  * Autogenerated Proxy Method
  * @param string $actionName Name of the action to forward to
  * @param string $controllerName Unqualified object name of the controller to forward to. If not specified, the current controller is used.
  * @param string $packageKey Key of the package containing the controller to forward to. If not specified, the current package is assumed.
  * @param array $arguments Array of arguments for the target action
  * @param integer $delay (optional) The delay in seconds. Default is no delay.
  * @param integer $statusCode (optional) The HTTP status code for the redirect. Default is "303 See Other
  * @param string $format The format to use for the redirect URI
  * @return void
  * @throws \TYPO3\Flow\Mvc\Exception\StopActionException
 protected function redirect($actionName, $controllerName = NULL, $packageKey = NULL, array $arguments = NULL, $delay = 0, $statusCode = 303, $format = NULL)
     // FIXME this can be removed again once Doctrine is fixed (see fixMethodsAndAdvicesArrayForDoctrineProxiesCode())
     if (isset($this->Flow_Aop_Proxy_methodIsInAdviceMode['redirect'])) {
         $result = parent::redirect($actionName, $controllerName, $packageKey, $arguments, $delay, $statusCode, $format);
     } else {
         $this->Flow_Aop_Proxy_methodIsInAdviceMode['redirect'] = TRUE;
         try {
             $methodArguments = array();
             $methodArguments['actionName'] = $actionName;
             $methodArguments['controllerName'] = $controllerName;
             $methodArguments['packageKey'] = $packageKey;
             $methodArguments['arguments'] = $arguments;
             $methodArguments['delay'] = $delay;
             $methodArguments['statusCode'] = $statusCode;
             $methodArguments['format'] = $format;
             $adviceChains = $this->Flow_Aop_Proxy_getAdviceChains('redirect');
             $adviceChain = $adviceChains['TYPO3\\Flow\\Aop\\Advice\\AroundAdvice'];
             $joinPoint = new \TYPO3\Flow\Aop\JoinPoint($this, 'SKL\\Post\\Controller\\CategoryController', 'redirect', $methodArguments, $adviceChain);
             $result = $adviceChain->proceed($joinPoint);
             $methodArguments = $joinPoint->getMethodArguments();
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             throw $e;
     return $result;