static function display()
     /* The 'parent' keyword references the class that 
     		the current class is extending. It can be used to 
     		call upon a parent class's methods or properties. */
     echo parent::car_detail();
    // property
    static $wheel_count = 4;
    static $door_count = 4;
    // methods
    static function car_detail()
        With a static function, you do not use the "$this"
        pseudo-variable because you are not using an
        instance. You format the properties the same way
        you would with a static property.
        echo Cars::$wheel_count;
        echo Cars::$door_count;
$bmw = new Cars();
echo $bmw->door_count;
echo $bmw->wheel_count;
// Browser sees these static properties as undefined
// because they're being called with an instance.
echo Cars::$door_count;
/* To call a static property, use the class name
followed by two colons ( : ) and the property name, after
a dollar sign ( $ ). */
/* To call a static function, use the class name followed
by two colons and the function name WITHOUT a dollar sign.

class Cars
    // Properties - Access Control Modifiers
    /* Access modifiers are not used for privacy's sake
    	but instead to achieve better control of variables
    	throughout a document */
    /* public property can be used throughout the whole 
    program */
    public $wheel_count = 4;
    /* private property can be used within the class it's
     defined */
    private $door_count = 4;
    /* protected property is only available inside it's 
    class or subclass (extends '...') */
    protected $seat_count = '2';
    function car_detail()
        echo $this->wheel_count;
        echo $this->door_count;
        echo $this->seat_count;
$bmw = new Cars();

class Cars
    var $wheel_count = 4;
    var $door_count = 4;
    function car_detail()
        return "This car has " . $this->wheel_count . " wheels";
$bmw = new Cars();
$mercedes = new Cars();
echo $bmw->wheel_count = 10;
echo "<br>";
echo $mercedes->wheel_count . "<br>";
echo $mercedes->car_detail() . "<br>";
echo $bmw->car_detail();