Exemplo n.º 1
  * Browse all custom data groups.
  * @param null $action
  * @return void
  * @access public
  * @static
 function browse($action = NULL)
     $this->_sortByCharacter = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('sortByCharacter', 'String', $this);
     if ($this->_sortByCharacter == 1 || !empty($_POST)) {
         $this->_sortByCharacter = '';
     $status = CRM_PCP_BAO_PCP::buildOptions('status_id', 'create');
     $pcpSummary = $params = array();
     $whereClause = NULL;
     if (!empty($_POST) || !empty($_GET['page_type'])) {
         if (!empty($_POST['status_id'])) {
             $whereClause = ' AND cp.status_id = %1';
             $params['1'] = array($_POST['status_id'], 'Integer');
         if (!empty($_POST['page_type'])) {
             $whereClause .= ' AND cp.page_type = %2';
             $params['2'] = array($_POST['page_type'], 'String');
         } elseif (!empty($_GET['page_type'])) {
             $whereClause .= ' AND cp.page_type = %2';
             $params['2'] = array($_GET['page_type'], 'String');
         if (!empty($_POST['page_id'])) {
             $whereClause .= ' AND cp.page_id = %4 AND cp.page_type = "contribute"';
             $params['4'] = array($_POST['page_id'], 'Integer');
         if (!empty($_POST['event_id'])) {
             $whereClause .= ' AND cp.page_id = %5 AND cp.page_type = "event"';
             $params['5'] = array($_POST['event_id'], 'Integer');
         if ($whereClause) {
             $this->set('whereClause', $whereClause);
             $this->set('params', $params);
         } else {
             $this->set('whereClause', NULL);
             $this->set('params', NULL);
     $approvedId = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::getValue('pcp_status', 'Approved', 'name');
     //check for delete CRM-4418
     $allowToDelete = CRM_Core_Permission::check('delete in CiviContribute');
     // get all contribution pages
     $query = "SELECT id, title, start_date, end_date FROM civicrm_contribution_page WHERE (1)";
     $cpages = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query);
     while ($cpages->fetch()) {
         $pages['contribute'][$cpages->id]['id'] = $cpages->id;
         $pages['contribute'][$cpages->id]['title'] = $cpages->title;
         $pages['contribute'][$cpages->id]['start_date'] = $cpages->start_date;
         $pages['contribute'][$cpages->id]['end_date'] = $cpages->end_date;
     // get all event pages. pcp campaign start and end dates for event related pcp's use the online registration start and end dates,
     // altho if target is contribution page this might not be correct. fixme? dgg
     $query = "SELECT id, title, start_date, end_date, registration_start_date, registration_end_date\n                  FROM civicrm_event\n                  WHERE is_template IS NULL OR is_template != 1";
     $epages = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query);
     while ($epages->fetch()) {
         $pages['event'][$epages->id]['id'] = $epages->id;
         $pages['event'][$epages->id]['title'] = $epages->title;
         $pages['event'][$epages->id]['start_date'] = $epages->registration_start_date;
         $pages['event'][$epages->id]['end_date'] = $epages->registration_end_date;
     $params = $this->get('params') ? $this->get('params') : array();
     $title = '1';
     if ($this->_sortByCharacter !== NULL) {
         $clauses[] = "cp.title LIKE '" . strtolower(CRM_Core_DAO::escapeWildCardString($this->_sortByCharacter)) . "%'";
     $query = "\n        SELECT cp.id, cp.contact_id , cp.status_id, cp.title, cp.is_active, cp.page_type, cp.page_id\n        FROM civicrm_pcp cp\n        WHERE {$title}" . $this->get('whereClause') . " ORDER BY cp.status_id";
     $pcp = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, $params);
     while ($pcp->fetch()) {
         $action = array_sum(array_keys($this->links()));
         $contact = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::getDisplayAndImage($pcp->contact_id);
         $class = '';
         if ($pcp->status_id != $approvedId || $pcp->is_active != 1) {
             $class = 'disabled';
         switch ($pcp->status_id) {
             case 2:
                 $action -= CRM_Core_Action::RENEW;
             case 3:
                 $action -= CRM_Core_Action::REVERT;
         switch ($pcp->is_active) {
             case 1:
                 $action -= CRM_Core_Action::ENABLE;
             case 0:
                 $action -= CRM_Core_Action::DISABLE;
         if (!$allowToDelete) {
             $action -= CRM_Core_Action::DELETE;
         $page_type = $pcp->page_type;
         $page_id = (int) $pcp->page_id;
         if ($pages[$page_type][$page_id]['title'] == '' || $pages[$page_type][$page_id]['title'] == NULL) {
             $title = '(no title found for ' . $page_type . ' id ' . $page_id . ')';
         } else {
             $title = $pages[$page_type][$page_id]['title'];
         if ($pcp->page_type == 'contribute') {
             $pageUrl = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/' . $page_type . '/transact', 'reset=1&id=' . $pcp->page_id);
         } else {
             $pageUrl = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/' . $page_type . '/register', 'reset=1&id=' . $pcp->page_id);
         $pcpSummary[$pcp->id] = array('id' => $pcp->id, 'start_date' => $pages[$page_type][$page_id]['start_date'], 'end_date' => $pages[$page_type][$page_id]['end_date'], 'supporter' => $contact['0'], 'supporter_id' => $pcp->contact_id, 'status_id' => $status[$pcp->status_id], 'page_id' => $page_id, 'page_title' => $title, 'page_url' => $pageUrl, 'page_type' => $page_type, 'action' => CRM_Core_Action::formLink(self::links(), $action, array('id' => $pcp->id), ts('more'), FALSE, 'contributionpage.pcp.list', 'PCP', $pcp->id), 'title' => $pcp->title, 'class' => $class);
     $this->pagerAToZ($this->get('whereClause'), $params);
     $this->assign('rows', $pcpSummary);
     // Let template know if user has run a search or not
     if ($this->get('whereClause')) {
         $this->assign('isSearch', 1);
     } else {
         $this->assign('isSearch', 0);