/** * social_menu_icons * * Adds the social icons to the social menu. * * @param $menu_items * @param $args * * @return mixed */ function social_menu_icons($menu_items, $args) { if ('social' === $args->menu->slug) { foreach ($menu_items as $item_key => $menu_item) { $title = $menu_item->title; $slug = str_replace([' ', '&'], ['-', 'and'], strtolower($title)); $icon = CNP\Utility::get_svg_icon('icon-' . $slug); $menu_items[$item_key]->title = '<span class="icon-wrapper">' . $icon . '</span><span class="title">' . $title . '</span>'; } } return $menu_items; }
?> role="document"> <?php do_action('cnp_before_main_div'); do_action(CNP\get_action('cnp_before_main_div')); ?> <div <?php CNP\Utility::echo_classes(['main'], 'cnp_main_div'); ?> > <?php do_action('cnp_before_content_div'); do_action(CNP\get_action('before_content_div')); ?> <div <?php CNP\Utility::echo_classes(['content'], 'cnp_content_div'); ?> ><?php include_once CNP\template_path(); ?> </div><!-- /.content --> <?php do_action(CNP\get_action('after_content_div')); do_action('cnp_after_content_div'); ?> </div><!-- /.main --> <?php do_action('cnp_after_main_div'); do_action(CNP\get_action('cnp_after_main_div')); ?> </div><!-- /.wrapper -->
<?php $field_names = ['street_address', 'city', 'state', 'zip_code']; $address_data = CNP\Utility::get_acf_fields_as_array($field_names, true); $footer_args = ['name' => 'footer', 'structure' => ['bottom' => ['children' => ['copyright', 'nav-social']], 'copyright' => ['parts' => ['copyright-date' => ['content' => '© Copyright ' . date('Y') . '<br class="show-for-small-only" /> ' . get_bloginfo('site_name')], 'copyright-menu' => ['atom' => 'Menu', 'menu-args' => ['theme_location' => 'copyright']]]], 'nav-social' => ['atom' => 'Menu', 'menu-args' => ['theme_location' => 'social'], 'class' => ['nav-social']]]];
<?php if (function_exists('HAG_Breadcrumbs')) { $wrapper_class = CNP\Utility::get_classes('breadcrumbs', 'cnp_breadcrumbs_wrapper'); $crumb_class = CNP\Utility::get_classes('crumb', 'cnp_breadcrumbs_crumb'); $args = array('prefix' => '', 'home_show' => true, 'wrapper_element' => 'div', 'wrapper_class' => $wrapper_class, 'wrapper_id' => '', 'crumb_element' => 'span', 'crumb_class' => $crumb_class, 'separator' => '<span class="interior__breadcrumbs-sep">></span>', 'last_link' => false, 'echo' => true); HAG_Breadcrumbs($args); }
<?php // $logo = file_get_contents( get_template_directory() . '/assets/img/logo.svg' ); $logo = ''; $navicon = CNP\Utility::get_svg_icon('icon-ion-navicon'); $masthead_args = ['name' => 'masthead', 'tag' => 'header', 'structure' => ['row-support' => ['class' => ['hide-for-small-only'], 'children' => ['nav-secondary', 'nav-social', 'search'], 'sibling' => 'row-primary'], 'nav-secondary' => ['atom' => 'Menu', 'menu-args' => ['theme_location' => 'secondary']], 'nav-social' => ['class' => ['nav-social'], 'atom' => 'Menu', 'menu-args' => ['theme_location' => 'social']], 'search' => ['content' => get_search_form(false)], 'row-primary' => ['children' => ['logo', 'navs-toggle', 'navs']], 'logo' => ['parts' => ['logo-title' => ['class' => ['show-for-sr'], 'content' => get_bloginfo('sitetitle')], 'logo-mark' => $logo, 'logo-link' => ['atom' => 'FrontPageLink'], 'logo-print' => ['class' => ['show-block-for-print'], 'content' => $logo]]], 'navs-toggle' => ['atom' => 'Link', 'href' => '#', 'attributes' => ['class' => ['hide-for-medium'], 'data-toggle-class' => 'menu-open', 'data-toggle-target' => 'body'], 'content' => '<div class="show-for-sr">Open Menu</div><div class="icon-wrapper">' . $navicon . '</div>'], 'navs' => ['children' => ['nav-primary']], 'nav-primary' => ['atom' => 'Menu', 'menu-args' => ['theme_location' => 'primary']]]]; $masthead = new CNP\OrganismTemplate($masthead_args); $masthead->get_markup(); if ('' !== $masthead->markup) { echo $masthead->markup; }
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