
$SessionUserID = isset($_SESSION['Athlete_id']) ? $_SESSION['Athlete_id'] : 0;
$rating_func = new COMMONFUNC();
$rating_db = new DB();
if ($SessionUserID > 0) {
    $query = "Select * from tbl_athelete_register where fldId = '{$SessionUserID}' ";
    $totalPages = $rating_db->num_rows();
    if ($totalPages > 0) {
        $UserID = $rating_db->f('fldId');
        $uploadImage = $rating_db->f('fldImage');
        $coachApprove = $rating_db->f('fldApproveCoachId');
        $uploadVideo = $rating_func->GetValue("tbl_athlete_video", "fldId", "fldAthleteId", $rating_db->f('fldId'));
        $uploadGameSchedule = $rating_func->GetValue("tbl_event", "fldEventId", "fld_UserType='athlete' AND fldUserName", $rating_db->f('fldUsername'));
        $fldGPA = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fldGPA'));
        $fldSATScore = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fldSATScore'));
        $fldACTScore = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fldACTScore'));
        $fldClassRank = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fldClassRank'));
        $fldClearinghouseEligible = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fldClearinghouseEligible'));
        $fldIntendedMajor = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fldIntendedMajor'));
        $fldClass = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fldClass'));
        $fldHeight = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fldHeight'));
        $fldWeight = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fldWeight'));
        $fldSport = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fldSport'));
        //$fldJerseyNumber = $rating_func -> output_fun($rating_db -> f('fldJerseyNumber'));
        $fldPrimaryPosition = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fldPrimaryPosition'));
        $fldSecondaryPosition = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fldSecondaryPosition'));
        $fldVertical = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fldVertical'));
        $fld40_yardDash = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fld40_yardDash'));

    " WHERE fldUsername='******'FRONTEND_USER']. "'"

$collegeuser_id = $_SESSION['FRONTEND_USER'];
// gets the user's sport and makes sure it's not empty
$fldSport = 0;
$network_for = isset($_REQUEST["network_for"]) ? $_REQUEST["network_for"] : "";
$ModeType = isset($_REQUEST["mode"]) ? $_REQUEST["mode"] : "";
switch ($ModeType) {
    case 'athlete':
        $UserID = isset($_SESSION['Athlete_id']) ? $_SESSION['Athlete_id'] : "";
        $fldSport = $func->GetValue("tbl_athelete_register", "fldSport", "fldId", $UserID);
    case 'coach':
        //HS Coach ID
        $UserID = isset($_SESSION['Coach_id']) ? $_SESSION['Coach_id'] : "";
        $fldSport = $func->GetValue("tbl_hs_aau_coach", "fldSport", "fldId", $UserID);
    case 'college':
        //College Coach ID
        $UserID = isset($_SESSION['College_Coach_id']) ? $_SESSION['College_Coach_id'] : "";
        $sport_info = $func->selectTableOrder(TBL_COLLEGE_COACH_REGISTER, "fldId,fldNeedType", "fldId", "where fldUserName='******'");
        $fldSport = $sport_info[0]['fldNeedType'];
//echo $fldSport;
//mdify 4-2-13
$rating_db_3 = new DB();
$rating_db_4 = new DB();
$profile_db = new DB();
$coach_db = new DB();
######### MONDAY REMINDERS START ################
$query_1 = "select * from tbl_event where (date(fldEventStartDate) <= (now()) AND date(fldEventEndDate) <= (now())) and fld_UserType='athlete'";
$totalPages = $rating_db->num_rows();
if ($totalPages > 0) {
    for ($k = 0; $k < $totalPages; $k++) {
        $userName = $rating_db->f('fldUserName');
        $EventId = $rating_db->f('fldEventId');
        $UserId = $rating_func->GetValue("tbl_athelete_register", "fldId", "fldUsername", $userName);
        $eventTitle = $rating_func->GetValue("tbl_event", "fldEventName", "fldEventId", $EventId);
        $query_1_1 = "select * from tbl_athelete_stat WHERE fldAtheleteId='" . $UserId . "' AND fldPrograme='" . $EventId . "' GROUP BY fldAtheleteId,fldPrograme";
        $arr_info_1 = array();
        $totalPages_1 = $rating_db_1->num_rows();
        if ($totalPages_1 == 0) {
            $msg = "Hello " . $userName . ", <br /><br />\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\tYou are receiving this email because you have not posted Game Stats for a particular game/event. Please login to your Account at www.collegeprospectnetwork.com, and post Game Stats.\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<br /><br />\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t*It's import to keep your profile accurate as possible.  Please post Game Stats carefully & make your changes.\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<br /><br />\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<b>Game / Event:</b> " . $eventTitle . "<br />  \r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<br />     \r\r\n\t\t\t\t\tThank you in advance " . $userName . ",<br />\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\tCollege Prospect Network<br />\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\twww.CollegeProspectNetwork.com";
            $athleteEmail = $rating_func->GetValue("tbl_athelete_register", "fldEmail", "fldUsername", $userName);
            $toStre1 = "*****@*****.**";
            $subjectStre = "College Prospect Network  - Request for post Game Stats";
            $bodyStre = $msg;
            $t = $rating_func->sendEmail($toStre1, $subjectStre, $bodyStre, $athleteEmail);
######### WEEKLY RATING START ################
########### ADDING_GAME_STATE ################
$query_1 = "select * from tbl_event where ((date(fldEventStartDate) < (now()) AND date(fldEventStartDate) >= (DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 8 day))) OR date(fldEventEndDate) >= (DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 8 day))) and fld_UserType='athlete'";
$arr_info = array();
$totalPages = $rating_db_1->num_rows();
if ($totalPages > 0) {
    for ($k = 0; $k < $totalPages; $k++) {
        $arr_info[$k]['fldUserName'] = $rating_db_1->f('fldUserName');
        //	$arr_info[$k]['fldEventStartDate'] = $rating_db_1 -> f('fldEventStartDate');
    for ($kj = 0; $kj < count($arr_info); $kj++) {
        $fldAthleteId = $rating_func->GetValue("tbl_athelete_register", "fldId", "fldUserName", $arr_info[$kj]['fldUserName']);
        $rating_func->setAtheleteRating("WEEKLY", $fldAthleteId, "ADDING_GAME_STATE", true);
########### RESPONDING_TO_EMAILS #############
$query_2 = "select * from tbl_mail where (date(SentDate) >= (DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 8 day)) AND date(SentDate)< (now())) AND Usertypeto='athlete'";
$totalPages = $rating_db_2->num_rows();
$arr_info = array();
if ($totalPages > 0) {
    for ($k = 0; $k < $totalPages; $k++) {
        $checkUnread = $rating_func->GetValue("tbl_mail", "mail_id", "status='unread' AND UserTo", $rating_db_2->f('UserTo'));
        if (trim($checkUnread) == "") {
            $arr_info[$k] = trim($rating_db_2->f('UserTo'));
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
// access to common functions
$athletes = array();
// list of athletes returned by the search query
$isError = FALSE;
// flag indicating if an error occurred during the search
$errorMsg = NULL;
// error message to display if an error occurred during the search
$coachId = "";
$fldSport = 0;
$UserID = "";
switch ($ModeType) {
    case 'athlete':
        $UserID = isset($_SESSION['Athlete_id']) ? $_SESSION['Athlete_id'] : "";
        $fldSport = $func->GetValue("tbl_athelete_register", "fldSport", "fldId", $UserID);
        //$fldSport = $func->GetValue(TBL_HS_AAU_TEAM,"fldSport","fldId",$db3->f('fldSchool'));
        $sportList = array($fldSport);
        $sport1 = each($sportList);
        $coachId = "";
    case 'coach':
        //HS Coach ID
        $UserID = isset($_SESSION['Coach_id']) ? $_SESSION['Coach_id'] : "";
        $fldSport = $func->GetValue("tbl_hs_aau_coach", "fldSport", "fldId", $UserID);
        $sportList = array($fldSport);
        $sport1 = each($sportList);
        $coachId = "";
    case 'college':
        //College Coach ID
include 'header.php';

		<!--middle panel starts from here -->

		<!--content panel starts from here -->

		<div class="container">

			<div class="innerWraper">

				<div class="middle-bg">

					<div class="cantener">

						<div class="register-main">

							<div class="registerPage">

								<h1>HS / AAU Coach Listing</h1>

if ($_REQUEST['msg'] != "") {
    echo '<font class="thankyoumessage">' . $_REQUEST['msg'] . '</font>';


								<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5" bordercolor="#808080" border="0" width="100%" class="tablePadd" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
Exemplo n.º 7
$flag = 0;
$network_for = isset($_REQUEST["network_for"]) ? $_REQUEST["network_for"] : "";
$ModeType = isset($_REQUEST["mode"]) ? $_REQUEST["mode"] : "";
$mode_1 = isset($_REQUEST["mode_1"]) ? $_REQUEST["mode_1"] : "";
$Id = isset($_REQUEST["Id"]) ? $_REQUEST["Id"] : 0;
$fldUserName = isset($_SESSION['FRONTEND_USER']) ? $_SESSION['FRONTEND_USER'] : "";
//Global Vars
$UserID = "";
$PageTitle = "";
$displayMessage = "";
$fld_Sport = "";
switch ($ModeType) {
    case 'athlete':
        $UserID = isset($_SESSION['Athlete_id']) ? $_SESSION['Athlete_id'] : "";
        $fld_Sport = $func->GetValue("tbl_athelete_register", "fldSport", "fldId", $UserID);
    case 'coach':
        //HS Coach ID
        $UserID = isset($_SESSION['Coach_id']) ? $_SESSION['Coach_id'] : "";
        $fld_Sport = $func->GetValue("tbl_hs_aau_coach", "fldSport", "fldId", $UserID);
    case 'college':
        //College Coach ID
        $UserID = isset($_SESSION['College_Coach_id']) ? $_SESSION['College_Coach_id'] : "";
        $sport_info = $func->selectTableOrder(TBL_COLLEGE_COACH_REGISTER, "fldId,fldNeedType", "fldId", "where fldUserName='******'");
        $fld_Sport = $sport_info[0]['fldNeedType'];
switch ($network_for) {
    case 'athlete':

                                <div class="right-boxes">

if ($query_note) {
    $rowcount = $db_note->num_rows();
    if ($rowcount > 0) {
        echo '<table width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5" bordercolor="#808080" border="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;" class="tablePadd">';
        while ($db_note->next_record()) {
            //$date = new DateTime($db_note->f('fldPostDate'));
            //$Note_Postdate = $date->format('d-m-Y');
            $Note_Postdate = $db_note->f('fldPostDate');
            $Note_Comment = $func->GetValue("tbl_notes", "fldDescription", "fldId", $db_note->f('fldNoteId'));
            echo '<tr><td valign="middle"  align="left" class="normalblack_12_stat">';
            echo $Note_Comment . '<br>';
            echo '<span style="color:#CCCCCC;float:right;">' . $Note_Postdate . '</span>';
            echo '</td></tr>';
        if ($rowcount > 1) {
            echo '<tr><td valign="middle"  align="right" class="normalblack_12_stat">';
            echo '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="window.open(\'view_more_notes.php?fldAthleteid=' . $uid . '&usertype=athlete\',\'winname\',\'directories=0,titlebar=0,toolbar=0,location=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=980px,height=380\');" class="gametape" style="float:right;">view more</a>';
            echo '</td></tr>';
        echo '</table>';
    } else {
        if (isset($_SESSION['Athlete_id']) && $_SESSION['Athlete_id'] != "") {
            echo "You have not added any comments yet.";
        } else {