<?php /** * This is a Branax pagecontroller. * */ // Include the essential config-file which also creates the $branax variable with its defaults. include __DIR__ . '/config.php'; $user = new CUser($branax['database']); $user->isAuthenticated() or die('Check: You must login to delete.'); $content = new CContent($branax['database']); // Do it and store it all in variables in the Branax container. $branax['title'] = "Radera"; $branax['main'] = <<<EOD <h1>Radera innehåll</h1> {$content->delete()} EOD; // Finally, leave it all to the rendering phase of Branax. include BRANAX_THEME_PATH;
$uppdate = isset($_POST['uppdate']) ? true : false; $title = isset($_POST['title']) ? strip_tags($_POST['title']) : null; $type = isset($_POST['type']) ? strip_tags($_POST['type']) : null; $acronym = isset($_SESSION['user']) ? $_SESSION['user']->acronym : null; if ($acronym == null) { echo <<<EOD <div style=" border: 1px solid #777; border-radius: 3px; padding: 10px 20px;"> <h2 style="margin-top: 0;">Du måste vara inloggad för att få radera innehåll...</h2> <p><a href="?p=clogin" class="aButton">Logga in</a></p> </div> EOD; } else { $cont = new CContent($urbax['database']); //time to delete a post? if ($cont->validContentId($id)) { $cont->delete($id); //use javascritp to reload - forces the the nav menu to uppdate //echo "<script> setTimeout(function (){ window.location.href = '?p=contentdelete'; }, 2000);</script>"; } //var_dump($user->isAdmin()); $disabled = ''; $info = ''; if (!$user->isAdmin()) { $disabled = "disabled"; $info = "<p> Du kan inte radera eftersom du inte är administratör.</p>"; } //show table $dbc = new CDatabase($urbax['database']); $resultset = $dbc->ExecuteSelectQueryAndFetchAll('SELECT id, title FROM oophp0710_content WHERE deleted IS NULL'); echo "<h2>Välj post att radera:</h2>"; echo "<table class='table'>";