Exemplo n.º 1
function freshports_CategoryByElementID($db, $element_id, $PageNo = 1, $PageSize = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE)
    require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/../classes/categories.php';
    $category = new Category($db);
    freshports_CategoryDisplay($db, $category, $PageNo, $PageSize);
Exemplo n.º 2
function freshports_Parse404URI($REQUEST_URI, $db)
    # we have a pending 404
    # if we can parse it, then do so and return a false value;
    # otherwise, return a non-false value.
    global $User;
    $Debug = 0;
    $result = '';
    $IsPort = false;
    $IsCategory = false;
    $IsElement = false;
    if ($Debug) {
        echo "Debug is turned on.  Only 404 will be returned now because we cannot alter the headers at this time.<br>\n";
    $CategoryID = 0;
    define('FRESHPORTS_PORTS_TREE_PREFIX', '/ports/head/');
    $URLParts = parse_url($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI']);
    if ($Debug) {
        echo 'the URI is <pre>' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI'] . "</pre><br>\n";
        echo 'the url parts are <pre>' . print_r($URLParts) . "</pre><br>\n";
    $pathname = $URLParts['path'];
    if ($Debug) {
        echo "The pathname is '{$pathname}'<br>";
    require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/../classes/element_record.php';
    $ElementRecord = new ElementRecord($db);
    # first goal, remove leading / and leading ports/
    if (substr($pathname, 0, 1) == '/') {
        $pathname = substr($pathname, 1);
    if (preg_match('|^ports/|', $pathname)) {
        $pathname = substr($pathname, 6);
    define('PATH_NAME', $pathname);
    if ($Debug) {
    if ($ElementRecord->FetchByName(FRESHPORTS_PORTS_TREE_PREFIX . $pathname)) {
        $IsElement = true;
        if ($Debug) {
            echo 'Yes, we found an element for that path!<br>';
            echo '<pre>';
            echo print_r($ElementRecord, true);
            echo '</pre>';
        if ($ElementRecord->IsCategory()) {
            $IsCategory = true;
            if ($Debug) {
                echo 'This is a category<br>';
            require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/../classes/categories.php';
            $Category = new Category($db);
            $CategoryID = $Category->FetchByElementID($ElementRecord->id);
        } else {
            if ($Debug) {
                echo 'That path does not point at a category!<br>';
        if ($ElementRecord->IsPort()) {
            $IsPort = true;
            # we don't use list($category, $port) so we don't have to worry
            # about extra bits
            $PathParts = explode('/', PATH_NAME);
            $category = $PathParts[0];
            $port = $PathParts[1];
            if ($Debug) {
                echo "This is a port!<br>";
            if ($Debug) {
                echo "Category='{$category}'<br>";
            if ($Debug) {
                echo "Port='{$port}'<br>";
        } else {
            if ($Debug) {
                echo 'The call to ElementRecord indicates this is not a port<br>';
    } else {
        if ($Debug) {
            echo 'not an element<br>';
        # let's see if this is a virtual category!
        $result = $REQUEST_URI;
        $PathParts = explode('/', PATH_NAME);
        if ($Debug) {
            echo '<pre>';
            echo '</pre>';
        # start with nothing.
        # if the URL looks like /afterstep/, then we'll get two elements
        # in the array.  The second will be empty.  Hence the != ''
        # grab whatever we have
        if (isset($PathParts[0]) && $PathParts[0] != '') {
            $category = $PathParts[0];
            if ($Debug) {
                echo "Category is '{$category}'<br>";
        if (isset($PathParts[1]) && $PathParts[1] != '') {
            $port = $PathParts[1];
            if ($Debug) {
                echo "Port is '{$port}'<br>";
        if (isset($port)) {
            $IsPort = true;
            $IsPort = false;
            $result = $REQUEST_URI;
            if ($Debug) {
                echo 'This is a Port but there is no element for it.<br>';
        if (isset($category) && !$IsPort) {
            # we have a valid category, but no valid port.
            # we will display the category only if they did *try* to speciy a port.
            # i.e. they suuplied an invalid port name
            if ($Debug) {
                echo 'This is a category<br>';
            if (isset($port)) {
                if ($Debug) {
                    'Invalid port supplied for a valid category<br>';
            } else {
                require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/../classes/categories.php';
                $Category = new Category($db);
                $CategoryID = $Category->FetchByName($category);
                if ($CategoryID) {
                    $IsCategory = true;
    if ($Debug) {
        echo 'let us see what we will include now....<br>';
    if ($IsPort) {
        if ($Debug) {
            echo 'including missing-port ' . $Debug . '<BR>';
        require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/missing-port.php';
        if ($Debug) {
            echo 'including missing-port ' . $Debug . '<BR>';
        # if zero is returned, all is well, otherwise, we can't display that category/port.
        if (freshports_PortDisplay($db, $category, $port)) {
            echo 'freshports_PortDisplay returned non-zero';
    if ($IsCategory && !$IsPort) {
        if ($Debug) {
            echo 'This is a category<br>';
        require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/missing-category.php';
        freshports_CategoryByID($db, $CategoryID, 1, $User->page_size);
    if ($IsElement && !$IsPort) {
        if ($Debug) {
            echo 'This is an element<br>';
        require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/missing-non-port.php';
        freshports_NonPortDescription($db, $ElementRecord);
    return $result;