defined('ABSPATH') or die('No script kiddies please!');
// include the custom post type class
include_once 'class-post-type.php';
// create a member custom post type
$members = new CPT('member', array('supports' => array('title', 'excerpt', 'thumbnail')));
// create a department taxonomy
// define the columns to appear on the admin edit screen
$members->columns(array('cb' => '<input type="checkbox" />', 'title' => __('Title'), 'department' => __('Departments'), 'price' => __('Price'), 'rating' => __('Rating'), 'date' => __('Date'), 'age' => __('Age'), 'location' => __('Location')));
// populate the price column
$members->populate_column('price', function ($column, $post) {
    echo "£" . get_field('price');
    // ACF get_field() function
// populate the ratings column
$members->populate_column('rating', function ($column, $post) {
    echo get_field('rating') . '/5';
    // ACF get_field() function
// populate the ratings column
$members->populate_column('location', function ($column, $post) {
    echo get_post_field('location', $post->ID) . ', Bangladesh';
    // ACF get_field() function
// make rating and price columns sortable
$members->sortable(array('price' => array('price', true), 'rating' => array('rating', true), 'location' => array('location', true)));
// use "pages" icon for post type