Exemplo n.º 1
	 * Creates one or more listeners on a LoadBalancer for the specified port. If a listener with the given port does not already exist, it will
	 * be created; otherwise, the properties of the new listener must match the properties of the existing listener.
	 * @param string $load_balancer_name (Required) The name of the new LoadBalancer. The name must be unique within your AWS account.
	 * @param array $listeners (Required) A list of <code>LoadBalancerPort</code>, <code>InstancePort</code>, <code>Protocol</code>, and <code>SSLCertificateId</code> items. <ul>
	 * 	<li><code>x</code> - <code>array</code> - This represents a simple array index. <ul>
	 * 		<li><code>Protocol</code> - <code>string</code> - Required - Specifies the LoadBalancer transport protocol to use for routing - TCP or HTTP. This property cannot be modified for the life of the LoadBalancer. </li>
	 * 		<li><code>LoadBalancerPort</code> - <code>integer</code> - Required - Specifies the external LoadBalancer port number. This property cannot be modified for the life of the LoadBalancer. </li>
	 * 		<li><code>InstanceProtocol</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Specifies the protocol to use for routing traffic to back-end instances - HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, or SSL. This property cannot be modified for the life of the LoadBalancer. If the front-end protocol is HTTP or HTTPS, <code>InstanceProtocol</code> has to be at the same protocol layer, i.e., HTTP or HTTPS. Likewise, if the front-end protocol is TCP or SSL, InstanceProtocol has to be TCP or SSL. If there is another listener with the same <code>InstancePort</code> whose <code>InstanceProtocol</code> is secure, i.e., HTTPS or SSL, the listener's <code>InstanceProtocol</code> has to be secure, i.e., HTTPS or SSL. If there is another listener with the same <code>InstancePort</code> whose <code>InstanceProtocol</code> is HTTP or TCP, the listener's <code>InstanceProtocol</code> must be either HTTP or TCP. </li>
	 * 		<li><code>InstancePort</code> - <code>integer</code> - Required - Specifies the TCP port on which the instance server is listening. This property cannot be modified for the life of the LoadBalancer. </li>
	 * 		<li><code>SSLCertificateId</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The ID of the SSL certificate chain to use. For more information on SSL certificates, see Managing Keys and Certificates in the AWS Identity and Access Management documentation. </li>
	 * 	</ul></li>
	 * </ul>
	 * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
	 * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <code>curl_setopt()</code>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
	 * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
	 * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
	public function create_load_balancer_listeners($load_balancer_name, $listeners, $opt = null)
		if (!$opt) $opt = array();
		$opt['LoadBalancerName'] = $load_balancer_name;

		// Required parameter
		$opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array(
			'Listeners' => (is_array($listeners) ? $listeners : array($listeners))
		), 'member'));

		return $this->authenticate('CreateLoadBalancerListeners', $opt, $this->hostname);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Disables monitoring of group metrics for the Auto Scaling group specified in AutoScalingGroupName. You can specify the list of affected
  * metrics with the Metrics parameter.
  * @param string $auto_scaling_group_name (Required) The name or ARN of the Auto Scaling Group.
  * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
  * 	<li><code>Metrics</code> - <code>string|array</code> - Optional - The list of metrics to disable. If no metrics are specified, all metrics are disabled. The following metrics are supported: <ul> <li>GroupMinSize</li><li>GroupMaxSize</li><li>GroupDesiredCapacity</li><li>GroupInServiceInstances</li><li>GroupPendingInstances</li><li>GroupTerminatingInstances</li><li>GroupTotalInstances</li> </ul>  Pass a string for a single value, or an indexed array for multiple values. </li>
  * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <code>curl_setopt()</code>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
  * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
  * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
 public function disable_metrics_collection($auto_scaling_group_name, $opt = null)
     if (!$opt) {
         $opt = array();
     $opt['AutoScalingGroupName'] = $auto_scaling_group_name;
     // Optional parameter
     if (isset($opt['Metrics'])) {
         $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('Metrics' => is_array($opt['Metrics']) ? $opt['Metrics'] : array($opt['Metrics'])), 'member'));
     return $this->authenticate('DisableMetricsCollection', $opt, $this->hostname);
  * Updates a stack as specified in the template. After the call completes successfully, the stack
  * update starts. You can check the status of the stack via the <code>DescribeStacks</code>
  * action.
  * To get a copy of the template for an existing stack, you can use the <code>GetTemplate</code>
  * action.
  * For more information about creating an update template, updating a stack, and monitoring the
  * progress of the update, see <a href=
  * "http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-updating-stacks.html">
  * Updating a Stack</a>.
  * @param string $stack_name (Required) The name or stack ID of the stack to update. <p class="note">Must contain only alphanumeric characters (case sensitive) and start with an alpha character. Maximum length of the name is 255 characters.</p>
  * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
  * 	<li><code>TemplateBody</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Structure containing the template body. (For more information, go to the <a href="http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide">AWS CloudFormation User Guide</a>.) Conditional: You must pass <code>TemplateBody</code> or <code>TemplateURL</code>. If both are passed, only <code>TemplateBody</code> is used.</li>
  * 	<li><code>TemplateURL</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Location of file containing the template body. The URL must point to a template located in an S3 bucket in the same region as the stack. For more information, go to the <a href="http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide">AWS CloudFormation User Guide</a>. Conditional: You must pass <code>TemplateURL</code> or <code>TemplateBody</code>. If both are passed, only <code>TemplateBody</code> is used.</li>
  * 	<li><code>Parameters</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A list of <code>Parameter</code> structures that specify input parameters for the stack. <ul>
  * 		<li><code>x</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - This represents a simple array index. <ul>
  * 			<li><code>ParameterKey</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The key associated with the parameter.</li>
  * 			<li><code>ParameterValue</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The value associated with the parameter.</li>
  * 		</ul></li>
  * 	</ul></li>
  * 	<li><code>Capabilities</code> - <code>string|array</code> - Optional - The list of capabilities that you want to allow in the stack. If your stack contains IAM resources, you must specify the CAPABILITY_IAM value for this parameter; otherwise, this action returns an InsufficientCapabilities error. IAM resources are the following: <a href="http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-iam-accesskey.html">AWS::IAM::AccessKey</a>, <a href="http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-iam-group.html">AWS::IAM::Group</a>, <a href="http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-iam-policy.html">AWS::IAM::Policy</a>, <a href="http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-iam-user.html">AWS::IAM::User</a>, and <a href="http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-iam-addusertogroup.html">AWS::IAM::UserToGroupAddition</a>. Pass a string for a single value, or an indexed array for multiple values.</li>
  * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <code>curl_setopt()</code>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
  * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
  * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
 public function update_stack($stack_name, $opt = null)
     if (!$opt) {
         $opt = array();
     $opt['StackName'] = $stack_name;
     // Optional list + map
     if (isset($opt['Parameters'])) {
         $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('Parameters' => $opt['Parameters']), 'member'));
     // Optional list (non-map)
     if (isset($opt['Capabilities'])) {
         $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('Capabilities' => is_array($opt['Capabilities']) ? $opt['Capabilities'] : array($opt['Capabilities'])), 'member'));
     return $this->authenticate('UpdateStack', $opt);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Sets the value of one or more queue attributes. Valid attributes that can be set are
  * [VisibilityTimeout, Policy, MaximumMessageSize, MessageRetentionPeriod,
  * ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds].
  * @param string $queue_url (Required) The URL of the SQS queue to take action on.
  * @param array $attribute (Required) A map of attributes to set. <ul>
  * 	<li><code>x</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - This represents a simple array index. <ul>
  * 		<li><code>Name</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The name of a queue attribute. [Allowed values: <code>Policy</code>, <code>VisibilityTimeout</code>, <code>MaximumMessageSize</code>, <code>MessageRetentionPeriod</code>, <code>ApproximateNumberOfMessages</code>, <code>ApproximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisible</code>, <code>CreatedTimestamp</code>, <code>LastModifiedTimestamp</code>, <code>QueueArn</code>, <code>ApproximateNumberOfMessagesDelayed</code>, <code>DelaySeconds</code>, <code>ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds</code>]</li>
  * 		<li><code>Value</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The value of a queue attribute.</li>
  * 	</ul></li>
  * </ul>
  * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
  * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <code>curl_setopt()</code>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
  * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
  * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
 public function set_queue_attributes($queue_url, $attribute, $opt = null)
     if (!$opt) {
         $opt = array();
     $opt['QueueUrl'] = $queue_url;
     // Required map (non-list)
     $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('Attribute' => is_array($attribute) ? $attribute : array($attribute))));
     return $this->authenticate('SetQueueAttributes', $opt);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Takes a set of configuration settings and either a configuration template or environment, and
  * determines whether those values are valid.
  * This action returns a list of messages indicating any errors or warnings associated with the
  * selection of option values.
  * @param string $application_name (Required) The name of the application that the configuration template or environment belongs to.
  * @param array $option_settings (Required) A list of the options and desired values to evaluate. <ul>
  * 	<li><code>x</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - This represents a simple array index. <ul>
  * 		<li><code>Namespace</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - A unique namespace identifying the option's associated AWS resource.</li>
  * 		<li><code>OptionName</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The name of the configuration option.</li>
  * 		<li><code>Value</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The current value for the configuration option.</li>
  * 	</ul></li>
  * </ul>
  * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
  * 	<li><code>TemplateName</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The name of the configuration template to validate the settings against. Condition: You cannot specify both this and an environment name.</li>
  * 	<li><code>EnvironmentName</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The name of the environment to validate the settings against. Condition: You cannot specify both this and a configuration template name.</li>
  * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <code>curl_setopt()</code>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
  * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
  * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
 public function validate_configuration_settings($application_name, $option_settings, $opt = null)
     if (!$opt) {
         $opt = array();
     $opt['ApplicationName'] = $application_name;
     // Required list + map
     $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('OptionSettings' => is_array($option_settings) ? $option_settings : array($option_settings)), 'member'));
     return $this->authenticate('ValidateConfigurationSettings', $opt);
Exemplo n.º 6
  * The AddPermission action adds a statement to a topic's access control policy, granting access
  * for the specified AWS accounts to the specified actions.
  * @param string $topic_arn (Required) The ARN of the topic whose access control policy you wish to modify.
  * @param string $label (Required) A unique identifier for the new policy statement.
  * @param string|array $aws_account_id (Required) The AWS account IDs of the users (principals) who will be given access to the specified actions. The users must have AWS accounts, but do not need to be signed up for this service. Pass a string for a single value, or an indexed array for multiple values.
  * @param string|array $action_name (Required) The action you want to allow for the specified principal(s). Valid values: any Amazon SNS action name. Pass a string for a single value, or an indexed array for multiple values.
  * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
  * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <code>curl_setopt()</code>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
  * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
  * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
 public function add_permission($topic_arn, $label, $aws_account_id, $action_name, $opt = null)
     if (!$opt) {
         $opt = array();
     $opt['TopicArn'] = $topic_arn;
     $opt['Label'] = $label;
     // Required list (non-map)
     $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('AWSAccountId' => is_array($aws_account_id) ? $aws_account_id : array($aws_account_id)), 'member'));
     // Required list (non-map)
     $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('ActionName' => is_array($action_name) ? $action_name : array($action_name)), 'member'));
     return $this->authenticate('AddPermission', $opt);
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Gets the rank expressions configured for the search domain. Can be limited to specific rank
  * expressions by name. Shows all rank expressions by default.
  * @param string $domain_name (Required) A string that represents the name of a domain. Domain names must be unique across the domains owned by an account within an AWS region. Domain names must start with a letter or number and can contain the following characters: a-z (lowercase), 0-9, and - (hyphen). Uppercase letters and underscores are not allowed. [Constraints: The value must be between 3 and 28 characters, and must match the following regular expression pattern: <code>[a-z][a-z0-9\-]+</code>]
  * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
  * 	<li><code>RankNames</code> - <code>string|array</code> - Optional - Limits the <code>DescribeRankExpressions</code> response to the specified fields. Pass a string for a single value, or an indexed array for multiple values.</li>
  * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <code>curl_setopt()</code>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
  * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
  * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
 public function describe_rank_expressions($domain_name, $opt = null)
     if (!$opt) {
         $opt = array();
     $opt['DomainName'] = $domain_name;
     // Optional list (non-map)
     if (isset($opt['RankNames'])) {
         $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('RankNames' => is_array($opt['RankNames']) ? $opt['RankNames'] : array($opt['RankNames'])), 'member'));
     return $this->authenticate('DescribeRankExpressions', $opt);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Sends an email message, with header and content specified by the client. The <code>SendRawEmail</code> action is useful for sending
  * multipart MIME emails. The raw text of the message must comply with Internet email standards; otherwise, the message cannot be sent.
  * If you have not yet requested production access to Amazon SES, then you will only be able to send email to and from verified email
  * addresses. For more information, go to the <a href="http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide">Amazon SES Developer
  * Guide</a>.
  * @param array $raw_message (Required) The raw text of the message. The client is responsible for ensuring the following: <ul> <li>Message must contain a header and a body, separated by a blank line.</li><li>All required header fields must be present.</li><li>Each part of a multipart MIME message must be formatted properly.</li><li>MIME content types must be among those supported by Amazon SES. Refer to the Amazon SES Developer Guide for more details.</li><li>Content must be base64-encoded, if MIME requires it.</li> </ul> <ul>
  * 	<li><code>Data</code> - <code>blob</code> - Required - The raw data of the message. The client must ensure that the message format complies with Internet email standards regarding email header fields, MIME types, MIME encoding, and base64 encoding (if necessary). For more information, go to the Amazon SES Developer Guide. </li>
  * </ul>
  * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
  * 	<li><code>Source</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The sender's email address. If you specify the <code>Source</code> parameter, then bounce notifications and complaints will be sent to this email address. This takes precedence over any <i>Return-Path</i> header that you might include in the raw text of the message. </li>
  * 	<li><code>Destinations</code> - <code>string|array</code> - Optional - A list of destinations for the message.  Pass a string for a single value, or an indexed array for multiple values. </li>
  * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <code>curl_setopt()</code>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
  * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
  * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
 public function send_raw_email($raw_message, $opt = null)
     if (!$opt) {
         $opt = array();
     // Optional parameter
     if (isset($opt['Destinations'])) {
         $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('Destinations' => is_array($opt['Destinations']) ? $opt['Destinations'] : array($opt['Destinations'])), 'member'));
     // Required parameter
     $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('RawMessage' => is_array($raw_message) ? $raw_message : array($raw_message)), 'member'));
     return $this->authenticate('SendRawEmail', $opt, $this->hostname, 3);
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Modifies the parameters of a CacheParameterGroup to the engine or system default value. To
  * reset specific parameters submit a list of the parameter names. To reset the entire
  * CacheParameterGroup, specify the CacheParameterGroup name and ResetAllParameters parameters.
  * @param string $cache_parameter_group_name (Required) The name of the Cache Parameter Group.
  * @param array $parameter_name_values (Required) An array of parameter names which should be reset. If not resetting the entire CacheParameterGroup, at least one parameter name must be supplied. <ul>
  * 	<li><code>x</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - This represents a simple array index. <ul>
  * 		<li><code>ParameterName</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Specifies the name of the parameter.</li>
  * 		<li><code>ParameterValue</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Specifies the value of the parameter.</li>
  * 	</ul></li>
  * </ul>
  * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
  * 	<li><code>ResetAllParameters</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - Specifies whether (<em>true</em>) or not (<em>false</em>) to reset all parameters in the Cache Parameter Group to default values.</li>
  * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <code>curl_setopt()</code>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
  * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
  * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
 public function reset_cache_parameter_group($cache_parameter_group_name, $parameter_name_values, $opt = null)
     if (!$opt) {
         $opt = array();
     $opt['CacheParameterGroupName'] = $cache_parameter_group_name;
     // Required list + map
     $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('ParameterNameValues' => is_array($parameter_name_values) ? $parameter_name_values : array($parameter_name_values)), 'member'));
     return $this->authenticate('ResetCacheParameterGroup', $opt);
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Modifies the parameters of a DBParameterGroup. To modify more than one parameter submit a list of the following: ParameterName,
  * ParameterValue, and ApplyMethod. A maximum of 20 parameters can be modified in a single request.
  * @param string $db_parameter_group_name (Required) The name of the database parameter group. Constraints: <ul> <li>Must be the name of an existing database parameter group</li><li>Must be 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters</li><li>First character must be a letter</li><li>Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens</li> </ul>
  * @param array $parameters (Required) An array of parameter names, values, and the apply method for the parameter update. At least one parameter name, value, and apply method must be supplied; subsequent arguments are optional. A maximum of 20 parameters may be modified in a single request. Valid Values (for the application method): <code>immediate | pending-reboot</code> You can use the immediate value with dynamic parameters only. You can use the pending-reboot value for both dynamic and static parameters, and changes are applied when DB Instance reboots. <ul>
  * 	<li><code>x</code> - <code>array</code> - This represents a simple array index. <ul>
  * 		<li><code>ParameterName</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Specifies the name of the parameter. </li>
  * 		<li><code>ParameterValue</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Specifies the value of the parameter. </li>
  * 		<li><code>Description</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Provides a description of the parameter. </li>
  * 		<li><code>Source</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Indicates the source of the parameter value. </li>
  * 		<li><code>ApplyType</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Specifies the engine specific parameters type. </li>
  * 		<li><code>DataType</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Specifies the valid data type for the parameter. </li>
  * 		<li><code>AllowedValues</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Specifies the valid range of values for the parameter. </li>
  * 		<li><code>IsModifiable</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - Indicates whether (<code>true</code>) or not (<code>false</code>) the parameter can be modified. Some parameters have security or operational implications that prevent them from being changed. </li>
  * 		<li><code>MinimumEngineVersion</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The earliest engine version to which the parameter can apply. </li>
  * 		<li><code>ApplyMethod</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Indicates when to apply parameter updates. [Allowed values: <code>immediate</code>, <code>pending-reboot</code>]</li>
  * 	</ul></li>
  * </ul>
  * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
  * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <code>curl_setopt()</code>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
  * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
  * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
 public function modify_db_parameter_group($db_parameter_group_name, $parameters, $opt = null)
     if (!$opt) {
         $opt = array();
     $opt['DBParameterGroupName'] = $db_parameter_group_name;
     // Required parameter
     $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('Parameters' => is_array($parameters) ? $parameters : array($parameters)), 'member'));
     return $this->authenticate('ModifyDBParameterGroup', $opt, $this->hostname);
Exemplo n.º 11
  * The RebootCacheCluster API reboots some (or all) of the cache cluster nodes within a previously provisioned ElastiCache cluster. This API
  * results in the application of modified CacheParameterGroup parameters to the cache cluster. This action is taken as soon as possible, and
  * results in a momentary outage to the cache cluster during which the cache cluster status is set to rebooting. During that momentary outage
  * the contents of the cache (for each cache cluster node being rebooted) are lost. A CacheCluster event is created when the reboot is
  * completed.
  * @param string $cache_cluster_id (Required) The Cache Cluster identifier. This parameter is stored as a lowercase string.
  * @param string|array $cache_node_ids_to_reboot (Required) A list of Cache Cluster Node ids to reboot. To reboot an entire cache cluster, specify all cache cluster node ids.  Pass a string for a single value, or an indexed array for multiple values.
  * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
  * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <code>curl_setopt()</code>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
  * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
  * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
 public function reboot_cache_cluster($cache_cluster_id, $cache_node_ids_to_reboot, $opt = null)
     if (!$opt) {
         $opt = array();
     $opt['CacheClusterId'] = $cache_cluster_id;
     // Required parameter
     $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('CacheNodeIdsToReboot' => is_array($cache_node_ids_to_reboot) ? $cache_node_ids_to_reboot : array($cache_node_ids_to_reboot)), 'member'));
     return $this->authenticate('RebootCacheCluster', $opt, $this->hostname);
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Creates a stack as specified in the template. Once the call completes successfully, the stack creation starts. You can check the status of
  * the stack via the DescribeStacks API.
  * Currently, the limit for stacks is 20 stacks per account per region.
  * @param string $stack_name (Required) The name associated with the stack. The name must be unique within your AWS account. Must contain only alphanumeric characters (case sensitive) and start with an alpha character. Maximum length of the name is 255 characters.
  * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
  * 	<li><code>TemplateBody</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Structure containing the template body. (For more information, go to the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.) Condition: You must pass <code>TemplateBody</code> or <code>TemplateURL</code>. If both are passed, only <code>TemplateBody</code> is used. </li>
  * 	<li><code>TemplateURL</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Location of file containing the template body. The URL must point to a template located in an S3 bucket in the same region as the stack. For more information, go to the AWS CloudFormation User Guide. Conditional: You must pass <code>TemplateURL</code> or <code>TemplateBody</code>. If both are passed, only <code>TemplateBody</code> is used. </li>
  * 	<li><code>Parameters</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A list of <code>Parameter</code> structures. <ul>
  * 		<li><code>x</code> - <code>array</code> - This represents a simple array index. <ul>
  * 			<li><code>ParameterKey</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The key associated with the parameter. </li>
  * 			<li><code>ParameterValue</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The value associated with the parameter. </li>
  * 		</ul></li>
  * 	</ul></li>
  * 	<li><code>DisableRollback</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - Boolean to enable or disable rollback on stack creation failures.<br></br> Default: <code>false</code> </li>
  * 	<li><code>TimeoutInMinutes</code> - <code>integer</code> - Optional - The amount of time that can pass before the stack status becomes CREATE_FAILED; if <code>DisableRollback</code> is not set or is set to <code>false</code>, the stack will be rolled back. </li>
  * 	<li><code>NotificationARNs</code> - <code>string|array</code> - Optional - The Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic ARNs to publish stack related events. You can find your SNS topic ARNs using the SNS console or your Command Line Interface (CLI).  Pass a string for a single value, or an indexed array for multiple values. </li>
  * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <php:curl_setopt()>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
  * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
  * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
 public function create_stack($stack_name, $opt = null)
     if (!$opt) {
         $opt = array();
     $opt['StackName'] = $stack_name;
     // Optional parameter
     if (isset($opt['Parameters'])) {
         $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('Parameters' => $opt['Parameters']), 'member'));
     // Optional parameter
     if (isset($opt['NotificationARNs'])) {
         $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('NotificationARNs' => is_array($opt['NotificationARNs']) ? $opt['NotificationARNs'] : array($opt['NotificationARNs'])), 'member'));
     return $this->authenticate('CreateStack', $opt, $this->hostname);
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Method: get_attributes()
  * 	Returns all of the attributes associated with the item. Optionally, the attributes returned can be
  * 	limited to one or more specified attribute name parameters.
  * 	If the item does not exist on the replica that was accessed for this operation, an empty set is
  * 	returned. The system does not return an error as it cannot guarantee the item does not exist on
  * 	other replicas.
  * 	If you specify GetAttributes without any attribute names, all the attributes for the item are
  * 	returned.
  * Access:
  * 	public
  * Parameters:
  * 	$domain_name - _string_ (Required) The name of the domain in which to perform the operation.
  * 	$item_name - _string_ (Required) The name of the base item which will contain the series of keypairs.
  * 	$attribute_name - _string_|_array_ (Optional) The names of the attributes. Pass a string for a single value, or an indexed array for multiple values..
  * 	$opt - _array_ (Optional) Associative array of parameters which can have the following keys:
  * Keys for the $opt parameter:
  * 	ConsistentRead - _boolean_ (Optional) True if strong consistency should be enforced when data is read from SimpleDB, meaning that any data previously written to SimpleDB will be returned. Without specifying this parameter, results will be eventually consistent, and you may not see data that was written immediately before your read.
  * 	returnCurlHandle - _boolean_ (Optional) A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This is useful for manually-managed batch requests.
  * Returns:
  * 	_CFResponse_ A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
 public function get_attributes($domain_name, $item_name, $attribute_name = null, $opt = null)
     if (!$opt) {
         $opt = array();
     $opt['DomainName'] = $domain_name;
     $opt['ItemName'] = $item_name;
     if ($attribute_name) {
         $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('AttributeName' => is_array($attribute_name) ? $attribute_name : array($attribute_name))));
     return $this->authenticate('GetAttributes', $opt, $this->hostname);
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Publishes metric data points to Amazon CloudWatch. Amazon Cloudwatch associates the data points
  * with the specified metric. If the specified metric does not exist, Amazon CloudWatch creates
  * the metric.
  * <p class="note">
  * If you create a metric with the <code>PutMetricData</code> action, allow up to fifteen minutes
  * for the metric to appear in calls to the <code>ListMetrics</code> action.
  * </p> 
  * The size of aPutMetricDatarequest is limited to 8 KB for HTTP GET requests and 40 KB for HTTP
  * POST requests.
  * <p class="important">
  * Although the <code>Value</code> parameter accepts numbers of type <code>Double</code>, Amazon
  * CloudWatch truncates values with very large exponents. Values with base-10 exponents greater
  * than 126 (1 x 10^126) are truncated. Likewise, values with base-10 exponents less than -130 (1
  * x 10^-130) are also truncated.
  * </p>
  * @param string $namespace (Required) The namespace for the metric data. <p class="note">You cannot specify a namespace that begins with "AWS/". Namespaces that begin with "AWS/" are reserved for other Amazon Web Services products that send metrics to Amazon CloudWatch.</p> [Constraints: The value must be between 1 and 255 characters, and must match the following regular expression pattern: <code>[^:].*</code>]
  * @param array $metric_data (Required) A list of data describing the metric. <ul>
  * 	<li><code>x</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - This represents a simple array index. <ul>
  * 		<li><code>MetricName</code> - <code>string</code> - Required - The name of the metric.</li>
  * 		<li><code>Dimensions</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A list of dimensions associated with the metric. <ul>
  * 			<li><code>x</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - This represents a simple array index. <ul>
  * 				<li><code>Name</code> - <code>string</code> - Required - The name of the dimension.</li>
  * 				<li><code>Value</code> - <code>string</code> - Required - The value representing the dimension measurement</li>
  * 			</ul></li>
  * 		</ul></li>
  * 		<li><code>Timestamp</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The time stamp used for the metric. If not specified, the default value is set to the time the metric data was received. May be passed as a number of seconds since UNIX Epoch, or any string compatible with <php:strtotime()>.</li>
  * 		<li><code>Value</code> - <code>double</code> - Optional - The value for the metric. <p class="important">Although the <code>Value</code> parameter accepts numbers of type <code>Double</code>, Amazon CloudWatch truncates values with very large exponents. Values with base-10 exponents greater than 126 (1 x 10^126) are truncated. Likewise, values with base-10 exponents less than -130 (1 x 10^-130) are also truncated.</p></li>
  * 		<li><code>StatisticValues</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of statistical values describing the metric. <ul>
  * 			<li><code>x</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - This represents a simple array index. <ul>
  * 				<li><code>SampleCount</code> - <code>double</code> - Required - The number of samples used for the statistic set.</li>
  * 				<li><code>Sum</code> - <code>double</code> - Required - The sum of values for the sample set.</li>
  * 				<li><code>Minimum</code> - <code>double</code> - Required - The minimum value of the sample set.</li>
  * 				<li><code>Maximum</code> - <code>double</code> - Required - The maximum value of the sample set.</li>
  * 			</ul></li>
  * 		</ul></li>
  * 		<li><code>Unit</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The unit of the metric. [Allowed values: <code>Seconds</code>, <code>Microseconds</code>, <code>Milliseconds</code>, <code>Bytes</code>, <code>Kilobytes</code>, <code>Megabytes</code>, <code>Gigabytes</code>, <code>Terabytes</code>, <code>Bits</code>, <code>Kilobits</code>, <code>Megabits</code>, <code>Gigabits</code>, <code>Terabits</code>, <code>Percent</code>, <code>Count</code>, <code>Bytes/Second</code>, <code>Kilobytes/Second</code>, <code>Megabytes/Second</code>, <code>Gigabytes/Second</code>, <code>Terabytes/Second</code>, <code>Bits/Second</code>, <code>Kilobits/Second</code>, <code>Megabits/Second</code>, <code>Gigabits/Second</code>, <code>Terabits/Second</code>, <code>Count/Second</code>, <code>None</code>]</li>
  * 	</ul></li>
  * </ul>
  * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
  * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <code>curl_setopt()</code>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
  * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
  * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
 public function put_metric_data($namespace, $metric_data, $opt = null)
     if (!$opt) {
         $opt = array();
     $opt['Namespace'] = $namespace;
     // Handle Timestamps
     for ($i = 0, $max = count($metric_data); $i < $max; $i++) {
         if (isset($metric_data[$i]['Timestamp'])) {
             $metric_data[$i]['Timestamp'] = $this->util->convert_date_to_iso8601($metric_data[$i]['Timestamp']);
     // Required parameter
     $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('MetricData' => is_array($metric_data) ? $metric_data : array($metric_data)), 'member'));
     return $this->authenticate('PutMetricData', $opt, $this->hostname);
  * Returns the descriptions of existing applications.
  * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
  * 	<li><code>ApplicationNames</code> - <code>string|array</code> - Optional - If specified, AWS Elastic Beanstalk restricts the returned descriptions to only include those with the specified names.  Pass a string for a single value, or an indexed array for multiple values. </li>
  * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <code>curl_setopt()</code>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
  * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
  * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
 public function describe_applications($opt = null)
     if (!$opt) {
         $opt = array();
     // Optional parameter
     if (isset($opt['ApplicationNames'])) {
         $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('ApplicationNames' => is_array($opt['ApplicationNames']) ? $opt['ApplicationNames'] : array($opt['ApplicationNames'])), 'member'));
     return $this->authenticate('DescribeApplications', $opt, $this->hostname);
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Retrieves one or more messages from the specified queue, including the message body and message ID of each message. Messages returned by
  * this action stay in the queue until you delete them. However, once a message is returned to a <code>ReceiveMessage</code> request, it is not
  * returned on subsequent <code>ReceiveMessage</code> requests for the duration of the <code>VisibilityTimeout</code>. If you do not specify a
  * <code>VisibilityTimeout</code> in the request, the overall visibility timeout for the queue is used for the returned messages.
  * @param string $queue_url (Required) The URL of the SQS queue to take action on.
  * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
  * 	<li><code>AttributeName</code> - <code>string|array</code> - Optional - A list of attributes to retrieve information for.  Pass a string for a single value, or an indexed array for multiple values. </li>
  * 	<li><code>MaxNumberOfMessages</code> - <code>integer</code> - Optional - The maximum number of messages to return. Amazon SQS never returns more messages than this value but may return fewer. All of the messages are not necessarily returned. </li>
  * 	<li><code>VisibilityTimeout</code> - <code>integer</code> - Optional - The duration (in seconds) that the received messages are hidden from subsequent retrieve requests after being retrieved by a <code>ReceiveMessage</code> request. </li>
  * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <php:curl_setopt()>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
  * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
  * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
 public function receive_message($queue_url, $opt = null)
     if (!$opt) {
         $opt = array();
     // Optional parameter
     if (isset($opt['AttributeName'])) {
         $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('AttributeName' => is_array($opt['AttributeName']) ? $opt['AttributeName'] : array($opt['AttributeName']))));
     return $this->authenticate('ReceiveMessage', $opt, $queue_url);
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Resets the parameters of a DBParameterGroup to the engine/system default value. To reset
  * specific parameters submit a list of the following: ParameterName and ApplyMethod. To reset the
  * entire DBParameterGroup specify the DBParameterGroup name and ResetAllParameters parameters.
  * When resetting the entire group, dynamic parameters are updated immediately and static
  * parameters are set to pending-reboot to take effect on the next DB instance restart or
  * RebootDBInstance request.
  * @param string $db_parameter_group_name (Required) The name of the DB Parameter Group. Constraints:<ul><li>Must be 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters</li><li>First character must be a letter</li><li>Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens</li></ul>
  * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
  * 	<li><code>ResetAllParameters</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - Specifies whether (<code>true</code>) or not (<code>false</code>) to reset all parameters in the DB Parameter Group to default values. Default: <code>true</code></li>
  * 	<li><code>Parameters</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - An array of parameter names, values, and the apply method for the parameter update. At least one parameter name, value, and apply method must be supplied; subsequent arguments are optional. A maximum of 20 parameters may be modified in a single request. <strong>MySQL</strong> Valid Values (for Apply method): <code>immediate</code> | <code>pending-reboot</code> You can use the immediate value with dynamic parameters only. You can use the <code>pending-reboot</code> value for both dynamic and static parameters, and changes are applied when DB Instance reboots. <strong>Oracle</strong> Valid Values (for Apply method): <code>pending-reboot</code> <ul>
  * 		<li><code>x</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - This represents a simple array index. <ul>
  * 			<li><code>ParameterName</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Specifies the name of the parameter.</li>
  * 			<li><code>ParameterValue</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Specifies the value of the parameter.</li>
  * 			<li><code>Description</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Provides a description of the parameter.</li>
  * 			<li><code>Source</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Indicates the source of the parameter value.</li>
  * 			<li><code>ApplyType</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Specifies the engine specific parameters type.</li>
  * 			<li><code>DataType</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Specifies the valid data type for the parameter.</li>
  * 			<li><code>AllowedValues</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Specifies the valid range of values for the parameter.</li>
  * 			<li><code>IsModifiable</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - Indicates whether (<code>true</code>) or not (<code>false</code>) the parameter can be modified. Some parameters have security or operational implications that prevent them from being changed.</li>
  * 			<li><code>MinimumEngineVersion</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The earliest engine version to which the parameter can apply.</li>
  * 			<li><code>ApplyMethod</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Indicates when to apply parameter updates. [Allowed values: <code>immediate</code>, <code>pending-reboot</code>]</li>
  * 		</ul></li>
  * 	</ul></li>
  * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <code>curl_setopt()</code>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
  * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
  * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
 public function reset_db_parameter_group($db_parameter_group_name, $opt = null)
     if (!$opt) {
         $opt = array();
     $opt['DBParameterGroupName'] = $db_parameter_group_name;
     // Optional list + map
     if (isset($opt['Parameters'])) {
         $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('Parameters' => $opt['Parameters']), 'member'));
     return $this->authenticate('ResetDBParameterGroup', $opt);
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Deregisters instances from the LoadBalancer. Once the instance is deregistered, it will stop receiving traffic from the LoadBalancer.
  * In order to successfully call this API, the same account credentials as those used to create the LoadBalancer must be provided.
  * @param string $load_balancer_name (Required) The name associated with the LoadBalancer. The name must be unique within the client AWS account.
  * @param array $instances (Required) A list of EC2 instance IDs consisting of all instances to be deregistered. <ul>
  * 	<li><code>x</code> - <code>array</code> - This represents a simple array index. <ul>
  * 		<li><code>InstanceId</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Provides an EC2 instance ID. </li>
  * 	</ul></li>
  * </ul>
  * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
  * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <code>curl_setopt()</code>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
  * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
  * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
 public function deregister_instances_from_load_balancer($load_balancer_name, $instances, $opt = null)
     if (!$opt) {
         $opt = array();
     $opt['LoadBalancerName'] = $load_balancer_name;
     // Required parameter
     $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('Instances' => is_array($instances) ? $instances : array($instances)), 'member'));
     return $this->authenticate('DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer', $opt, $this->hostname);
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Deletes all specified alarms. In the event of an error, no alarms are deleted.
  * @param string|array $alarm_names (Required) A list of alarms to be deleted.  Pass a string for a single value, or an indexed array for multiple values.
  * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
  * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <code>curl_setopt()</code>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
  * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
  * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
 public function delete_alarms($alarm_names, $opt = null)
     if (!$opt) {
         $opt = array();
     // Required parameter
     $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('AlarmNames' => is_array($alarm_names) ? $alarm_names : array($alarm_names)), 'member'));
     return $this->authenticate('DeleteAlarms', $opt, $this->hostname);
Exemplo n.º 20
  * The BatchPutAttributes operation creates or replaces attributes within one or more items.
  * Attributes are uniquely identified within an item by their name/value combination. For example, a single item can
  * have the attributes <code>{ "first_name", "first_value" }</code> and <code>{"first_name", "second_value" }</code>.
  * However, it cannot have two attribute instances where both the item attribute name and item attribute value are
  * the same.
  * Optionally, the requester can supply the <code>Replace</code> parameter for each individual value. Setting this value to
  * true will cause the new attribute value to replace the existing attribute value(s). For example, if an item I has the
  * attributes <code>{ 'a', '1' }, { 'b', '2'}</code> and <code>{ 'b', '3' }</code> and the requester does a
  * <code>BatchPutAttributes</code> of <code>{'I', 'b', '4' }</code> with the <code>Replace</code> parameter set to true,
  * the final attributes of the item will be { 'a', '1' } and { 'b', '4' }, replacing the previous values of the 'b'
  * attribute with the new value. You cannot specify an empty string as an item or attribute name.
  * The BatchPutAttributes operation succeeds or fails in its entirety. There are no partial puts. You can execute multiple
  * BatchPutAttributes operations and other operations in parallel. However, large numbers of concurrent BatchPutAttributes
  * calls can result in Service Unavailable (503) responses. The following limitations are enforced for this operation:
  * <ul>
  * 	<li>256 attribute name-value pairs per item</li>
  * 	<li>1 MB request size</li>
  * 	<li>1 billion attributes per domain</li>
  * 	<li>10 GB of total user data storage per domain</li>
  * 	<li>25 item limit per BatchPutAttributes operation</li>
  * </ul>
  * @param string $domain_name (Required) The name of the domain in which the attributes are being deleted.
  * @param array $item_keypairs (Required) Associative array of parameters which are treated as item-key-value and item-key-multivalue pairs (i.e. a key can have one or more values; think tags). <ul>
  * 	<li><code>[item]</code> - <code>array</code> - Set the custom item name as the key for this value. <ul>
  * 		<li><code>[key]</code> - <code>array</code> - Set the custom key name as the key for this value. For the value, pass a string for a single value, or an indexed array for multiple values.</li>
  * 	</ul></li>
  * </ul>
  * @param boolean|array $replace (Optional) Whether to replace a key-value pair if a matching key already exists. Supports either a boolean (which affects ALL key-value pairs) or an indexed array of key names (which affects only the keys specified). Defaults to boolean <code>false</code>.
  * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
  * 	<li><code>Item</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A list of items on which to perform the operation. <ul>
  * 		<li><code>x</code> - <code>array</code> - This represents a simple array index. <ul>
  * 			<li><code>ItemName</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - This is the parameter format supported by the web service API. This is the item name to use.</li>
  * 			<li><code>Attribute</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional -  This is the parameter format supported by the web service API. This is the attribute node. <ul>
  * 				<li><code>x</code> - <code>array</code> - This represents a simple array index. <ul>
  * 					<li><code>Name</code> - <code>string</code> - Required - The name of the attribute. </li>
  * 					<li><code>AlternateNameEncoding</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - This is the parameter format supported by the web service API. This is the alternate name encoding to use.</li>
  * 					<li><code>Value</code> - <code>string</code> - Required - The value of the attribute. </li>
  * 					<li><code>AlternateValueEncoding</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - This is the parameter format supported by the web service API. This is the alternate value encoding to use.</li>
  * 				</ul></li>
  * 			</ul></li>
  * 		</ul></li>
  * 	</ul></li>
  * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <code>curl_setopt()</code>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
  *  <li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This is useful for manually-managed batch requests.</li></ul>
  * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
 public function batch_put_attributes($domain_name, $item_keypairs, $replace = null, $opt = null)
     if (!$opt) {
         $opt = array();
     $opt['DomainName'] = $domain_name;
     $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(self::remap_batch_items_for_complextype($item_keypairs, $replace)));
     if (isset($opt['Item'])) {
         $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('Item' => $opt['Item'])));
     return $this->authenticate('BatchPutAttributes', $opt, $this->hostname);
Exemplo n.º 21
  * TerminateJobFlows shuts a list of job flows down. When a job flow is shut down, any step not
  * yet completed is canceled and the EC2 instances on which the job flow is running are stopped.
  * Any log files not already saved are uploaded to Amazon S3 if a LogUri was specified when the
  * job flow was created.
  * @param string|array $job_flow_ids (Required) A list of job flows to be shutdown. Pass a string for a single value, or an indexed array for multiple values.
  * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
  * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <code>curl_setopt()</code>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
  * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
  * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
 public function terminate_job_flows($job_flow_ids, $opt = null)
     if (!$opt) {
         $opt = array();
     // Required list (non-map)
     $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('JobFlowIds' => is_array($job_flow_ids) ? $job_flow_ids : array($job_flow_ids)), 'member'));
     return $this->authenticate('TerminateJobFlows', $opt);
Exemplo n.º 22
  * Enables the client to define an application healthcheck for the instances.
  * @param string $load_balancer_name (Required) The mnemonic name associated with the LoadBalancer. This name must be unique within the client AWS account.
  * @param array $health_check (Required) A structure containing the configuration information for the new healthcheck. <ul>
  * 	<li><code>Target</code> - <code>string</code> - Required - Specifies the instance being checked. The protocol is either TCP or HTTP. The range of valid ports is one (1) through 65535. TCP is the default, specified as a TCP: port pair, for example "TCP:5000". In this case a healthcheck simply attempts to open a TCP connection to the instance on the specified port. Failure to connect within the configured timeout is considered unhealthy. For HTTP, the situation is different. HTTP is specified as a HTTP:port;/;PathToPing; grouping, for example "HTTP:80/weather/us/wa/seattle". In this case, a HTTP GET request is issued to the instance on the given port and path. Any answer other than "200 OK" within the timeout period is considered unhealthy. The total length of the HTTP ping target needs to be 1024 16-bit Unicode characters or less. </li>
  * 	<li><code>Interval</code> - <code>integer</code> - Required - Specifies the approximate interval, in seconds, between health checks of an individual instance. </li>
  * 	<li><code>Timeout</code> - <code>integer</code> - Required - Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, during which no response means a failed health probe. This value must be less than the <i>Interval</i> value. </li>
  * 	<li><code>UnhealthyThreshold</code> - <code>integer</code> - Required - Specifies the number of consecutive health probe failures required before moving the instance to the <i>Unhealthy</i> state. </li>
  * 	<li><code>HealthyThreshold</code> - <code>integer</code> - Required - Specifies the number of consecutive health probe successes required before moving the instance to the <i>Healthy</i> state. </li>
  * </ul>
  * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
  * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <code>curl_setopt()</code>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
  * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
  * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
 public function configure_health_check($load_balancer_name, $health_check, $opt = null)
     if (!$opt) {
         $opt = array();
     $opt['LoadBalancerName'] = $load_balancer_name;
     // Required parameter
     $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('HealthCheck' => is_array($health_check) ? $health_check : array($health_check)), 'member'));
     return $this->authenticate('ConfigureHealthCheck', $opt, $this->hostname);
Exemplo n.º 23
  * Associates, updates, or disables a policy with a listener on the load balancer. Currently only zero (0) or one (1) policy can be associated
  * with a listener.
  * @param string $load_balancer_name (Required) The name associated with the LoadBalancer. The name must be unique within the client AWS account.
  * @param integer $load_balancer_port (Required) The external port of the LoadBalancer with which this policy has to be associated.
  * @param string|array $policy_names (Required) List of policies to be associated with the listener. Currently this list can have at most one policy. If the list is empty, the current policy is removed from the listener.  Pass a string for a single value, or an indexed array for multiple values.
  * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
  * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <php:curl_setopt()>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
  * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
  * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
 public function set_load_balancer_policies_of_listener($load_balancer_name, $load_balancer_port, $policy_names, $opt = null)
     if (!$opt) {
         $opt = array();
     $opt['LoadBalancerName'] = $load_balancer_name;
     $opt['LoadBalancerPort'] = $load_balancer_port;
     // Required parameter
     $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('PolicyNames' => is_array($policy_names) ? $policy_names : array($policy_names)), 'member'));
     return $this->authenticate('SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListener', $opt, $this->hostname);
Exemplo n.º 24
  * This API is used to change RDS Instance settings. Users call the ModifyDBInstance API to change one or more database configuration
  * parameters by specifying these parameters and the new values in the request.
  * @param string $db_instance_identifier (Required) The DB Instance identifier. This value is stored as a lowercase string. Constraints: <ul> <li>Must contain from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters or hyphens</li><li>First character must be a letter</li><li>Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens</li> </ul> Example: <copy>mydbinstance</copy>
  * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
  * 	<li><code>AllocatedStorage</code> - <code>integer</code> - Optional - The new storage capacity of the RDS instance. This change does not result in an outage and is applied during the next maintenance window unless the <code>ApplyImmediately</code> parameter is specified as <code>true</code> for this request. Default: Uses existing setting Valid Values: 5-1024 Constraints: Value supplied must be at least 10% greater than the current value. Values that are not at least 10% greater than the existing value are rounded up so that they are 10% greater than the current value. </li>
  * 	<li><code>DBInstanceClass</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The new compute and memory capacity of the DB Instance. Passing a value for this parameter causes an outage during the change and is applied during the next maintenance window, unless the <code>ApplyImmediately</code> parameter is specified as <code>true</code> for this request. Default: Uses existing setting Valid Values: <code>db.m1.small | db.m1.large | db.m1.xlarge | db.m2.xlarge | db.m2.2xlarge | db.m2.4xlarge</code> </li>
  * 	<li><code>DBSecurityGroups</code> - <code>string|array</code> - Optional - A list of DB Security Groups to authorize on this DB Instance. This change is asynchronously applied as soon as possible. Constraints: <ul> <li>Must be 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters</li><li>First character must be a letter</li><li>Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens</li> </ul>  Pass a string for a single value, or an indexed array for multiple values. </li>
  * 	<li><code>ApplyImmediately</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - Specifies whether or not the modifications in this request and any pending modifications are asynchronously applied as soon as possible, regardless of the <code>PreferredMaintenanceWindow</code> setting for the DB Instance. If this parameter is passed as <code>false</code>, changes to the DB Instance are applied on the next call to RebootDBInstance, the next maintenance reboot, or the next failure reboot, whichever occurs first. Default: <code>false</code> </li>
  * 	<li><code>MasterUserPassword</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The new password for the DB Instance master user. This change is asynchronously applied as soon as possible. Between the time of the request and the completion of the request, the <code>MasterUserPassword</code> element exists in the <code>PendingModifiedValues</code> element of the operation response. Default: Uses existing setting Constraints: Must be 4 to 41 alphanumeric characters (engine specific) Amazon RDS APIs never return the password, so this API provides a way to regain access to a master instance user if the password is lost. </li>
  * 	<li><code>DBParameterGroupName</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The name of the DB Parameter Group to apply to this DB Instance. This change is asynchronously applied as soon as possible for parameters when the <i>ApplyImmediately</i> parameter is specified as <code>true</code> for this request. Default: Uses existing setting Constraints: The DB Parameter Group must be in the same DB Parameter Group family as this DB Instance. </li>
  * 	<li><code>BackupRetentionPeriod</code> - <code>integer</code> - Optional - The number of days to retain automated backups. Setting this parameter to a positive number enables backups. Setting this parameter to 0 disables automated backups. Default: Uses existing setting Constraints: <ul> <li>Must be a value from 0 to 8</li><li>Cannot be set to 0 if the DB Instance is a master instance with read replicas or of the DB Instance is a read replica</li> </ul> </li>
  * 	<li><code>PreferredBackupWindow</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The daily time range during which automated backups are created if automated backups are enabled, as determined by the <code>BackupRetentionPeriod</code>. Constraints: <ul> <li>Must be in the format hh24:mi-hh24:mi</li><li>Times should be Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)</li><li>Must not conflict with the preferred maintenance window</li><li>Must be at least 30 minutes</li> </ul> </li>
  * 	<li><code>PreferredMaintenanceWindow</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The weekly time range (in UTC) during which system maintenance can occur, which may result in an outage. This change is made immediately. If moving this window to the current time, there must be at least 30 minutes between the current time and end of the window to ensure pending changes are applied. Default: Uses existing setting Format: ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi Valid Days: Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun Constraints: Minimum 30 minute period </li>
  * 	<li><code>MultiAZ</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - Specifies if the DB Instance is a Multi-AZ deployment. Constraints: Cannot be specified if the DB Instance is a read replica. </li>
  * 	<li><code>EngineVersion</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The version number of the database engine to upgrade to. For major version upgrades, if a nondefault DB Parameter Group is currently in use, a new DB Parameter Group in the DB Parameter Group Family for the new engine version must be specified. The new DB Parameter Group can be the default for that DB Parameter Group Family. Example: <code>5.1.42</code> </li>
  * 	<li><code>AllowMajorVersionUpgrade</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - Indicates that major version upgrades are allowed. Constraints: This parameter must be set to true when specifying a value for the EngineVersion parameter that is a different major version than the DB Instance's current version. </li>
  * 	<li><code>AutoMinorVersionUpgrade</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - Indicates that minor version upgrades will be applied automatically to the DB Instance during the maintenance window. </li>
  * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <php:curl_setopt()>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
  * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
  * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
 public function modify_db_instance($db_instance_identifier, $opt = null)
     if (!$opt) {
         $opt = array();
     $opt['DBInstanceIdentifier'] = $db_instance_identifier;
     // Optional parameter
     if (isset($opt['DBSecurityGroups'])) {
         $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('DBSecurityGroups' => is_array($opt['DBSecurityGroups']) ? $opt['DBSecurityGroups'] : array($opt['DBSecurityGroups'])), 'member'));
     return $this->authenticate('ModifyDBInstance', $opt, $this->hostname);
Exemplo n.º 25
  * The RegisterImage operation registers an AMI with Amazon EC2. Images must be registered before they can be launched. For more information,
  * see RunInstances.
  * Each AMI is associated with an unique ID which is provided by the Amazon EC2 service through the RegisterImage operation. During
  * registration, Amazon EC2 retrieves the specified image manifest from Amazon S3 and verifies that the image is owned by the user registering
  * the image.
  * The image manifest is retrieved once and stored within the Amazon EC2. Any modifications to an image in Amazon S3 invalidates this
  * registration. If you make changes to an image, deregister the previous image and register the new image. For more information, see
  * DeregisterImage.
  * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
  * 	<li><code>ImageLocation</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The full path to your AMI manifest in Amazon S3 storage. </li>
  * 	<li><code>Name</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The name to give the new Amazon Machine Image. Constraints: 3-128 alphanumeric characters, parenthesis (<code>()</code>), commas (<code>,</code>), slashes (<code>/</code>), dashes (<code>-</code>), or underscores(<code>_</code>) </li>
  * 	<li><code>Description</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The description describing the new AMI. </li>
  * 	<li><code>Architecture</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The architecture of the image. Valid Values: <code>i386</code>, <code>x86_64</code> </li>
  * 	<li><code>KernelId</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The optional ID of a specific kernel to register with the new AMI. </li>
  * 	<li><code>RamdiskId</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The optional ID of a specific ramdisk to register with the new AMI. Some kernels require additional drivers at launch. Check the kernel requirements for information on whether you need to specify a RAM disk. </li>
  * 	<li><code>RootDeviceName</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The root device name (e.g., <code>/dev/sda1</code>). </li>
  * 	<li><code>BlockDeviceMapping</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - The block device mappings for the new AMI, which specify how different block devices (ex: EBS volumes and ephemeral drives) will be exposed on instances launched from the new image. <ul>
  * 		<li><code>x</code> - <code>array</code> - This represents a simple array index. <ul>
  * 			<li><code>VirtualName</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Specifies the virtual device name. </li>
  * 			<li><code>DeviceName</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Specifies the device name (e.g., <code>/dev/sdh</code>). </li>
  * 			<li><code>Ebs</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - Specifies parameters used to automatically setup Amazon EBS volumes when the instance is launched. Takes an associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
  * 				<li><code>SnapshotId</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The ID of the snapshot from which the volume will be created. </li>
  * 				<li><code>VolumeSize</code> - <code>integer</code> - Optional - The size of the volume, in gigabytes. </li>
  * 				<li><code>DeleteOnTermination</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - Specifies whether the Amazon EBS volume is deleted on instance termination. </li>
  * 			</ul></li>
  * 			<li><code>NoDevice</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Specifies the device name to suppress during instance launch. </li>
  * 		</ul></li>
  * 	</ul></li>
  * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <php:curl_setopt()>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
  * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
  * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
 public function register_image($opt = null)
     if (!$opt) {
         $opt = array();
     // Optional parameter
     if (isset($opt['BlockDeviceMapping'])) {
         $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('BlockDeviceMapping' => $opt['BlockDeviceMapping'])));
     return $this->authenticate('RegisterImage', $opt, $this->hostname);
Exemplo n.º 26
	 * ModifyInstanceGroups modifies the number of nodes and configuration settings of an instance group. The input parameters
	 * include the new target instance count for the group and the instance group ID. The call will either succeed or fail
	 * atomically.
	 * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
	 * 	<li><code>InstanceGroups</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - Instance groups to change. <ul>
	 * 		<li><code>x</code> - <code>array</code> - This represents a simple array index. <ul>
	 * 			<li><code>InstanceGroupId</code> - <code>string</code> - Required - Unique ID of the instance group to expand or shrink. </li>
	 * 			<li><code>InstanceCount</code> - <code>integer</code> - Required - Target size for the instance group. </li>
	 * 		</ul></li>
	 * 	</ul></li>
	 * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
	 * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
	public function modify_instance_groups($opt = null)
		if (!$opt) $opt = array();

		// Optional parameter
		if (isset($opt['InstanceGroups']))
			$opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array(
				'InstanceGroups' => $opt['InstanceGroups']
			), 'member'));

		return $this->authenticate('ModifyInstanceGroups', $opt, $this->hostname);
Exemplo n.º 27
  * Sends an email message, with header and content specified by the client. The
  * <code>SendRawEmail</code> action is useful for sending multipart MIME emails. The raw text of
  * the message must comply with Internet email standards; otherwise, the message cannot be sent.
  * <p class="important">
  * If you have not yet requested production access to Amazon SES, then you will only be able to
  * send email to and from verified email addresses and domains. For more information, go to the
  * 	<a href="http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide">Amazon SES Developer
  * Guide</a>.
  * </p> 
  * The total size of the message cannot exceed 10 MB. This includes any attachments that are part
  * of the message.
  * Amazon SES has a limit on the total number of recipients per message: The combined number of
  * To:, CC: and BCC: email addresses cannot exceed 50. If you need to send an email message to a
  * larger audience, you can divide your recipient list into groups of 50 or fewer, and then call
  * Amazon SES repeatedly to send the message to each group.
  * For every message that you send, the total number of recipients (To:, CC: and BCC:) is counted
  * against your <em>sending quota</em> - the maximum number of emails you can send in a 24-hour
  * period. For information about your sending quota, go to the "Managing Your Sending Activity"
  * section of the <a href="http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide">Amazon SES
  * Developer Guide</a>.
  * @param array $raw_message (Required) The raw text of the message. The client is responsible for ensuring the following: <ul><li>Message must contain a header and a body, separated by a blank line.</li><li>All required header fields must be present.</li><li>Each part of a multipart MIME message must be formatted properly.</li><li>MIME content types must be among those supported by Amazon SES. Refer to the <a href="http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide">Amazon SES Developer Guide</a> for more details.</li><li>Content must be base64-encoded, if MIME requires it.</li></ul> <ul>
  * 	<li><code>x</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - This represents a simple array index. <ul>
  * 		<li><code>Data</code> - <code>blob</code> - Required - The raw data of the message. The client must ensure that the message format complies with Internet email standards regarding email header fields, MIME types, MIME encoding, and base64 encoding (if necessary). For more information, go to the <a href="http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide">Amazon SES Developer Guide</a>.</li>
  * 	</ul></li>
  * </ul>
  * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
  * 	<li><code>Source</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The identity's email address. <p class="note">If you specify the <code>Source</code> parameter, then bounce notifications and complaints will be sent to this email address. This takes precedence over any <em>Return-Path</em> header that you might include in the raw text of the message.</p></li>
  * 	<li><code>Destinations</code> - <code>string|array</code> - Optional - A list of destinations for the message. Pass a string for a single value, or an indexed array for multiple values.</li>
  * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <code>curl_setopt()</code>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
  * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
  * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
 public function send_raw_email($raw_message, $opt = null)
     if (!$opt) {
         $opt = array();
     // Required map (non-list)
     $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('RawMessage' => is_array($raw_message) ? $raw_message : array($raw_message)), 'member'));
     // Optional list (non-map)
     if (isset($opt['Destinations'])) {
         $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('Destinations' => is_array($opt['Destinations']) ? $opt['Destinations'] : array($opt['Destinations'])), 'member'));
     return $this->authenticate('SendRawEmail', $opt);
Exemplo n.º 28
  * Updates the configuration for the specified <code>AutoScalingGroup</code>.
  * <p class="note"></p> 
  * To update an Auto Scaling group with a launch configuration that has the
  * <code>InstanceMonitoring</code> flag set to <code>False</code>, you must first ensure that
  * collection of group metrics is disabled. Otherwise, calls to
  * <code>UpdateAutoScalingGroup</code> will fail. If you have previously enabled group metrics
  * collection, you can disable collection of all group metrics by calling
  * <code>DisableMetricsCollection</code>.
  * The new settings are registered upon the completion of this call. Any launch configuration
  * settings take effect on any triggers after this call returns. Triggers that are currently in
  * progress aren't affected.
  * <p class="note">
  * If the new values are specified for the <em>MinSize</em> or <em>MaxSize</em> parameters, then
  * there will be an implicit call to <code>SetDesiredCapacity</code> to set the group to the new
  * <em>MaxSize</em>. All optional parameters are left unchanged if not passed in the request.
  * </p>
  * @param string $auto_scaling_group_name (Required) The name of the Auto Scaling group. [Constraints: The value must be between 1 and 1600 characters, and must match the following regular expression pattern: <code>[\u0020-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD\uD800\uDC00-\uDBFF\uDFFF\r\n\t]*</code>]
  * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
  * 	<li><code>LaunchConfigurationName</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The name of the launch configuration. [Constraints: The value must be between 1 and 1600 characters, and must match the following regular expression pattern: <code>[\u0020-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD\uD800\uDC00-\uDBFF\uDFFF\r\n\t]*</code>]</li>
  * 	<li><code>MinSize</code> - <code>integer</code> - Optional - The minimum size of the Auto Scaling group.</li>
  * 	<li><code>MaxSize</code> - <code>integer</code> - Optional - The maximum size of the Auto Scaling group.</li>
  * 	<li><code>DesiredCapacity</code> - <code>integer</code> - Optional - The desired capacity for the Auto Scaling group.</li>
  * 	<li><code>DefaultCooldown</code> - <code>integer</code> - Optional - The amount of time, in seconds, after a scaling activity completes before any further trigger-related scaling activities can start.</li>
  * 	<li><code>AvailabilityZones</code> - <code>string|array</code> - Optional - Availability zones for the group. Pass a string for a single value, or an indexed array for multiple values.</li>
  * 	<li><code>HealthCheckType</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The service of interest for the health status check, either "EC2" for Amazon EC2 or "ELB" for Elastic Load Balancing. [Constraints: The value must be between 1 and 32 characters, and must match the following regular expression pattern: <code>[\u0020-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD\uD800\uDC00-\uDBFF\uDFFF\r\n\t]*</code>]</li>
  * 	<li><code>HealthCheckGracePeriod</code> - <code>integer</code> - Optional - The length of time that Auto Scaling waits before checking an instance's health status. The grace period begins when an instance comes into service.</li>
  * 	<li><code>PlacementGroup</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The name of the cluster placement group, if applicable. For more information, go to <a href="http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/using_cluster_computing.html">Using Cluster Instances</a> in the Amazon EC2 User Guide. [Constraints: The value must be between 1 and 255 characters, and must match the following regular expression pattern: <code>[\u0020-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD\uD800\uDC00-\uDBFF\uDFFF\r\n\t]*</code>]</li>
  * 	<li><code>VPCZoneIdentifier</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - The subnet identifier for the Amazon VPC connection, if applicable. You can specify several subnets in a comma-separated list. When you specify <code>VPCZoneIdentifier</code> with <code>AvailabilityZones</code>, ensure that the subnets' Availability Zones match the values you specify for <code>AvailabilityZones</code>. [Constraints: The value must be between 1 and 255 characters, and must match the following regular expression pattern: <code>[\u0020-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD\uD800\uDC00-\uDBFF\uDFFF\r\n\t]*</code>]</li>
  * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <code>curl_setopt()</code>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
  * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
  * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
 public function update_auto_scaling_group($auto_scaling_group_name, $opt = null)
     if (!$opt) {
         $opt = array();
     $opt['AutoScalingGroupName'] = $auto_scaling_group_name;
     // Optional list (non-map)
     if (isset($opt['AvailabilityZones'])) {
         $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('AvailabilityZones' => is_array($opt['AvailabilityZones']) ? $opt['AvailabilityZones'] : array($opt['AvailabilityZones'])), 'member'));
     return $this->authenticate('UpdateAutoScalingGroup', $opt);
Exemplo n.º 29
  * Disables monitoring for a running instance.
  * @param string|array $instance_id (Required) The list of Amazon EC2 instances on which to disable monitoring. Pass a string for a single value, or an indexed array for multiple values.
  * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
  * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <code>curl_setopt()</code>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
  * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
  * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
 public function unmonitor_instances($instance_id, $opt = null)
     if (!$opt) {
         $opt = array();
     // Required list (non-map)
     $opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array('InstanceId' => is_array($instance_id) ? $instance_id : array($instance_id))));
     return $this->authenticate('UnmonitorInstances', $opt);
	 * Updates a stack as specified in the template. After the call completes successfully, the stack update starts. You can check the status of
	 * the stack via the DescribeStacks action.
	 * To get a copy of the template for an existing stack, you can use the GetTemplate action.
	 * For more information about creating an update template, updating a stack, and monitoring the progress of the update, see <a
	 * href="http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-updating-stacks.html">Updating a Stack</a>.
	 * @param string $stack_name (Required) The name or stack ID of the stack to update. Must contain only alphanumeric characters (case sensitive) and start with an alpha character. Maximum length of the name is 255 characters.
	 * @param array $opt (Optional) An associative array of parameters that can have the following keys: <ul>
	 * 	<li><code>TemplateBody</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Structure containing the template body. (For more information, go to the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.) Condition: You must pass <code>TemplateBody</code> or <code>TemplateURL</code>. If both are passed, only <code>TemplateBody</code> is used. </li>
	 * 	<li><code>TemplateURL</code> - <code>string</code> - Optional - Location of file containing the template body. The URL must point to a template located in an S3 bucket in the same region as the stack. For more information, go to the AWS CloudFormation User Guide. Conditional: You must pass <code>TemplateURL</code> or <code>TemplateBody</code>. If both are passed, only <code>TemplateBody</code> is used. </li>
	 * 	<li><code>Parameters</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A list of <code>Parameter</code> structures that specify input parameters for the stack.</li>
	 * 	<li><code>Capabilities</code> - <code>array</code>- Optional - The list of capabilities that you want to allow in the stack. If your stack contains IAM resources, you must specify the CAPABILITY_IAM value for this parameter; otherwise, this action returns an InsufficientCapabilities error. IAM resources are the following: AWS::IAM::AccessKey, AWS::IAM::Group, AWS::IAM::Policy, AWS::IAM::User, and AWS::IAM::UserToGroupAddition.</li>
	 * 	<li><code>curlopts</code> - <code>array</code> - Optional - A set of values to pass directly into <code>curl_setopt()</code>, where the key is a pre-defined <code>CURLOPT_*</code> constant.</li>
	 * 	<li><code>returnCurlHandle</code> - <code>boolean</code> - Optional - A private toggle specifying that the cURL handle be returned rather than actually completing the request. This toggle is useful for manually managed batch requests.</li></ul>
	 * @return CFResponse A <CFResponse> object containing a parsed HTTP response.
	public function update_stack($stack_name, $opt = null)
		if (!$opt) $opt = array();
		$opt['StackName'] = $stack_name;

		// Optional parameter
		if (isset($opt['Parameters']))
			$opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array(
				'Parameters' => $opt['Parameters']
			), 'member'));

		// Optional parameter
		if (isset($opt['Capabilities']))
			$opt = array_merge($opt, CFComplexType::map(array(
				'Capabilities' => $opt['Capabilities']
			), 'member'));

		return $this->authenticate('UpdateStack', $opt, $this->hostname);