<div id="LMenu"> <div class="MNHeader"><?php echo Yii::t("page", "Разделы"); ?> </div> <?php foreach (CatalogSections::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setOrderBy("name")->setLimit(-1)) as $item) { ?> <div class="LMItem"> <a href="<?php echo SiteHelper::createUrl("/sections") . "/" . $item->slug; ?> .html" title="<?php echo $item->name; ?> - <?php echo Yii::t("page", "категория частных объявлений"); ?> "><?php echo $item->name; ?> </a> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <br/> <div class="lBanner"><?php echo Yii::app()->banners->getBannerByCategory("left"); ?>
public function actionIndex() { $tab = Yii::app()->request->getParam("tab", ""); $page = (int) Yii::app()->request->getParam("p", 1); $action = Yii::app()->request->getParam("action", "t"); $country = Yii::app()->request->getParam("country", ""); $category = Yii::app()->request->getParam("category", ""); $ccategory = Yii::app()->request->getParam("ccategory", ""); $icategory = Yii::app()->request->getParam("icategory", ""); $slug = Yii::app()->request->getParam("slug", ""); $activeTab = ""; $t_page = 1; $i_page = 1; $c_page = 1; if ($action == "t") { $t_page = $page; $activeTab = "s_tours"; } if ($action == "i" || $tab == "info") { $i_page = $page; $activeTab = "s_info"; } if ($action == "c" || $tab == "curorts") { $c_page = $page; $activeTab = "s_curorts"; } /* foreach( $_GET as $key=>$item ) { echo "#"; if( empty( $_GET[$key] ) || $_GET[$key]=="null" )continue; echo $key."*"; $item = CatalogSections::fetchBySlug( $key ); if( $item->id >0 )break; }*/ if (!empty($slug)) { $item = CatalogSections::fetchBySlug($slug); } else { $item = CatalogSections::fetchBySlug("otdyh-v-gorah"); } if ($item && $item->id > 0) { Yii::app()->page->setInfo(array("description" => $item->name . "," . $this->description, "keyWord" => $item->name . "," . $this->keyWord)); if (!empty($item) && $item->id > 0) { $infoCategory = " 1=1 "; $infoSQL = " 1=1 "; if (!empty($icategory)) { $infoCategory .= " AND category_id = ( SELECT id FROM catalog_info_category WHERE slug='" . $icategory . "' )"; } $i = 0; if (sizeof($item->info) > 0) { $infoCategory .= " AND ( "; $infoSQL .= " AND ( "; foreach ($item->info as $itemC) { if ($i > 0) { $infoCategory .= " OR "; $infoSQL .= " OR "; } $infoCategory .= " category_id='" . $itemC->id . "' "; $infoSQL .= " category_id='" . $itemC->id . "' "; $i++; } $infoCategory .= " ) "; $infoSQL .= " ) "; } $curortsCategory = " 1=1 "; $kurortsSQL = " 1=1 "; if (!empty($ccategory)) { $curortsCategory .= " AND category_id = ( SELECT id FROM catalog_kurorts_category WHERE slug='" . $ccategory . "' )"; } if (sizeof($item->curorts) > 0) { $curortsCategory .= " AND ( "; $kurortsSQL .= " AND ( "; $i = 0; foreach ($item->curorts as $itemC) { if ($i > 0) { $curortsCategory .= " OR "; $kurortsSQL .= " OR "; } $curortsCategory .= " category_id='" . $itemC->id . "' "; $kurortsSQL .= " category_id='" . $itemC->id . "' "; $i++; } $curortsCategory .= " ) "; $kurortsSQL .= " ) "; $cororts = CatalogKurorts::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions($curortsCategory)->setOrderBy("col DESC")->setPage($c_page)->setLimit(15)); $curortsCount = CatalogKurorts::count(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions($curortsCategory)); } else { $cororts = array(); $curortsCount = 0; } $toursCategory = " 1=1 "; $toursSQL = " 1=1 "; if ($item->country_id->id > 0) { $toursCategory .= " AND country_id = '" . $item->country_id->id . "'"; $toursSQL .= " AND country_id = '" . $item->country_id->id . "'"; } if (!empty($country)) { $toursCategory .= " AND country_id = ( SELECT id FROM catalog_country WHERE slug='" . $country . "' LIMIT 1 )"; } if (!empty($category)) { $toursCategory .= " AND category_id = ( SELECT id FROM catalog_tours_category WHERE slug='" . $category . "' LIMIT 1 )"; } if (sizeof($item->tours) > 0) { $toursCategory .= " AND ( "; $toursSQL .= " AND ( "; } $i = 0; foreach ($item->tours as $itemC) { if ($i > 0) { $toursCategory .= " OR "; $toursSQL .= " OR "; } $toursCategory .= " category_id='" . $itemC->id . "' "; $toursSQL .= " category_id='" . $itemC->id . "' "; $i++; } if (sizeof($item->tours) > 0) { $toursCategory .= " ) "; $toursSQL .= " ) "; } // Одно исключение для детских лагерей if ($item->id == 7) { $detCount = CatalogKurorts::count(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions($curortsCategory)); } else { $detCount = 0; } Yii::app()->page->title = $item->name; $this->render('index', array("icategory" => $icategory, "ccategory" => $ccategory, "category" => $category, "country" => $country, "activeTab" => $activeTab, "item" => $item, "infoSQL" => $infoSQL, "info" => CatalogInfo::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions($infoCategory)->setOrderBy("col DESC")->setPage($i_page)->setLimit(15)), "infoCount" => CatalogInfo::count(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions($infoCategory)), "toursSQL" => $toursSQL, "tours" => CatalogTours::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions($toursCategory)->setOrderBy("col DESC")->setPage($t_page)->setLimit(15)), "tourCount" => CatalogTours::count(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions($toursCategory)), "kurortsSQL" => $kurortsSQL, "curorts" => $cororts, "curortsCount" => $curortsCount, "detCount" => $detCount, "t_page" => $t_page, "i_page" => $i_page, "c_page" => $c_page, "offset" => 15)); } else { throw new CHttpException("Ошибка", Yii::t("page", "Ошибка перехода на страницу")); } } else { throw new CHttpException("Ошибка", Yii::t("page", "Ошибка перехода на страницу")); } }