Exemplo n.º 1
 public function execute($parameters, $db)
     $commands = array();
     $dir = __DIR__;
     if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
         while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
             if ($entry != "." && $entry != ".." && $entry != "base.php" && $entry != "cli_methods.php") {
                 $s1 = explode("cli_", $entry);
                 $s2 = explode(".php", $s1[1]);
                 if (sizeof($s2) == 2) {
                     require_once "{$dir}/{$entry}";
                     $command = $s2[0];
                     $className = "cli_{$command}";
                     $class = new $className();
                     if (is_a($class, "cliCommand")) {
                         $commands[] = $command;
     CLI::out("|g|Commands available: |n|" . implode(", ", $commands));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function execute($parameters, $db)
     global $base;
     if (sizeof($parameters) == 0 || $parameters[0] == "") {
         CLI::out("Usage: |g|help <command>|n| To see a list of commands, use: |g|list", true);
     $command = $parameters[0];
     switch ($command) {
         case "all":
             // Cleanup old sessions
             $db->execute("delete from zz_users_sessions where validTill < now()");
             $killsLastHour = $db->queryField("select count(*) count from zz_killmails where insertTime > date_sub(now(), interval 1 hour)", "count");
             Storage::store("KillsLastHour", $killsLastHour);
             $db->execute("delete from zz_analytics where dttm < date_sub(now(), interval 24 hour)");
             $fc = new FileCache("{$base}/cache/queryCache/");
         case "killsLastHour":
             $killsLastHour = $db->queryField("select count(*) count from zz_killmails where insertTime > date_sub(now(), interval 1 hour)", "count");
             Storage::store("KillsLastHour", $killsLastHour);
         case "fileCacheClean":
             $fc = new FileCache();
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function execute($parameters, $db)
     // Fix unknown group ID's
     $result = $db->query("select distinct killID from zz_participants where groupID != vGroupID and isVictim = 1 limit 1", array(), 0);
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $killID = $row["killID"];
         $shipTypeID = $db->queryField("select shipTypeID from zz_participants where killID = {$killID} and isVictim = 1", "shipTypeID");
         if ($shipTypeID == 0) {
         $groupID = Info::getGroupID($shipTypeID);
         echo "Updating {$killID} to {$groupID}\n";
         $db->execute("update zz_participants set vGroupID = {$groupID} where killID = {$killID}");
     CLI::out(sizeof($result) . " done!", true);
 public function execute($parameters, $db)
     if (sizeof($parameters) == 0 || $parameters[0] == "") {
         CLI::out("Usage: |g|recentStatsAndRanks <type>|n| To see a list of commands, use: |g|methods calculateAllTimeStatsAndRanks", true);
     $command = $parameters[0];
     switch ($command) {
         case "all":
         case "ranks":
         case "stats":
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function execute($parameters, $db)
     if (sizeof($parameters) == 0 || $parameters[0] == "") {
         CLI::out("Usage: |g|help <command>|n| To see a list of commands, use: |g|list", true);
     $command = $parameters[0];
     $base = __DIR__;
     $fileName = "{$base}/cli_{$command}.php";
     if (!file_exists($fileName)) {
         CLI::out("|r|Error running {$command}|n|. Please use list to show all commands, or help <command> to see information on how to use the command", true);
     require_once $fileName;
     $className = "cli_{$command}";
     $class = new $className();
     if (!is_a($class, "cliCommand")) {
         CLI::out("|r| Module {$command} does not implement interface cliCommand", true);
     $descr = $class->getDescription();
     CLI::out("|g|{$command}:|n| {$descr}");
  * Creates a json file of ships to be used on the star map page
  * @return [type] [description]
 public function generateShipDataFile($db)
     CLI::out('|g|Loading ships|n|');
     //get a list of all the published ships
     $ships_results = $db->query('SELECT ccp_invTypes.typeID, typeName, groupName, COALESCE(valueInt, valueFloat) AS metaLevel FROM ccp_invTypes INNER JOIN ccp_invGroups ON ccp_invGroups.groupID = ccp_invTypes.groupID INNER JOIN ccp_dgmTypeAttributes ON ccp_dgmTypeAttributes.typeID = ccp_invTypes.typeID AND ccp_dgmTypeAttributes.attributeID = 633 WHERE (categoryID IN (6, 23, 40) AND ccp_invTypes.published = 1 AND ccp_invGroups.published = 1 OR ccp_invTypes.groupID = 29)');
     $ships = array();
     foreach ($ships_results as $ship) {
         $ships[$ship['typeID']] = array('name' => $ship['typeName'], 'group' => strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', $ship['groupName'])), 'meta' => $this->meta_names[$ship['metaLevel']]);
     //create the new file asset
     $this->writeStaticData('starmap-ships', $ships);
 public function execute($parameters, $db)
     if (Util::isMaintenanceMode()) {
     @($apiRowID = $parameters[0]);
     $notRecentKillID = Storage::retrieve("notRecentKillID", 0);
     $apiRow = $db->queryRow("select * from zz_api_characters where apiRowID = :id", array(":id" => $apiRowID), 0);
     $maxKillID = $apiRow["maxKillID"];
     $beforeKillID = 0;
     if (!$apiRow) {
         CLI::out("|r|No such apiRowID: {$apiRowID}", true);
     $keyID = trim($apiRow["keyID"]);
     $vCode = $db->queryField("select vCode from zz_api where keyID = :keyID", "vCode", array(":keyID" => $keyID));
     $isDirector = $apiRow["isDirector"];
     $charID = $apiRow["characterID"];
     if ($keyID == "" || $vCode == "") {
         die("no keyID or vCode");
     $pheal = null;
     try {
         do {
             $pheal = Util::getPheal($keyID, $vCode);
             $charCorp = $isDirector == "T" ? 'corp' : 'char';
             $pheal->scope = $charCorp;
             $result = null;
             // Update last checked
             $db->execute("update zz_api_characters set errorCode = 0, lastChecked = now() where apiRowID = :id", array(":id" => $apiRowID));
             $params = array();
             if ($isDirector != "T") {
                 $params['characterID'] = $charID;
             if ($beforeKillID > 0) {
                 $params['beforeKillID'] = $beforeKillID;
             if ($isDirector == "T") {
                 $result = $pheal->KillMails($params);
             } else {
                 $result = $pheal->KillMails($params);
             $cachedUntil = $result->cached_until;
             if ($cachedUntil == "" || !$cachedUntil) {
                 $cachedUntil = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() + 3600);
             $db->execute("UPDATE zz_api_characters SET cachedUntil = :cachedUntil, errorCount = 0, errorCode = 0 WHERE apiRowID = :id", array(":id" => $apiRowID, ":cachedUntil" => $cachedUntil));
             $keyID = trim($keyID);
             $file = "/var/killboard/zkb_killlogs/{$keyID}_{$charID}_{$beforeKillID}.xml";
             $aff = Api::processRawApi($keyID, $charID, $result);
             if ($aff > 0) {
                 $keyID = "{$keyID}";
                 while (strlen($keyID) < 8) {
                     $keyID = " " . $keyID;
                 Log::log("KeyID: {$keyID} ({$charCorp}) added {$aff} kill" . ($aff == 1 ? "" : "s"));
             $beforeKillID = 0;
             foreach ($result->kills as $kill) {
                 $killID = $kill->killID;
                 if ($beforeKillID == 0) {
                     $beforeKillID = $killID;
                 } else {
                     $beforeKillID = min($beforeKillID, $killID);
             if ($beforeKillID < $notRecentKillID) {
                 $db->execute("update zz_api_characters set cachedUntil = date_add(cachedUntil, interval 2 hour) where apiRowID = :id", array(":id" => $apiRowID));
             $hour = date("H");
             if ($hour >= 12 && $hour <= 15) {
                 @error_log($pheal->xml, 3, $file);
             } else {
                 if ($aff > 0) {
                     @error_log($pheal->xml, 3, $file);
         } while ($aff > 25 || $beforeKillID > 0 && $maxKillID == 0);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errorCode = $ex->getCode();
         $db->execute("update zz_api_characters set cachedUntil = date_add(now(), interval 1 hour), errorCount = errorCount + 1, errorCode = :code where apiRowID = :id", array(":id" => $apiRowID, ":code" => $errorCode));
         switch ($errorCode) {
             case 119:
             case 120:
                 // Don't log it
             case 201:
                 // Character does not belong to account.
             // Character does not belong to account.
             case 222:
                 // API has expired
             // API has expired
             case 221:
                 // Invalid access, delete the toon from the char list until later re-verification
             // Invalid access, delete the toon from the char list until later re-verification
             case 220:
                 // Invalid Corporation Key. Key owner does not fullfill role requirements anymore.
             // Invalid Corporation Key. Key owner does not fullfill role requirements anymore.
             case 403:
                 // New error code for invalid API
                 $db->execute("delete from zz_api_characters where apiRowID = :id", array(":id" => $apiRowID));
             case 1001:
                 $db->execute("update zz_api_characters set cachedUntil = date_add(now(), interval 10 minute) where apiRowID = :id", array(":id" => $apiRowID));
                 Log::log($keyID . " " . $ex->getCode() . " " . $ex->getMessage());
 private static function stats($db)
     CLI::out("|g|Stats calculation started");
     $db->execute("set session wait_timeout = 600");
     // Fix unknown group ID's
     echo "Updating groups...\n";
     $result = $db->query("select distinct shipTypeID from zz_participants where groupID = 0 and shipTypeID != 0");
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $shipTypeID = $row["shipTypeID"];
         $groupID = Info::getGroupID($shipTypeID);
         if ($groupID == null) {
             $groupID = 0;
         if ($groupID == 0) {
         echo "Updating {$shipTypeID} to {$groupID}\n";
         $db->execute("update zz_participants set groupID = {$groupID} where groupID = 0 and shipTypeID = {$shipTypeID}");
     echo "Finished updating groups...\n";
     $db->execute("create table if not exists zz_stats_recent like zz_stats");
     $db->execute("truncate zz_stats_recent");
     try {
         self::recalc('faction', 'factionID', true, $db);
         self::recalc('alli', 'allianceID', true, $db);
         self::recalc('corp', 'corporationID', true, $db);
         self::recalc('pilot', 'characterID', true, $db);
         self::recalc('group', 'groupID', true, $db);
         self::recalc('ship', 'shipTypeID', true, $db);
         self::recalc('system', 'solarSystemID', false, $db);
         self::recalc('region', 'regionID', false, $db);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function execute($parameters, $db)
     CLI::out("Priming the cache");
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function execute($parameters, $db)
     if (Util::isMaintenanceMode()) {
     $totalCount = 0;
     $data = "";
     // Build the feeds from Admin's tracker list
     $adminID = Db::queryField("select id from zz_users where username = '******'", "id", array());
     $trackers = Db::query("select locker, content from zz_users_config where locker like 'tracker_%' and id = :id", array(":id" => $adminID), 0);
     $feeds = array();
     foreach ($trackers as $row) {
         $entityType = str_replace("tracker_", "", $row["locker"]);
         $entities = json_decode($row["content"], true);
         foreach ($entities as $entity) {
             $id = (int) $entity["id"];
             $feed = array();
             $feed["id"] = $id;
             $feed["entityType"] = $entityType;
             $locker = "feed.{$entityType}.{$id}.lastFetchTime";
             $dontFetchThis = $db->queryField("select count(*) count from zz_users_config where locker = :locker and id = :adminID and content >= date_sub(now(), interval 1 hour)", "count", array(":locker" => $locker, ":adminID" => $adminID), 0);
             if ($dontFetchThis) {
             $locker = "feed.{$entityType}.{$id}.lastKillTime";
             $lastKillTime = $db->queryField("select content from zz_users_config where locker = :locker and id = :adminID", "content", array(":locker" => $locker, ":adminID" => $adminID), 0);
             if ($lastKillTime == "") {
                 $lastKillTime = null;
             $feed["lastKillTime"] = $lastKillTime;
             $feed["url"] = "https://zkillboard.com/api/{$entityType}ID/{$id}/";
             $feeds[] = $feed;
     if (sizeof($feeds) == 0) {
     // Nothing to fetch...
     foreach ($feeds as $feed) {
         $id = $feed["id"];
         $baseurl = $feed["url"];
         $entityType = $feed["entityType"];
         CLI::out("Fetching for |g|{$baseurl}|n|");
         $lastKillTime = $feed["lastKillTime"];
         do {
             $insertCount = 0;
             $url = "{$baseurl}orderDirection/asc/";
             if ($lastKillTime != null && $lastKillTime != 0) {
                 $url .= "startTime/" . preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $lastKillTime) . "/";
             $fetchedData = self::fetchUrl($url);
             if ($fetchedData == "") {
                 CLI::out("|r|Remote server returned an invalid response, moving along after 15 seconds...|n|");
             $data = json_decode($fetchedData);
             $insertCount = 0;
             foreach ($data as $kill) {
                 if (isset($kill->_stringValue)) {
                 if ($kill == "") {
                 $hash = Util::getKillHash(null, $kill);
                 $json = json_encode($kill);
                 $killID = $kill->killID;
                 $source = "zKB Feed Fetch";
                 $lastKillTime = $kill->killTime;
                 //echo "$killID $lastKillTime\n";
                 $insertCount += $db->execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO zz_killmails (killID, hash, source, kill_json) VALUES (:killID, :hash, :source, :kill_json)", array(":killID" => $killID, ":hash" => $hash, ":source" => $source, ":kill_json" => $json));
             $locker = "feed.{$entityType}.{$id}.lastKillTime";
             $db->execute("replace into zz_users_config values (:adminID, :locker, :content)", array(":adminID" => $adminID, ":locker" => $locker, ":content" => $lastKillTime));
             $locker = "feed.{$entityType}.{$id}.lastFetchTime";
             $db->execute("replace into zz_users_config values (:adminID, :locker, now())", array(":adminID" => $adminID, ":locker" => $locker));
             $totalCount += $insertCount;
             CLI::out("Inserted |g|{$insertCount}|n|/|g|" . sizeof($data) . "|n| kills...");
             Log::log("Inserted {$insertCount} new kills from {$url}");
         } while ($insertCount > 0 || sizeof($data) >= 50);
     if ($totalCount > 0) {
         CLI::out("Inserted a total of |g|" . number_format($totalCount, 0) . "|n| kills.");
Exemplo n.º 11
 public function execute($parameters, $db)
     if (sizeof($parameters) == 0 || $parameters[0] == "") {
         CLI::out("Usage: |g|help <command>|n| To see a list of commands, use: |g|list", true);
     $command = $parameters[0];
     switch ($command) {
         case "add":
             if (isset($parameters[1])) {
                 $url = $parameters[1];
             } else {
                 $validTypes = array("pilot", "corp", "alliance");
                 CLI::out("|g|You are now adding a feed with the quick feed creator(TM), if you already have a feed you want to add, use add <feed> instead.|n|");
                 $ekid = CLI::prompt("Do you have the EVE-KILL ID for the entity you want to add?", "yes");
                 if ($ekid != "yes" && $ekid != "no") {
                     CLI::out("|r|Error, call type is not supported. Please retry|n|");
                     goto retryekid;
                 if ($ekid == "no") {
                     $validTypes = array("pilotname", "corpname", "alliancename");
                 CLI::out("|g|Valid calls:|n| " . implode(", ", $validTypes));
                 $type = CLI::prompt("Type of call. |g|(Refer to the above list)|n|");
                 if (!in_array($type, $validTypes)) {
                     CLI::out("|r|Error, call type is not supported. Please retry|n|");
                     goto retryCall;
                 if ($ekid == "yes") {
                     $nameID = CLI::prompt("ID of entity you wish to add");
                 } else {
                     $nameID = urlencode(CLI::prompt("Name of the entity you with to add"));
                 $all = CLI::prompt("All Kills?", "yes");
                 if ($all != "yes" && $all != "no") {
                     CLI::out("|r|Error, call type is not supported. Please retry|n|");
                     goto retryApi;
                 $apiOnly = null;
                 if ($all == "yes") {
                     $apiOnly = "&allkills";
                 $domain = CLI::prompt("Enter URL of the killboard you're fetching from. |g|Ex. eve-kill.net|n|", "eve-kill.net");
                 $url = "http://{$domain}/?a=idfeed&{$type}={$nameID}{$apiOnly}";
             if (filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
                 $db->execute("INSERT INTO zz_feeds (url, edkStyle) VALUES (:url, 1)", array(":url" => $url));
                 CLI::out("Now inserting |g|{$url}|n| to the database.", true);
             } else {
                 CLI::out("|r|Invalid URL, please try again|n|", true);
         case "remove":
             $id = NULL;
             if (isset($parameters[1])) {
                 $id = $parameters[1];
             if (is_null($id)) {
                 CLI::out("Please refer to feed list to show all the feeds you have added to your board. To remove one, use: |g|feed remove <id>|n|");
             } elseif (!is_numeric($id)) {
                 CLI::out("|r|ID needs to be an int..|n|");
             } else {
                 $url = $db->queryField("SELECT url FROM zz_feeds WHERE id = :id AND edkStyle = 1", "url", array(":id" => $id));
                 if (is_null($url)) {
                     CLI::out("|r|Feed is already removed.", true);
                 CLI::out("Removing feed: |g|{$url}");
                 $db->execute("DELETE FROM zz_feeds WHERE id = :id", array(":id" => $id));
         case "list":
             $list = $db->query("SELECT * FROM zz_feeds WHERE edkStyle = 1");
             foreach ($list as $url) {
                 CLI::out($url["id"] . "::|g|" . $url["url"]);
         case "fetch":
             CLI::out("|g|Initiating feed fetching|n|");
             $doSleep = false;
             $size = 1;
             $count = 1;
             $feeds = $db->query("SELECT id, url, lastFetchTime FROM zz_feeds WHERE edkStyle IS true", array(), 0);
             if (sizeof($feeds) > 1) {
                 $doSleep = true;
                 $size = sizeof($feeds);
             foreach ($feeds as $feed) {
                 $url = $feed["url"];
                 $lastFetchTime = strtotime($feed["lastFetchTime"]) + 600;
                 $currentTime = time();
                 $insertCount = 0;
                 if ($lastFetchTime <= $currentTime) {
                     CLI::out("Fetching from |g|{$url}|n|");
                     try {
                         $data = self::fetchUrl($url);
                         $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($data, null, false, "", false);
                         $result = new \Pheal\Core\Result($xml);
                         $insertCount = self::processAPI($result, $db);
                         $db->execute("UPDATE zz_feeds SET lastFetchTime = :time WHERE url = :url", array(":time" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), ":url" => $url));
                         if ($insertCount > 0) {
                             CLI::out("Inserted |g|{$insertCount}|n| new kills from |g|{$url}|n|");
                             Log::log("Inserted {$insertCount} new kills from {$url}");
                         } else {
                             CLI::out("No new kills from |r|{$url}|n|");
                     } catch (Exception $ex) {
                         CLI::out("|r|Error with {$url}: " . $ex->getMessage());
                     if ($doSleep && $size != $count) {
                         CLI::out("|g|Sleeping for 10 seconds|n| before fetching another url.. (Otherwise we're hammering..)");
                         // yes yes, 10 seconds of sleeping, what?! this is only here to stop hammering. Feel free to hammer tho by commenting this, but you'll just get banned..
Exemplo n.º 12
function listCommands()
    $commands = array();
    $dir = __DIR__ . "/cli/";
    if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
        while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
            if ($entry != "." && $entry != ".." && $entry != "base.php" && $entry != "cli_methods.php") {
                $s1 = explode("cli_", $entry);
                $s2 = explode(".php", @$s1[1]);
                if (sizeof($s2) == 2) {
                    require_once "{$dir}/{$entry}";
                    $command = $s2[0];
                    $className = "cli_{$command}";
                    $class = new $className();
                    if (is_a($class, "cliCommand")) {
                        $commands[] = $command;
    CLI::out(implode(" ", $commands), true);