Exemplo n.º 1
 public function get($caption_l = S_IN, $caption_r = S_OTHER)
     $grp_tab = new CTable();
     $grp_tab->setAttribute('name', $this->name);
     $grp_tab->setAttribute('id', $this->name);
     if (!is_null($caption_l) || !is_null($caption_r)) {
         $grp_tab->addRow(array($caption_l, SPACE, $caption_r));
     $add_btn = new CButton('add', ' « ');
     $add_btn->setAction('javascript: moveListBoxSelectedItem("' . $this->form->GetName() . '","' . $this->varname . '","' . $this->id_r . '","' . $this->id_l . '","add");');
     $rmv_btn = new CButton('remove', ' » ');
     $rmv_btn->setAction('javascript: moveListBoxSelectedItem("' . $this->form->GetName() . '","' . $this->varname . '","' . $this->id_l . '","' . $this->id_r . '","rmv");');
     $grp_tab->addRow(array($this->lbox, new CCol(array($add_btn, BR(), $rmv_btn), 'top'), $this->rbox));
     return $grp_tab;
$filterForm->addRow(_('Age less than'), array($statusChangeCheckBox, $statusChangeDays, SPACE, $daysSpan));
// name
$filterForm->addRow(_('Filter by name'), new CTextBox('txt_select', $filter['txtSelect'], 40));
// application
$filterForm->addRow(_('Filter by application'), array(new CTextBox('application', $filter['application'], 40), new CButton('application_name', _('Select'), 'return PopUp("popup.php?srctbl=applications&srcfld1=name&real_hosts=1&dstfld1=application&with_applications=1' . '&dstfrm=' . $filterForm->getName() . '");', 'filter-button')));
// inventory filter
$inventoryFilters = $filter['inventory'];
if (!$inventoryFilters) {
    $inventoryFilters = array(array('field' => '', 'value' => ''));
$inventoryFields = array();
foreach (getHostInventories() as $inventory) {
    $inventoryFields[$inventory['db_field']] = $inventory['title'];
$inventoryFilterTable = new CTable();
$inventoryFilterTable->setAttribute('id', 'inventory-filter');
$i = 0;
foreach ($inventoryFilters as $field) {
    $inventoryFilterTable->addRow(array(new CComboBox('inventory[' . $i . '][field]', $field['field'], null, $inventoryFields), new CTextBox('inventory[' . $i . '][value]', $field['value'], 20), new CButton('inventory[' . $i . '][remove]', _('Remove'), null, 'link_menu element-table-remove')), 'form_row');
$inventoryFilterTable->addRow(new CCol(new CButton('inventory_add', _('Add'), null, 'link_menu element-table-add'), null, 3));
$filterForm->addRow(_('Filter by host inventory'), $inventoryFilterTable);
// maintenance filter
$filterForm->addRow(_('Show hosts in maintenance'), new CCheckBox('show_maintenance', $filter['showMaintenance'], null, 1));
// show details
if (!$overview) {
    $filterForm->addRow(_('Show details'), new CCheckBox('show_details', $filter['showDetails'], null, 1));
// buttons
$filterForm->addItemToBottomRow(new CSubmit('filter_set', _('Filter'), 'chkbxRange.clearSelectedOnFilterChange();'));
Exemplo n.º 3
    $url = '?elementid=' . $elementid . ($_REQUEST['fullscreen'] ? '' : '&fullscreen=1');
    $url .= url_param('groupid') . url_param('hostid');
    $fs_icon = new CDiv(SPACE, 'fullscreen');
    $fs_icon->setAttribute('title', $_REQUEST['fullscreen'] ? S_NORMAL . ' ' . S_VIEW : S_FULLSCREEN);
    $fs_icon->addAction('onclick', new CScript("javascript: document.location = '" . $url . "';"));
$menu = array();
$submenu = array();
// js menu arrays
make_refresh_menu('mainpage', 'hat_slides', get_profile('web.slides.rf_rate.hat_slides', $element['delay'], null, $elementid), array('elementid' => $elementid), $menu, $submenu);
insert_js('var page_menu=' . zbx_jsvalue($menu) . ";\n" . 'var page_submenu=' . zbx_jsvalue($submenu) . ";\n");
// --------------
$tab = new CTable();
$tab->setAttribute('border', 0);
$tab->setAttribute('width', '100%');
// Refresh tab
$refresh_tab = array(array('id' => 'hat_slides', 'frequency' => get_profile('web.slides.rf_rate.hat_slides', $element['delay'], null, $elementid), 'url' => 'slides.php?elementid=' . $elementid . url_param('stime') . url_param('period') . url_param('groupid') . url_param('hostid'), 'params' => array('lastupdate' => time())));
$refresh_icon = new CDiv(SPACE, 'iconmenu');
$refresh_icon->addAction('onclick', 'javascript: create_page_menu(event,"hat_slides");');
$refresh_icon->setAttribute('title', S_MENU);
if (isset($elementid)) {
    $effectiveperiod = navigation_bar_calc();
    if (2 != $_REQUEST['fullscreen']) {
        $stime = time() - 31536000;
        // ~1year
        $bstime = time() - $effectiveperiod;
        if (isset($_REQUEST['stime'])) {
            $bstime = $_REQUEST['stime'];
Exemplo n.º 4
$_REQUEST['report_timesince'] = zbxDateToTime(get_request('report_timesince', date(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT_ZERO_TIME, time() - SEC_PER_DAY)));
$_REQUEST['report_timetill'] = zbxDateToTime(get_request('report_timetill', date(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT_ZERO_TIME, time())));
$rep6_wdgt = new CWidget();
$r_form = new CForm();
$cnfCmb = new CComboBox('config', $config, 'submit();');
$cnfCmb->addItem(1, _('Distribution of values for multiple periods'));
$cnfCmb->addItem(2, _('Distribution of values for multiple items'));
$cnfCmb->addItem(3, _('Compare values for multiple periods'));
$r_form->addItem(array(_('Reports') . SPACE, $cnfCmb));
$rep6_wdgt->addPageHeader(_('Bar reports'));
$rep6_wdgt->addHeader(_('Report'), $r_form);
$rep_tab = new CTable();
$rep_tab->setAttribute('border', 0);
switch ($config) {
    case 1:
        $rep_form = valueDistributionFormForMultiplePeriods($validItems);
    case 2:
        $rep_form = valueDistributionFormForMultipleItems($validItems, $validPeriods);
    case 3:
        $rep_form = valueComparisonFormForMultiplePeriods();
$rep6_wdgt->addFlicker($rep_form, CProfile::get('web.report6.filter.state', 1));
if (isset($_REQUEST['report_show'])) {
    $items = $config == 3 ? array(array('itemid' => get_request('itemid'))) : get_request('items');
include 'include/views/js/administration.general.valuemapping.edit.js.php';
$valueMappingForm = new CForm();
$valueMappingForm->addVar('form', $this->data['form']);
$valueMappingForm->addVar('form_refresh', $this->data['form_refresh'] + 1);
$valueMappingForm->addVar('valuemapid', $this->data['valuemapid']);
// create form list
$valueMappingFormList = new CFormList('valueMappingFormList');
// name
$nameTextBox = new CTextBox('mapname', $this->data['mapname'], 40, null, 64);
$nameTextBox->attr('autofocus', 'autofocus');
$valueMappingFormList->addRow(_('Name'), $nameTextBox);
// mappings
$mappingsTable = new CTable(SPACE, 'formElementTable');
$mappingsTable->setAttribute('id', 'mappingsTable');
$mappingsTable->addRow(array(_('Value'), SPACE, _('Mapped to'), SPACE));
$mappingsTable->addRow(new CCol(new CButton('addMapping', _('Add'), '', 'link_menu'), null, 4));
$valueMappingFormList->addRow(_('Mappings'), new CDiv($mappingsTable, 'border_dotted inlineblock objectgroup'));
// add mappings to form by js
if (empty($this->data['mappings'])) {
} else {
    zbx_add_post_js('mappingsManager.addExisting(' . zbx_jsvalue($this->data['mappings']) . ');');
// append tab
$valueMappingTab = new CTabView();
$valueMappingTab->addTab('valuemapping', _('Value mapping'), $valueMappingFormList);
// append buttons
if (!empty($this->data['valuemapid'])) {
        $formulaTextBox->setAttribute('style', 'text-align: right;');
        $multiplier[] = $formulaTextBox;
    } else {
        $multiplierCheckBox = new CCheckBox('multiplier', $this->data['multiplier'] == 1 ? 'yes' : 'no', 'var editbx = document.getElementById(\'formula\'); if (editbx) { editbx.disabled = !this.checked; }', 1);
        $multiplier[] = $multiplierCheckBox;
        $multiplier[] = SPACE;
        $formulaTextBox = new CTextBox('formula', $this->data['formula'], ZBX_TEXTBOX_SMALL_SIZE);
        $formulaTextBox->setAttribute('style', 'text-align: right;');
        $multiplier[] = $formulaTextBox;
    $itemFormList->addRow(_('Use custom multiplier'), $multiplier, false, 'row_multiplier');
$itemFormList->addRow(_('Update interval (in sec)'), new CNumericBox('delay', $this->data['delay'], 5), false, 'row_delay');
// append delay flex to form list
$delayFlexTable = new CTable(_('No flexible intervals defined.'), 'formElementTable');
$delayFlexTable->setAttribute('style', 'min-width: 310px;');
$delayFlexTable->setAttribute('id', 'delayFlexTable');
$delayFlexTable->setHeader(array(_('Interval'), _('Period'), _('Action')));
$i = 0;
$this->data['maxReached'] = false;
foreach ($this->data['delay_flex'] as $delayFlex) {
    if (!isset($delayFlex['delay']) && !isset($delayFlex['period'])) {
    $itemForm->addVar('delay_flex[' . $i . '][delay]', $delayFlex['delay']);
    $itemForm->addVar('delay_flex[' . $i . '][period]', $delayFlex['period']);
    $row = new CRow(array($delayFlex['delay'], $delayFlex['period'], new CButton('remove', _('Remove'), 'javascript: removeDelayFlex(' . $i . ');', 'link_menu')));
    $row->setAttribute('id', 'delayFlex_' . $i);
    // limit count of intervals, 7 intervals by 30 symbols = 210 characters, db storage field is 256
    $hostList->addRow(_('SNMP interfaces'), new CDiv($ifTab, 'border_dotted objectgroup interface-group'), false, null, 'interface-row');
    // table for JMX interfaces with footer
    $ifTab = new CTable(null, 'formElementTable');
    $ifTab->setAttribute('id', 'JMXInterfaces');
    $ifTab->setAttribute('data-type', 'jmx');
    $row = new CRow(null, null, 'JMXIterfacesFooter');
    if (!isset($existingInterfaceTypes[INTERFACE_TYPE_JMX])) {
        $row->addItem(new CCol(null, 'interface-drag-control'));
        $row->addItem(new CCol(_('No JMX interfaces found.'), null, 5));
    $hostList->addRow(_('JMX interfaces'), new CDiv($ifTab, 'border_dotted objectgroup interface-group'), false, null, 'interface-row');
    // table for IPMI interfaces with footer
    $ifTab = new CTable(null, 'formElementTable');
    $ifTab->setAttribute('id', 'IPMIInterfaces');
    $ifTab->setAttribute('data-type', 'ipmi');
    $row = new CRow(null, null, 'IPMIIterfacesFooter');
    if (!isset($existingInterfaceTypes[INTERFACE_TYPE_IPMI])) {
        $row->addItem(new CCol(null, 'interface-drag-control'));
        $row->addItem(new CCol(_('No IPMI interfaces found.'), null, 5));
    $hostList->addRow(_('IPMI interfaces'), new CDiv($ifTab, 'border_dotted objectgroup interface-group'), false, null, 'interface-row interface-row-last');
// Proxy
if (!$isDiscovered) {
    $proxyControl = new CComboBox('proxy_hostid', $proxy_hostid);
    $proxyControl->addItem(0, _('(no proxy)'));
    $db_proxies = API::Proxy()->get(array('output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND));
    order_result($db_proxies, 'host');
Exemplo n.º 8
function create_hat($caption, $items, $addicons = null, $id = null, $state = null)
    if (is_null($id)) {
        list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
        $id = 'hat_' . (int) ($sec % 10) . (int) ($usec * 1000);
    $td_l = new CCol(SPACE);
    $td_l->setAttribute('width', '100%');
    $icons_row = array($td_l);
    if (!is_null($addicons)) {
        if (!is_array($addicons)) {
            $addicons = array($addicons);
        foreach ($addicons as $value) {
            $icons_row[] = $value;
    if (!is_null($state)) {
        $icon = new CIcon(_('Show') . '/' . _('Hide'), $state ? 'arrowup' : 'arrowdown', "change_hat_state(this,'" . $id . "');");
        $icon->setAttribute('id', $id . '_icon');
        $icons_row[] = $icon;
    } else {
        $state = true;
    $icon_tab = new CTable();
    $icon_tab->setAttribute('width', '100%');
    $table = new CTable();
    $table->setAttribute('width', '100%');
    $table->addRow(get_table_header($caption, $icon_tab));
    $div = new CDiv($items);
    $div->setAttribute('id', $id);
    if (!$state) {
        $div->setAttribute('style', 'display: none;');
    return $table;
Exemplo n.º 9
function show_history($itemid, $from, $stime, $period)
    //show_table_header(S_TILL.SPACE.$till.' ( '.zbx_date2age($stime,$stime+$period).' )');
    $td = new CCol(get_js_sizeable_graph('graph', 'chart.php?itemid=' . $itemid . url_param($from, false, 'from') . url_param($stime, false, 'stime') . url_param($period, false, 'period')));
    $td->setAttribute('align', 'center');
    $tr = new CRow($td);
    $tr->setAttribute('bgcolor', '#dddddd');
    $table = new CTable();
    $table->setAttribute('width', '100%');
    $table->setAttribute('bgcolor', '#cccccc');
    $table->setAttribute('cellspacing', '1');
    $table->setAttribute('cellpadding', '3');
$servicesChildTable->setHeader(array(_('Services'), _('Soft'), _('Trigger'), _('Action')));
foreach ($this->data['children'] as $child) {
    $childrenLink = new CLink($child['name'], 'services.php?form=1&serviceid=' . $child['serviceid']);
    $childrenLink->setAttribute('target', '_blank');
    $row = new CRow(array(array($childrenLink, new CVar('children[' . $child['serviceid'] . '][name]', $child['name']), new CVar('children[' . $child['serviceid'] . '][serviceid]', $child['serviceid'])), new CCheckBox('children[' . $child['serviceid'] . '][soft]', isset($child['soft']) && !empty($child['soft']) ? 'checked' : 'no', null, 1), !empty($child['trigger']) ? $child['trigger'] : '-', new CButton('remove', _('Remove'), 'javascript: removeDependentChild(\'' . $child['serviceid'] . '\');', 'link_menu')));
    $row->setAttribute('id', 'children_' . $child['serviceid']);
$servicesDependenciesFormList = new CFormList('servicesDependensiesFormList');
$servicesDependenciesFormList->addRow(_('Depends on'), new CDiv(array($servicesChildTable, new CButton('add_child_service', _('Add'), "javascript: openWinCentered('services.php?cservices=1" . url_param('serviceid') . "', 'ZBX_Services_List', 640, 520, 'scrollbars=1, toolbar=0, menubar=0, resizable=0');", 'link_menu')), 'objectgroup inlineblock border_dotted ui-corner-all'));
 * Service times tab
$servicesTimeFormList = new CFormList('servicesTimeFormList');
$servicesTimeTable = new CTable(_('No times defined. Work 24x7.'), 'formElementTable');
$servicesTimeTable->setAttribute('style', 'min-width: 500px;');
$servicesTimeTable->setHeader(array(_('Type'), _('Interval'), _('Note'), _('Action')));
$i = 0;
foreach ($this->data['times'] as $serviceTime) {
    switch ($serviceTime['type']) {
            $type = new CSpan(_('Uptime'), 'enabled');
            $from = dowHrMinToStr($serviceTime['ts_from']);
            $to = dowHrMinToStr($serviceTime['ts_to'], true);
            $type = new CSpan(_('Downtime'), 'disabled');
            $from = dowHrMinToStr($serviceTime['ts_from']);
            $to = dowHrMinToStr($serviceTime['ts_to'], true);
$locationComboBox = new CComboBox('label_location', $this->data['sysmap']['label_location']);
$locationComboBox->addItems(array(0 => _('Bottom'), 1 => _('Left'), 2 => _('Right'), 3 => _('Top')));
$sysmapList->addRow(_('Icon label location'), $locationComboBox);
// append show unack to form list
$showUnackComboBox = new CComboBox('show_unack', $this->data['sysmap']['show_unack']);
$showUnackComboBox->addItems(array(EXTACK_OPTION_ALL => _('All'), EXTACK_OPTION_BOTH => _('Separated'), EXTACK_OPTION_UNACK => _('Unacknowledged only')));
if (!$this->data['config']['event_ack_enable']) {
    $showUnackComboBox->setAttribute('title', _('Acknowledging disabled'));
$sysmapList->addRow(_('Problem display'), $showUnackComboBox);
// append severity min to form list
$sysmapList->addRow(_('Minimum trigger severity'), new CSeverity(array('name' => 'severity_min', 'value' => $this->data['sysmap']['severity_min'])));
// create url table
$urlTable = new CTable(_('No URLs defined.'), 'formElementTable');
$urlTable->setAttribute('style', 'min-width: 500px;');
$urlTable->setHeader(array(_('Name'), _('URL'), _('Element'), SPACE));
if (empty($this->data['sysmap']['urls'])) {
    $this->data['sysmap']['urls'][] = array('name' => '', 'url' => '', 'elementtype' => 0);
$i = 0;
foreach ($this->data['sysmap']['urls'] as $url) {
    $urlLabel = new CTextBox('urls[' . $i . '][name]', $url['name'], 32);
    $urlLink = new CTextBox('urls[' . $i . '][url]', $url['url'], 32);
    $urlEtype = new CComboBox('urls[' . $i . '][elementtype]', $url['elementtype']);
    $removeButton = new CSpan(_('Remove'), 'link_menu');
    $removeButton->addAction('onclick', '$("urlEntry_' . $i . '").remove();');
    $urlRow = new CRow(array($urlLabel, $urlLink, $urlEtype, $removeButton));
    $urlRow->setAttribute('id', 'urlEntry_' . $i);
Exemplo n.º 12
$page['title'] = _zeT('Not Supported Items');
$page['file'] = 'zbxe-ns.php';
$page['hist_arg'] = array('groupid', 'hostid', 'graphid');
$page['scripts'] = array('class.calendar.js', 'scriptaculous.js?load=effects');
$page['type'] = detect_page_type(PAGE_TYPE_HTML);
include_once 'include/page_header.php';
$fields = array('groupid' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, P_SYS, DB_ID, null), 'hostid' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, P_SYS, DB_ID, null), 'applicationid' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, P_SYS, DB_ID, null), 'itemid' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, P_SYS, DB_ID, null), 'timeshiftsource' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, P_SYS, DB_ID, null), 'timeshiftprojection' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, P_SYS, DB_ID, null), 'agregation' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, P_SYS, DB_ID, null), 'num_projection' => array(T_ZBX_STR, O_OPT, P_SYS, DB_ID, null), 'formato' => array(T_ZBX_STR, O_OPT, P_SYS, DB_ID, null), 'report_timesince' => array(T_ZBX_STR, O_OPT, null, null, 'isset({filter})'), 'report_timetill' => array(T_ZBX_STR, O_OPT, null, null, 'isset({filter})'));
// --------------------------- Filtro ---------------------------------------------------------------------
$options = array('groups' => array('monitored_hosts' => 1), 'hosts' => array('monitored_hosts' => 1), 'groupid' => get_request('groupid', null), 'hostid' => get_request('hostid', null));
$hostid = $_REQUEST['hostid'] = get_request('hostid', 0);
$groupid = $_REQUEST['groupid'] = get_request('groupid', 0);
$pageFilter = new CPageFilter($options);
$filter_table = new CTable('', 'filter_config');
$filter_table->setAttribute('border', 0);
$filter_table->setAttribute('width', '100%');
$cmbGroups = $pageFilter->getGroupsCB(true);
$cmbHosts = $pageFilter->getHostsCB(true);
$filter_table->addRow(array(array(bold(_('Group')), ': ', $cmbGroups), array(bold(_('Host')), ': ', $cmbHosts), array()));
$groupids = checkAccessGroup('groupid');
$hostids = checkAccessHost('hostid');
// --------------------------- Fim Filtro ---------------------------------------------------------------------
$options = array();
$options['templated_hosts'] = 1;
$hosts = API::Host()->get($options);
$filtroSegHosts = " hos.status <> 1 AND " . dbConditionInt('hos.hostid', zbx_objectValues($hosts, 'hostid'));
$rep2_wdgt = new CWidget();
$rep2_wdgt->addPageHeader(_zeT('Not Supported Items Report'));
$filter_form = new CForm();
Exemplo n.º 13
function show_messages($bool = TRUE, $okmsg = NULL, $errmsg = NULL)
    global $page, $ZBX_MESSAGES;
    if (!defined('PAGE_HEADER_LOADED')) {
    if (defined('ZBX_API_REQUEST')) {
    if (!isset($page['type'])) {
        $page['type'] = PAGE_TYPE_HTML;
    $message = array();
    $width = 0;
    $height = 0;
    $img_space = null;
    if (!$bool && !is_null($errmsg)) {
        $msg = S_CONFIG_ERROR_HEAD . ': ' . $errmsg;
    } else {
        if ($bool && !is_null($okmsg)) {
            $msg = $okmsg;
    $api_errors = CZBXAPI::resetErrors();
    if (!empty($api_errors)) {
    if (isset($msg)) {
        switch ($page['type']) {
            case PAGE_TYPE_IMAGE:
                array_push($message, array('text' => $msg, 'color' => !$bool ? array('R' => 255, 'G' => 0, 'B' => 0) : array('R' => 34, 'G' => 51, 'B' => 68), 'font' => 2));
                $width = max($width, ImageFontWidth(2) * zbx_strlen($msg) + 1);
                $height += imagefontheight(2) + 1;
            case PAGE_TYPE_XML:
                echo htmlspecialchars($msg) . "\n";
                //				case PAGE_TYPE_JS: break;
            //				case PAGE_TYPE_JS: break;
            case PAGE_TYPE_HTML:
                $msg_tab = new CTable($msg, $bool ? 'msgok' : 'msgerr');
                $row = array();
                $msg_col = new CCol(bold($msg), 'msg_main msg');
                $msg_col->setAttribute('id', 'page_msg');
                $row[] = $msg_col;
                if (isset($ZBX_MESSAGES) && !empty($ZBX_MESSAGES)) {
                    $msg_details = new CDiv(S_DETAILS, 'blacklink');
                    $msg_details->setAttribute('onclick', "javascript: ShowHide('msg_messages', IE?'block':'table');");
                    $msg_details->setAttribute('title', S_MAXIMIZE . '/' . S_MINIMIZE);
                    array_unshift($row, new CCol($msg_details, 'clr'));
                $img_space = new CImg('images/general/tree/zero.gif', 'space', '100', '2');
    if (isset($ZBX_MESSAGES) && !empty($ZBX_MESSAGES)) {
        if ($page['type'] == PAGE_TYPE_IMAGE) {
            $msg_font = 2;
            foreach ($ZBX_MESSAGES as $msg) {
                if ($msg['type'] == 'error') {
                    array_push($message, array('text' => $msg['message'], 'color' => array('R' => 255, 'G' => 55, 'B' => 55), 'font' => $msg_font));
                } else {
                    array_push($message, array('text' => $msg['message'], 'color' => array('R' => 155, 'G' => 155, 'B' => 55), 'font' => $msg_font));
                $width = max($width, imagefontwidth($msg_font) * zbx_strlen($msg['message']) + 1);
                $height += imagefontheight($msg_font) + 1;
        } else {
            if ($page['type'] == PAGE_TYPE_XML) {
                foreach ($ZBX_MESSAGES as $msg) {
                    echo '[' . $msg['type'] . '] ' . $msg['message'] . "\n";
            } else {
                $lst_error = new CList(null, 'messages');
                foreach ($ZBX_MESSAGES as $msg) {
                    $lst_error->addItem($msg['message'], $msg['type']);
                    $bool = $bool && 'error' != zbx_strtolower($msg['type']);
                //message scroll if needed
                $msg_show = 6;
                $msg_count = count($ZBX_MESSAGES);
                if ($msg_count > $msg_show) {
                    $msg_count = $msg_show;
                    $msg_count = $msg_count * 16;
                    $lst_error->setAttribute('style', 'height: ' . $msg_count . 'px;');
                $tab = new CTable(null, $bool ? 'msgok' : 'msgerr');
                $tab->setAttribute('id', 'msg_messages');
                $tab->setAttribute('style', 'width: 100%;');
                if (isset($msg_tab) && $bool) {
                    $tab->setAttribute('style', 'display: none;');
                $tab->addRow(new CCol($lst_error, 'msg'));
        $ZBX_MESSAGES = null;
    if (!is_null($img_space)) {
        print unpack_object($img_space);
    if ($page['type'] == PAGE_TYPE_IMAGE && count($message) > 0) {
        $width += 2;
        $height += 2;
        $canvas = imagecreate($width, $height);
        imagefilledrectangle($canvas, 0, 0, $width, $height, imagecolorallocate($canvas, 255, 255, 255));
        foreach ($message as $id => $msg) {
            $message[$id]['y'] = 1 + (isset($previd) ? $message[$previd]['y'] + $message[$previd]['h'] : 0);
            $message[$id]['h'] = imagefontheight($msg['font']);
            imagestring($canvas, $msg['font'], 1, $message[$id]['y'], $msg['text'], imagecolorallocate($canvas, $msg['color']['R'], $msg['color']['G'], $msg['color']['B']));
            $previd = $id;
Exemplo n.º 14
 private function createHeader()
     $header = array_shift($this->headers);
     $td_l = new CCol(SPACE);
     $td_l->setAttribute('width', '100%');
     $right_row = array($td_l);
     if (!is_null($header['right'])) {
         foreach ($header['right'] as $num => $r_item) {
             $right_row[] = new CCol($r_item);
     if (!is_null($this->state)) {
         $icon = new CIcon(S_SHOW . '/' . S_HIDE, $this->state ? 'arrowup' : 'arrowdown', "change_hat_state(this,'" . $this->domid . "');");
         $icon->setAttribute('id', $this->domid . '_icon');
         $right_row[] = new CCol($icon);
     $right_tab = new CTable(null, 'nowrap');
     $right_tab->setAttribute('width', '100%');
     $right_tab->addRow($right_row, 'textblackwhite');
     $header['right'] = $right_tab;
     $header_tab = new CTable(null, $this->css_class);
     if (!empty($this->flicker)) {
         //			$header_tab->setAttribute('style','border-bottom: 0px;');
     $header_tab->addRow($this->createHeaderRow($header['left'], $right_tab), 'first');
     foreach ($this->headers as $num => $header) {
         $header_tab->addRow($this->createHeaderRow($header['left'], $header['right']), 'next');
     return $header_tab;
Exemplo n.º 15
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
$mapWidget = new CWidget('hat_maps');
$mapTable = new CTable(_('No maps found.'), 'map map-container');
$mapTable->setAttribute('style', 'margin-top: 4px;');
$icon = $fsIcon = null;
if (!empty($this->data['maps'])) {
    $mapComboBox = new CComboBox('sysmapid', getRequest('sysmapid', 0), 'submit()');
    foreach ($this->data['maps'] as $sysmapId => $map) {
        $mapComboBox->addItem($sysmapId, $map['name']);
    $headerMapForm = new CForm('get');
    $headerMapForm->addVar('fullscreen', $this->data['fullscreen']);
    $headerMapForm->addItem(array(_('Maps'), SPACE, $mapComboBox));
    $headerSeverityMinForm = new CForm('get');
    $headerSeverityMinForm->addVar('fullscreen', $this->data['fullscreen']);
    $headerSeverityMinForm->addItem(array(SPACE, _('Minimum severity'), SPACE, $this->data['pageFilter']->getSeveritiesMinCB()));
    $mapWidget->addHeader($this->data['map']['name'], array($headerMapForm, $headerSeverityMinForm));
    // get map parent maps
    $parentMaps = array();
Exemplo n.º 16
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
$readonly = isset($data['readonly']) && $data['readonly'];
$macros = array_values($this->data['macros']);
if ($readonly && !$macros) {
    $macrosFormList = new CFormList('macrosFormList');
    $macrosFormList->addRow(_('No macros found.'));
    return $macrosFormList;
if (!$readonly) {
    include dirname(__FILE__) . '/js/common.macros.js.php';
$macrosTable = new CTable(SPACE, 'formElementTable');
$macrosTable->setAttribute('id', 'tbl_macros');
$macrosTable->addRow(array(_('Macro'), SPACE, _('Value'), SPACE));
// fields
foreach ($macros as $i => $macro) {
    $text1 = new CTextBox('macros[' . $i . '][macro]', $macro['macro'], 30, $readonly, 64);
    $text1->setAttribute('placeholder', '{$MACRO}');
    $text2 = new CTextBox('macros[' . $i . '][value]', $macro['value'], 40, $readonly, 255);
    $text2->setAttribute('placeholder', _('value'));
    $span = new CSpan('&rArr;');
    $deleteButtonCell = null;
    if (!$readonly) {
        $deleteButtonCell = array(new CButton('macros_' . $i . '_remove', _('Remove'), null, 'link_menu element-table-remove'));
        if (isset($macro['globalmacroid'])) {
            $deleteButtonCell[] = new CVar('macros[' . $i . '][globalmacroid]', $macro['globalmacroid'], 'macros_' . $i . '_id');
$hostFormList->addRow(array(_('New host group'), SPACE, new CVisibilityBox('visible[newgroup]', isset($this->data['visible']['newgroup']), 'newgroup', _('Original'))), new CTextBox('newgroup', $this->data['newgroup'], ZBX_TEXTBOX_STANDARD_SIZE, 'no', 64), null, null, 'new');
// append proxy to form list
$proxyComboBox = new CComboBox('proxy_hostid', $this->data['proxy_hostid']);
$proxyComboBox->addItem(0, _('(no proxy)'));
foreach ($this->data['proxies'] as $proxie) {
    $proxyComboBox->addItem($proxie['hostid'], $proxie['host']);
$hostFormList->addRow(array(_('Monitored by proxy'), SPACE, new CVisibilityBox('visible[proxy_hostid]', isset($this->data['visible']['proxy_hostid']), 'proxy_hostid', _('Original'))), $proxyComboBox);
// append status to form list
$statusComboBox = new CComboBox('status', $this->data['status']);
$statusComboBox->addItem(HOST_STATUS_MONITORED, _('Monitored'));
$statusComboBox->addItem(HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED, _('Not monitored'));
$hostFormList->addRow(array(_('Status'), SPACE, new CVisibilityBox('visible[status]', isset($this->data['visible']['status']), 'status', _('Original'))), $statusComboBox);
// append templates table to from list
$templatesTable = new CTable(_('No templates defined.'), 'formElementTable');
$templatesTable->setAttribute('style', 'min-width: 500px;');
$templatesTable->setAttribute('id', 'template_table');
$templatesTable->setHeader(array(_('Name'), _('Action')));
foreach ($this->data['templates'] as $templateid => $templateName) {
    $hostForm->addVar('templates[' . $templateid . ']', $templateName);
    $row = new CRow(array($templateName, new CButton('remove', _('Remove'), 'javascript: removeTemplate("' . $templateid . '");', 'link_menu')));
    $row->setAttribute('id', 'template_row_' . $templateid);
$templatesDiv = new CDiv(array($templatesTable, new CButton('btn1', _('Add'), 'return PopUp("popup.php?srctbl=templates&srcfld1=hostid&srcfld2=host' . '&dstfrm=' . $hostForm->getName() . '&dstfld1=new_template&templated_hosts=1' . url_param($this->data['templates'], false, 'existed_templates') . '", 450, 450)', 'link_menu'), BR(), BR(), new CCheckBox('mass_replace_tpls', $this->data['mass_replace_tpls']), SPACE, _('Replace'), BR(), new CCheckBox('mass_clear_tpls', $this->data['mass_clear_tpls']), SPACE, _('Clear when unlinking')), 'objectgroup inlineblock border_dotted ui-corner-all');
$templatesDiv->setAttribute('id', 'templates_div');
$hostFormList->addRow(array(_('Link templates'), SPACE, new CVisibilityBox('visible[template_table]', !empty($this->data['visible']['template_table']) ? 'yes' : 'no', 'templates_div', _('Original'))), $templatesDiv);
// append ipmi to form list
$ipmiAuthtypeComboBox = new CComboBox('ipmi_authtype', $this->data['ipmi_authtype']);
$hostFormList->addRow(array(_('IPMI authentication algorithm'), SPACE, new CVisibilityBox('visible[ipmi_authtype]', isset($this->data['visible']['ipmi_authtype']), 'ipmi_authtype', _('Original'))), $ipmiAuthtypeComboBox);
Exemplo n.º 18
 $color = get_request('color', '009900');
 $report_timesince = get_request('report_timesince', time() - 86400);
 $report_timetill = get_request('report_timetill', time());
 $frmPd->addVar('config', $config);
 $frmPd->addVar('report_timesince', $report_timesince);
 $frmPd->addVar('report_timetill', $report_timetill);
 if (isset($_REQUEST['period_id'])) {
     $frmPd->addVar('period_id', $_REQUEST['period_id']);
 $frmPd->addRow(array(new CVisibilityBox('caption_visible', !zbx_empty($caption), 'caption', S_DEFAULT), S_CAPTION), new CTextBox('caption', $caption, 10));
 //		$frmPd->addRow(S_CAPTION, new CTextBox('caption',$caption,10));
 $clndr_icon = new CImg('images/general/bar/cal.gif', 'calendar', 16, 12, 'pointer');
 $clndr_icon->addAction('onclick', 'javascript: ' . 'var pos = getPosition(this); ' . 'pos.top+=10; ' . 'pos.left+=16; ' . "CLNDR['avail_report_since'].clndr.clndrshow(pos.top,pos.left);");
 $reporttimetab = new CTable(null, 'calendar');
 $reporttimetab->setAttribute('width', '10%');
 $reporttimetab->addRow(array(S_FROM, new CNumericBox('report_since_day', $report_timesince > 0 ? date('d', $report_timesince) : '', 2), '/', new CNumericBox('report_since_month', $report_timesince > 0 ? date('m', $report_timesince) : '', 2), '/', new CNumericBox('report_since_year', $report_timesince > 0 ? date('Y', $report_timesince) : '', 4), SPACE, new CNumericBox('report_since_hour', $report_timesince > 0 ? date('H', $report_timesince) : '', 2), ':', new CNumericBox('report_since_minute', $report_timesince > 0 ? date('i', $report_timesince) : '', 2), $clndr_icon));
 zbx_add_post_js('create_calendar(null,' . '["report_since_day","report_since_month","report_since_year","report_since_hour","report_since_minute"],' . '"avail_report_since",' . '"report_timesince");');
 $clndr_icon->addAction('onclick', 'javascript: ' . 'var pos = getPosition(this); ' . 'pos.top+=10; ' . 'pos.left+=16; ' . "CLNDR['avail_report_till'].clndr.clndrshow(pos.top,pos.left);");
 $reporttimetab->addRow(array(S_TILL, new CNumericBox('report_till_day', $report_timetill > 0 ? date('d', $report_timetill) : '', 2), '/', new CNumericBox('report_till_month', $report_timetill > 0 ? date('m', $report_timetill) : '', 2), '/', new CNumericBox('report_till_year', $report_timetill > 0 ? date('Y', $report_timetill) : '', 4), SPACE, new CNumericBox('report_till_hour', $report_timetill > 0 ? date('H', $report_timetill) : '', 2), ':', new CNumericBox('report_till_minute', $report_timetill > 0 ? date('i', $report_timetill) : '', 2), $clndr_icon));
 zbx_add_post_js('create_calendar(null,' . '["report_till_day","report_till_month","report_till_year","report_till_hour","report_till_minute"],' . '"avail_report_till",' . '"report_timetill");');
 $frmPd->addRow(S_PERIOD, $reporttimetab);
 if ($config != 1) {
     $frmPd->addRow(S_COLOR, new CColor('color', $color));
 } else {
     $frmPd->addVar('color', $color);
 $frmPd->addItemToBottomRow(new CButton('save', isset($_REQUEST['period_id']) ? S_UPDATE : S_ADD));
$agentComboBox->addItemsInGroup(_('Mozilla Firefox'), array('Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:8.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/8.0' => 'Mozilla Firefox 8.0', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:7.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/7.0' => 'Mozilla Firefox 7.0', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:6.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/6.0' => 'Mozilla Firefox 6.0', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i586; de; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0' => 'Mozilla Firefox 5.0', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; pl-PL; rv:2.0) Gecko/20110307 Firefox/4.0' => 'Mozilla Firefox 4.0', 'Mozilla/6.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061028 Firefox/3.0' => 'Mozilla Firefox 3.0', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11;U;Linux i686;en-US;rv:1.8.1) Gecko/2006101022 Firefox/2.0' => 'Mozilla Firefox 2.0'));
$agentComboBox->addItemsInGroup(_('Opera'), array('Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.1; U; es-ES) Presto/2.9.181 Version/12.00' => 'Opera 12.00', 'Opera/9.80 (X11; Linux x86_64; U; pl) Presto/2.7.62 Version/11.00' => 'Opera 11.00', 'Opera/9.80 (X11; Linux x86_64; U; en) Presto/2.2.15 Version/10.00' => 'Opera 10.00', 'Opera/9.00 (X11; Linux i686; U; pl)' => 'Opera 9.00'));
$agentComboBox->addItemsInGroup(_('Safari'), array('Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.2+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0 Safari/531.2+' => 'Safari 5.0', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; ru-RU) AppleWebKit/528.16 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Safari/528.16' => 'Safari 4.0', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; sv-SE) AppleWebKit/523.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Safari/523.13' => 'Safari 3.0', 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 2_1 like Mac OS X; fr-fr) AppleWebKit/525.18.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/5F136' => 'Safari on iPhone'));
$agentComboBox->addItemsInGroup(_('Google Chrome'), array('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/17.0.940.0 Safari/535.8' => 'Google Chrome 17', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.912.36 Safari/535.7' => 'Google Chrome 16', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/535.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/15.0.872.0 Safari/535.2' => 'Google Chrome 15', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu/11.04 Chromium/14.0.825.0 Chrome/14.0.825.0 Safari/535.1' => 'Google Chrome 14', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_3) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/13.0.782.32 Safari/535.1' => 'Google Chrome 13', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/12.0.750.0 Safari/534.30' => 'Google Chrome 12'));
$agentComboBox->addItemsInGroup(_('Others'), array('Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux 3.1.0-rc9+; en_US) KHTML/4.7.2 (like Gecko) Konqueror/4.7' => 'Konqueror 4.7', 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/4.6; Linux) KHTML/4.6.0 (like Gecko)' => 'Konqueror 4.6', 'Lynx/2.8.7rel.1 libwww-FM/2.14 SSL-MM/1.4.1 OpenSSL/0.9.8r' => 'Lynx 2.8.7rel.1', 'Lynx/2.8.4rel.1 libwww-FM/2.14' => 'Lynx 2.8.4rel.1', 'Links (2.3pre1; Linux i686; 225x51)' => 'Links 2.3pre1', 'Links (2.2; Linux i686; 225x51)' => 'Links 2.2', 'Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.google.com/bot.html)' => 'Googlebot'));
$httpFormList->addRow(_('Agent'), $agentComboBox);
// append status to form list
$httpFormList->addRow(_('Variables'), new CTextArea('macros', $this->data['macros']));
$httpFormList->addRow(_('Active'), new CCheckBox('status', $this->data['status'] ? !isset($_REQUEST['httptestid']) ? 1 : 0 : 1, null, 1));
// invert status 0 - enable, 1 - disable
 * Step tab
$httpStepFormList = new CFormList('httpFormList');
$stepsTable = new CTable(_('No steps defined.'), 'formElementTable');
$stepsTable->setAttribute('style', 'min-width: 500px;');
$stepsTable->setAttribute('id', 'httpStepTable');
$stepsTable->setHeader(array(new CCol(SPACE, null, null, '15'), new CCol(SPACE, null, null, '15'), new CCol(_('Name'), null, null, '150'), new CCol(_('Timeout'), null, null, '50'), new CCol(_('URL'), null, null, '200'), new CCol(_('Required'), null, null, '50'), new CCol(_('Status codes'), null, null, '90'), new CCol(_('Action'), null, null, '50')));
$i = 1;
foreach ($this->data['steps'] as $stepid => $step) {
    if (!isset($step['name'])) {
        $step['name'] = '';
    if (!isset($step['timeout'])) {
        $step['timeout'] = 15;
    if (!isset($step['url'])) {
        $step['url'] = '';
    if (!isset($step['posts'])) {
        $step['posts'] = '';
Exemplo n.º 20
function show_messages($bool = true, $okmsg = null, $errmsg = null)
    global $page, $ZBX_MESSAGES;
    if (!defined('PAGE_HEADER_LOADED')) {
        return null;
    if (defined('ZBX_API_REQUEST')) {
        return null;
    if (!isset($page['type'])) {
        $page['type'] = PAGE_TYPE_HTML;
    $message = array();
    $width = 0;
    $height = 0;
    if (!$bool && !is_null($errmsg)) {
        $msg = _('ERROR') . ': ' . $errmsg;
    } elseif ($bool && !is_null($okmsg)) {
        $msg = $okmsg;
    if (isset($msg)) {
        switch ($page['type']) {
            case PAGE_TYPE_IMAGE:
                array_push($message, array('text' => $msg, 'color' => !$bool ? array('R' => 255, 'G' => 0, 'B' => 0) : array('R' => 34, 'G' => 51, 'B' => 68), 'font' => 2));
                $width = max($width, imagefontwidth(2) * zbx_strlen($msg) + 1);
                $height += imagefontheight(2) + 1;
            case PAGE_TYPE_XML:
                echo htmlspecialchars($msg) . "\n";
            case PAGE_TYPE_HTML:
                $msg_tab = new CTable($msg, $bool ? 'msgok' : 'msgerr');
                $row = array();
                $msg_col = new CCol(bold($msg), 'msg_main msg');
                $msg_col->setAttribute('id', 'page_msg');
                $row[] = $msg_col;
                if (isset($ZBX_MESSAGES) && !empty($ZBX_MESSAGES)) {
                    $msg_details = new CDiv(_('Details'), 'blacklink');
                    $msg_details->setAttribute('onclick', 'javascript: showHide("msg_messages", IE ? "block" : "table");');
                    $msg_details->setAttribute('title', _('Maximize') . '/' . _('Minimize'));
                    array_unshift($row, new CCol($msg_details, 'clr'));
    if (isset($ZBX_MESSAGES) && !empty($ZBX_MESSAGES)) {
        if ($page['type'] == PAGE_TYPE_IMAGE) {
            $msg_font = 2;
            foreach ($ZBX_MESSAGES as $msg) {
                if ($msg['type'] == 'error') {
                    array_push($message, array('text' => $msg['message'], 'color' => array('R' => 255, 'G' => 55, 'B' => 55), 'font' => $msg_font));
                } else {
                    array_push($message, array('text' => $msg['message'], 'color' => array('R' => 155, 'G' => 155, 'B' => 55), 'font' => $msg_font));
                $width = max($width, imagefontwidth($msg_font) * zbx_strlen($msg['message']) + 1);
                $height += imagefontheight($msg_font) + 1;
        } elseif ($page['type'] == PAGE_TYPE_XML) {
            foreach ($ZBX_MESSAGES as $msg) {
                echo '[' . $msg['type'] . '] ' . $msg['message'] . "\n";
        } else {
            $lst_error = new CList(null, 'messages');
            foreach ($ZBX_MESSAGES as $msg) {
                $lst_error->addItem($msg['message'], $msg['type']);
                $bool = $bool && 'error' != zbx_strtolower($msg['type']);
            $msg_show = 6;
            $msg_count = count($ZBX_MESSAGES);
            if ($msg_count > $msg_show) {
                $msg_count = $msg_show * 16;
                $lst_error->setAttribute('style', 'height: ' . $msg_count . 'px;');
            $tab = new CTable(null, $bool ? 'msgok' : 'msgerr');
            $tab->setAttribute('id', 'msg_messages');
            $tab->setAttribute('style', 'width: 100%;');
            if (isset($msg_tab) && $bool) {
                $tab->setAttribute('style', 'display: none;');
            $tab->addRow(new CCol($lst_error, 'msg'));
        $ZBX_MESSAGES = null;
    if ($page['type'] == PAGE_TYPE_IMAGE && count($message) > 0) {
        $width += 2;
        $height += 2;
        $canvas = imagecreate($width, $height);
        imagefilledrectangle($canvas, 0, 0, $width, $height, imagecolorallocate($canvas, 255, 255, 255));
        foreach ($message as $id => $msg) {
            $message[$id]['y'] = 1 + (isset($previd) ? $message[$previd]['y'] + $message[$previd]['h'] : 0);
            $message[$id]['h'] = imagefontheight($msg['font']);
            imagestring($canvas, $msg['font'], 1, $message[$id]['y'], $msg['text'], imagecolorallocate($canvas, $msg['color']['R'], $msg['color']['G'], $msg['color']['B']));
            $previd = $id;
Exemplo n.º 21
function bar_report_form3()
    global $USER_DETAILS;
    $available_hosts = get_accessible_hosts_by_user($USER_DETAILS, PERM_READ_ONLY);
    $config = get_request('config', 1);
    $title = get_request('title', S_REPORT . ' 3');
    $xlabel = get_request('xlabel', '');
    $ylabel = get_request('ylabel', '');
    $sorttype = get_request('sorttype', 0);
    $scaletype = get_request('scaletype', TIMEPERIOD_TYPE_WEEKLY);
    $avgperiod = get_request('avgperiod', TIMEPERIOD_TYPE_DAILY);
    $report_timesince = get_request('report_timesince', date('YmdHis', time() - 86400));
    $report_timetill = get_request('report_timetill', date('YmdHis'));
    $captions = get_request('captions', array());
    $items = get_request('items', array());
    $hostids = get_request('hostids', array());
    $hostids = zbx_toHash($hostids);
    $showlegend = get_request('showlegend', 0);
    $palette = get_request('palette', 0);
    $palettetype = get_request('palettetype', 0);
    $reportForm = new CFormTable(null, null, 'get');
    $reportForm->setAttribute('name', 'zbx_report');
    $reportForm->setAttribute('id', 'zbx_report');
    //	$reportForm->setMethod('post');
    if (isset($_REQUEST['report_show']) && !empty($items)) {
        $reportForm->addVar('report_show', 'show');
    $reportForm->addVar('config', $config);
    $reportForm->addVar('report_timesince', date('YmdHis', $report_timesince));
    $reportForm->addVar('report_timetill', date('YmdHis', $report_timetill));
    //	$reportForm->addVar('items',$items); 				//params are set later!!
    //	$reportForm->addVar('periods',$periods);
    $reportForm->addRow(S_TITLE, new CTextBox('title', $title, 40));
    $reportForm->addRow(S_X . SPACE . S_LABEL, new CTextBox('xlabel', $xlabel, 40));
    $reportForm->addRow(S_Y . SPACE . S_LABEL, new CTextBox('ylabel', $ylabel, 40));
    $reportForm->addRow(S_LEGEND, new CCheckBox('showlegend', $showlegend, null, 1));
    $reportForm->addVar('sortorder', 0);
    // GROUPS
    $groupids = get_request('groupids', array());
    $group_tb = new CTweenBox($reportForm, 'groupids', $groupids, 10);
    $options = array('real_hosts' => 1, 'output' => 'extend');
    $db_groups = CHostGroup::get($options);
    order_result($db_groups, 'name');
    foreach ($db_groups as $gnum => $group) {
        $groupids[$group['groupid']] = $group['groupid'];
        $group_tb->addItem($group['groupid'], $group['name']);
    $reportForm->addRow(S_GROUPS, $group_tb->Get(S_SELECTED_GROUPS, S_OTHER . SPACE . S_GROUPS));
    // ----------
    // HOSTS
    //	validate_group(PERM_READ_ONLY,array('real_hosts'),'web.last.conf.groupid');
    $groupid = get_request('groupid', 0);
    $cmbGroups = new CComboBox('groupid', $groupid, 'submit()');
    $cmbGroups->addItem(0, S_ALL_S);
    foreach ($db_groups as $gnum => $group) {
        $cmbGroups->addItem($group['groupid'], $group['name']);
    $td_groups = new CCol(array(S_GROUP, SPACE, $cmbGroups));
    $td_groups->setAttribute('style', 'text-align: right;');
    $host_tb = new CTweenBox($reportForm, 'hostids', $hostids, 10);
    $options = array('real_hosts' => 1, 'output' => array('hostid', 'host'));
    if ($groupid > 0) {
        $options['groupids'] = $groupid;
    $db_hosts = CHost::get($options);
    $db_hosts = zbx_toHash($db_hosts, 'hostid');
    order_result($db_hosts, 'host');
    foreach ($db_hosts as $hnum => $host) {
        $host_tb->addItem($host['hostid'], $host['host']);
    $options = array('real_hosts' => 1, 'output' => array('hostid', 'host'), 'hostids' => $hostids);
    $db_hosts2 = CHost::get($options);
    order_result($db_hosts2, 'host');
    foreach ($db_hosts2 as $hnum => $host) {
        if (!isset($db_hosts[$host['hostid']])) {
            $host_tb->addItem($host['hostid'], $host['host']);
    $reportForm->addRow(S_HOSTS, $host_tb->Get(S_SELECTED_HOSTS, array(S_OTHER . SPACE . S_HOSTS . SPACE . '|' . SPACE . S_GROUP . SPACE, $cmbGroups)));
    // ----------
    // PERIOD
    $clndr_icon = new CImg('images/general/bar/cal.gif', 'calendar', 16, 12, 'pointer');
    $clndr_icon->addAction('onclick', 'javascript: ' . 'var pos = getPosition(this); ' . 'pos.top+=10; ' . 'pos.left+=16; ' . "CLNDR['avail_report_since'].clndr.clndrshow(pos.top,pos.left);");
    $reporttimetab = new CTable(null, 'calendar');
    $reporttimetab->setAttribute('width', '10%');
    $reporttimetab->addRow(array(S_FROM, new CNumericBox('report_since_day', $report_timesince > 0 ? date('d', $report_timesince) : '', 2), '/', new CNumericBox('report_since_month', $report_timesince > 0 ? date('m', $report_timesince) : '', 2), '/', new CNumericBox('report_since_year', $report_timesince > 0 ? date('Y', $report_timesince) : '', 4), SPACE, new CNumericBox('report_since_hour', $report_timesince > 0 ? date('H', $report_timesince) : '', 2), ':', new CNumericBox('report_since_minute', $report_timesince > 0 ? date('i', $report_timesince) : '', 2), $clndr_icon));
    zbx_add_post_js('create_calendar(null,' . '["report_since_day","report_since_month","report_since_year","report_since_hour","report_since_minute"],' . '"avail_report_since",' . '"report_timesince");');
    $clndr_icon->addAction('onclick', 'javascript: ' . 'var pos = getPosition(this); ' . 'pos.top+=10; ' . 'pos.left+=16; ' . "CLNDR['avail_report_till'].clndr.clndrshow(pos.top,pos.left);");
    $reporttimetab->addRow(array(S_TILL, new CNumericBox('report_till_day', $report_timetill > 0 ? date('d', $report_timetill) : '', 2), '/', new CNumericBox('report_till_month', $report_timetill > 0 ? date('m', $report_timetill) : '', 2), '/', new CNumericBox('report_till_year', $report_timetill > 0 ? date('Y', $report_timetill) : '', 4), SPACE, new CNumericBox('report_till_hour', $report_timetill > 0 ? date('H', $report_timetill) : '', 2), ':', new CNumericBox('report_till_minute', $report_timetill > 0 ? date('i', $report_timetill) : '', 2), $clndr_icon));
    zbx_add_post_js('create_calendar(null,' . '["report_till_day","report_till_month","report_till_year","report_till_hour","report_till_minute"],' . '"avail_report_till",' . '"report_timetill");');
    zbx_add_post_js('addListener($("filter_icon"),' . '"click",' . 'CLNDR[\'avail_report_since\'].clndr.clndrhide.bindAsEventListener(CLNDR[\'avail_report_since\'].clndr));' . 'addListener($("filter_icon"),' . '"click",' . 'CLNDR[\'avail_report_till\'].clndr.clndrhide.bindAsEventListener(CLNDR[\'avail_report_till\'].clndr));');
    $reportForm->addRow(S_PERIOD, $reporttimetab);
    $scale = new CComboBox('scaletype', $scaletype);
    $scale->addItem(TIMEPERIOD_TYPE_DAILY, S_DAILY);
    $reportForm->addRow(S_SCALE, $scale);
    $avgcmb = new CComboBox('avgperiod', $avgperiod);
    $avgcmb->addItem(TIMEPERIOD_TYPE_DAILY, S_DAILY);
    $reportForm->addRow(S_AVERAGE_BY, $avgcmb);
    // ITEMS
    $itemid = 0;
    $description = '';
    if (count($items) && $items[0]['itemid'] > 0) {
        $itemid = $items[0]['itemid'];
        $description = get_item_by_itemid($itemid);
        $description = item_description($description);
    $reportForm->addVar('items[0][itemid]', $itemid);
    $txtCondVal = new CTextBox('items[0][description]', $description, 50, 'yes');
    $btnSelect = new CButton('btn1', S_SELECT, "return PopUp('popup.php?dstfrm=" . $reportForm->GetName() . "&dstfld1=items[0][itemid]&dstfld2=items[0][description]&" . "srctbl=items&srcfld1=itemid&srcfld2=description&monitored_hosts=1');", 'T');
    $reportForm->addRow(S_ITEM, array($txtCondVal, $btnSelect));
    $paletteCmb = new CComboBox('palette', $palette);
    $paletteCmb->addItem(0, S_PALETTE . ' #1');
    $paletteCmb->addItem(1, S_PALETTE . ' #2');
    $paletteCmb->addItem(2, S_PALETTE . ' #3');
    $paletteCmb->addItem(3, S_PALETTE . ' #4');
    $paletteTypeCmb = new CComboBox('palettetype', $palettetype);
    $paletteTypeCmb->addItem(0, S_MIDDLE);
    $paletteTypeCmb->addItem(1, S_DARKEN);
    $paletteTypeCmb->addItem(2, S_BRIGHTEN);
    $reportForm->addRow(S_PALETTE, array($paletteCmb, $paletteTypeCmb));
    $reportForm->addItemToBottomRow(new CButton('report_show', S_SHOW));
    $reset = new CButton('reset', S_RESET);
    return $reportForm;
Exemplo n.º 22
         $div_node_tree->additem(new CButton('select_nodes', S_SELECT, "javascript: " . " hidePopupDiv('select_iframe');" . " \$('div_node_tree').setStyle({display:'none'});"));
         $div_node_tree->setAttribute('id', 'div_node_tree');
         $div_node_tree->addStyle('display: none');
         if (!is_null($combo_node_list)) {
             $node_form->addItem(array(new CSpan(S_CURRENT_NODE, 'textcolorstyles'), $combo_node_list));
 // 1st level menu
 $table = new CTable();
 $table->setAttribute('style', 'width: 100%;');
 $r_col = new CCol($node_form);
 $r_col->setAttribute('align', 'right');
 //		$r_col->setAttribute('style','text-align: right;');
 $table->addRow(array($menu_table, $r_col));
 $page_menu = new CDiv();
 $page_menu->setAttribute('id', 'mmenu');
 // 2nd level menu
 $sub_menu_table = new CTable(NULL, 'sub_menu');
 $menu_divs = array();
 $menu_selected = false;
 foreach ($sub_menus as $label => $sub_menu) {
$cmbStatus = new CComboBox('status', $hostPrototype['status']);
$cmbStatus->addItem(HOST_STATUS_MONITORED, _('Monitored'));
$cmbStatus->addItem(HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED, _('Not monitored'));
$hostList->addRow(_('Status'), $cmbStatus);
$divTabs->addTab('hostTab', _('Host'), $hostList);
// groups
$groupList = new CFormList('grouplist');
// existing groups
$groups = array();
foreach ($data['groups'] as $group) {
    $groups[] = array('id' => $group['groupid'], 'name' => $group['name']);
$groupList->addRow(_('Groups'), new CMultiSelect(array('name' => 'group_links[]', 'objectName' => 'hostGroup', 'objectOptions' => array('editable' => true, 'filter' => array('flags' => ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL)), 'data' => $groups, 'disabled' => (bool) $hostPrototype['templateid'])));
// new group prototypes
$customGroupTable = new CTable(SPACE, 'formElementTable');
$customGroupTable->setAttribute('id', 'tbl_group_prototypes');
// buttons
$addButton = new CButton('group_prototype_add', _('Add'), null, 'link_menu');
$buttonColumn = new CCol($addButton);
$buttonColumn->setAttribute('colspan', 5);
$buttonRow = new CRow();
$buttonRow->setAttribute('id', 'row_new_group_prototype');
$groupDiv = new CDiv($customGroupTable, 'objectgroup border_dotted ui-corner-all group-prototypes');
$groupList->addRow(_('Group prototypes'), $groupDiv);
$divTabs->addTab('groupTab', _('Groups'), $groupList);
// templates
$tmplList = new CFormList('tmpllist');
// create linked template table
$linkedTemplateTable = new CTable(_('No templates linked.'), 'formElementTable');
    $test = true;
} else {
    $test = false;
//------------------------ </ACTIONS> --------------------------
//------------------------ <FORM> ---------------------------
$frm_test = new CFormTable(_('Test'), 'tr_testexpr.php');
$frm_test->setTableClass('formlongtable formtable');
$frm_test->addVar('form_refresh', get_request('form_refresh', 1));
$frm_test->addVar('expression', $expression);
/* test data */
$frm_test->addRow(_('Test data'), $data_table);
/* result */
$res_table = new CTable(null, 'tableinfo');
$res_table->setAttribute('id', 'result_list');
$res_table->setHeader(array(_('Expression'), _('Result')));
ksort($rplcts, SORT_NUMERIC);
foreach ($eHTMLTree as $e) {
    $result = '-';
    if ($allowedTesting && $test && isset($e['expression'])) {
        $result = evalExpressionData($e['expression']['value'], $macrosData, $octet);
    $style = 'text-align: center;';
    if ($result != '-') {
        $style = $result == 'TRUE' ? 'background-color: #ccf; color: #00f;' : 'background-color: #fcc; color: #f00;';
    $col = new CCol($result);
    $col->setAttribute('style', $style);
$triggersForm->addVar('action', $this->data['action']);
if ($this->data['parent_discoveryid']) {
    $triggersForm->addVar('parent_discoveryid', $this->data['parent_discoveryid']);
foreach ($this->data['g_triggerid'] as $triggerid) {
    $triggersForm->addVar('g_triggerid[' . $triggerid . ']', $triggerid);
// create form list
$triggersFormList = new CFormList('triggersFormList');
// append severity to form list
$severityDiv = new CSeverity(array('id' => 'priority_div', 'name' => 'priority', 'value' => $this->data['priority']));
$triggersFormList->addRow(array(_('Severity'), SPACE, new CVisibilityBox('visible[priority]', isset($this->data['visible']['priority']), 'priority_div', _('Original'))), $severityDiv);
// append dependencies to form list
if (empty($this->data['parent_discoveryid'])) {
    $dependenciesTable = new CTable(_('No dependencies defined.'), 'formElementTable');
    $dependenciesTable->setAttribute('style', 'min-width: 500px;');
    $dependenciesTable->setAttribute('id', 'dependenciesTable');
    $dependenciesTable->setHeader(array(_('Name'), _('Action')));
    foreach ($this->data['dependencies'] as $dependency) {
        $triggersForm->addVar('dependencies[]', $dependency['triggerid'], 'dependencies_' . $dependency['triggerid']);
        $hostNames = array();
        foreach ($dependency['hosts'] as $host) {
            $hostNames[] = CHtml::encode($host['name']);
            $hostNames[] = ', ';
        if ($dependency['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL) {
            $description = new CLink(array($hostNames, NAME_DELIMITER, CHtml::encode($dependency['description'])), 'triggers.php?form=update&hostid=' . $dependency['hostid'] . '&triggerid=' . $dependency['triggerid']);
            $description->setAttribute('target', '_blank');
        } else {
            $description = array($hostNames, NAME_DELIMITER, $dependency['description']);
Exemplo n.º 26
$search_wdgt = new CWidget('search_wdgt');
$search = get_request('search', '');
// Header
if (zbx_empty($search)) {
    $search = 'Search pattern is empty';
$search_wdgt->addHeader(array(S_SEARCH_BIG . ': ', bold($search)), SPACE);
$left_tab = new CTable();
$left_tab->setAttribute('border', 0);
$right_tab = new CTable();
$right_tab->setAttribute('border', 0);
// FIND Hosts
$params = array('nodeids' => get_current_nodeid(), 'extendoutput' => true, 'pattern' => $search, 'extend_pattern' => true, 'limit' => $rows_per_page, 'order' => 'host');
$db_hosts = CHost::get($params);
$hosts = selectByPattern($db_hosts, 'host', $search, $rows_per_page);
$hostids = array_keys($hosts);
$hostsgroups = array();
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM hosts_groups hg WHERE ' . DBcondition('hg.hostid', $hostids);
$res = DBselect($sql);
while ($hostgroup = DBfetch($res)) {
    $hostsgroups[$hostgroup['hostid']] = $hostgroup['groupid'];
$params = array('nodeids' => get_current_nodeid(), 'pattern' => $search, 'extend_pattern' => true, 'count' => 1);
$hosts_count = CHost::get($params);
$overalCount = $hosts_count['rowscount'];
$viewCount = count($hosts);
Exemplo n.º 27
             $hostGroups = API::HostGroup()->get(array('groupids' => $groupIds, 'output' => array('groupid', 'name')));
             order_result($hostGroups, 'name');
             $jsInsert = '';
             $jsInsert .= 'addPopupValues(' . zbx_jsvalue(array('object' => 'dsc_groupid', 'values' => $hostGroups)) . ');';
         $caption = OPERATION_TYPE_GROUP_ADD == $this->data['new_operation']['operationtype'] ? _('Add to host groups') : _('Remove from host groups');
         $newOperationsTable->addRow(array($caption, new CDiv($groupList, 'objectgroup inlineblock border_dotted ui-corner-all')));
         if (!isset($this->data['new_operation']['optemplate'])) {
             $this->data['new_operation']['optemplate'] = array();
         $templateList = new CTable();
         $templateList->setAttribute('id', 'opTemplateList');
         $templateList->addRow(new CRow(new CCol(array(new CMultiSelect(array('name' => 'discoveryTemplates', 'objectName' => 'templates', 'objectOptions' => array('editable' => true))), new CButton('add', _('Add'), 'return addDiscoveryTemplates();', 'link_menu')), null, 2), null, 'opTemplateListFooter'));
         // load templates
         $templateIds = isset($this->data['new_operation']['optemplate']) ? zbx_objectValues($this->data['new_operation']['optemplate'], 'templateid') : array();
         if ($templateIds) {
             $templates = API::Template()->get(array('templateids' => $templateIds, 'output' => array('templateid', 'name')));
             order_result($templates, 'name');
             $jsInsert = '';
             $jsInsert .= 'addPopupValues(' . zbx_jsvalue(array('object' => 'dsc_templateid', 'values' => $templates)) . ');';
         $caption = OPERATION_TYPE_TEMPLATE_ADD == $this->data['new_operation']['operationtype'] ? _('Link with templates') : _('Unlink from templates');
         $newOperationsTable->addRow(array($caption, new CDiv($templateList, 'objectgroup inlineblock border_dotted ui-corner-all')));
 // append operation conditions to form list
Exemplo n.º 28
 public function get()
     $widget = array();
     if (!empty($this->pageHeaders)) {
         $widget[] = $this->createPageHeader();
     if (!empty($this->headers)) {
         $widget[] = $this->createHeader();
     if (!empty($this->flicker)) {
         $flicker_domid = 'flicker_' . $this->bodyId;
         $flicker_tab = new CTable();
         $flicker_tab->setAttribute('width', '100%');
         $div = new CDiv($this->flicker, null, $flicker_domid);
         if (!$this->flicker_state) {
             $div->setAttribute('style', 'display: none;');
         $icon_l = new CDiv(SPACE . SPACE, $this->flicker_state ? 'dbl_arrow_up' : 'dbl_arrow_down', 'flicker_icon_l');
         $icon_l->setAttribute('title', _('Maximize') . '/' . _('Minimize'));
         $icon_r = new CDiv(SPACE . SPACE, $this->flicker_state ? 'dbl_arrow_up' : 'dbl_arrow_down', 'flicker_icon_r');
         $icon_r->setAttribute('title', _('Maximize') . '/' . _('Minimize'));
         $icons_row = new CTable(null, 'textwhite');
         $flickerTitleWhenVisible = _('Hide filter');
         $flickerTitleWhenHidden = _('Show filter');
         $flickerTitle = $this->flicker_state ? $flickerTitleWhenVisible : $flickerTitleWhenHidden;
         $icons_row->addRow(array($icon_l, new CSpan(SPACE . $flickerTitle . SPACE, null, 'flicker_title'), $icon_r));
         $thin_tab = $this->createFlicker($icons_row);
         $thin_tab->attr('id', 'filter_icon');
         $thin_tab->addAction('onclick', "javascript: changeFlickerState(" . "'" . $flicker_domid . "', " . CJs::encodeJson($flickerTitleWhenVisible) . ", " . CJs::encodeJson($flickerTitleWhenHidden) . ");");
         $flicker_tab->addRow($thin_tab, 'textcolorstyles pointer');
         $widget[] = $flicker_tab;
     $div = new CDiv($this->body, 'w');
     $div->setAttribute('id', $this->bodyId);
     $widget[] = $div;
     return new CDiv($widget, $this->getRootClass());
  * Process screen with particular screen objects.
  * @return CTable
 public function show()
     if (empty($this->screen)) {
         return new CTableInfo(_('No screens defined.'));
     $skipedFields = array();
     $screenitems = array();
     $emptyScreenColumns = array();
     // calculate table columns and rows
     foreach ($this->screen['screenitems'] as $screenitem) {
         $screenitems[] = $screenitem;
         for ($i = 0; $i < $screenitem['rowspan'] || $i == 0; $i++) {
             for ($j = 0; $j < $screenitem['colspan'] || $j == 0; $j++) {
                 if ($i != 0 || $j != 0) {
                     if (!isset($skipedFields[$screenitem['y'] + $i])) {
                         $skipedFields[$screenitem['y'] + $i] = array();
                     $skipedFields[$screenitem['y'] + $i][$screenitem['x'] + $j] = 1;
     // create screen table
     $screenTable = new CTable();
     $screenTable->setAttribute('class', in_array($this->mode, array(SCREEN_MODE_PREVIEW, SCREEN_MODE_SLIDESHOW)) ? 'screen_view' : 'screen_edit');
     $screenTable->setAttribute('id', 'iframe');
     // action top row
     if ($this->mode == SCREEN_MODE_EDIT) {
         $newColumns = array(new CCol(new CImg('images/general/zero.png', 'zero', 1, 1)));
         for ($i = 0, $size = $this->screen['hsize'] + 1; $i < $size; $i++) {
             $icon = new CImg('images/general/plus.png', null, null, null, 'pointer');
             $icon->addAction('onclick', 'javascript: location.href = "screenedit.php?config=1&screenid=' . $this->screen['screenid'] . '&add_col=' . $i . '";');
             array_push($newColumns, new CCol($icon));
     for ($r = 0; $r < $this->screen['vsize']; $r++) {
         $newColumns = array();
         $emptyScreenRow = true;
         // action left cell
         if ($this->mode == SCREEN_MODE_EDIT) {
             $icon = new CImg('images/general/plus.png', null, null, null, 'pointer');
             $icon->addAction('onclick', 'javascript: location.href = "screenedit.php?config=1&screenid=' . $this->screen['screenid'] . '&add_row=' . $r . '";');
             array_push($newColumns, new CCol($icon));
         for ($c = 0; $c < $this->screen['hsize']; $c++) {
             if (isset($skipedFields[$r][$c])) {
             // screen item
             $isEditForm = false;
             $screenitem = array();
             foreach ($screenitems as $tmprow) {
                 if ($tmprow['x'] == $c && $tmprow['y'] == $r) {
                     $screenitem = $tmprow;
             if (empty($screenitem)) {
                 $screenitem = array('screenitemid' => 0, 'resourcetype' => 0, 'resourceid' => 0, 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, 'colspan' => 1, 'rowspan' => 1, 'elements' => 0, 'valign' => VALIGN_DEFAULT, 'halign' => HALIGN_DEFAULT, 'style' => 0, 'url' => '', 'dynamic' => 0, 'sort_triggers' => SCREEN_SORT_TRIGGERS_DATE_DESC);
             if (!empty($screenitem['screenitemid'])) {
                 $emptyScreenRow = false;
                 $emptyScreenColumns[$c] = 1;
             // action
             if ($this->mode == SCREEN_MODE_EDIT && $screenitem['screenitemid'] != 0) {
                 $action = 'screenedit.php?form=update' . url_param('screenid') . '&screenitemid=' . $screenitem['screenitemid'];
             } elseif ($this->mode == SCREEN_MODE_EDIT && $screenitem['screenitemid'] == 0) {
                 $action = 'screenedit.php?form=update' . url_param('screenid') . '&x=' . $c . '&y=' . $r;
             } else {
                 $action = null;
             // edit form cell
             if ($this->mode == SCREEN_MODE_EDIT && (isset($_REQUEST['form']) && $_REQUEST['form'] == 'update') && (isset($_REQUEST['x']) && $_REQUEST['x'] == $c && isset($_REQUEST['y']) && $_REQUEST['y'] == $r || isset($_REQUEST['screenitemid']) && bccomp($_REQUEST['screenitemid'], $screenitem['screenitemid']) == 0)) {
                 $screenView = new CView('configuration.screen.constructor.edit', array('screen' => $this->screen));
                 $item = $screenView->render();
                 $isEditForm = true;
             } elseif (!empty($screenitem['screenitemid']) && isset($screenitem['resourcetype'])) {
                 $screenBase = CScreenBuilder::getScreen(array('isFlickerfree' => $this->isFlickerfree, 'pageFile' => $this->pageFile, 'mode' => $this->mode, 'timestamp' => $this->timestamp, 'hostid' => $this->hostid, 'profileIdx' => $this->profileIdx, 'profileIdx2' => $this->profileIdx2, 'updateProfile' => $this->updateProfile, 'timeline' => $this->timeline, 'resourcetype' => $screenitem['resourcetype'], 'screenitem' => $screenitem));
                 if (!empty($screenBase)) {
                     if ($this->mode == SCREEN_MODE_EDIT && !empty($screenitem['screenitemid'])) {
                         $screenBase->action = 'screenedit.php?form=update' . url_param('screenid') . '&screenitemid=' . $screenitem['screenitemid'];
                     } elseif ($this->mode == SCREEN_MODE_EDIT && empty($screenitem['screenitemid'])) {
                         $screenBase->action = 'screenedit.php?form=update' . url_param('screenid') . '&x=' . $c . '&y=' . $r;
                     $item = $screenBase->get();
                 } else {
                     $item = null;
             } else {
                 $item = array(SPACE);
                 if ($this->mode == SCREEN_MODE_EDIT) {
                     array_push($item, BR(), new CLink(_('Change'), $action, 'empty_change_link'));
             // align
             $halign = 'def';
             if ($screenitem['halign'] == HALIGN_CENTER) {
                 $halign = 'cntr';
             if ($screenitem['halign'] == HALIGN_LEFT) {
                 $halign = 'left';
             if ($screenitem['halign'] == HALIGN_RIGHT) {
                 $halign = 'right';
             $valign = 'def';
             if ($screenitem['valign'] == VALIGN_MIDDLE) {
                 $valign = 'mdl';
             if ($screenitem['valign'] == VALIGN_TOP) {
                 $valign = 'top';
             if ($screenitem['valign'] == VALIGN_BOTTOM) {
                 $valign = 'bttm';
             if ($this->mode == SCREEN_MODE_EDIT && !$isEditForm) {
                 $item = new CDiv($item, 'draggable');
                 $item->setAttribute('id', 'position_' . $r . '_' . $c);
                 $item->setAttribute('data-xcoord', $c);
                 $item->setAttribute('data-ycoord', $r);
             // colspan/rowspan
             $newColumn = new CCol($item, $halign . '_' . $valign . ' screenitem');
             if (!empty($screenitem['colspan'])) {
             if (!empty($screenitem['rowspan'])) {
             array_push($newColumns, $newColumn);
         // action right cell
         if ($this->mode == SCREEN_MODE_EDIT) {
             $icon = new CImg('images/general/minus.png', null, null, null, 'pointer');
             if ($emptyScreenRow) {
                 $removeRowLink = 'javascript: location.href = "screenedit.php?screenid=' . $this->screen['screenid'] . '&rmv_row=' . $r . '";';
             } else {
                 $removeRowLink = 'javascript: if (Confirm("' . _('This screen-row is not empty. Delete it?') . '")) {' . ' location.href = "screenedit.php?screenid=' . $this->screen['screenid'] . '&rmv_row=' . $r . '"; }';
             $icon->addAction('onclick', $removeRowLink);
             array_push($newColumns, new CCol($icon));
         $screenTable->addRow(new CRow($newColumns));
     // action bottom row
     if ($this->mode == SCREEN_MODE_EDIT) {
         $icon = new CImg('images/general/plus.png', null, null, null, 'pointer');
         $icon->addAction('onclick', 'javascript: location.href = "screenedit.php?screenid=' . $this->screen['screenid'] . '&add_row=' . $this->screen['vsize'] . '";');
         $newColumns = array(new CCol($icon));
         for ($i = 0; $i < $this->screen['hsize']; $i++) {
             $icon = new CImg('images/general/minus.png', null, null, null, 'pointer');
             if (isset($emptyScreenColumns[$i])) {
                 $removeColumnLink = 'javascript: if (Confirm("' . _('This screen-column is not empty. Delete it?') . '")) {' . ' location.href = "screenedit.php?screenid=' . $this->screen['screenid'] . '&rmv_col=' . $i . '"; }';
             } else {
                 $removeColumnLink = 'javascript: location.href = "screenedit.php?config=1&screenid=' . $this->screen['screenid'] . '&rmv_col=' . $i . '";';
             $icon->addAction('onclick', $removeColumnLink);
             array_push($newColumns, new CCol($icon));
         array_push($newColumns, new CCol(new CImg('images/general/zero.png', 'zero', 1, 1)));
     return $screenTable;
Exemplo n.º 30
function show_messages($bool = true, $okmsg = null, $errmsg = null)
    global $page, $ZBX_MESSAGES;
    if (!defined('PAGE_HEADER_LOADED')) {
        return null;
    if (defined('ZBX_API_REQUEST')) {
        return null;
    if (!isset($page['type'])) {
        $page['type'] = PAGE_TYPE_HTML;
    $imageMessages = array();
    if (!$bool && !is_null($errmsg)) {
        $msg = _('ERROR') . ': ' . $errmsg;
    } elseif ($bool && !is_null($okmsg)) {
        $msg = $okmsg;
    if (isset($msg)) {
        switch ($page['type']) {
            case PAGE_TYPE_IMAGE:
                // save all of the messages in an array to display them later in an image
                $imageMessages[] = array('text' => $msg, 'color' => !$bool ? array('R' => 255, 'G' => 0, 'B' => 0) : array('R' => 34, 'G' => 51, 'B' => 68));
            case PAGE_TYPE_XML:
                echo htmlspecialchars($msg) . "\n";
            case PAGE_TYPE_HTML:
                $msg_tab = new CTable($msg, $bool ? 'msgok' : 'msgerr');
                $row = array();
                $msg_col = new CCol(bold($msg), 'msg_main msg');
                $msg_col->setAttribute('id', 'page_msg');
                $row[] = $msg_col;
                if (isset($ZBX_MESSAGES) && !empty($ZBX_MESSAGES)) {
                    $msg_details = new CDiv(_('Details'), 'blacklink');
                    $msg_details->setAttribute('onclick', 'javascript: showHide("msg_messages", IE ? "block" : "table");');
                    $msg_details->setAttribute('title', _('Maximize') . '/' . _('Minimize'));
                    array_unshift($row, new CCol($msg_details, 'clr'));
    if (isset($ZBX_MESSAGES) && !empty($ZBX_MESSAGES)) {
        if ($page['type'] == PAGE_TYPE_IMAGE) {
            foreach ($ZBX_MESSAGES as $msg) {
                // save all of the messages in an array to display them later in an image
                if ($msg['type'] == 'error') {
                    $imageMessages[] = array('text' => $msg['message'], 'color' => array('R' => 255, 'G' => 55, 'B' => 55));
                } else {
                    $imageMessages[] = array('text' => $msg['message'], 'color' => array('R' => 155, 'G' => 155, 'B' => 55));
        } elseif ($page['type'] == PAGE_TYPE_XML) {
            foreach ($ZBX_MESSAGES as $msg) {
                echo '[' . $msg['type'] . '] ' . $msg['message'] . "\n";
        } else {
            $lst_error = new CList(null, 'messages');
            foreach ($ZBX_MESSAGES as $msg) {
                $lst_error->addItem($msg['message'], $msg['type']);
                $bool = $bool && 'error' !== strtolower($msg['type']);
            $msg_show = 6;
            $msg_count = count($ZBX_MESSAGES);
            if ($msg_count > $msg_show) {
                $msg_count = $msg_show * 16;
                $lst_error->setAttribute('style', 'height: ' . $msg_count . 'px;');
            $tab = new CTable(null, $bool ? 'msgok' : 'msgerr');
            $tab->setAttribute('id', 'msg_messages');
            $tab->setAttribute('style', 'width: 100%;');
            if (isset($msg_tab) && $bool) {
                $tab->setAttribute('style', 'display: none;');
            $tab->addRow(new CCol($lst_error, 'msg'));
        $ZBX_MESSAGES = null;
    // draw an image with the messages
    if ($page['type'] == PAGE_TYPE_IMAGE && count($imageMessages) > 0) {
        $imageFontSize = 8;
        // calculate the size of the text
        $imageWidth = 0;
        $imageHeight = 0;
        foreach ($imageMessages as &$msg) {
            $size = imageTextSize($imageFontSize, 0, $msg['text']);
            $msg['height'] = $size['height'] - $size['baseline'];
            // calculate the total size of the image
            $imageWidth = max($imageWidth, $size['width']);
            $imageHeight += $size['height'] + 1;
        // additional padding
        $imageWidth += 2;
        $imageHeight += 2;
        // create the image
        $canvas = imagecreate($imageWidth, $imageHeight);
        imagefilledrectangle($canvas, 0, 0, $imageWidth, $imageHeight, imagecolorallocate($canvas, 255, 255, 255));
        // draw each message
        $y = 1;
        foreach ($imageMessages as $msg) {
            $y += $msg['height'];
            imageText($canvas, $imageFontSize, 0, 1, $y, imagecolorallocate($canvas, $msg['color']['R'], $msg['color']['G'], $msg['color']['B']), $msg['text']);