Exemplo n.º 1
  * generate a new, unique ID with the pattern passed in the constructor
  * The generator needs to be locked before this can happen.
  * @param $chunk the set of contributions used for this receipt as used in CRM_Donrec_Logic_Engine
  * @return unique ID string
 public function generateID($snapshot_lines)
     // prepare tokens
     // FIXME: check for occurance
     $contact_id = $snapshot_lines[0]['contact_id'];
     $snapshot_line = isset($snapshot_lines['id']) ? $snapshot_lines : $snapshot_lines[0];
     $this->tokens['contact_id'] = $snapshot_line['contact_id'];
     $this->tokens['issue_year'] = date("Y");
     // get database-infos
     $table = CRM_Donrec_DataStructure::getTableName('zwb_donation_receipt');
     $fields = CRM_Donrec_DataStructure::getCustomFields('zwb_donation_receipt');
     $field = $fields['receipt_id'];
     // prepare pattern and regexp
     $serial_regexp = '/' . $this->serial_regexp . '/';
     $pattern = $this->pattern;
     foreach ($this->tokens as $token => $value) {
         $pattern = str_replace("{" . $token . "}", $value, $pattern);
     if ($this->is_test) {
         return preg_replace($serial_regexp, "TEST", $pattern);
     // get the length and position of the serial-token
     preg_match($serial_regexp, $pattern, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
     $serial_token_length = strlen($match[0][0]);
     $serial_token_position = $match[0][1];
     // get everything behind the serial-token
     $serial_token_suffix = substr($pattern, $serial_token_position + $serial_token_length);
     // mysql counts from 1
     // build the LOCATE-part of the query
     if ($serial_token_suffix) {
         $length_query = "FOR LOCATE('{$serial_token_suffix}', `{$field}`) - {$serial_token_position}";
     // replace the token to get the mysql-regexp-string
     $mysql_regexp = '^' . preg_replace($serial_regexp, "[0-9]+", $pattern) . '$';
     // build and run query
     $query = "\n      SELECT MAX(CAST(SUBSTRING(`{$field}` FROM {$serial_token_position} {$length_query}) AS UNSIGNED))\n      FROM `{$table}`\n      WHERE `{$field}` REGEXP '{$mysql_regexp}'\n    ";
     $last_serial = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($query);
     // prepare receipt_id
     if ($last_serial) {
         $receipt_id = preg_replace($serial_regexp, $last_serial + 1, $pattern);
     } else {
         $receipt_id = preg_replace($serial_regexp, 1, $pattern);
     // check length of receipt-id
     if (strlen($receipt_id) > 64) {
         $msg = "Receipt-ID is too long (Maximum length is 64 chars): '{$receipt_id}'";
         CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("de.systopia.donrec: {$msg}");
         throw new Exception($msg);
     return $receipt_id;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * get the profile object that was used to create this receipt
 public function getProfile()
     $receipt_table_name = CRM_Donrec_DataStructure::getTableName('zwb_donation_receipt');
     $profile_column_name = CRM_Donrec_DataStructure::getCustomFields('zwb_donation_receipt')['profile'];
     $profile = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT `{$profile_column_name}` FROM `{$receipt_table_name}` WHERE `id` = %1", array(1 => array($this->Id, 'Integer')));
     return CRM_Donrec_Logic_Profile::getProfile($profile, TRUE);