Exemplo n.º 1
 function store($post_replace = null)
     $isNew = false;
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $row = $this->getTable();
     $storage = $this->getStorage();
     $storage_id = 0;
     if ($post_replace === null) {
         $data = JRequest::get('post');
     } else {
         $data = $post_replace;
     $bytable = isset($data['bytable']) ? $data['bytable'] : '';
     if (isset($data['bytable'])) {
     // forcing to lower as database exports may lead to tablename lowering
     $data['name'] = isset($data['name']) ? strtolower($data['name']) : '';
     if ($bytable) {
         $data['bytable'] = 1;
         $newname = $bytable;
         $data['name'] = $newname;
         if (!trim($data['title'])) {
             $newtitle = $newname;
         } else {
             $newtitle = trim($data['title']);
         $data['title'] = $newtitle;
     } else {
         $data['bytable'] = 0;
         $newname = str_replace(array(' ', "\n", "\r", "\t"), array(''), preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\s]/isU", "_", trim($data['name'])));
         $newname = preg_replace("/^([0-9\\s])/isU", "field\$1\$2", $newname);
         $newname = $newname == '' ? 'field' . mt_rand(0, mt_getrandmax()) : $newname;
         // required for csv
         $this->target_table = $newname;
         $data['name'] = $newname;
         if (!trim($data['title'])) {
             $newtitle = $newname;
         } else {
             $newtitle = trim($data['title']);
         $data['title'] = $newtitle;
     $listnames = isset($data['itemNames']) ? $data['itemNames'] : array();
     $listtitles = isset($data['itemTitles']) ? $data['itemTitles'] : array();
     $listisgroup = isset($data['itemIsGroup']) ? $data['itemIsGroup'] : array();
     $listgroupdefinitions = JRequest::getVar('itemGroupDefinitions', array(), 'POST', 'ARRAY', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW);
     // case of new field
     $newfieldname = '';
     $newfieldtitle = '';
     $is_group = 0;
     $group_definition = '';
     $fieldexists = false;
     if (isset($data['fieldname']) && trim($data['fieldname'])) {
         $newfieldname = str_replace(array(' ', "\n", "\r", "\t"), array('_'), preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\s]/isU", "_", trim($data['fieldname'])));
         $newfieldname = preg_replace("/^([0-9\\s])/isU", "field\$1\$2", $newfieldname);
         $newfieldname = $newfieldname == '' ? 'field' . mt_rand(0, mt_getrandmax()) : $newfieldname;
         if (!trim($data['fieldtitle'])) {
             $newfieldtitle = $newfieldname;
         } else {
             $newfieldtitle = trim($data['fieldtitle']);
         $this->_db->setQuery("Select `name` From #__contentbuilder_storage_fields Where `name` = " . $this->_db->Quote($newfieldname) . " And storage_id = " . JRequest::getInt('id', 0));
         $fieldexists = $this->_db->loadResult();
         if ($fieldexists) {
             $newfieldname = $fieldexists;
         $is_group = intval($data['is_group']);
         $group_definition = $data['group_definition'];
     if (!$row->bind($data)) {
         return false;
     if (!$row->check()) {
         return false;
     $storeRes = $row->store();
     if (!$storeRes) {
         return false;
     } else {
         if (intval($data['id']) != 0) {
             $storage_id = intval($data['id']);
         } else {
             $isNew = true;
             $storage_id = $this->_db->insertid();
             $this->_id = $storage_id;
         // required for csv
         $this->_id = $storage_id;
     $this->_db->setQuery("Select Max(ordering)+1 From #__contentbuilder_storage_fields Where storage_id = " . $this->_id . "");
     $max = intval($this->_db->loadResult());
     // we have a new field, so let's add it
     if (!$bytable && $this->_id && $newfieldname && !$fieldexists) {
         $this->_db->setQuery("Insert Into #__contentbuilder_storage_fields (ordering, storage_id,`name`,`title`,`is_group`,`group_definition`) Values ({$max}," . intval($this->_id) . "," . $this->_db->Quote($newfieldname) . "," . $this->_db->Quote($newfieldtitle) . "," . $is_group . "," . $this->_db->Quote($group_definition) . ")");
     // table
     // create or update the corresponding table, field synch below
     $last_update = JFactory::getDate();
     $last_update = CBCompat::toSql($last_update);
     $tables = CBCompat::getTableFields(JFactory::getDBO()->getTableList());
     if (!$bytable && !isset($tables[JFactory::getDBO()->getPrefix() . $data['name']])) {
         if ($storage->name && isset($tables[JFactory::getDBO()->getPrefix() . $storage->name])) {
             $this->_db->setQuery("Rename Table #__" . $storage->name . " To #__" . $data['name']);
         } else {
             try {
                 CREATE TABLE `#__' . $data['name'] . '` (
                 `storage_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT "' . $this->_id . '",
                 `user_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT "0",
                 `created` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT "' . $last_update . '",
                 `created_by` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT "",
                 `modified_user_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT "0",
                 `modified` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
                 `modified_by` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ""
                 ) ;
                 JFactory::getDBO()->setQuery("ALTER TABLE `#__" . $data['name'] . "` ADD INDEX ( `storage_id` )");
                 JFactory::getDBO()->setQuery("ALTER TABLE `#__" . $data['name'] . "` ADD INDEX ( `user_id` )");
                 JFactory::getDBO()->setQuery("ALTER TABLE `#__" . $data['name'] . "` ADD INDEX ( `created` )");
                 JFactory::getDBO()->setQuery("ALTER TABLE `#__" . $data['name'] . "` ADD INDEX ( `modified_user_id` )");
                 JFactory::getDBO()->setQuery("ALTER TABLE `#__" . $data['name'] . "` ADD INDEX ( `modified` )");
             } catch (Exception $e) {
     } else {
         if ($bytable) {
             // creating the storage fields in custom table if not existing already
             $system_fields = array('id', 'storage_id', 'user_id', 'created', 'created_by', 'modified_user_id', 'modified', 'modified_by');
             $allfields = array();
             $fieldin = '';
             $fields = $tables[$data['name']];
             foreach ($fields as $field => $type) {
                 $fieldin .= "'" . $field . "',";
             $fieldin = rtrim($fieldin, ',');
             if ($fieldin) {
                 $this->_db->setQuery("Select `name` From #__contentbuilder_storage_fields Where `name` In (" . $fieldin . ") And storage_id = " . $this->_id);
                 $version = new JVersion();
                 if (version_compare($version->getShortVersion(), '3.0', '>=')) {
                     $fieldnames = $this->_db->loadColumn();
                 } else {
                     $fieldnames = $this->_db->loadResultArray();
                 foreach ($fields as $field => $type) {
                     if (!in_array($field, $fieldnames) && !in_array($field, $system_fields)) {
                         $this->_db->setQuery("Insert Into #__contentbuilder_storage_fields (ordering,storage_id,`name`,`title`,`is_group`,`group_definition`) Values ({$max}," . intval($this->_id) . "," . $this->_db->Quote($field) . "," . $this->_db->Quote($field) . ",0,'')");
                     $allfields[] = $field;
                 // now we add missing system columns into the custom table
                 try {
                     foreach ($system_fields as $missing) {
                         if (!in_array($missing, $allfields)) {
                             switch ($missing) {
                                 case 'id':
                                     $this->_db->setQuery("ALTER TABLE `" . $data['name'] . "` ADD `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY ");
                                 case 'storage_id':
                                     $this->_db->setQuery("ALTER TABLE `" . $data['name'] . "` ADD `storage_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT " . $this->_id . ", ADD INDEX ( `storage_id` )");
                                 case 'user_id':
                                     $this->_db->setQuery("ALTER TABLE `" . $data['name'] . "` ADD `user_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ADD INDEX ( `user_id` ) ");
                                 case 'created':
                                     $this->_db->setQuery("ALTER TABLE `" . $data['name'] . "` ADD `created` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '" . $last_update . "', ADD INDEX ( `created` ) ");
                                 case 'created_by':
                                     $this->_db->setQuery("ALTER TABLE `" . $data['name'] . "` ADD `created_by` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ");
                                 case 'modified_user_id':
                                     $this->_db->setQuery("ALTER TABLE `" . $data['name'] . "` ADD `modified_user_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ADD INDEX ( `modified_user_id` ) ");
                                 case 'modified':
                                     $this->_db->setQuery("ALTER TABLE `" . $data['name'] . "` ADD `modified` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', ADD INDEX ( `modified` ) ");
                                 case 'modified_by':
                                     $this->_db->setQuery("ALTER TABLE `" . $data['name'] . "` ADD `modified_by` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ");
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                 // importing records
                 if ($isNew) {
                     $this->_db->setQuery("Alter Table `" . $data['name'] . "` Alter Column `storage_id` Set Default '" . $this->_id . "'");
                     $this->_db->setQuery("Update `" . $data['name'] . "` Set `storage_id` = '" . $this->_id . "'");
                     $this->_db->setQuery("Select id From `" . $data['name'] . "`");
                     $version = new JVersion();
                     if (version_compare($version->getShortVersion(), '3.0', '>=')) {
                         $third_party_ids = $this->_db->loadColumn();
                     } else {
                         $third_party_ids = $this->_db->loadResultArray();
                     foreach ($third_party_ids as $third_party_id) {
                         $this->_db->setQuery("Insert Into #__contentbuilder_records (\n                            `type`,\n                            last_update,\n                            is_future,\n                            lang_code, \n                            sef, \n                            published, \n                            record_id, \n                            reference_id\n                        ) \n                        Values \n                        (\n                            'com_contentbuilder',\n                            " . $this->_db->Quote($last_update) . ",\n                            0,\n                            '*',\n                            '',\n                            1,\n                            " . $this->_db->Quote(intval($third_party_id)) . ",\n                            " . $this->_db->Quote($this->_id) . "\n                        )");
                         // ignore already imported records
     $tables = CBCompat::getTableFields(JFactory::getDBO()->getTableList());
     foreach ($listnames as $field_id => $name) {
         $name = str_replace(array(' ', "\n", "\r", "\t"), array(''), preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\s]/isU", "_", trim($name)));
         $name = preg_replace("/^([0-9\\s])/isU", "field\$1\$2", $name);
         $name = $name == '' ? 'field' . mt_rand(0, mt_getrandmax()) : $name;
         if (!trim($listtitles[$field_id])) {
             $listtitles[$field_id] = $name;
         } else {
             $listtitles[$field_id] = trim($listtitles[$field_id]);
         if (!$bytable) {
             $this->_db->setQuery("Select `name` From #__contentbuilder_storage_fields Where id = " . intval($field_id));
             $old_name = $this->_db->loadResult();
             $this->_db->setQuery("Update #__contentbuilder_storage_fields Set group_definition = " . $this->_db->Quote($listgroupdefinitions[$field_id]) . ", is_group = " . intval($listisgroup[$field_id]) . ",`name` = " . $this->_db->Quote($name) . ", `title` = " . $this->_db->Quote($listtitles[$field_id]) . " Where id = " . intval($field_id));
             if ($old_name != $name) {
                 $this->_db->setQuery("ALTER TABLE `#__" . $data['name'] . "` CHANGE `" . $old_name . "` `" . $name . "` TEXT ");
         } else {
             $this->_db->setQuery("Update #__contentbuilder_storage_fields Set group_definition = " . $this->_db->Quote($listgroupdefinitions[$field_id]) . ", is_group = " . intval($listisgroup[$field_id]) . ", `title` = " . $this->_db->Quote($listtitles[$field_id]) . " Where id = " . intval($field_id));
     $this->getTable('storage_fields')->reorder('storage_id = ' . $this->_id);
     if (!$bytable) {
         // fields
         // synch non-existing fields
         $fields = $this->getFields();
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             if (!isset($field->name)) {
             $fieldname = $field->name;
             if ($fieldname && !isset($tables[JFactory::getDBO()->getPrefix() . $data['name']][$fieldname])) {
                 try {
                     $this->_db->setQuery("ALTER TABLE `#__" . $data['name'] . "` ADD `" . $fieldname . "` TEXT NOT NULL ");
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
     if ($post_replace === null) {
         return $this->_id;
     } else {
         return $newfieldname;
 function onAfterInitialize()
     if (!JFile::exists(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'administrator' . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_contentbuilder' . DS . 'classes' . DS . 'contentbuilder.php')) {
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     if (!$app->isSite()) {
     // synch the records if there are any changes
     if ($app->isSite()) {
         $db = JFactory::getDBO();
         $user = JFactory::getUser();
         $db->setQuery("\n                    Update\n                        #__contentbuilder_articles As articles,\n                        #__content As content, \n                        #__contentbuilder_forms As forms,\n                        #__contentbuilder_registered_users As cbusers,\n                        #__users As users\n                    Set \n                        content.state = 0\n                    Where \n                        articles.article_id = content.id\n                    And\n                        content.state = 1\n                    And\n                        articles.form_id = forms.id\n                    And\n                        forms.act_as_registration = 1\n                    And\n                        forms.id = cbusers.form_id\n                    And\n                        content.created_by = cbusers.user_id\n                    And\n                      (\n                        (\n                            users.id = cbusers.user_id\n                          And\n                            users.block = 1\n                        )\n                      )\n                    ");
         $db->setQuery("\n                    Update \n                        #__contentbuilder_articles As articles,\n                        #__content As content, \n                        #__contentbuilder_forms As forms,\n                        #__contentbuilder_records As records,\n                        #__contentbuilder_registered_users As cbusers,\n                        #__users As users\n                    Set \n                        content.state = forms.auto_publish\n                    Where \n                        articles.article_id = content.id\n                    And\n                        content.state = 0\n                    And\n                        articles.form_id = forms.id\n                    And\n                        forms.act_as_registration = 1\n                    And\n                        forms.id = cbusers.form_id\n                    And\n                        content.created_by = cbusers.user_id\n                    And\n                        users.id = cbusers.user_id\n                    And\n                        records.record_id = cbusers.record_id\n                    And\n                        records.`type` = forms.`type`\n                    And\n                        users.block = 0\n                    ");
         $pluginParams = CBCompat::getPluginParams($this, 'system', 'contentbuilder_system');
         require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'administrator' . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_contentbuilder' . DS . 'classes' . DS . 'contentbuilder.php';
         $db->setQuery("\n                Select \n                    form.id As form_id,\n                    form.act_as_registration,\n                    form.default_category,\n                    form.registration_name_field, \n                    form.registration_username_field, \n                    form.registration_email_field, \n                    form.registration_email_repeat_field, \n                    form.`last_update`,\n                    article.`article_id`,\n                    form.`title_field`,\n                    form.`create_articles`,\n                    form.`name`,\n                    form.`use_view_name_as_title`,\n                    form.`protect_upload_directory`,\n                    form.`reference_id`,\n                    records.`record_id`,\n                    form.`type`,\n                    form.`published_only`,\n                    form.`own_only`,\n                    form.`own_only_fe`,\n                    records.`last_update` As record_last_update,\n                    article.`last_update` As article_last_update\n                From\n                    #__contentbuilder_records As records\n                    Left Join #__contentbuilder_forms As form On ( form.`type` = records.`type` And form.reference_id = records.reference_id )\n                    Left Join #__contentbuilder_articles As article On ( form.`type` = records.`type` And form.reference_id = records.reference_id And article.form_id = form.id And article.record_id = records.record_id )\n                    Left Join #__content As content On ( form.`type` = records.`type` And form.reference_id = records.reference_id And article.article_id = content.id And article.form_id = form.id And article.record_id = records.record_id )\n                Where \n                    form.`published` = 1\n                And\n                    form.create_articles = 1\n                And\n                    form.`type` = records.`type`\n                And \n                    form.reference_id = records.reference_id\n                And\n                   (\n                     (\n                        article.form_id = form.id \n                      And \n                        article.record_id = records.record_id\n                      And \n                        article.article_id = content.id \n                      And \n                        ( content.state = 1 Or content.state = 0 )\n                      And\n                      (\n                        form.`last_update` > article.`last_update`   \n                       Or\n                        records.`last_update` > article.`last_update`\n                      )\n                     )\n                     Or\n                     (\n                        form.id Is Not Null And records.id Is Not Null And content.id Is Null And article.id Is Null\n                     )\n                   )\n                Limit " . intval($pluginParams->def('limit_per_turn', 50)));
         $list = $db->loadAssocList();
         if (isset($list[0])) {
             $lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
             $lang->load('com_contentbuilder', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR);
         $jdate = JFactory::getDate();
         $now = CBCompat::toSql($jdate);
         foreach ($list as $data) {
             if (is_array($data)) {
                 $form = contentbuilder::getForm($data['type'], $data['reference_id']);
                 if (!$form || !$form->exists) {
                 // creating the article
                 if ($data['create_articles']) {
                     $data['labels'] = $form->getElementLabels();
                     $ids = array();
                     foreach ($data['labels'] as $reference_id => $label) {
                         $ids[] = $db->Quote($reference_id);
                     if (count($ids)) {
                         $db->setQuery("Select Distinct `label`, reference_id From #__contentbuilder_elements Where form_id = " . intval($data['form_id']) . " And reference_id In (" . implode(',', $ids) . ") And published = 1 Order By ordering");
                         $rows = $db->loadAssocList();
                         $ids = array();
                         foreach ($rows as $row) {
                             $ids[] = $row['reference_id'];
                     $data['items'] = $form->getRecord($data['record_id'], false, -1, true);
                     $article_id = contentbuilder::createArticle($data['form_id'], $data['record_id'], $data['items'], $ids, $data['title_field'], $form->getRecordMetadata($data['record_id']), array(), false, 1, $data['default_category']);
                     if ($article_id) {
                         $db->setQuery("Update #__contentbuilder_articles Set `last_update`=" . $db->Quote($now) . " Where article_id = " . $db->Quote($article_id) . " And record_id = " . $db->Quote($data['record_id']) . " And form_id = " . $db->Quote($data['form_id']));
Exemplo n.º 3
 function store()
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $row = $this->getTable();
     $form = $this->getForm();
     $form_id = 0;
     $data = JRequest::get('post');
     $data['details_template'] = JRequest::getVar('details_template', '', 'POST', 'STRING', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW);
     $data['editable_template'] = JRequest::getVar('editable_template', '', 'POST', 'STRING', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW);
     $data['details_prepare'] = JRequest::getVar('details_prepare', '', 'POST', 'STRING', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW);
     $data['editable_prepare'] = JRequest::getVar('editable_prepare', '', 'POST', 'STRING', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW);
     $data['intro_text'] = JRequest::getVar('intro_text', '', 'POST', 'STRING', JREQUEST_ALLOWHTML);
     $data['editable'] = JRequest::getVar('editable', '', 'POST', 'STRING', JREQUEST_ALLOWHTML);
     $data['email_admin_template'] = JRequest::getVar('email_admin_template', '', 'POST', 'STRING', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW);
     $data['email_template'] = JRequest::getVar('email_template', '', 'POST', 'STRING', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW);
     #### SETTINGS
     $data['create_articles'] = JRequest::getInt('create_articles', 0);
     $data['protect_upload_directory'] = JRequest::getInt('protect_upload_directory', 0);
     //$data['upload_directory'] = JPATH_SITE . DS . 'media/contentbuilder/upload';
     //$data['protect_upload_directory'] = 1;
     // determine if it contains a replacement
     $tokens = '';
     $upl_ex = explode('|', $data['upload_directory']);
     $data['upload_directory'] = $upl_ex[0];
     $is_relative = strpos(strtolower($data['upload_directory']), '{cbsite}') === 0;
     $tmp_upload_directory = $data['upload_directory'];
     $upload_directory = $is_relative ? str_replace(array('{CBSite}', '{cbsite}'), JPATH_SITE, $data['upload_directory']) : $data['upload_directory'];
     $data['upload_directory'] = $upload_directory;
     $protect = $data['protect_upload_directory'];
     // if not exissting, we create the fallback directory
     if (!JFolder::exists($upload_directory)) {
         if (!JFolder::exists(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'media' . DS . 'contentbuilder')) {
             JFolder::create(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'media' . DS . 'contentbuilder');
             JFile::write(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'media' . DS . 'contentbuilder' . DS . 'index.html', $def = '');
         if (!JFolder::exists(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'media' . DS . 'contentbuilder' . DS . 'upload')) {
             JFolder::create(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'media' . DS . 'contentbuilder' . DS . 'upload');
             JFile::write(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'media' . DS . 'contentbuilder' . DS . 'upload' . DS . 'index.html', $def = '');
             if ($protect) {
                 JFile::write(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'media' . DS . 'contentbuilder' . DS . 'upload' . DS . '.htaccess', $def = 'deny from all');
         $data['upload_directory'] = JPATH_SITE . DS . 'media' . DS . 'contentbuilder' . DS . 'upload';
         if ($is_relative) {
             $tmp_upload_directory = '{CBSite}' . DS . 'media' . DS . 'contentbuilder' . DS . 'upload';
         JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_CONTENTBUILDER_FALLBACK_UPLOAD_CREATED') . ' (' . DS . 'media' . DS . 'contentbuilder' . DS . 'upload' . ')', 'warning');
     if (isset($upl_ex[1])) {
         $tokens = '|' . $upl_ex[1];
     if ($data['protect_upload_directory'] && JFolder::exists(contentbuilder::makeSafeFolder($data['upload_directory']))) {
         if (!JFile::exists(contentbuilder::makeSafeFolder($data['upload_directory']) . DS . 'index.html')) {
             JFile::write(contentbuilder::makeSafeFolder($data['upload_directory']) . DS . 'index.html', $def = '');
     if ($data['protect_upload_directory'] && JFolder::exists(contentbuilder::makeSafeFolder($data['upload_directory']))) {
         if (!JFile::exists(contentbuilder::makeSafeFolder($data['upload_directory']) . DS . '.htaccess')) {
             JFile::write(contentbuilder::makeSafeFolder($data['upload_directory']) . DS . '.htaccess', $def = 'deny from all');
     } else {
         if (JFile::exists(contentbuilder::makeSafeFolder($data['upload_directory']) . DS . '.htaccess')) {
             JFile::delete(contentbuilder::makeSafeFolder($data['upload_directory']) . DS . '.htaccess');
     // reverting back to possibly including cbsite replacement
     $data['upload_directory'] = $tmp_upload_directory . $tokens;
     #### USERS
     $data['verification_required_view'] = JRequest::getInt('verification_required_view', 0);
     $data['verification_required_new'] = JRequest::getInt('verification_required_new', 0);
     $data['verification_required_edit'] = JRequest::getInt('verification_required_edit', 0);
     #### MISC
     $data['show_all_languages_fe'] = JRequest::getInt('show_all_languages_fe', 0);
     if (!$data['show_all_languages_fe'] && !$data['default_lang_code_ignore']) {
         JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_CONTENTBUILDER_LANGUAGE_WARNING'), 'warning');
     $gmap = array();
     $config = array();
     $config['permissions'] = array();
     $config['permissions_fe'] = array();
     $config['own'] = array();
     $config['own_fe'] = array();
     // backend
     if (isset($data['own']) && isset($data['own']['view']) && intval($data['own']['view']) == 1) {
         $config['own']['view'] = true;
     if (isset($data['own']) && isset($data['own']['edit']) && intval($data['own']['edit']) == 1) {
         $config['own']['edit'] = true;
     if (isset($data['own']) && isset($data['own']['delete']) && intval($data['own']['delete']) == 1) {
         $config['own']['delete'] = true;
     if (isset($data['own']) && isset($data['own']['state']) && intval($data['own']['state']) == 1) {
         $config['own']['state'] = true;
     if (isset($data['own']) && isset($data['own']['publish']) && intval($data['own']['publish']) == 1) {
         $config['own']['publish'] = true;
     if (isset($data['own']) && isset($data['own']['fullarticle']) && intval($data['own']['fullarticle']) == 1) {
         $config['own']['fullarticle'] = true;
     if (isset($data['own']) && isset($data['own']['listaccess']) && intval($data['own']['listaccess']) == 1) {
         $config['own']['listaccess'] = true;
     if (isset($data['own']) && isset($data['own']['new']) && intval($data['own']['new']) == 1) {
         $config['own']['new'] = true;
     if (isset($data['own']) && isset($data['own']['language']) && intval($data['own']['language']) == 1) {
         $config['own']['language'] = true;
     if (isset($data['own']) && isset($data['own']['rating']) && intval($data['own']['rating']) == 1) {
         $config['own']['rating'] = true;
     // frontend
     if (isset($data['own_fe']) && isset($data['own_fe']['view']) && intval($data['own_fe']['view']) == 1) {
         $config['own_fe']['view'] = true;
     if (isset($data['own_fe']) && isset($data['own_fe']['edit']) && intval($data['own_fe']['edit']) == 1) {
         $config['own_fe']['edit'] = true;
     if (isset($data['own_fe']) && isset($data['own_fe']['delete']) && intval($data['own_fe']['delete']) == 1) {
         $config['own_fe']['delete'] = true;
     if (isset($data['own_fe']) && isset($data['own_fe']['state']) && intval($data['own_fe']['state']) == 1) {
         $config['own_fe']['state'] = true;
     if (isset($data['own_fe']) && isset($data['own_fe']['publish']) && intval($data['own_fe']['publish']) == 1) {
         $config['own_fe']['publish'] = true;
     if (isset($data['own_fe']) && isset($data['own_fe']['fullarticle']) && intval($data['own_fe']['fullarticle']) == 1) {
         $config['own_fe']['fullarticle'] = true;
     if (isset($data['own_fe']) && isset($data['own_fe']['listaccess']) && intval($data['own_fe']['listaccess']) == 1) {
         $config['own_fe']['listaccess'] = true;
     if (isset($data['own_fe']) && isset($data['own_fe']['new']) && intval($data['own_fe']['new']) == 1) {
         $config['own_fe']['new'] = true;
     if (isset($data['own_fe']) && isset($data['own_fe']['language']) && intval($data['own_fe']['language']) == 1) {
         $config['own_fe']['language'] = true;
     if (isset($data['own_fe']) && isset($data['own_fe']['rating']) && intval($data['own_fe']['rating']) == 1) {
         $config['own_fe']['rating'] = true;
     $version = new JVersion();
     if (version_compare($version->getShortVersion(), '1.6', '<')) {
         $acl = JFactory::getACL();
         $gmap = $acl->get_group_children_tree(null, 'USERS', false);
     } else {
         $db = JFactory::getDbo();
         $query = 'SELECT CONCAT( REPEAT(\'..\', COUNT(parent.id) - 1), node.title) as text, node.id as value' . ' FROM #__usergroups AS node, #__usergroups AS parent' . ' WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt' . ' GROUP BY node.id' . ' ORDER BY node.lft';
         $gmap = $db->loadObjectList();
     foreach ($gmap as $entry) {
         // backend
         if (isset($data['perms'][$entry->value]) && isset($data['perms'][$entry->value]['listaccess']) && intval($data['perms'][$entry->value]['listaccess']) == 1) {
             $config['permissions'][$entry->value]['listaccess'] = true;
         if (isset($data['perms'][$entry->value]) && isset($data['perms'][$entry->value]['view']) && intval($data['perms'][$entry->value]['view']) == 1) {
             $config['permissions'][$entry->value]['view'] = true;
         if (isset($data['perms'][$entry->value]) && isset($data['perms'][$entry->value]['new']) && intval($data['perms'][$entry->value]['new']) == 1) {
             $config['permissions'][$entry->value]['new'] = true;
         if (isset($data['perms'][$entry->value]) && isset($data['perms'][$entry->value]['edit']) && intval($data['perms'][$entry->value]['edit']) == 1) {
             $config['permissions'][$entry->value]['edit'] = true;
         if (isset($data['perms'][$entry->value]) && isset($data['perms'][$entry->value]['delete']) && intval($data['perms'][$entry->value]['delete']) == 1) {
             $config['permissions'][$entry->value]['delete'] = true;
         if (isset($data['perms'][$entry->value]) && isset($data['perms'][$entry->value]['state']) && intval($data['perms'][$entry->value]['state']) == 1) {
             $config['permissions'][$entry->value]['state'] = true;
         if (isset($data['perms'][$entry->value]) && isset($data['perms'][$entry->value]['publish']) && intval($data['perms'][$entry->value]['publish']) == 1) {
             $config['permissions'][$entry->value]['publish'] = true;
         if (isset($data['perms'][$entry->value]) && isset($data['perms'][$entry->value]['fullarticle']) && intval($data['perms'][$entry->value]['fullarticle']) == 1) {
             $config['permissions'][$entry->value]['fullarticle'] = true;
         if (isset($data['perms'][$entry->value]) && isset($data['perms'][$entry->value]['language']) && intval($data['perms'][$entry->value]['language']) == 1) {
             $config['permissions'][$entry->value]['language'] = true;
         if (isset($data['perms'][$entry->value]) && isset($data['perms'][$entry->value]['rating']) && intval($data['perms'][$entry->value]['rating']) == 1) {
             $config['permissions'][$entry->value]['rating'] = true;
         // frontend
         if (isset($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]) && isset($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]['listaccess']) && intval($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]['listaccess']) == 1) {
             $config['permissions_fe'][$entry->value]['listaccess'] = true;
         if (isset($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]) && isset($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]['view']) && intval($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]['view']) == 1) {
             $config['permissions_fe'][$entry->value]['view'] = true;
         if (isset($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]) && isset($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]['new']) && intval($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]['new']) == 1) {
             $config['permissions_fe'][$entry->value]['new'] = true;
         if (isset($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]) && isset($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]['edit']) && intval($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]['edit']) == 1) {
             $config['permissions_fe'][$entry->value]['edit'] = true;
         if (isset($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]) && isset($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]['delete']) && intval($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]['delete']) == 1) {
             $config['permissions_fe'][$entry->value]['delete'] = true;
         if (isset($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]) && isset($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]['state']) && intval($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]['state']) == 1) {
             $config['permissions_fe'][$entry->value]['state'] = true;
         if (isset($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]) && isset($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]['publish']) && intval($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]['publish']) == 1) {
             $config['permissions_fe'][$entry->value]['publish'] = true;
         if (isset($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]) && isset($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]['fullarticle']) && intval($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]['fullarticle']) == 1) {
             $config['permissions_fe'][$entry->value]['fullarticle'] = true;
         if (isset($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]) && isset($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]['language']) && intval($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]['language']) == 1) {
             $config['permissions_fe'][$entry->value]['language'] = true;
         if (isset($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]) && isset($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]['rating']) && intval($data['perms_fe'][$entry->value]['rating']) == 1) {
             $config['permissions_fe'][$entry->value]['rating'] = true;
     // remove perms
     if (isset($data['perms'])) {
     if (isset($data['perms_fe'])) {
     if (isset($data['own'])) {
     if (isset($data['own_fe'])) {
     $list_states = $data['list_states'];
     $version = new JVersion();
     if (version_compare($version->getShortVersion(), '1.6', '>=')) {
         $data['default_category'] = JRequest::getInt('sectioncategories', 0);
     } else {
         // Joomla 1.5 begin
         $sectioncategory = explode(':', JRequest::getVar('sectioncategories', ''));
         $data['default_section'] = intval($sectioncategory[0]);
         $data['default_category'] = intval(isset($sectioncategory[1]) ? $sectioncategory[1] : 0);
         // Joomla 1.5 end
     $data['edit_by_type'] = JRequest::getInt('edit_by_type', 0);
     if ($data['edit_by_type'] && $data['type'] == 'com_breezingforms') {
         if (isset($data['type_name'])) {
             $data['editable_template'] = "{BreezingForms: " . $data['type_name'] . "}";
     $data['act_as_registration'] = JRequest::getInt('act_as_registration', 0);
     if ($data['edit_by_type'] && $data['act_as_registration']) {
         $data['act_as_registration'] = 0;
         JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_CONTENTBUILDER_ACT_AS_REGISTRATION_WARNING'), 'warning');
     if ($data['act_as_registration'] && (!$data['registration_name_field'] || !$data['registration_username_field'] || !$data['registration_email_field'] || !$data['registration_email_repeat_field'] || !$data['registration_password_field'] || !$data['registration_password_repeat_field'])) {
         JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_CONTENTBUILDER_ACT_AS_REGISTRATION_MISSING_FIELDS_WARNING'), 'warning');
     $data['email_notifications'] = JRequest::getInt('email_notifications', 0);
     $data['limited_article_options'] = JRequest::getInt('limited_article_options', 0);
     $data['limited_article_options_fe'] = JRequest::getInt('limited_article_options_fe', 0);
     $data['own_only'] = JRequest::getInt('own_only', 0);
     $data['own_only_fe'] = JRequest::getInt('own_only_fe', 0);
     $data['config'] = base64_encode(serialize($config));
     contentbuilder::createBackendMenuItem($form->id, $form->name, JRequest::getInt('display_in', 0));
     if (JRequest::getBool('create_sample', false)) {
         $data['details_template'] .= contentbuilder::createDetailsSample($form->id, $form->form, $data['theme_plugin']);
     if (JRequest::getBool('create_editable_sample', false)) {
         $data['editable_template'] .= contentbuilder::createEditableSample($form->id, $form->form, $data['theme_plugin']);
     if (JRequest::getBool('email_admin_create_sample', false)) {
         $data['email_admin_template'] .= contentbuilder::createEmailSample($form->id, $form->form, JRequest::getBool('email_admin_html', false));
     if (JRequest::getBool('email_create_sample', false)) {
         $data['email_template'] .= contentbuilder::createEmailSample($form->id, $form->form, JRequest::getBool('email_html', false));
     if (!JRequest::getBool('show_filter', false)) {
         $data['show_filter'] = 0;
     if (!JRequest::getBool('show_records_per_page', false)) {
         $data['show_records_per_page'] = 0;
     if (!JRequest::getBool('metadata', false)) {
         $data['metadata'] = 0;
     if (!JRequest::getBool('export_xls', false)) {
         $data['export_xls'] = 0;
     if (!JRequest::getBool('print_button', false)) {
         $data['print_button'] = 0;
     if (JRequest::getVar('tag', '') == '') {
         $data['tag'] = 'default';
     if ($form->form) {
         $data['title'] = $form->form->getPageTitle();
     $last_update = JFactory::getDate();
     $last_update = CBCompat::toSql($last_update);
     $data['last_update'] = $last_update;
     if (!$row->bind($data)) {
         return false;
     if (!$row->check()) {
         return false;
     $form_id = 0;
     $storeRes = $row->store();
     if (!$storeRes) {
         return false;
     } else {
         if (intval($data['id']) != 0) {
             $form_id = intval($data['id']);
             foreach ($list_states as $state_id => $item) {
                 if (intval($state_id)) {
                     $db->setQuery("Update #__contentbuilder_list_states Set published = " . $db->Quote(isset($item['published']) && $item['published'] ? 1 : 0) . ", `title` = " . $db->Quote(stripslashes(strip_tags($item['title']))) . ", color = " . $db->Quote(stripslashes(strip_tags($item['color']))) . ", action = " . $db->Quote($item['action']) . " Where form_id = {$form_id} And id = " . intval($state_id));
             if (count($list_states) < count($this->_default_list_states)) {
                 $add_count = count($this->_default_list_states) - count($list_states);
                 for ($i = 0; $i <= $add_count; $i++) {
                     $db->setQuery("Insert Into #__contentbuilder_list_states (form_id,`title`,color,action) Values ({$form_id}," . $db->Quote('State') . "," . $db->Quote('FFFFFF') . "," . $db->Quote('') . ")");
         } else {
             $form_id = $this->_db->insertid();
             foreach ($list_states as $item) {
                 $db->setQuery("Insert Into #__contentbuilder_list_states (form_id,`title`,color,action, published) Values ({$form_id}," . $db->Quote(stripslashes(strip_tags($item['title']))) . "," . $db->Quote($item['color']) . "," . $db->Quote($item['action']) . "," . $db->Quote(isset($item['published']) && $item['published'] ? 1 : 0) . ")");
             if (count($list_states) < count($this->_default_list_states)) {
                 $add_count = count($this->_default_list_states) - count($list_states);
                 for ($i = 0; $i <= $add_count; $i++) {
                     $db->setQuery("Insert Into #__contentbuilder_list_states (form_id,`title`,color,action) Values ({$form_id}," . $db->Quote('State') . "," . $db->Quote('FFFFFF') . "," . $db->Quote('') . ")");
         // is the list states empty?
         $db->setQuery("Select id From #__contentbuilder_list_states Where form_id = " . $form_id . " Limit 1");
         $has_states = $db->loadResult();
         if (!$has_states) {
             $add_count = count($this->_default_list_states);
             for ($i = 0; $i <= $add_count; $i++) {
                 $db->setQuery("Insert Into #__contentbuilder_list_states (form_id,`title`,color,action) Values ({$form_id}," . $db->Quote('State') . "," . $db->Quote('FFFFFF') . "," . $db->Quote('') . ")");
     $item_wrapper = JRequest::getVar('itemWrapper', '', 'POST', 'ARRAY', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW);
     $wordwrap = JRequest::getVar('itemWordwrap', array(), 'post', 'array');
     $labels = JRequest::getVar('itemLabels', array(), 'post', 'array');
     $order_types = JRequest::getVar('itemOrderTypes', array(), 'post', 'array');
     foreach ($item_wrapper as $elementId => $value) {
         $this->_db->setQuery("Update #__contentbuilder_elements Set `order_type` = " . $this->_db->Quote($order_types[$elementId]) . ", `label`= " . $this->_db->Quote($labels[$elementId]) . ", `wordwrap` = " . $this->_db->Quote($wordwrap[$elementId]) . ", `item_wrapper` =  " . $this->_db->Quote(trim($value)) . " Where form_id = {$form_id} And id = " . $elementId);
     return $form_id;