  * Return true if the order should be taxed
  * @return boolean
 public function isTaxed($isShippingTaxed = null)
     $s = $this->getShipping();
     if (count($s)) {
         $taxRate = new Cart66TaxRate();
         $isTaxed = $taxRate->loadByZip($s['zip']);
         if ($isTaxed == false) {
             $isTaxed = $taxRate->loadByState($s['state']);
         $this->_taxRate = $taxRate;
         $taxShipping = $taxRate->tax_shipping;
         return $isShippingTaxed == null ? $isTaxed : $taxShipping;
     } else {
         throw new Exception(__('Unable to determine tax rate because shipping data is unavailable', 'cart66'));
 // Calculate IPN URL
 $ipnPage = get_page_by_path('store/ipn');
 $ipnUrl = get_permalink($ipnPage->ID);
 // Set shipping as an item if the item total is $0.00, otherwise PayPal will fail
 if ($itemTotal == 0 && $shipping > 0) {
     Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] Setting shipping to be an item because the item total would otherwise be \$0.00");
     $itemTotal = $shipping;
     $itemData = array('NAME' => 'Shipping', 'AMT' => $shipping, 'NUMBER' => 'SHIPPING', 'QTY' => 1);
     $shipping = 0;
 } else {
     Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] Not making shipping part of the item list. Item Total: {$itemTotal}");
 // calculate taxes on all sales
 $tax = 0;
 $isTaxed = $taxRate->loadByState('All Sales');
 if ($isTaxed) {
     $taxable = Cart66Session::get('Cart66Cart')->getTaxableAmount($taxRate->tax_shipping);
     $tax = number_format($taxable * ($taxRate->rate / 100), 2, '.', '');
     if ($tax == 0) {
         $tax = Cart66Session::get('Cart66Cart')->getTax('All Sales');
     if ($tax > 0) {
         $total = $total + $tax;
 // Set payment information
 $payment = array('AMT' => $total, 'TAXAMT' => $tax, 'CURRENCYCODE' => CURRENCY_CODE, 'ITEMAMT' => $itemTotal, 'SHIPPINGAMT' => $shipping, 'NOTIFYURL' => $ipnUrl);
 Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] Setting Payment Details:\n" . print_r($payment, true));
 // Add cart items to PayPal
 public function getTax($state = 'All Sales', $zip = null)
     $tax = 0;
     $taxRate = new Cart66TaxRate();
     $isTaxed = $taxRate->loadByZip($zip);
     if ($isTaxed == false) {
         $isTaxed = $taxRate->loadByState($state);
         if ($state == 'All Sales' && $isTaxed) {
             Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] so i guess it's all sales? rate: " . $taxRate->rate);
             Cart66Session::set('Cart66TaxRate', Cart66Common::tax($taxRate->rate));
     if ($isTaxed) {
         $taxable = $this->getTaxableAmount($taxRate->tax_shipping);
         $tax = number_format($taxable * ($taxRate->rate / 100), 2, '.', '');
     return $tax;