Exemplo n.º 1
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 protected function enableAction()
     // Initializing!
     $model = $this->model;
     $cjtWebServer = cssJSToolbox::getCJTWebSiteURL();
     $extensions =& CJTPlugin::getInstance()->extensions();
     // Get all CJT-Plugins (Include CJT Plugin itself + all its extensions) that has activate
     // license key!
     $activeLicenses = $model->getStatedLicenses();
     // Activate Automatic upgrade for all activated licenses/components!
     foreach ($activeLicenses as $name => $state) {
         // Get extension def doc.
         // Act only if extension has XMl DOC! This might happened i fthe extension
         // removed while its key still in the database
         if ($extDef = $extensions->getDefDoc(dirname($state['component']['pluginBase']))) {
             // Check CJT Server only if updateSrc points to Wordpress Repository
             $updateSrcServer = (string) $extDef->license->attributes()->updateSrc;
             if (!$updateSrcServer || $updateSrcServer == 'CJT') {
                 // Initializingn vars for a single state/component!
                 $pluginFile = ABSPATH . PLUGINDIR . '/' . $state['component']['pluginBase'];
                 $license =& $state['license'];
                 // Set EDD Automatic Updater!
                 try {
                     CJTStoreUpdate::autoUpgrade($name, $license['key'], $pluginFile);
                 } catch (CJTServicesAPICallException $exception) {
                     die('CJT AUTO-UPGRADE EXCAPTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!');
Exemplo n.º 2
  * put your comment there...
 protected function enableAction()
     // Initializing!
     $model = $this->model;
     $cjtWebServer = cssJSToolbox::getCJTWebSiteURL();
     $extensions =& CJTPlugin::getInstance()->extensions();
     // Get all CJT-Plugins (Include CJT Plugin itself + all its extensions) that has activate
     // license key!
     $activeLicenses = $model->getStatedLicenses();
     // Import EDD updater Class!
     // Activate Automatic upgrade for all activated licenses/components!
     foreach ($activeLicenses as $name => $state) {
         // Get extension def doc.
         // Act only if extension has XMl DOC! This might happened i fthe extension
         // removed while its key still in the database
         if ($extDef = $extensions->getDefDoc(dirname($state['component']['pluginBase']))) {
             // Check CJT Server only if updateSrc points to Wordpress Repository
             $updateSrcServer = (string) $extDef->license->attributes()->updateSrc;
             if (!$updateSrcServer || $updateSrcServer == 'CJT') {
                 // Initializingn vars for a single state/component!
                 $pluginFile = ABSPATH . PLUGINDIR . '/' . $state['component']['pluginBase'];
                 // Stop using Cached Data as it causes issue, always
                 // get fresh plugin data.
                 $plugin = get_plugin_data($pluginFile);
                 $license =& $state['license'];
                 // Edd API parameter to be send along with he check!
                 $requestParams = array('version' => $plugin['Version'], 'author' => $plugin['AuthorName'], 'license' => $license['key'], 'item_name' => $name);
                 // Set EDD Automatic Updater!
                 $updated = new CJT_EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater($cjtWebServer, $pluginFile, $requestParams);
  * put your comment there...
 public function route($loadView = null, $request = null)
     // Initializing!
     $controller = false;
     // Controllers allowed to be Loaded if not installed
     $notInstalledAllowedControllers = array('installer', 'setup');
     // Veil access point unless CJT installed or the controller is installer (to allow instalaltion throught AJAX)!
     if (CJTPlugin::getInstance()->isInstalled() || in_array($this->controllerName, $notInstalledAllowedControllers)) {
         // Connected!
         // IF Module-Prefix passed THEN Point to correct Controller path
         if (isset($_REQUEST['cjtajaxmodule'])) {
             # try to get module associated to passed module
             $accessPointClassLoader = CJT_Framework_Autoload_Loader::autoLoad($_REQUEST['cjtajaxmodule']);
             if ($accessPointClassLoader) {
                 $this->overrideControllersPath = $accessPointClassLoader->getPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'controllers';
                 $this->overrideControllersPrefix = $accessPointClassLoader->getPrefix();
         // Instantiate controller.
         $controller = parent::route($loadView, $request);
         // Dispatch the call as its originally requested from ajax action!
         $action = "wp_ajax_{$this->pageId}_{$_REQUEST['CJTAjaxAction']}";
         // Fire Ajax action.
     return $controller;
  * put your comment there...
 protected function doListen()
     // If not installed and not in manage page display admin notice!
     if (!CJTPlugin::getInstance()->isInstalled() && $this->hasAccess()) {
         add_action('admin_notices', array(&$this, 'notInstalledAdminNotice'));
Exemplo n.º 5
  * put your comment there...
 protected function doListen()
     // Only if installed!
     if (CJTPlugin::getInstance()->isInstalled()) {
         // Don't bother doing this stuff if the current user lacks permissions
         if ((current_user_can('edit_posts') || current_user_can('edit_pages')) && get_user_option('rich_editing') == 'true') {
             add_filter('mce_external_plugins', array($this, 'registerButton'));
  * put your comment there...
 public function main()
     // Run the coupling only if installed!
     if (CJTPlugin::getInstance()->isInstalled()) {
         $this->controllerName = 'blocks-coupling';
     // Run all the aother access points!
Exemplo n.º 7
  * put your comment there...
 public function getPage()
     // If not installed always run the installer.
     if (!CJTPlugin::getInstance()->isInstalled()) {
         $installedAccessPoint = CJTPlugin::getInstance()->getAccessPoint('installer');
         // Redirect menu call back to the installer access point!
         $this->controller = $installedAccessPoint->installationPage();
         // Stop not installed admin notice!
     } else {
         // If installed work like a pages proxy!
         // Set as the connected object!
         // Process the request!
  * put your comment there...
  * @param mixed $postType
  * @param mixed $post
 public function postsMetabox($postType, $post)
     // Initialize.
     $controller = false;
     // Veil access point unless CJT installed!
     if (CJTPlugin::getInstance()->isInstalled()) {
         // Only if permitted!
         if ($this->hasAccess()) {
             // Set as connected object!
             // Load metabox controller!
             $this->controllerName = 'metabox';
             // Standarize calling the controller with Ajax requests!
             // Ajax uses 'post' parameter as postId!
             $post = $post->ID;
             // Dispatch controller!
             $controller = $this->route(null, compact('postType', 'post'));
     return $controller;
Exemplo n.º 9
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  * @param mixed $tpl
 public function display($tpl = null)
     // Get model object!
     $model = $this->getModel('extensions');
     // Some time we work as aspecific extensions page or geneal Wordpress plugins page!
     $this->securityToken = cssJSToolbox::getSecurityToken();
     $this->listTypeName = $model->getListTypeName();
     $this->extensions = CJTPlugin::getInstance()->extensions();
     if ($this->listTypeName == 'extensions') {
         // Select Extensions menu item instead of Wordpress Plugins item!
         add_filter('parent_file', array(&$this, 'activateExtensionsMenuItem'));
     // Output internal HTML used by JS!
     add_action('admin_footer', array(&$this, 'outputCommonMarkups'));
     // Add SETUP Link inside the Plugins (only CJT extensions) row!
     add_filter('plugin_action_links', array(&$this, 'addExtensionActions'), 10, 2);
Exemplo n.º 10
    protected function main()
        // Fire laod event
        // Access point base class is a dependency!
        require_once 'framework/access-points/access-point.class.php';
        // Run Main Acces Point!
        include_once 'access.points/main.accesspoint.php';
        $this->mainAC = new CJTMainAccessPoint();
     * Called When any In-Listen-State (ILS) Access point is 
     * connected (called by Wordpress hooking system).
     * @return boolean TRUE.
    public function onconnected($observer, $state)
        // In all cases that we'll process the request load the localization file.
        load_plugin_textdomain(CJTOOLBOX_TEXT_DOMAIN, false, CJTOOLBOX_LANGUAGES);
        // Always connet  the access point!
        return $state;
// End Class
// Initialize events!
CJTPlugin::define('CJTPlugin', array('hookType' => CJTWordpressEvents::HOOK_FILTER));
// Let's Go!
  * put your comment there...
 public function createMetabox()
     if (CJTPlugin::getInstance()->isInstalled()) {
         wp_add_dashboard_widget('cjt-statistics', cssJSToolbox::getText('CSS & Javascript Toolbox'), array($this, 'route'));
Exemplo n.º 12
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 public function getInvolved()
     # Check installation state
     if (CJTPlugin::getInstance()->isInstalled()) {
         # INitialize
         $extensionClass = $this->extensionClass;
         $extension =& $this->extension;
         $extensionFile = ABSPATH . PLUGINDIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $extension['dir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $extension['file'];
         # Load/install extensions packages hook
         add_action('init', array($this, '_checkInstallationState'));
         # Deactivation hooks
         register_deactivation_hook($extensionFile, array($this, '_extensionDeactivated'));