date('M', mktime(0,0,0,$i,1)) . " " . $years . "</option>";
			$endDate .= "</optgroup>";

		$this->template->content->div_timeline->startDate = $startDate;
		$this->template->content->div_timeline->endDate = $endDate;

		// Javascript Header
		$this->themes->map_enabled = TRUE;
		$this->themes->main_page = TRUE;

		// Map Settings
		$clustering = Kohana::config('settings.allow_clustering');
		$marker_radius = Kohana::config('map.marker_radius');
		$marker_opacity = Kohana::config('map.marker_opacity');
		$marker_stroke_width = Kohana::config('map.marker_stroke_width');
		$marker_stroke_opacity = Kohana::config('map.marker_stroke_opacity');

        // pdestefanis - allows to restrict the number of zoomlevels available
		$numZoomLevels = Kohana::config('map.numZoomLevels');
		$minZoomLevel = Kohana::config('map.minZoomLevel');
	   	$maxZoomLevel = Kohana::config('map.maxZoomLevel');

		// pdestefanis - allows to limit the extents of the map
		$lonFrom = Kohana::config('map.lonFrom');
		$latFrom = Kohana::config('map.latFrom');
		$lonTo = Kohana::config('map.lonTo');
		$latTo = Kohana::config('map.latTo');

		$this->themes->js = new View('main_js');
		$this->themes->js->json_url = ($clustering == 1) ?
			"json/cluster" : "json";
		$this->themes->js->marker_radius =
			($marker_radius >=1 && $marker_radius <= 10 ) ? $marker_radius : 5;
		$this->themes->js->marker_opacity =
			($marker_opacity >=1 && $marker_opacity <= 10 )
			? $marker_opacity * 0.1  : 0.9;
		$this->themes->js->marker_stroke_width =
			($marker_stroke_width >=1 && $marker_stroke_width <= 5 ) ? $marker_stroke_width : 2;
		$this->themes->js->marker_stroke_opacity =
			($marker_stroke_opacity >=1 && $marker_stroke_opacity <= 10 )
			? $marker_stroke_opacity * 0.1  : 0.9;

		// pdestefanis - allows to restrict the number of zoomlevels available
		$this->themes->js->numZoomLevels = $numZoomLevels;
		$this->themes->js->minZoomLevel = $minZoomLevel;
		$this->themes->js->maxZoomLevel = $maxZoomLevel;

		// pdestefanis - allows to limit the extents of the map
		$this->themes->js->lonFrom = $lonFrom;
		$this->themes->js->latFrom = $latFrom;
		$this->themes->js->lonTo = $lonTo;
		$this->themes->js->latTo = $latTo;

		$this->themes->js->default_map = Kohana::config('settings.default_map');
		$this->themes->js->default_zoom = Kohana::config('settings.default_zoom');
		$this->themes->js->latitude = Kohana::config('settings.default_lat');
		$this->themes->js->longitude = Kohana::config('settings.default_lon');
		$this->themes->js->default_map_all = Kohana::config('settings.default_map_all');
		$this->themes->js->active_startDate = $active_startDate;
		$this->themes->js->active_endDate = $active_endDate;

		//$myPacker = new javascriptpacker($js , 'Normal', false, false);
		//$js = $myPacker->pack();

		// Rebuild Header Block
		$this->template->header->header_block = $this->themes->header_block();
Exemplo n.º 3
    public function index()
        $this->template->content  = new View('keitai/main');
	$latlong = "";
	$lat = "";
	$lon = "";
	$latmin = "";
	$latmax = "";
	$lonmin = "";
	$lonmax = "";
	$this->template->content->area_name = "";
	if (isset($_GET['latlong'])) {
	    $latlong = $_GET['latlong'];
	    if (preg_match("/^([0-9\.]+),([0-9\.]+)/", $latlong, $matches)) {
	        $lat = $matches[1];
		$lon = $matches[2];
		$latmin = $lat - 0.0277778;
		$latmax = $lat + 0.0277778;
		$lonmin = $lon - 0.0277778;
		$lonmax = $lon + 0.0277778;
		$lon_center = ($lonmin+$lonmax) / 2;
		$lat_center = ($latmin+$latmax) / 2;
		$geo_url = 'http://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?region=jp&language=ja&latlng='.$lat_center.','.$lon_center.'&sensor=false';
		$geo_google = json_decode(file_get_contents($geo_url) , true);
		foreach($geo_google["results"] as $geo_val){
			if($geo_val["types"][0]=="locality" && $geo_val["types"][1]=="political" && count($geo_val["types"])==2){
				$area_name = explode(',',$geo_val["formatted_address"]);
		if(isset($area_name))$this->template->content->area_name =  $area_name[1];
	$this->template->content->lat = $lat;
	$this->template->content->lon = $lon;
	$this->template->content->latlong = $latlong;
	$this->template->content->device = $this->checkdevice($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);

	// Get 10 Most Recent Reports
	if ($latlong) {
	  $this->template->content->incidents = ORM::factory('incident')
	    ->where(array('location.latitude >=' => $latmin))
	    ->where(array('location.latitude <=' => $latmax))
	    ->where(array('location.longitude >=' => $lonmin))
	    ->where(array('location.longitude <=' => $lonmax))
	    ->where('incident_active', '1')
	    ->orderby('incident_date', 'desc')
	} else {
	  $this->template->content->incidents = ORM::factory('incident')
	    ->where('incident_active', '1')
	    ->orderby('incident_date', 'desc')
	// Get all active top level categories
        $parent_categories = array();
		$parentCategoryId = 0;
		foreach ( Category_Model::getCategories($parentCategoryId) as $category )
	    // Get The Children
	    $children = array();
	    foreach ($category->children as $child) {
	        $children[$child->id] = array(

	    // Put it all together
	    $parent_categories[$category->id] = array(
	    if ($category->category_trusted) { // Get Trusted Category Count
	        $trusted = ORM::factory("incident")
		if ( ! $trusted->count_all()) {
        $this->template->content->categories = $parent_categories;

	// Get RSS News Feeds
	$this->template->content->feeds = ORM::factory('feed_item')
	  ->orderby('item_date', 'desc')