Exemplo n.º 1
  * Charge la liste de plages et opérations pour un jour donné
  * Analogue à CMediusers::loadRefsForDay
  * @param string $date Date to look for
  * @param bool   $second_chir Use chir_2, chir_3 and chir_4
  * @return void
 function loadRefsForDay($date, $second_chir = false)
     // Liste des utilisateurs
     $user = new CMediusers();
     $listPrats = $user->loadPraticiens(PERM_READ);
     // Liste des fonctions
     $function = new CFunctions();
     $listFunctions = $function->loadListWithPerms(PERM_READ);
     // Plages d'opérations
     $plage = new CPlageOp();
     $conf_chambre_operation = $plage->conf("chambre_operation");
     $ljoin = array();
     $add_where = "";
     $add_or_where = "";
     if ($second_chir) {
         $ljoin["operations"] = "plagesop.plageop_id = operations.plageop_id";
         $prepare_prats = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($listPrats));
         $add_where = "operations.chir_id " . $prepare_prats . " OR operations.chir_2_id " . $prepare_prats . " OR operations.chir_3_id " . $prepare_prats . " OR operations.chir_4_id " . $prepare_prats;
         $add_or_where = " OR {$add_where}";
     $where = array();
     $where["plagesop.date"] = "= '{$date}'";
     $where["plagesop.salle_id"] = "= '{$this->_id}'";
     $where[] = "`plagesop`.`chir_id` " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($listPrats)) . " OR `plagesop`.`spec_id` " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($listFunctions)) . $add_or_where;
     $order = "debut";
     $this->_ref_plages = $plage->loadList($where, $order, null, "plageop_id", $ljoin);
     // Chargement d'optimisation
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_plages, "chir_id");
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_plages, "anesth_id");
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_plages, "spec_id");
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_plages, "salle_id");
     CMbObject::massCountBackRefs($this->_ref_plages, "notes");
     CMbObject::massCountBackRefs($this->_ref_plages, "affectations_personnel");
     foreach ($this->_ref_plages as $_plage) {
         /** @var CPlageOp $_plage */
         $_plage->_unordered_operations = array();
         // Chargement d'optimisation
         CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($_plage->_ref_operations, "chir_id");
         $sejours = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($_plage->_ref_operations, "sejour_id");
         CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($sejours, "patient_id");
         foreach ($_plage->_ref_operations as $operation) {
             if ($conf_chambre_operation) {
             // Extraire les interventions non placées
             if ($operation->rank == 0) {
                 $_plage->_unordered_operations[$operation->_id] = $operation;
     // Interventions déplacés
     $deplacee = new COperation();
     $ljoin = array();
     $ljoin["plagesop"] = "operations.plageop_id = plagesop.plageop_id";
     $where = array();
     $where["operations.plageop_id"] = "IS NOT NULL";
     $where["plagesop.salle_id"] = "!= operations.salle_id";
     $where["plagesop.date"] = "= '{$date}'";
     $where["operations.salle_id"] = "= '{$this->_id}'";
     $where[] = "`plagesop`.`chir_id` " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($listPrats)) . " OR `plagesop`.`spec_id` " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($listFunctions)) . $add_or_where;
     $order = "operations.time_operation";
     $this->_ref_deplacees = $deplacee->loadList($where, $order, null, "operation_id", $ljoin);
     // Chargement d'optimisation
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_deplacees, "chir_id");
     $sejours_deplacees = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_deplacees, "sejour_id");
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($sejours_deplacees, "patient_id");
     foreach ($this->_ref_deplacees as $_deplacee) {
         /** @var COperation $_deplacee */
     // Hors plage
     $urgence = new COperation();
     $ljoin = array();
     $ljoin["plagesop"] = "operations.plageop_id = plagesop.plageop_id";
     $where = array();
     $where["operations.date"] = "= '{$date}'";
     $where["operations.plageop_id"] = "IS NULL";
     $where["operations.salle_id"] = "= '{$this->_id}'";
     if ($second_chir) {
         $where[] = $add_where;
     } else {
         $where["operations.chir_id"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($listPrats));
     $order = "time_operation, chir_id";
     $this->_ref_urgences = $urgence->loadList($where, $order, null, "operation_id");
     // Chargement d'optimisation
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_urgences, "chir_id");
     $sejours_urgences = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_urgences, "sejour_id");
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($sejours_urgences, "patient_id");
     foreach ($this->_ref_urgences as $_urgence) {
         /** @var COperation $_urgence */
         if ($conf_chambre_operation) {
     $_function = $_sec_spec->_ref_function;
     $secondary_specs[$_function->_id] = $_function;
 $where = array();
 $where["date"] = "= '{$date}'";
 $in = "";
 if (count($secondary_specs)) {
     $in = " OR plagesop.spec_id " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($secondary_specs));
 $where[] = "plagesop.chir_id = '{$userSel->_id}'\r\n              OR plagesop.anesth_id = '{$userSel->_id}'\r\n              OR plagesop.spec_id = '{$userSel->function_id}' {$in}";
 $order = "debut, salle_id";
 $plageop = new CPlageOp();
 /** @var CPlageOp[] $list_plages */
 $list_plages = $plageop->loadList($where, $order);
 // Chargement d'optimisation
 CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($list_plages, "chir_id");
 CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($list_plages, "anesth_id");
 CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($list_plages, "spec_id");
 CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($list_plages, "salle_id");
 CMbObject::massCountBackRefs($list_plages, "notes");
 foreach ($list_plages as $_plage) {
     $op_canceled = new COperation();
     $op_canceled->annulee = 1;
     $op_canceled->plageop_id = $_plage->_id;
     $nb_canceled += $op_canceled->countMatchingList();
Exemplo n.º 3
            $affichages["{$keyDate}-HorsPlage"] = array();
$listPlages = array();
$operation = new COperation();
$nbIntervHorsPlage = 0;
$listPlage = new CPlageOp();
$nbIntervNonPlacees = 0;
foreach ($listDays as $keyDate => $valDate) {
    // Récupération des plages par jour
    $where = array();
    $where["date"] = "= '{$keyDate}'";
    $where["salle_id"] = "= '{$salle->_id}'";
    $order = "debut";
    $listPlages[$keyDate] = $listPlage->loadList($where, $order);
    // Récupération des interventions hors plages du jour
    $where = array();
    $where["date"] = "= '{$keyDate}'";
    $where["annulee"] = "= '0'";
    $where["salle_id"] = "= '{$salle->_id}'";
    $order = "time_operation";
    /** @var COperation[] $horsPlages */
    $horsPlages = $operation->loadList($where, $order);
    // Détermination des bornes du semainier
    $min = CPlageOp::$hours_start . ":" . reset(CPlageOp::$minutes) . ":00";
    $max = CPlageOp::$hours_stop . ":" . end(CPlageOp::$minutes) . ":00";
    // Détermination des bornes de chaque plage
    foreach ($listPlages[$keyDate] as $plage) {
        /** @var CPlageOp $plage */
Exemplo n.º 4
if ($practitioner_id) {
    $where['plagesop.chir_id'] = $ds->prepare('= ?', $practitioner_id);
$count = $plage_op->countList($where, null, $ljoin);
$msg = '%d CPlageOp to be removed.';
if ($count == 1) {
    $msg = 'One CPlageOp to be removed.';
} elseif (!$count) {
    $msg = 'No CPlageOp to be removed.';
CAppUI::stepAjax("CPlageOp-msg-{$msg}", UI_MSG_OK, $count);
if ($just_count || !$count) {
    CAppUI::js("\$('clean_plage_auto').checked = false");
$plages_op = $plage_op->loadList($where, null, $purge_limit, null, $ljoin);
if (!$plages_op) {
    CAppUI::js("\$('clean_plage_auto').checked = false");
    CAppUI::stepAjax("CPlageOp-msg-No CPlageOp to be removed.", UI_MSG_OK);
$deleted_plages = 0;
foreach ($plages_op as $_plage_op) {
    if ($msg = $_plage_op->delete()) {
        CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_WARNING);
    } else {
        CAppUI::setMsg('CPlageOp-msg-delete', UI_MSG_OK);
CAppUI::setMsg('CPlageOp-msg-%d CPlageOp to be removed.', UI_MSG_OK, $count - $deleted_plages);
Exemplo n.º 5
// Chargement des plages pour le chir ou sa spécialité par bloc
$where = array();
$selectPlages = "(plagesop.chir_id = %1 OR plagesop.spec_id = %2 OR plagesop.spec_id " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn($secondary_functions) . ")";
$where[] = $ds->prepare($selectPlages, $mediChir->user_id, $mediChir->function_id);
$month_min = CMbDT::transform("+ 0 month", $date, "%Y-%m-00");
$month_max = CMbDT::transform("+ 1 month", $date, "%Y-%m-00");
$where["date"] = "BETWEEN '{$month_min}' AND '{$month_max}'";
if (!$resp_bloc) {
    $where[] = "date >= '" . CMbDT::date() . "'";
$order = "date, debut";
$plage = new CPlageOp();
$listPlages = array();
foreach ($blocs as $_bloc) {
    $where["salle_id"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($_bloc->_ref_salles));
    $listPlages[$_bloc->_id] = $plage->loadList($where, $order);
    if (!count($listPlages[$_bloc->_id])) {
$time = explode(":", $curr_op_time);
$nb_secondes = $time[0] * 3600 + $time[1] * 60;
$_plage = new CPlageOp();
foreach ($listPlages as &$_bloc) {
    foreach ($_bloc as &$_plage) {
        $_plage->multicountOperations($nb_secondes, false);
 $where["date"] = $whereInterv["date"] = $whereHP["date"] = "= '{$jour}'";
 if (CAppUI::pref("showIntervPlanning")) {
     // HORS PLAGE
     $horsPlage = new COperation();
     /** @var COperation[] $horsPlages */
     $horsPlages = $horsPlage->loadList($whereHP);
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($horsPlages, "chir_id");
     foreach ($horsPlages as $_horsplage) {
         $lenght = CMBDT::minutesRelative("00:00:00", $_horsplage->temp_operation);
         $op = new CPlanningRange($_horsplage->_guid, $jour . " " . $_horsplage->time_operation, $lenght, $_horsplage, "3c75ea", "horsplage");
     /** @var CPlageOp[] $intervs */
     $interv = new CPlageOp();
     $intervs = $interv->loadList($whereInterv);
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($intervs, "chir_id");
     foreach ($intervs as $_interv) {
         $range = new CPlanningRange($_interv->_guid, $jour . " " . $_interv->debut, CMbDT::minutesRelative($_interv->debut, $_interv->fin), CAppUI::tr($_interv->_class), "bbccee", "plageop");
 $plages = $plage->loadList($where);
 CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($plages, "chir_id");
 /** @var $_plage CPlageconsult */
 foreach ($plages as $_plage) {
     $range = new CPlanningRange($_plage->_guid, $jour . " " . $_plage->debut, CMbDT::minutesRelative($_plage->debut, $_plage->fin));
     $range->color = $_plage->color;
     $range->type = "plageconsult";
Exemplo n.º 7
$date = CValue::getOrSession("date", CMbDT::date());
// Selection des salles
$listSalles = new CSalle();
$listSalles = $listSalles->loadGroupList();
$totalOp = 0;
$counts = array("sejours" => array("total" => 0, "facturees" => 0), "operations" => array("total" => 0, "facturees" => 0), "urgences" => array("total" => 0, "facturees" => 0));
 * Comptage des Interventions planifiées
$plage = new CPlageOp();
$where = array();
$where["date"] = "= '{$date}'";
$where["salle_id"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($listSalles));
/** @var CPlageOp[] $plages */
$plages = $plage->loadList($where);
/** @var COperation[] $operations */
$operations = CPlageOp::massLoadBackRefs($plages, "operations", null, array("annulee" => "= '0'"));
foreach ($plages as $_plage) {
    $_plage->_ref_operations = $_plage->_back["operations"];
    foreach ($_plage->_ref_operations as $_operation) {
        if ($_operation->facture) {
    $totalOp += count($_plage->_ref_operations);
 * Comptage des Interventions hors plages
Exemplo n.º 8
        foreach ($plagesPerDayConsult as $key => $plageConsult) {
            if ($details) {
        $plagesConsult[$date] = $plagesPerDayConsult;
    if (in_array("interv", $export)) {
        $where = array();
        $where[] = "chir_id = '{$prat_id}' OR anesth_id = '{$prat_id}'";
        $where["date"] = "= '{$date}'";
        $where["salle_id"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($listSalles));
        $plagesPerDayOp = $plageOp->loadList($where);
        $salles = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($plagesPerDayOp, "salle_id");
        CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($salles, "bloc_id");
        CMbObject::massLoadBackRefs($plagesPerDayOp, "operations");
        foreach ($plagesPerDayOp as $key => $plage) {
            if ($details) {
            $plagesOp[$plage->salle_id][$date] = $plagesPerDayOp[$key];
$total["days_duree_prevue"] = 0;
$total["duree_first_to_last"] = "00:00:00";
$total["days_duree_first_to_last"] = 0;
$total["duree_reelle"] = "00:00:00";
$total["days_duree_reelle"] = 0;
$total["personnel"] = array("iade" => array("days_duree" => 0, "duree" => "00:00:00"), "op" => array("days_duree" => 0, "duree" => "00:00:00"), "op_panseuse" => array("days_duree" => 0, "duree" => "00:00:00"));
// Récupération des plages
$plage = new CPlageOp();
$listPlages = array();
if ($prat_personnel) {
    $where = array();
    $where["date"] = "BETWEEN '{$deb_personnel}' AND '{$fin_personnel}'";
    $where["chir_id"] = "= '{$prat_personnel}'";
    $order = "date, salle_id, debut";
    /** @var CPlageOp[] $listPlages */
    $listPlages = $plage->loadList($where, $order);
    // Récupération des interventions
    foreach ($listPlages as &$curr_plage) {
         * Chargement des interventions et des éléments suivants :
         * - durée prévue
         * - nombre d'interventions
         * - nombre d'interventions valides
         * - temps des interventions
         * - nombre de panseuses
         * - nombre d'aides op
Exemplo n.º 10
$max = CView::get("max", "num default|100");
$group = CGroups::loadCurrent();
$ljoin["operations"] = "plagesop.plageop_id = operations.plageop_id";
$ljoin["sallesbloc"] = "sallesbloc.salle_id = plagesop.salle_id";
$ljoin["bloc_operatoire"] = "bloc_operatoire.bloc_operatoire_id = sallesbloc.bloc_id";
$where["operations.operation_id"] = "IS NULL";
$where["bloc_operatoire.group_id"] = "= '{$group->_id}'";
$order = "plagesop.date";
$plage = new CPlageOp();
$success_count = 0;
$failures = array();
$plages = array();
if ($purge) {
    /** @var CPlageOp[] $plages */
    $plages = $plage->loadList($where, $order, $max, null, $ljoin);
    foreach ($plages as $_plage) {
        // Suppression des affectationde personnel
        if ($affectations = $_plage->loadAffectationsPersonnel()) {
            foreach ($affectations as $_affectations) {
                foreach ($_affectations as $_affectation) {
        if ($msg = $_plage->delete()) {
            $failures[$_plage->_id] = $msg;
Exemplo n.º 11
$salle = new CSalle();
$whereSalle = array();
$whereSalle["sallesbloc.bloc_id"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(count($filter->_bloc_id) ? $filter->_bloc_id : array_keys($group->loadBlocs(PERM_READ)));
if ($filter->salle_id) {
    $whereSalle["sallesbloc.salle_id"] = "= '{$filter->salle_id}'";
$listSalles = $salle->loadListWithPerms(PERM_READ, $whereSalle);
if ($filter->salle_id || $filter->_bloc_id) {
    $whereOperations["operations.salle_id"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($listSalles));
$whereOperations["sejour.group_id"] = "= '" . $group->_id . "'";
$wherePlagesop["plagesop.salle_id"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($listSalles));
$orderPlagesop = "date, salle_id, debut";
$plageop = new CPlageOp();
/** @var CPlageOp[] $plagesop */
$plagesop = $plageop->loadList($wherePlagesop, $orderPlagesop);
$ljoin = array();
$ljoin["sejour"] = "operations.sejour_id = sejour.sejour_id";
$where = array();
$where["operations.chir_id"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($praticiens));
if (!$_print_annulees) {
    $where["operations.annulee"] = "= '0'";
    $whereOperations["operations.annulee"] = "= '0'";
switch ($filter->_ranking) {
    case "ok":
        $where["operations.rank"] = "!= '0'";
    case "ko":
        $where["operations.rank"] = "= '0'";
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Charge la liste de plages et interventions pour un jour donné
  * Analogue à CSalle::loadRefsForDay
  * @param string $date        Date to look for
  * @param bool   $second_chir Use chir_2, chir_3 and chir_4
  * @return void
 function loadRefsForDay($date, $second_chir = false)
     $secondary_specs = array();
     foreach ($this->_back["secondary_functions"] as $_sec_spec) {
         /** @var CSecondaryFunction $_sec_spec */
         $_function = $_sec_spec->_ref_function;
         $secondary_specs[$_function->_id] = $_function;
     // Plages d'intervention
     $plage = new CPlageOp();
     $ljoin = array();
     $add_where = "";
     if ($second_chir) {
         $ljoin["operations"] = "plagesop.plageop_id = operations.plageop_id";
         $add_where = " OR operations.chir_id = '{$this->_id}' OR operations.chir_2_id = '{$this->_id}'\r\n                    OR operations.chir_3_id = '{$this->_id}' OR operations.chir_4_id = '{$this->_id}'";
     $where = array();
     $where["plagesop.date"] = "= '{$date}'";
     $where[] = "plagesop.chir_id = '{$this->_id}' OR plagesop.spec_id = '{$this->function_id}' OR plagesop.spec_id " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($secondary_specs)) . $add_where;
     $order = "debut";
     $this->_ref_plages = $plage->loadList($where, $order, null, "plageop_id", $ljoin);
     // Chargement d'optimisation
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_plages, "chir_id");
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_plages, "anesth_id");
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_plages, "spec_id");
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_plages, "salle_id");
     CMbObject::massCountBackRefs($this->_ref_plages, "notes");
     CMbObject::massCountBackRefs($this->_ref_plages, "affectations_personnel");
     foreach ($this->_ref_plages as $_plage) {
         /** @var CPlageOp $_plage */
         $_plage->_unordered_operations = array();
         // Chargement d'optimisation
         CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($_plage->_ref_operations, "chir_id");
         $sejours = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($_plage->_ref_operations, "sejour_id");
         CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($sejours, "patient_id");
         foreach ($_plage->_ref_operations as $_operation) {
             if ($_operation->chir_id != $this->_id && (!$second_chir || $_operation->chir_2_id != $this->_id && $_operation->chir_3_id != $this->_id && $_operation->chir_4_id != $this->_id)) {
             } else {
                 $_operation->_ref_chir = $this;
                 // Extraire les interventions non placées
                 if ($_operation->rank == 0) {
                     $_plage->_unordered_operations[$_operation->_id] = $_operation;
         if (count($_plage->_ref_operations) + count($_plage->_unordered_operations) < 1) {
     // Interventions déplacés
     $deplacee = new COperation();
     $ljoin = array();
     $ljoin["plagesop"] = "operations.plageop_id = plagesop.plageop_id";
     $where = array();
     $where["operations.plageop_id"] = "IS NOT NULL";
     $where["operations.annulee"] = "= '0'";
     $where["plagesop.salle_id"] = "!= operations.salle_id";
     $where["plagesop.date"] = "= '{$date}'";
     $where[] = "plagesop.chir_id = '{$this->_id}'" . $add_where;
     $order = "operations.time_operation";
     $this->_ref_deplacees = $deplacee->loadList($where, $order, null, "operation_id", $ljoin);
     // Chargement d'optimisation
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_deplacees, "chir_id");
     $sejours_deplacees = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_deplacees, "sejour_id");
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($sejours_deplacees, "patient_id");
     foreach ($this->_ref_deplacees as $_deplacee) {
         /** @var COperation $_deplacee */
     // Urgences
     $urgence = new COperation();
     $where = array();
     $where["plageop_id"] = "IS NULL";
     $where["date"] = "= '{$date}'";
     if ($second_chir) {
         $where[] = "chir_id = '{$this->_id}' OR chir_2_id = '{$this->_id}' OR chir_3_id = '{$this->_id}' OR chir_4_id = '{$this->_id}'";
     } else {
         $where["chir_id"] = "= '{$this->_id}'";
     $where["annulee"] = "= '0'";
     $this->_ref_urgences = $urgence->loadList($where, null, null, "operation_id");
     // Chargement d'optimisation
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_urgences, "chir_id");
     $sejours_urgences = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_urgences, "sejour_id");
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($sejours_urgences, "patient_id");
     foreach ($this->_ref_urgences as $_urgence) {
         /** @var COperation $_urgence */
Exemplo n.º 13
$where["date"] = $ds->prepare("BETWEEN %1 AND %2", $filter->_date_min, $filter->_date_max);
$order = "date, salle_id, debut";
$chir_id = CValue::get("chir");
$user = CMediusers::get();
// En fonction du praticien
if ($filter->_prat_id) {
    $where["chir_id"] = $ds->prepare("= %", $filter->_prat_id);
// En fonction de la salle
$listBlocs = $group->loadBlocs(PERM_READ);
$salle = new CSalle();
$whereSalle = array('bloc_id' => CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($listBlocs)));
$listSalles = $salle->loadListWithPerms(PERM_READ, $whereSalle);
$where["salle_id"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($listSalles), $filter->salle_id);
/** @var CPlageOp[] $plagesop */
$plagesop = $plage->loadList($where, $order);
$plagesop["urgences"] = new CPlageOp();
$prats = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($plagesop, "chir_id");
CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($prats, "function_id");
// Operations de chaque plage
$listUrgencesTraitees = array();
foreach ($plagesop as $_plage) {
    $where = array();
    $ljoin = array();
    $tempOp = new COperation();
    // Interventions avec ou sans actes
    if ($filter->_cotation) {
        $ljoin["acte_ccam"] = "operations.operation_id = acte_ccam.object_id AND acte_ccam.object_class = 'COperation'";
        switch ($filter->_cotation) {
            case "ok":
                $where["acte_id"] = "IS NOT NULL";
Exemplo n.º 14
            $urgence->_is_urgence = true;
    // Chargement des plages disponibles pour cette intervention
    $secondary_functions = array();
    foreach ($urgence->_ref_chir->_back["secondary_functions"] as $curr_sec_func) {
        $secondary_functions[$curr_sec_func->function_id] = $curr_sec_func;
    $where = array();
    $selectPlages = "(plagesop.chir_id = %1 OR plagesop.spec_id = %2\n    OR plagesop.spec_id " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($secondary_functions)) . ")";
    $where[] = $ds->prepare($selectPlages, $urgence->chir_id, $urgence->_ref_chir->function_id);
    $where["date"] = "= '{$date}'";
    $where["salle_id"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($listSalles));
    $order = "salle_id, debut";
    $urgence->_alternate_plages = $plage->loadList($where, $order);
    foreach ($urgence->_alternate_plages as $curr_plage) {
$anesth = new CMediusers();
$anesths = $anesth->loadAnesthesistes(PERM_READ);
$date_last_checklist = array();
foreach ($listSalles as $salle) {
    if ($salle->cheklist_man) {
        $checklist = new CDailyCheckList();
        $checklist->object_class = $salle->_class;
        $checklist->object_id = $salle->_id;
        $checklist->loadMatchingObject("date DESC");
        if ($checklist->_id) {
            $log = new CUserLog();
Exemplo n.º 15
$mode_real = CValue::get("mode_real", 1);
$date = CMbDT::date();
$plage = new CPlageOp();
$where = array();
$where["plagesop.spec_repl_id"] = "IS NOT NULL";
$where["plagesop.delay_repl"] = "IS NOT NULL";
$where[] = "`plagesop`.`date` < DATE_ADD('{$date}', INTERVAL `plagesop`.`delay_repl` DAY)";
$where[] = "`plagesop`.`date` >= '{$date}'";
$where["operations.operation_id"] = "IS NULL";
$order = "`plagesop`.`date`, `plagesop`.`debut`";
$limit = null;
$group = "plagesop.plageop_id";
$ljoin = array();
$ljoin["operations"] = "operations.plageop_id = plagesop.plageop_id AND operations.annulee = '0'";
/** @var CPlageOp[] $plages */
$plages = $plage->loadList($where, $order, $limit, $group, $ljoin);
$count = count($plages);
CAppUI::stepAjax("Lancement à '{$date}' en mode '{$mode_real}': '{$count}' plages trouvées");
foreach ($plages as $_plage) {
    if ($mode_real) {
        // Suppression des interventions annulées de cette plage pour les mettre en hors plannifié
        foreach ($_plage->loadRefsOperations() as $_operation) {
            $_operation->plageop_id = "";
        // Réaffectation de la plage
        $_plage->spec_id = $_plage->spec_repl_id;
        $_plage->chir_id = "";
        if ($msg = $_plage->store()) {
            CAppUI::stepAjax($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR);
        } else {
    // Chargement des plages disponibles pour cette intervention
    $secondary_functions = array();
    foreach ($operation->_ref_chir->_back["secondary_functions"] as $curr_sec_func) {
        $secondary_functions[$curr_sec_func->function_id] = $curr_sec_func;
    $where = array();
    $selectPlages = "(plagesop.chir_id = %1 OR plagesop.spec_id = %2\n      OR plagesop.spec_id " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($secondary_functions)) . ")";
    $where[] = $ds->prepare($selectPlages, $operation->chir_id, $operation->_ref_chir->function_id);
    $where["date"] = "= '{$date}'";
    $where["salle_id"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($listSalles));
    $order = "salle_id, debut";
    $plage = new CPlageOp();
    $operation->_alternate_plages = $plage->loadList($where, $order);
    foreach ($operation->_alternate_plages as $curr_plage) {
// Liste des types d'anesthésie
$listAnesthType = new CTypeAnesth();
$listAnesthType = $listAnesthType->loadGroupList();
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("op", $operation);
$smarty->assign("anesths", $anesths);
$smarty->assign("listSalles", $listSalles);
$smarty->assign("listBlocs", $listBlocs);
$smarty->assign("to_remove", $toRemove);
$smarty->assign("listAnesthType", $listAnesthType);