Exemplo n.º 1
  * Clone the cell collection
  * @param  \PHPExcel\Worksheet    $parent        The new worksheet that we're copying to
 public function copyCellCollection(\PHPExcel\Worksheet $parent)
     $newCollection = array();
     foreach ($this->cellCache as $k => &$cell) {
         $newCollection[$k] = clone $cell;
     $this->cellCache = $newCollection;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Clone the cell collection
  * @param   \PHPExcel\Worksheet    $parent        The new worksheet that we're copying to
 public function copyCellCollection(\PHPExcel\Worksheet $parent)
     //    Open a new stream for the cell cache data
     $newFileHandle = fopen('php://temp/maxmemory:' . $this->memoryCacheSize, 'a+');
     //    Copy the existing cell cache data to the new stream
     fseek($this->fileHandle, 0);
     while (!feof($this->fileHandle)) {
         fwrite($newFileHandle, fread($this->fileHandle, 1024));
     $this->fileHandle = $newFileHandle;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Clone the cell collection
  * @param  \PHPExcel\Worksheet    $parent        The new worksheet that we're copying to
  * @throws  \PHPExcel\Exception
 public function copyCellCollection(\PHPExcel\Worksheet $parent)
     //    Get a new id for the new file name
     $baseUnique = $this->getUniqueID();
     $newCachePrefix = substr(md5($baseUnique), 0, 8) . '.';
     $cacheList = $this->getCellList();
     foreach ($cacheList as $cellID) {
         if ($cellID != $this->currentObjectID) {
             $success = false;
             $obj = wincache_ucache_get($this->cachePrefix . $cellID . '.cache', $success);
             if ($success === false) {
                 //    Entry no longer exists in WinCache, so clear it from the cache array
                 throw new \PHPExcel\Exception('Cell entry ' . $cellID . ' no longer exists in Wincache');
             if (!wincache_ucache_add($newCachePrefix . $cellID . '.cache', $obj, $this->cacheTime)) {
                 throw new \PHPExcel\Exception('Failed to store cell ' . $cellID . ' in Wincache');
     $this->cachePrefix = $newCachePrefix;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Clone the cell collection
  * @param  \PHPExcel\Worksheet    $parent        The new worksheet that we're copying to
  * @throws   \PHPExcel\Exception
 public function copyCellCollection(\PHPExcel\Worksheet $parent)
     //    Get a new id for the new file name
     $baseUnique = $this->getUniqueID();
     $newCachePrefix = substr(md5($baseUnique), 0, 8) . '.';
     $cacheList = $this->getCellList();
     foreach ($cacheList as $cellID) {
         if ($cellID != $this->currentObjectID) {
             $obj = $this->memcache->get($this->cachePrefix . $cellID . '.cache');
             if ($obj === false) {
                 //    Entry no longer exists in Memcache, so clear it from the cache array
                 throw new \PHPExcel\Exception("Cell entry {$cellID} no longer exists in MemCache");
             if (!$this->memcache->add($newCachePrefix . $cellID . '.cache', $obj, null, $this->cacheTime)) {
                 throw new \PHPExcel\Exception("Failed to store cell {$cellID} in MemCache");
     $this->cachePrefix = $newCachePrefix;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Clone the cell collection
  * @param  \PHPExcel\Worksheet    $parent        The new worksheet that we're copying to
 public function copyCellCollection(\PHPExcel\Worksheet $parent)
     //    Get a new id for the new file name
     $baseUnique = $this->getUniqueID();
     $newFileName = $this->cacheDirectory . '/PHPExcel.' . $baseUnique . '.cache';
     //    Copy the existing cell cache file
     copy($this->fileName, $newFileName);
     $this->fileName = $newFileName;
     //    Open the copied cell cache file
     $this->fileHandle = fopen($this->fileName, 'a+');