Exemplo n.º 1
function complexImg()
    if (isset(FileGen::$cliOpts['help'])) {
        echo "\n";
        echo "available options for subScript 'complexImg':\n";
        // modeMask
        echo "--talentbgs  (backgrounds for talent calculator)\n";
        // 0x01
        echo "--maps       (generates worldmaps)\n";
        // 0x02
        echo "--spawn-maps (creates alphaMasks of each zone to check spawns against)\n";
        // 0x04
        echo "--artwork    (optional: imagery from /glues/credits (not used, skipped by default))\n";
        // 0x08
        echo "--area-maps  (optional: renders maps with highlighted subZones for each area)\n";
        // 0x10
        return true;
    $mapWidth = 1002;
    $mapHeight = 668;
    $threshold = 95;
    // alpha threshold to define subZones: set it too low and you have unspawnable areas inside a zone; set it too high and the border regions overlap
    $runTime = ini_get('max_execution_time');
    $locStr = null;
    $dbcPath = CLISetup::$srcDir . '%sDBFilesClient/';
    $imgPath = CLISetup::$srcDir . '%sInterface/';
    $destDir = 'static/images/wow/';
    $success = true;
    $paths = ['WorldMap/', 'TalentFrame/', 'Glues/Credits/'];
    $modeMask = 0x7;
    // talentBGs, regular maps, spawn-related alphaMaps
    $createAlphaImage = function ($w, $h) {
        $img = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
        imagesavealpha($img, true);
        imagealphablending($img, false);
        $bgColor = imagecolorallocatealpha($img, 0, 0, 0, 127);
        imagefilledrectangle($img, 0, 0, imagesx($img) - 1, imagesy($img) - 1, $bgColor);
        imagecolortransparent($img, $bgColor);
        imagealphablending($img, true);
        imagecolordeallocate($img, $bgColor);
        return $img;
    // prefer manually converted PNG files (as the imagecreatefromblp-script has issues with some formats)
    // alpha channel issues observed with locale deDE Hilsbrad and Elwynn - maps
    // see: https://github.com/Kanma/BLPConverter
    $loadImageFile = function ($path) {
        $result = null;
        $file = $path . '.png';
        if (CLISetup::fileExists($file)) {
            CLISetup::log('manually converted png file present for ' . $path . '.', CLISetup::LOG_WARN);
            $result = imagecreatefrompng($file);
        if (!$result) {
            $file = $path . '.blp';
            if (CLISetup::fileExists($file)) {
                $result = imagecreatefromblp($file);
        return $result;
    $assembleImage = function ($baseName, $order, $w, $h) use($loadImageFile) {
        $dest = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
        imagesavealpha($dest, true);
        imagealphablending($dest, false);
        $_h = $h;
        foreach ($order as $y => $row) {
            $_w = $w;
            foreach ($row as $x => $suffix) {
                $src = $loadImageFile($baseName . $suffix);
                if (!$src) {
                    CLISetup::log(' - complexImg: tile ' . $baseName . $suffix . '.blp missing.', CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
                    return null;
                imagecopyresampled($dest, $src, 256 * $x, 256 * $y, 0, 0, min($_w, 256), min($_h, 256), min($_w, 256), min($_h, 256));
                $_w -= 256;
            $_h -= 256;
        return $dest;
    $writeImage = function ($name, $ext, $src, $w, $h, $done) {
        $ok = false;
        $dest = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
        imagesavealpha($dest, true);
        imagealphablending($dest, false);
        imagecopyresampled($dest, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h, imagesx($src), imagesy($src));
        switch ($ext) {
            case 'jpg':
                $ok = imagejpeg($dest, $name . '.' . $ext, 85);
            case 'png':
                $ok = imagepng($dest, $name . '.' . $ext);
                CLISetup::log($done . ' - unsupported file fromat: ' . $ext, CLISetup::LOG_WARN);
        if ($ok) {
            chmod($name . '.' . $ext, CLISetup::FILE_ACCESS);
            CLISetup::log($done . ' - image ' . $name . '.' . $ext . ' written', CLISetup::LOG_OK);
        } else {
            CLISetup::log($done . ' - could not create image ' . $name . '.' . $ext, CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
        return $ok;
    $createSpawnMap = function ($img, $zoneId) use($mapHeight, $mapWidth, $threshold) {
        CLISetup::log(' - creating spawn map');
        $tmp = imagecreate(1000, 1000);
        $cbg = imagecolorallocate($tmp, 255, 255, 255);
        $cfg = imagecolorallocate($tmp, 0, 0, 0);
        for ($y = 0; $y < 1000; $y++) {
            for ($x = 0; $x < 1000; $x++) {
                $a = imagecolorat($img, $x * $mapWidth / 1000, $y * $mapHeight / 1000) >> 24;
                imagesetpixel($tmp, $x, $y, $a < $threshold ? $cfg : $cbg);
        imagepng($tmp, 'setup/generated/alphaMaps/' . $zoneId . '.png');
        imagecolordeallocate($tmp, $cbg);
        imagecolordeallocate($tmp, $cfg);
    $checkSourceDirs = function ($sub, &$missing = []) use($imgPath, $dbcPath, $paths, &$modeMask) {
        $hasMissing = false;
        foreach ($paths as $idx => $subDir) {
            if ($idx == 0 && !($modeMask & 0x16)) {
                // map related
            } else {
                if ($idx == 1 && !($modeMask & 0x1)) {
                    // talentBGs
                } else {
                    if ($idx == 2 && !($modeMask & 0x8)) {
                        // artwork
            $p = sprintf($imgPath, $sub) . $subDir;
            if (!CLISetup::fileExists($p)) {
                $hasMissing = true;
                $missing[] = $p;
        if ($modeMask & 0x17) {
            $p = sprintf($dbcPath, $sub);
            if (!CLISetup::fileExists($p)) {
                $hasMissing = true;
                $missing[] = $p;
        return !$hasMissing;
    // do not change order of params!
    if ($_ = FileGen::hasOpt('talentbgs', 'maps', 'spawn-maps', 'artwork', 'area-maps')) {
        $modeMask = $_;
    foreach (CLISetup::$expectedPaths as $xp => $__) {
        if ($xp) {
            // if in subDir add trailing slash
            $xp .= '/';
        if ($checkSourceDirs($xp, $missing)) {
            $locStr = $xp;
    // if no subdir had sufficient data, diaf
    if ($locStr === null) {
        CLISetup::log('one or more required directories are missing:', CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
        foreach ($missing as $m) {
            CLISetup::log(' - ' . $m, CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
    /* TalentTabs */
    if ($modeMask & 0x1) {
        if (CLISetup::writeDir($destDir . 'hunterpettalents/') && CLISetup::writeDir($destDir . 'talents/backgrounds/')) {
            // [classMask, creatureFamilyMask, tabNr, textureStr]
            $tTabs = DB::Aowow()->select('SELECT tt.creatureFamilyMask, tt.textureFile, tt.tabNumber, cc.fileString FROM dbc_talenttab tt LEFT JOIN dbc_chrclasses cc ON cc.Id = (LOG(2, tt.classMask) + 1)');
            $order = array(['-TopLeft', '-TopRight'], ['-BottomLeft', '-BottomRight']);
            if ($tTabs) {
                $sum = 0;
                $total = count($tTabs);
                CLISetup::log('Processing ' . $total . ' files from TalentFrame/ ...');
                foreach ($tTabs as $tt) {
                    ini_set('max_execution_time', 30);
                    // max 30sec per image (loading takes the most time)
                    $done = ' - ' . str_pad($sum . '/' . $total, 8) . str_pad('(' . number_format($sum * 100 / $total, 2) . '%)', 9);
                    if ($tt['creatureFamilyMask']) {
                        $size = [244, 364];
                        $name = $destDir . 'hunterpettalents/bg_' . (log($tt['creatureFamilyMask'], 2) + 1);
                    } else {
                        $size = [204, 554];
                        $name = $destDir . 'talents/backgrounds/' . strtolower($tt['fileString']) . '_' . ($tt['tabNumber'] + 1);
                    if (!isset(FileGen::$cliOpts['force']) && file_exists($name . '.jpg')) {
                        CLISetup::log($done . ' - file ' . $name . '.jpg was already processed');
                    $im = $assembleImage(sprintf($imgPath, $locStr) . 'TalentFrame/' . $tt['textureFile'], $order, 256 + 44, 256 + 75);
                    if (!$im) {
                        CLISetup::log(' - could not assemble file ' . $tt['textureFile'], CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
                    if (!$writeImage($name, 'jpg', $im, $size[0], $size[1], $done)) {
                        $success = false;
            } else {
                $success = false;
            ini_set('max_execution_time', $runTime);
        } else {
            $success = false;
    /* Worldmap */
    if ($modeMask & 0x16) {
        $mapDirs = array(['maps/%snormal/', 'jpg', 488, 325], ['maps/%soriginal/', 'jpg', 0, 0], ['maps/%ssmall/', 'jpg', 224, 163], ['maps/%szoom/', 'jpg', 772, 515]);
        // as the js expects them
        $baseLevelFix = array(4264 => 1, 4265 => 1, 4415 => 1, 4416 => 1, 4493 => 0, 4500 => 1, 4603 => 1, 4723 => 1, 4809 => 1, 4813 => 1, 4820 => 1, 717 => 1, 3713 => 1, 2437 => 1, 3716 => 1, 3847 => 1, 718 => 1, 3717 => 1, 3714 => 1, 3562 => 1, 722 => 1, 491 => 1, 3792 => 1, 3789 => 1, 1477 => 1, 3959 => 0, 3845 => 1, 2717 => 1, 3923 => 1, 3607 => 1, 3836 => 1, 2159 => 1, 4075 => 0);
        $wmo = DB::Aowow()->select('SELECT *, worldMapAreaId AS ARRAY_KEY, Id AS ARRAY_KEY2 FROM dbc_worldmapoverlay WHERE textureString <> ""');
        $wma = DB::Aowow()->select('SELECT * FROM dbc_worldmaparea');
        if (!$wma || !$wmo) {
            $success = false;
            CLISetup::log(' - could not read required dbc files: WorldMapArea.dbc [' . count($wma) . ' entries]; WorldMapOverlay.dbc  [' . count($wmo) . ' entries]', CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
        // fixups...
        foreach ($wma as &$a) {
            if ($a['areaId']) {
            switch ($a['Id']) {
                case 13:
                    $a['areaId'] = -6;
                    // Kalimdor
                // Kalimdor
                case 14:
                    $a['areaId'] = -3;
                    // Eastern Kingdoms
                // Eastern Kingdoms
                case 466:
                    $a['areaId'] = -2;
                    // Outland
                // Outland
                case 485:
                    $a['areaId'] = -5;
                    // Northrend
        array_unshift($wma, ['Id' => -1, 'areaId' => -1, 'nameINT' => 'World'], ['Id' => -4, 'areaId' => -4, 'nameINT' => 'Cosmic']);
        $sumMaps = count(CLISetup::$localeIds) * count($wma);
        CLISetup::log('Processing ' . $sumMaps . ' files from WorldMap/ ...');
        foreach (CLISetup::$localeIds as $progressLoc => $l) {
            // create destination directories
            $dirError = false;
            foreach ($mapDirs as $md) {
                if (!CLISetup::writeDir($destDir . sprintf($md[0], strtolower(Util::$localeStrings[$l]) . '/'))) {
                    $dirError = true;
            if ($modeMask & 0x4) {
                if (!CLISetup::writeDir('setup/generated/alphaMaps')) {
                    $dirError = true;
            if ($dirError) {
                $success = false;
                CLISetup::log(' - complexImg: could not create map directories for locale ' . $l . '. skipping...', CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
            // source for mapFiles
            $mapSrcDir = null;
            $locDirs = array_filter(CLISetup::$expectedPaths, function ($var) use($l) {
                return !$var || $var == $l;
            foreach ($locDirs as $mapLoc => $__) {
                if ($mapLoc) {
                    // and trailing slash again
                    $mapLoc .= '/';
                $p = sprintf($imgPath, $mapLoc) . $paths[0];
                if (CLISetup::fileExists($p)) {
                    CLISetup::log(' - using files from ' . ($mapLoc ?: '/') . ' for locale ' . Util::$localeStrings[$l], CLISetup::LOG_WARN);
                    $mapSrcDir = $p . '/';
            if ($mapSrcDir === null) {
                $success = false;
                CLISetup::log(' - no suitable localized map files found for locale ' . $l, CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
            foreach ($wma as $progressArea => $areaEntry) {
                $curMap = $progressArea + count($wma) * $progressLoc;
                $progress = ' - ' . str_pad($curMap . '/' . $sumMaps, 10) . str_pad('(' . number_format($curMap * 100 / $sumMaps, 2) . '%)', 9);
                $wmaId = $areaEntry['Id'];
                $zoneId = $areaEntry['areaId'];
                $textureStr = $areaEntry['nameINT'];
                $path = $mapSrcDir . $textureStr;
                if (!CLISetup::fileExists($path)) {
                    $success = false;
                    CLISetup::log('worldmap file ' . $path . ' missing for selected locale ' . Util::$localeStrings[$l], CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
                $fmt = array([1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12]);
                CLISetup::log($textureStr . " [" . $zoneId . "]");
                $overlay = $createAlphaImage($mapWidth, $mapHeight);
                // zone has overlays (is in open world; is not multiLeveled)
                if (isset($wmo[$wmaId])) {
                    CLISetup::log(' - area has ' . count($wmo[$wmaId]) . ' overlays');
                    foreach ($wmo[$wmaId] as &$row) {
                        $i = 1;
                        $y = 0;
                        while ($y < $row['h']) {
                            $x = 0;
                            while ($x < $row['w']) {
                                $img = $loadImageFile($path . '/' . $row['textureString'] . $i);
                                if (!$img) {
                                    CLISetup::log(' - complexImg: tile ' . $path . '/' . $row['textureString'] . $i . '.blp missing.', CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
                                    break 2;
                                imagecopy($overlay, $img, $row['x'] + $x, $row['y'] + $y, 0, 0, imagesx($img), imagesy($img));
                                // prepare subzone image
                                if ($modeMask & 0x10) {
                                    if (!isset($row['maskimage'])) {
                                        $row['maskimage'] = $createAlphaImage($row['w'], $row['h']);
                                        $row['maskcolor'] = imagecolorallocatealpha($row['maskimage'], 255, 64, 192, 64);
                                    for ($my = 0; $my < imagesy($img); $my++) {
                                        for ($mx = 0; $mx < imagesx($img); $mx++) {
                                            if (imagecolorat($img, $mx, $my) >> 24 < $threshold) {
                                                imagesetpixel($row['maskimage'], $x + $mx, $y + $my, $row['maskcolor']);
                                $x += 256;
                            $y += 256;
                    // create spawn-maps if wanted
                    if ($modeMask & 0x4) {
                        $createSpawnMap($overlay, $zoneId);
                // check, if the current zone is multiLeveled
                // if there are also files present without layer-suffix assume them as layer: 0
                $multiLeveled = false;
                $multiLevel = 0;
                do {
                    if (!CLISetup::filesInPath('/' . $textureStr . '\\/' . $textureStr . ($multiLevel + 1) . '_\\d\\.blp/i', true)) {
                    $multiLeveled = true;
                } while ($multiLevel < 18);
                // Karazhan has 17 frickin floors
                // check if we can create base map anyway
                $file = $path . '/' . $textureStr . '1.blp';
                $hasBaseMap = CLISetup::fileExists($file);
                CLISetup::log(' - area has ' . ($multiLeveled ? $multiLevel . ' levels' : 'only base level'));
                $map = null;
                for ($i = 0; $i <= $multiLevel; $i++) {
                    ini_set('max_execution_time', 120);
                    // max 120sec per image
                    $file = $path . '/' . $textureStr;
                    if (!$i && !$hasBaseMap) {
                    // if $multiLeveled also suffix -0 to baseMap if it exists
                    if ($i && $multiLeveled) {
                        $file .= $i . '_';
                    $doSkip = 0x0;
                    $outFile = [];
                    foreach ($mapDirs as $idx => $info) {
                        $outFile[$idx] = $destDir . sprintf($info[0], strtolower(Util::$localeStrings[$l]) . '/') . $zoneId;
                        $floor = $i;
                        if ($zoneId == 4100) {
                            // ToCStratholme: map order fix
                            $floor += 1;
                        if ($multiLeveled && !(isset($baseLevelFix[$zoneId]) && $i == $baseLevelFix[$zoneId])) {
                            $outFile[$idx] .= '-' . $floor;
                        if (!isset(FileGen::$cliOpts['force']) && file_exists($outFile[$idx] . '.' . $info[1])) {
                            CLISetup::log($progress . ' - file ' . $outFile[$idx] . '.' . $info[1] . ' was already processed');
                            $doSkip |= 1 << $idx;
                    if ($doSkip == 0xf) {
                    $map = $assembleImage($file, $fmt, $mapWidth, $mapHeight);
                    if (!$map) {
                        $success = false;
                        CLISetup::log(' - could not create image resource for map ' . $zoneId . ($multiLevel ? ' level ' . $i : ''));
                    if (!$multiLeveled) {
                        imagecopymerge($map, $overlay, 0, 0, 0, 0, imagesx($overlay), imagesy($overlay), 100);
                    // create map
                    if ($modeMask & 0x2) {
                        foreach ($mapDirs as $idx => $info) {
                            if ($doSkip & 1 << $idx) {
                            if (!$writeImage($outFile[$idx], $info[1], $map, $info[2] ?: $mapWidth, $info[3] ?: $mapHeight, $progress)) {
                                $success = false;
                // also create subzone-maps
                if ($map && isset($wmo[$wmaId]) && $modeMask & 0x10) {
                    foreach ($wmo[$wmaId] as &$row) {
                        $doSkip = 0x0;
                        $outFile = [];
                        foreach ($mapDirs as $idx => $info) {
                            $outFile[$idx] = $destDir . sprintf($info[0], strtolower(Util::$localeStrings[$l]) . '/') . $row['areaTableId'];
                            if (!isset(FileGen::$cliOpts['force']) && file_exists($outFile[$idx] . '.' . $info[1])) {
                                CLISetup::log($progress . ' - file ' . $outFile[$idx] . '.' . $info[1] . ' was already processed');
                                $doSkip |= 1 << $idx;
                        if ($doSkip == 0xf) {
                        $subZone = imagecreatetruecolor($mapWidth, $mapHeight);
                        imagecopy($subZone, $map, 0, 0, 0, 0, imagesx($map), imagesy($map));
                        imagecopy($subZone, $row['maskimage'], $row['x'], $row['y'], 0, 0, imagesx($row['maskimage']), imagesy($row['maskimage']));
                        foreach ($mapDirs as $idx => $info) {
                            if ($doSkip & 1 << $idx) {
                            if (!$writeImage($outFile[$idx], $info[1], $subZone, $info[2] ?: $mapWidth, $info[3] ?: $mapHeight, $progress)) {
                                $success = false;
                if ($map) {
    /* Credits */
    if ($modeMask & 0x8) {
        if (CLISetup::writeDir($destDir . 'Interface/Glues/Credits/')) {
            // tile ordering
            $order = array(1 => array([1]), 2 => array([1], [2]), 4 => array([1, 2], [3, 4]), 6 => array([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]), 8 => array([1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]));
            $imgGroups = [];
            $srcPath = sprintf($imgPath, $locStr) . 'Glues/Credits/';
            $files = CLISetup::filesInPath($srcPath);
            foreach ($files as $f) {
                if (preg_match('/([^\\/]+)(\\d).blp/i', $f, $m)) {
                    if ($m[1] && $m[2]) {
                        if (!isset($imgGroups[$m[1]])) {
                            $imgGroups[$m[1]] = $m[2];
                        } else {
                            if ($imgGroups[$m[1]] < $m[2]) {
                                $imgGroups[$m[1]] = $m[2];
            // errör-korrekt
            $imgGroups['Desolace'] = 4;
            $imgGroups['BloodElf_Female'] = 6;
            $total = count($imgGroups);
            $sum = 0;
            CLISetup::log('Processing ' . $total . ' files from Glues/Credits/...');
            foreach ($imgGroups as $file => $fmt) {
                ini_set('max_execution_time', 30);
                // max 30sec per image (loading takes the most time)
                $done = ' - ' . str_pad($sum . '/' . $total, 8) . str_pad('(' . number_format($sum * 100 / $total, 2) . '%)', 9);
                $name = $destDir . 'Interface/Glues/Credits/' . $file;
                if (!isset(FileGen::$cliOpts['force']) && file_exists($name . '.png')) {
                    CLISetup::log($done . ' - file ' . $name . '.png was already processed');
                if (!isset($order[$fmt])) {
                    CLISetup::log(' - pattern for file ' . $name . ' not set. skipping', CLISetup::LOG_WARN);
                $im = $assembleImage($srcPath . $file, $order[$fmt], count($order[$fmt][0]) * 256, count($order[$fmt]) * 256);
                if (!$im) {
                    CLISetup::log(' - could not assemble file ' . $name, CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
                if (!$writeImage($name, 'png', $im, count($order[$fmt][0]) * 256, count($order[$fmt]) * 256, $done)) {
                    $success = false;
            ini_set('max_execution_time', $runTime);
        } else {
            $success = false;
    return $success;