if ($tax > 0) {
         $total = $total + $tax;
 // Set payment information
 $payment = array('AMT' => $total, 'TAXAMT' => $tax, 'CURRENCYCODE' => CURRENCY_CODE, 'ITEMAMT' => $itemTotal, 'SHIPPINGAMT' => $shipping, 'NOTIFYURL' => $ipnUrl);
 Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] Setting Payment Details:\n" . print_r($payment, true));
 // Add cart items to PayPal
 // Set Express Checkout URLs
 $returnPage = get_page_by_path('store/express');
 $returnUrl = get_permalink($returnPage->ID);
 $cancelPage = get_page_by_path('store/checkout');
 $cancelUrl = get_permalink($cancelPage->ID);
 $localeCode = Cart66Common::getLocaleCode();
 $ecUrls = array('RETURNURL' => $returnUrl, 'CANCELURL' => $cancelUrl, 'LOCALECODE' => $localeCode);
 $response = $pp->SetExpressCheckout();
 $ack = strtoupper($response['ACK']);
 if ('SUCCESS' == $ack || 'SUCCESSWITHWARNING' == $ack) {
     Cart66Session::set('PayPalProToken', $response['TOKEN']);
     $expressCheckoutUrl = $pp->getExpressCheckoutUrl($response['TOKEN']);
 } elseif (empty($ack)) {
     echo '<pre>Failed to connect via curl to PayPal. The most likely cause is that your PHP installation failed to verify that the CA cert is OK</pre>';
 } else {
     try {
         throw new Cart66Exception(ucwords($response['L_SHORTMESSAGE0']), 66503);
     } catch (Cart66Exception $e) {