Exemplo n.º 1
    // dP remover super hack
    if (null == ($module = CModule::getInstalled("dP{$m}"))) {
    $m = "dP{$m}";
// Get current module permissions
// these can be further modified by the included action files
$can = $module->canDo();
$a = CAppUI::checkFileName(CValue::get("a", $index));
$u = CAppUI::checkFileName(CValue::get("u", ""));
$dosql = CAppUI::checkFileName(CValue::post("dosql", ""));
$class = CAppUI::checkFileName(CValue::post("@class", ""));
$tab = $a == "index" ? CValue::getOrSession("tab", $tab) : CValue::get("tab");
// set the group in use, put the user group if not allowed
$g = CValue::getOrSessionAbs("g", CAppUI::$instance->user_group);
$indexGroup = new CGroups();
if ($indexGroup->load($g) && !$indexGroup->canRead()) {
    $g = CAppUI::$instance->user_group;
    CValue::setSessionAbs("g", $g);
$user = CAppUI::$user;
// Check whether the password is strong enough
// If account is not a robot
if ($user->_id && !$user->isRobot() && (!($m == "admin" && $tab == "chpwd") && !($m == "admin" && $dosql == "do_chpwd_aed"))) {
    if (CAppUI::$instance->weak_password && (!CAppUI::$instance->user_remote || CAppUI::conf("admin CUser apply_all_users"))) {
    // If we want to force user to periodically change password
    if (CAppUI::conf("admin CUser force_changing_password") || $user->_ref_user->force_change_password) {
        // Need to change
Exemplo n.º 2

 * $Id$
 * @category HL7
 * @package  Mediboard
 * @author   SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**>
 * @license  GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @version  $Revision$
 * @link     http://www.mediboard.org
$object_class = trim(CValue::getOrSession("object_class"));
$object_id = trim(CValue::getOrSession("object_id"));
$cn_receiver_guid = trim(CValue::getOrSessionAbs("cn_receiver_guid"));
$object = null;
if ($object_class && $object_id) {
    $object = CMbObject::loadFromGuid("{$object_class}-{$object_id}");
$receiver = new CReceiverHL7v2();
$receiver->group_id = CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id;
$receiver->actif = "1";
$receivers = $receiver->loadMatchingList();
$object_classes = array("COperation", "CSejour");
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("object_class", $object_class);
$smarty->assign("object_classes", $object_classes);
$smarty->assign("object_id", $object_id);
$smarty->assign("object", $object);
$smarty->assign("receivers", $receivers);